path: root/gitlint/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/ b/gitlint/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b8b293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import fnmatch
+import inspect
+import os
+import sys
+import importlib
+from gitlint import rules, options
+from gitlint.utils import ustr
+def find_rule_classes(extra_path):
+ """
+ Searches a given directory or python module for rule classes. This is done by
+ adding the directory path to the python path, importing the modules and then finding
+ any Rule class in those modules.
+ :param extra_path: absolute directory or file path to search for rule classes
+ :return: The list of rule classes that are found in the given directory or module
+ """
+ files = []
+ modules = []
+ if os.path.isfile(extra_path):
+ files = [os.path.basename(extra_path)]
+ directory = os.path.dirname(extra_path)
+ elif os.path.isdir(extra_path):
+ files = os.listdir(extra_path)
+ directory = extra_path
+ else:
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(u"Invalid extra-path: {0}".format(extra_path))
+ # Filter out files that are not python modules
+ for filename in files:
+ if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.py'):
+ # We have to treat __init__ files a bit special: add the parent dir instead of the filename, and also
+ # add their parent dir to the sys.path (this fixes import issues with pypy2).
+ if filename == "":
+ modules.append(os.path.basename(directory))
+ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(directory))
+ else:
+ modules.append(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
+ # No need to continue if there are no modules specified
+ if not modules:
+ return []
+ # Append the extra rules path to python path so that we can import them
+ sys.path.append(directory)
+ # Find all the rule classes in the found python files
+ rule_classes = []
+ for module in modules:
+ # Import the module
+ try:
+ importlib.import_module(module)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(u"Error while importing extra-path module '{0}': {1}".format(module, ustr(e)))
+ # Find all rule classes in the module. We do this my inspecting all members of the module and checking
+ # 1) is it a class, if not, skip
+ # 2) is the parent path the current module. If not, we are dealing with an imported class, skip
+ # 3) is it a subclass of rule
+ rule_classes.extend([clazz for _, clazz in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[module])
+ if
+ inspect.isclass(clazz) and # check isclass to ensure clazz.__module__ exists
+ clazz.__module__ == module and # ignore imported classes
+ (issubclass(clazz, rules.LineRule) or issubclass(clazz, rules.CommitRule))])
+ # validate that the rule classes are valid user-defined rules
+ for rule_class in rule_classes:
+ assert_valid_rule_class(rule_class)
+ return rule_classes
+def assert_valid_rule_class(clazz, rule_type="User-defined"):
+ """
+ Asserts that a given rule clazz is valid by checking a number of its properties:
+ - Rules must extend from LineRule or CommitRule
+ - Rule classes must have id and name string attributes.
+ The options_spec is optional, but if set, it must be a list of gitlint Options.
+ - Rule classes must have a validate method. In case of a CommitRule, validate must take a single commit parameter.
+ In case of LineRule, validate must take line and commit as first and second parameters.
+ - LineRule classes must have a target class attributes that is set to either
+ CommitMessageTitle or CommitMessageBody.
+ - Rule id's cannot start with R, T, B or M as these rule ids are reserved for gitlint itself.
+ """
+ # Rules must extend from LineRule or CommitRule
+ if not (issubclass(clazz, rules.LineRule) or issubclass(clazz, rules.CommitRule)):
+ msg = u"{0} rule class '{1}' must extend from {2}.{3} or {2}.{4}"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type, clazz.__name__, rules.CommitRule.__module__,
+ rules.LineRule.__name__, rules.CommitRule.__name__))
+ # Rules must have an id attribute
+ if not hasattr(clazz, 'id') or is None or not
+ msg = u"{0} rule class '{1}' must have an 'id' attribute"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type, clazz.__name__))
+ # Rule id's cannot start with gitlint reserved letters
+ if[0].upper() in ['R', 'T', 'B', 'M']:
+ msg = u"The id '{1}' of '{0}' is invalid. Gitlint reserves ids starting with R,T,B,M"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(clazz.__name__,[0]))
+ # Rules must have a name attribute
+ if not hasattr(clazz, 'name') or is None or not
+ msg = u"{0} rule class '{1}' must have a 'name' attribute"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type, clazz.__name__))
+ # if set, options_spec must be a list of RuleOption
+ if not isinstance(clazz.options_spec, list):
+ msg = u"The options_spec attribute of {0} rule class '{1}' must be a list of {2}.{3}"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type.lower(), clazz.__name__,
+ options.RuleOption.__module__, options.RuleOption.__name__))
+ # check that all items in options_spec are actual gitlint options
+ for option in clazz.options_spec:
+ if not isinstance(option, options.RuleOption):
+ msg = u"The options_spec attribute of {0} rule class '{1}' must be a list of {2}.{3}"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type.lower(), clazz.__name__,
+ options.RuleOption.__module__, options.RuleOption.__name__))
+ # Rules must have a validate method. We use isroutine() as it's both python 2 and 3 compatible.
+ # For more info see
+ if not hasattr(clazz, 'validate') or not inspect.isroutine(clazz.validate):
+ msg = u"{0} rule class '{1}' must have a 'validate' method"
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg.format(rule_type, clazz.__name__))
+ # LineRules must have a valid target: rules.CommitMessageTitle or rules.CommitMessageBody
+ if issubclass(clazz, rules.LineRule):
+ if not in [rules.CommitMessageTitle, rules.CommitMessageBody]:
+ msg = u"The target attribute of the {0} LineRule class '{1}' must be either {2}.{3} or {2}.{4}"
+ msg = msg.format(rule_type.lower(), clazz.__name__, rules.CommitMessageTitle.__module__,
+ rules.CommitMessageTitle.__name__, rules.CommitMessageBody.__name__)
+ raise rules.UserRuleError(msg)