path: root/gitlint/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2020-03-19 14:00:14 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2020-03-19 14:00:14 +0000
commitdf9615bac55ac6f1c3f516b66279ac0007175030 (patch)
tree84dd81d1c97835271cea7fbdd67c074742365e07 /gitlint/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 0.13.1.upstream/0.13.1
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'gitlint/')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/ b/gitlint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4553fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# pylint: disable=bad-option-value,wrong-import-position
+# We need to disable the import position checks because of the windows check that we need to do below
+import copy
+import logging
+import os
+import platform
+import stat
+import sys
+import click
+# Error codes
+USAGE_ERROR_CODE = 253 # noqa
+CONFIG_ERROR_CODE = 255 # noqa
+import gitlint
+from gitlint.lint import GitLinter
+from gitlint.config import LintConfigBuilder, LintConfigError, LintConfigGenerator
+from gitlint.git import GitContext, GitContextError, git_version
+from gitlint import hooks
+from gitlint.utils import ustr, LOG_FORMAT
+# Since we use the return code to denote the amount of errors, we need to change the default click usage error code
+click.UsageError.exit_code = USAGE_ERROR_CODE
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class GitLintUsageError(Exception):
+ """ Exception indicating there is an issue with how gitlint is used. """
+ pass
+def setup_logging():
+ """ Setup gitlint logging """
+ root_log = logging.getLogger("gitlint")
+ root_log.propagate = False # Don't propagate to child loggers, the gitlint root logger handles everything
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ formatter = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT)
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ root_log.addHandler(handler)
+ root_log.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+def log_system_info():
+ LOG.debug("Platform: %s", platform.platform())
+ LOG.debug("Python version: %s", sys.version)
+ LOG.debug("Git version: %s", git_version())
+ LOG.debug("Gitlint version: %s", gitlint.__version__)
+ LOG.debug("GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB: %s", os.environ.get("GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB", "[NOT SET]"))
+def build_config( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ target, config_path, c, extra_path, ignore, contrib, ignore_stdin, staged, verbose, silent, debug
+ """ Creates a LintConfig object based on a set of commandline parameters. """
+ config_builder = LintConfigBuilder()
+ # Config precedence:
+ # First, load default config or config from configfile
+ if config_path:
+ config_builder.set_from_config_file(config_path)
+ elif os.path.exists(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE):
+ config_builder.set_from_config_file(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
+ # Then process any commandline configuration flags
+ config_builder.set_config_from_string_list(c)
+ # Finally, overwrite with any convenience commandline flags
+ if ignore:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore', ignore)
+ if contrib:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'contrib', contrib)
+ if ignore_stdin:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'ignore-stdin', ignore_stdin)
+ if silent:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', 0)
+ elif verbose > 0:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'verbosity', verbose)
+ if extra_path:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'extra-path', extra_path)
+ if target:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'target', target)
+ if debug:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'debug', debug)
+ if staged:
+ config_builder.set_option('general', 'staged', staged)
+ config =
+ return config, config_builder
+def get_stdin_data():
+ """ Helper function that returns data send to stdin or False if nothing is send """
+ # STDIN can only be 3 different types of things ("modes")
+ # 1. An interactive terminal device (i.e. a TTY -> sys.stdin.isatty() or stat.S_ISCHR)
+ # 2. A (named) pipe (stat.S_ISFIFO)
+ # 3. A regular file (stat.S_ISREG)
+ # Technically, STDIN can also be other device type like a named unix socket (stat.S_ISSOCK), but we don't
+ # support that in gitlint (at least not today).
+ #
+ # Now, the behavior that we want is the following:
+ # If someone sends something directly to gitlint via a pipe or a regular file, read it. If not, read from the
+ # local repository.
+ # Note that we don't care about whether STDIN is a TTY or not, we only care whether data is via a pipe or regular
+ # file.
+ # However, in case STDIN is not a TTY, it HAS to be one of the 2 other things (pipe or regular file), even if
+ # no-one is actually sending anything to gitlint over them. In this case, we still want to read from the local
+ # repository.
+ # To support this use-case (which is common in CI runners such as Jenkins and Gitlab), we need to actually attempt
+ # to read from STDIN in case it's a pipe or regular file. In case that fails, then we'll fall back to reading
+ # from the local repo.
