path: root/docs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd6eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Contributing
+We'd love for you to contribute to gitlint. Thanks for your interest!
+The [source-code and issue tracker]( are hosted on Github.
+Often it takes a while for us (well, actually just [me]( to get back to you
+(sometimes up to a few months, this is a hobby project), but rest assured that we read your message and appreciate
+your interest!
+We maintain a [loose roadmap on our wiki](, but
+that's open to a lot of change and input.
+# Guidelines
+When contributing code, please consider all the parts that are typically required:
+- [Unit tests]( (automatically
+ [enforced by CI]( Please consider writing
+ new ones for your functionality, not only updating existing ones to make the build pass.
+- [Integration tests]( (also automatically
+ [enforced by CI]( Again, please consider writing new ones
+ for your functionality, not only updating existing ones to make the build pass.
+- [Documentation](
+Since we want to maintain a high standard of quality, all of these things will have to be done regardless before code
+can make it as part of a release. If you can already include them as part of your PR, it's a huge timesaver for us
+and it's likely that your PR will be merged and released a lot sooner. Thanks!
+# Development #
+There is a Vagrantfile in this repository that can be used for development.
+vagrant up
+vagrant ssh
+Or you can choose to use your local environment:
+virtualenv .venv
+pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt -r doc-requirements.txt
+python develop
+To run tests:
+./ # run unit tests and print test coverage
+./ gitlint/tests/ # run a single test
+./ --no-coverage # run unit tests without test coverage
+./ --collect-only --no-coverage # Only collect, don't run unit tests
+./ --integration # Run integration tests (requires that you have gitlint installed)
+./ --build # Run build tests (=build python package)
+./ --pep8 # pep8 checks
+./ --stats # print some code stats
+./ --git # inception: run gitlint against itself
+./ --lint # run pylint checks
+./ --all # Run unit, integration, pep8 and gitlint checks
+The ```Vagrantfile``` comes with ```virtualenv```s for python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and pypy2.
+You can easily run tests against specific python environments by using the following commands *inside* of the Vagrant VM:
+./ --envs 27 # Run the unit tests against Python 2.7
+./ --envs 27,35,pypy2 # Run the unit tests against Python 2.7, Python 3.5 and Pypy2
+./ --envs 27,35 --pep8 # Run pep8 checks against Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 (also works for ```--git```, ```--integration```, ```--pep8```, ```--stats``` and ```--lint```).
+./ --envs all --all # Run all tests against all environments
+./ --all-env --all # Idem: Run all tests against all environments
+!!! important
+ Gitlint commits and pull requests are gated on all of our tests and checks.
+# Packaging #
+To see the package description in HTML format
+pip install docutils
+export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+python --long-description | > output.html
+# Documentation #
+We use [mkdocs]( for generating our documentation from markdown.
+To use it, do the following outside of the vagrant box (on your host machine):
+pip install -r doc-requirements.txt # install doc requirements
+mkdocs serve
+Then access the documentation website on your host machine on [http://localhost:8000]().
+# Tools #
+We keep a small set of scripts in the ```tools/``` directory:
+tools/ # Create a test git repo in your /tmp directory
+tools/windows/create-test-repo.bat # Windows: create git test repo
+tools/windows/run_tests.bat # Windows run unit tests
+# Contrib rules
+Since gitlint 0.12.0, we support [Contrib rules](../contrib_rules): community contributed rules that are part of gitlint
+itself. Thanks for considering to add a new one to gitlint!
+Before starting, please read all the other documentation on this page about contributing first.
+Then, we suggest taking the following approach to add a Contrib rule:
+1. **Write your rule as a [user-defined rule](../user_defined_rules)**. In terms of code, Contrib rules are identical to
+ user-defined rules, they just happen to have their code sit within the gitlint codebase itself.
+2. **Add your user-defined rule to gitlint**. You should put your file(s) in the [gitlint/contrib/rules]( directory.
+3. **Write unit tests**. The gitlint codebase contains [Contrib rule test files you can copy and modify](
+4. **Write documentation**. In particular, you should update the [gitlint/docs/]( file with details on your Contrib rule.
+5. **Create a Pull Request**: code review typically requires a bit of back and forth. Thanks for your contribution!
+## Contrib rule requirements
+If you follow the steps above and follow the existing gitlint conventions wrt naming things, you should already be fairly close to done.
+In case you're looking for a slightly more formal spec, here's what gitlint requires of Contrib rules.
+- Since Contrib rules are really just user-defined rules that live within the gitlint code-base, all the [user-rule requirements](../user_defined_rules/#rule-requirements) also apply to Contrib rules.
+- All contrib rules **must** have associated unit tests. We *sort of* enforce this by a unit test that verifies that there's a
+ test file for each contrib file.
+- All contrib rules **must** have names that start with `contrib-`. This is to easily distinguish them from default gitlint rules.
+- All contrib rule ids **must** start with `CT` (for LineRules targeting the title), `CB` (for LineRules targeting the body) or `CC` (for CommitRules). Again, this is to easily distinguish them from default gitlint rules.
+- All contrib rules **must** have unique names and ids.
+- You **can** add multiple rule classes to the same file, but classes **should** be logically grouped together in a single file that implements related rules.
+- Contrib rules **should** be meaningfully different from one another. If a behavior change or tweak can be added to an existing rule by adding options, that should be considered first. However, large [god classes]( that implement multiple rules in a single class should obviously also be avoided.
+- Contrib rules **should** use [options](../user_defined_rules/#options) to make rules configurable.