import pytest import asyncio import subprocess from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import patch, mock_open from gita import utils, info from conftest import ( PATH_FNAME, PATH_FNAME_EMPTY, PATH_FNAME_CLASH, GROUP_FNAME, TEST_DIR, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('repo_path, paths, expected', [ ('/a/b/c/repo', ['/a/b'], ('b', 'c')), ]) def test_generate_dir_hash(repo_path, paths, expected): got = utils._generate_dir_hash(repo_path, paths) assert got == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('repos, paths, expected', [ ({'r1': {'path': '/a/b//repo1'}, 'r2': {'path': '/a/b/repo2'}}, ['/a/b'], {'b': ['r1', 'r2']}), ({'r1': {'path': '/a/b//repo1'}, 'r2': {'path': '/a/b/c/repo2'}}, ['/a/b'], {'b': ['r1', 'r2'], 'b-c': ['r2']}), ({'r1': {'path': '/a/b/c/repo1'}, 'r2': {'path': '/a/b/c/repo2'}}, ['/a/b'], {'b-c': ['r1', 'r2'], 'b': ['r1', 'r2']}), ]) def test_auto_group(repos, paths, expected): got = utils.auto_group(repos, paths) assert got == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, diff_return, expected', [ ([{'abc': {'path': '/root/repo/', 'type': '', 'flags': []}}, False], True, 'abc \x1b[31mrepo *+_ \x1b[0m msg xx'), ([{'abc': {'path': '/root/repo/', 'type': '', 'flags': []}}, True], True, 'abc repo *+_ msg xx'), ([{'repo': {'path': '/root/repo2/', 'type': '', 'flags': []}}, False], False, 'repo \x1b[32mrepo _ \x1b[0m msg xx'), ]) def test_describe(test_input, diff_return, expected, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(info, 'get_head', lambda x: 'repo') monkeypatch.setattr(info, 'run_quiet_diff', lambda *_: diff_return) monkeypatch.setattr(info, 'get_commit_msg', lambda *_: "msg") monkeypatch.setattr(info, 'get_commit_time', lambda *_: "xx") monkeypatch.setattr(info, 'has_untracked', lambda *_: True) monkeypatch.setattr('os.chdir', lambda x: None) print('expected: ', repr(expected)) print('got: ', repr(next(utils.describe(*test_input)))) assert expected == next(utils.describe(*test_input)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('path_fname, expected', [ (PATH_FNAME, { 'repo1': {'path': '/a/bcd/repo1', 'type': '', 'flags': []}, 'repo2': {'path': '/e/fgh/repo2', 'type': '', 'flags': []}, 'xxx': {'path': '/a/b/c/repo3', 'type': '', 'flags': []}, }), (PATH_FNAME_EMPTY, {}), (PATH_FNAME_CLASH, { 'repo2': {'path': '/e/fgh/repo2', 'type': '', 'flags': ['--haha', '--pp']}, 'repo1': {'path': '/root/x/repo1', 'type': '', 'flags': []} }), ]) @patch('gita.utils.is_git', return_value=True) @patch('gita.common.get_config_fname') def test_get_repos(mock_path_fname, _, path_fname, expected): mock_path_fname.return_value = path_fname utils.get_repos.cache_clear() assert utils.get_repos() == expected @patch('gita.common.get_config_dir') def test_get_context(mock_config_dir): mock_config_dir.return_value = TEST_DIR utils.get_context.cache_clear() assert utils.get_context() == TEST_DIR / 'xx.context' mock_config_dir.return_value = '/' utils.get_context.cache_clear() assert utils.get_context() == None @pytest.mark.parametrize('group_fname, expected', [ (GROUP_FNAME, {'xx': ['a', 'b'], 'yy': ['a', 'c', 'd']}), ]) @patch('gita.common.get_config_fname') def test_get_groups(mock_group_fname, group_fname, expected): mock_group_fname.return_value = group_fname utils.get_groups.cache_clear() assert utils.get_groups() == expected @patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) @patch('os.path.getsize', return_value=True) def test_custom_push_cmd(*_): with patch('', mock_open(read_data='{"push":{"cmd":"hand","help":"me","allow_all":true}}')): cmds = utils.get_cmds_from_files() assert cmds['push'] == {'cmd': 'hand', 'help': 'me', 'allow_all': True} @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'path_input, expected', [ (['/home/some/repo'], '/home/some/repo,some/repo,,\r\n'), # add one new (['/home/some/repo1', '/repo2'], {'/repo2,repo2,,\r\n', # add two new '/home/some/repo1,repo1,,\r\n'}), # add two new (['/home/some/repo1', '/nos/repo'], '/home/some/repo1,repo1,,\r\n'), # add one old one new ]) @patch('os.makedirs') @patch('gita.utils.is_git', return_value=True) def test_add_repos(_0, _1, path_input, expected, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '/config') with patch('', mock_open()) as mock_file: utils.add_repos({'repo': {'path': '/nos/repo'}}, path_input) mock_file.assert_called_with('/config/gita/repos.csv', 'a+', newline='') handle = mock_file() if type(expected) == str: handle.write.assert_called_once_with(expected) else: # the write order is random assert handle.write.call_count == 2 args, kwargs = handle.write.call_args assert args[0] in expected assert not kwargs @patch('gita.utils.write_to_groups_file') @patch('gita.utils.write_to_repo_file') def test_rename_repo(mock_write, _): repos = {'r1': {'path': '/a/b', 'type': None}, 'r2': {'path': '/c/c', 'type': None}} utils.rename_repo(repos, 'r2', 'xxx') mock_write.assert_called_once_with(repos, 'w') def test_async_output(capfd): tasks = [ utils.run_async('myrepo', '.', [ 'python3', '-c', f"print({i});import time; time.sleep({i});print({i})" ]) for i in range(4) ] # I don't fully understand why a new loop is needed here. Without a new # loop, "pytest" fails but "pytest tests/" works. Maybe pytest # itself uses asyncio (or maybe pytest-xdist)? asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) utils.exec_async_tasks(tasks) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert err == '' assert out == 'myrepo: 0\nmyrepo: 0\n\nmyrepo: 1\nmyrepo: 1\n\nmyrepo: 2\nmyrepo: 2\n\nmyrepo: 3\nmyrepo: 3\n\n' def test_is_git(tmpdir): with tmpdir.as_cwd():'git init --bare .'.split()) assert utils.is_git(Path.cwd()) is False assert utils.is_git(Path.cwd(), is_bare=True) is True