+ mode = os.fstat(sys.stdin.fileno()).st_mode
+ stdin_is_pipe_or_file = stat.S_ISFIFO(mode) or stat.S_ISREG(mode)
+ if stdin_is_pipe_or_file:
+ input_data =
+ # Only return the input data if there's actually something passed
+ # i.e. don't consider empty piped data
+ if input_data:
+ return ustr(input_data)
+ return False
+def build_git_context(lint_config, msg_filename, refspec):
+ """ Builds a git context based on passed parameters and order of precedence """
+ # Determine which GitContext method to use if a custom message is passed
+ from_commit_msg = GitContext.from_commit_msg
+ if lint_config.staged:
+ LOG.debug("Fetching additional meta-data from staged commit")
+ from_commit_msg = lambda message: GitContext.from_staged_commit(message, # noqa
+ # Order of precedence:
+ # 1. Any data specified via --msg-filename
+ if msg_filename:
+ LOG.debug("Using --msg-filename.")
+ return from_commit_msg(ustr(
+ # 2. Any data sent to stdin (unless stdin is being ignored)
+ if not lint_config.ignore_stdin:
+ stdin_input = get_stdin_data()
+ if stdin_input:
+ LOG.debug("Stdin data: '%s'", stdin_input)
+ LOG.debug("Stdin detected and not ignored. Using as input.")
+ return from_commit_msg(stdin_input)
+ if lint_config.staged:
+ raise GitLintUsageError(u"The 'staged' option (--staged) can only be used when using '--msg-filename' or "
+ u"when piping data to gitlint via stdin.")
+ # 3. Fallback to reading from local repository
+ LOG.debug("No --msg-filename flag, no or empty data passed to stdin. Using the local repo.")
+ return GitContext.from_local_repository(, refspec)
+, context_settings={'max_content_width': 120},
+ epilog="When no COMMAND is specified, gitlint defaults to 'gitlint lint'.")
+@click.option('--target', type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True, file_okay=False, readable=True),
+ help="Path of the target git repository. [default: current working directory]")
+@click.option('-C', '--config', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True),
+ help="Config file location [default: {0}]".format(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE))
+@click.option('-c', multiple=True,
+ help="Config flags in format <rule>.<option>=<value> (e.g.: -c T1.line-length=80). " +
+ "Flag can be used multiple times to set multiple config values.") # pylint: disable=bad-continuation
+@click.option('--commits', default=None, help="The range of commits to lint. [default: HEAD]")
+@click.option('-e', '--extra-path', help="Path to a directory or python module with extra user-defined rules",
+ type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True, readable=True))
+@click.option('--ignore', default="", help="Ignore rules (comma-separated by id or name).")
+@click.option('--contrib', default="", help="Contrib rules to enable (comma-separated by id or name).")
+@click.option('--msg-filename', type=click.File(), help="Path to a file containing a commit-msg.")
+@click.option('--ignore-stdin', is_flag=True, help="Ignore any stdin data. Useful for running in CI server.")
+@click.option('--staged', is_flag=True, help="Read staged commit meta-info from the local repository.")
+@click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True, default=0,
+ help="Verbosity, more v's for more verbose output (e.g.: -v, -vv, -vvv). [default: -vvv]", )
+@click.option('-s', '--silent', help="Silent mode (no output). Takes precedence over -v, -vv, -vvv.", is_flag=True)
+@click.option('-d', '--debug', help="Enable debugging output.", is_flag=True)
+def cli( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ ctx, target, config, c, commits, extra_path, ignore, contrib,
+ msg_filename, ignore_stdin, staged, verbose, silent, debug,
+ """ Git lint tool, checks your git commit messages for styling issues
+ Documentation:
+ """
+ try:
+ if debug:
+ logging.getLogger("gitlint").setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ LOG.debug("To report issues, please visit")
+ log_system_info()
+ # Get the lint config from the commandline parameters and
+ # store it in the context (click allows storing an arbitrary object in ctx.obj).
+ config, config_builder = build_config(target, config, c, extra_path, ignore, contrib,
+ ignore_stdin, staged, verbose, silent, debug)
+ LOG.debug(u"Configuration\n%s", ustr(config))
+ ctx.obj = (config, config_builder, commits, msg_filename)
+ # If no subcommand is specified, then just lint
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ ctx.invoke(lint)
+ except GitContextError as e:
+ click.echo(ustr(e))
+ except GitLintUsageError as e:
+ click.echo(u"Error: {0}".format(ustr(e)))
+ ctx.exit(USAGE_ERROR_CODE)
+ except LintConfigError as e:
+ click.echo(u"Config Error: {0}".format(ustr(e)))
+def lint(ctx):
+ """ Lints a git repository [default command] """
+ lint_config = ctx.obj[0]
+ refspec = ctx.obj[2]
+ msg_filename = ctx.obj[3]
+ gitcontext = build_git_context(lint_config, msg_filename, refspec)
+ number_of_commits = len(gitcontext.commits)
+ # Exit if we don't have commits in the specified range. Use a 0 exit code, since a popular use-case is one
+ # where users are using --commits in a check job to check the commit messages inside a CI job. By returning 0, we
+ # ensure that these jobs don't fail if for whatever reason the specified commit range is empty.
+ if number_of_commits == 0:
+ LOG.debug(u'No commits in range "%s"', refspec)
+ ctx.exit(0)
+ LOG.debug(u'Linting %d commit(s)', number_of_commits)
+ general_config_builder = ctx.obj[1]
+ last_commit = gitcontext.commits[-1]
+ # Let's get linting!
+ first_violation = True
+ exit_code = 0
+ for commit in gitcontext.commits:
+ # Build a config_builder taking into account the commit specific config (if any)
+ config_builder = general_config_builder.clone()
+ config_builder.set_config_from_commit(commit)
+ # Create a deepcopy from the original config, so we have a unique config object per commit
+ # This is important for configuration rules to be able to modifying the config on a per commit basis
+ commit_config =
+ # Actually do the linting
+ linter = GitLinter(commit_config)
+ violations = linter.lint(commit)
+ # exit code equals the total number of violations in all commits
+ exit_code += len(violations)
+ if violations:
+ # Display the commit hash & new lines intelligently
+ if number_of_commits > 1 and commit.sha:
+ linter.display.e(u"{0}Commit {1}:".format(
+ "\n" if not first_violation or commit is last_commit else "",
+ commit.sha[:10]
+ ))
+ linter.print_violations(violations)
+ first_violation = False
+ # cap actual max exit code because bash doesn't like exit codes larger than 255:
+ #
+ exit_code = min(MAX_VIOLATION_ERROR_CODE, exit_code)
+ LOG.debug("Exit Code = %s", exit_code)
+ ctx.exit(exit_code)
+def install_hook(ctx):
+ """ Install gitlint as a git commit-msg hook. """
+ try:
+ lint_config = ctx.obj[0]
+ hooks.GitHookInstaller.install_commit_msg_hook(lint_config)
+ hook_path = hooks.GitHookInstaller.commit_msg_hook_path(lint_config)
+ click.echo(u"Successfully installed gitlint commit-msg hook in {0}".format(hook_path))
+ ctx.exit(0)
+ except hooks.GitHookInstallerError as e:
+ click.echo(ustr(e), err=True)
+def uninstall_hook(ctx):
+ """ Uninstall gitlint commit-msg hook. """
+ try:
+ lint_config = ctx.obj[0]
+ hooks.GitHookInstaller.uninstall_commit_msg_hook(lint_config)
+ hook_path = hooks.GitHookInstaller.commit_msg_hook_path(lint_config)
+ click.echo(u"Successfully uninstalled gitlint commit-msg hook from {0}".format(hook_path))
+ ctx.exit(0)
+ except hooks.GitHookInstallerError as e:
+ click.echo(ustr(e), err=True)
+def generate_config(ctx):
+ """ Generates a sample gitlint config file. """
+ path = click.prompt('Please specify a location for the sample gitlint config file', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)
+ path = os.path.realpath(path)
+ dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
+ click.echo(u"Error: Directory '{0}' does not exist.".format(dir_name), err=True)
+ ctx.exit(USAGE_ERROR_CODE)
+ elif os.path.exists(path):
+ click.echo(u"Error: File \"{0}\" already exists.".format(path), err=True)
+ ctx.exit(USAGE_ERROR_CODE)
+ LintConfigGenerator.generate_config(path)
+ click.echo(u"Successfully generated {0}".format(path))
+ ctx.exit(0)
+# Let's Party!
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
+ cli() # pragma: no cover