path: root/gitlint/tests/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gitlint/tests/config/ b/gitlint/tests/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3fdc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlint/tests/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ # python 2.x
+ from mock import patch
+except ImportError:
+ # python 3.x
+ from unittest.mock import patch # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error
+from gitlint import rules
+from gitlint.config import LintConfig, LintConfigError, LintConfigGenerator, GITLINT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_SRC_PATH
+from gitlint import options
+from gitlint.tests.base import BaseTestCase, ustr
+class LintConfigTests(BaseTestCase):
+ def test_set_rule_option(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ # assert default title line-length
+ self.assertEqual(config.get_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length'), 72)
+ # change line length and assert it is set
+ config.set_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', 60)
+ self.assertEqual(config.get_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length'), 60)
+ def test_set_rule_option_negative(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ # non-existing rule
+ expected_error_msg = u"No such rule 'föobar'"
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, expected_error_msg):
+ config.set_rule_option(u'föobar', u'lïne-length', 60)
+ # non-existing option
+ expected_error_msg = u"Rule 'title-max-length' has no option 'föobar'"
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, expected_error_msg):
+ config.set_rule_option('title-max-length', u'föobar', 60)
+ # invalid option value
+ expected_error_msg = u"'föo' is not a valid value for option 'title-max-length.line-length'. " + \
+ u"Option 'line-length' must be a positive integer (current value: 'föo')."
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, expected_error_msg):
+ config.set_rule_option('title-max-length', 'line-length', u"föo")
+ def test_set_general_option(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ # Check that default general options are correct
+ self.assertTrue(config.ignore_merge_commits)
+ self.assertTrue(config.ignore_fixup_commits)
+ self.assertTrue(config.ignore_squash_commits)
+ self.assertTrue(config.ignore_revert_commits)
+ self.assertFalse(config.ignore_stdin)
+ self.assertFalse(config.staged)
+ self.assertFalse(config.debug)
+ self.assertEqual(config.verbosity, 3)
+ active_rule_classes = tuple(type(rule) for rule in config.rules)
+ self.assertTupleEqual(active_rule_classes, config.default_rule_classes)
+ # ignore - set by string
+ config.set_general_option("ignore", "title-trailing-whitespace, B2")
+ self.assertEqual(config.ignore, ["title-trailing-whitespace", "B2"])
+ # ignore - set by list
+ config.set_general_option("ignore", ["T1", "B3"])
+ self.assertEqual(config.ignore, ["T1", "B3"])
+ # verbosity
+ config.set_general_option("verbosity", 1)
+ self.assertEqual(config.verbosity, 1)
+ # ignore_merge_commit
+ config.set_general_option("ignore-merge-commits", "false")
+ self.assertFalse(config.ignore_merge_commits)
+ # ignore_fixup_commit
+ config.set_general_option("ignore-fixup-commits", "false")
+ self.assertFalse(config.ignore_fixup_commits)
+ # ignore_squash_commit
+ config.set_general_option("ignore-squash-commits", "false")
+ self.assertFalse(config.ignore_squash_commits)
+ # ignore_revert_commit
+ config.set_general_option("ignore-revert-commits", "false")
+ self.assertFalse(config.ignore_revert_commits)
+ # debug
+ config.set_general_option("debug", "true")
+ self.assertTrue(config.debug)
+ # ignore-stdin
+ config.set_general_option("ignore-stdin", "true")
+ self.assertTrue(config.debug)
+ # staged
+ config.set_general_option("staged", "true")
+ self.assertTrue(config.staged)
+ # target
+ config.set_general_option("target", self.SAMPLES_DIR)
+ self.assertEqual(, self.SAMPLES_DIR)
+ # extra_path has its own test: test_extra_path and test_extra_path_negative
+ # contrib has its own tests: test_contrib and test_contrib_negative
+ def test_contrib(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ contrib_rules = ["contrib-title-conventional-commits", "CC1"]
+ config.set_general_option("contrib", ",".join(contrib_rules))
+ self.assertEqual(config.contrib, contrib_rules)
+ # Check contrib-title-conventional-commits contrib rule
+ actual_rule = config.rules.find_rule("contrib-title-conventional-commits")
+ self.assertTrue(actual_rule.is_contrib)
+ self.assertEqual(ustr(type(actual_rule)), "<class 'conventional_commit.ConventionalCommit'>")
+ self.assertEqual(, 'CT1')
+ self.assertEqual(, u'contrib-title-conventional-commits')
+ self.assertEqual(, rules.CommitMessageTitle)
+ expected_rule_option = options.ListOption(
+ "types",
+ ["fix", "feat", "chore", "docs", "style", "refactor", "perf", "test", "revert"],
+ "Comma separated list of allowed commit types.",
+ )
+ self.assertListEqual(actual_rule.options_spec, [expected_rule_option])
+ self.assertDictEqual(actual_rule.options, {'types': expected_rule_option})
+ # Check contrib-body-requires-signed-off-by contrib rule
+ actual_rule = config.rules.find_rule("contrib-body-requires-signed-off-by")
+ self.assertTrue(actual_rule.is_contrib)
+ self.assertEqual(ustr(type(actual_rule)), "<class 'signedoff_by.SignedOffBy'>")
+ self.assertEqual(, 'CC1')
+ self.assertEqual(, u'contrib-body-requires-signed-off-by')
+ # reset value (this is a different code path)
+ config.set_general_option("contrib", "contrib-body-requires-signed-off-by")
+ self.assertEqual(actual_rule, config.rules.find_rule("contrib-body-requires-signed-off-by"))
+ self.assertIsNone(config.rules.find_rule("contrib-title-conventional-commits"))
+ # empty value
+ config.set_general_option("contrib", "")
+ self.assertListEqual(config.contrib, [])
+ def test_contrib_negative(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ # non-existent contrib rule
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, u"No contrib rule with id or name 'föo' found."):
+ config.contrib = u"contrib-title-conventional-commits,föo"
+ # UserRuleError, RuleOptionError should be re-raised as LintConfigErrors
+ side_effects = [rules.UserRuleError(u"üser-rule"), options.RuleOptionError(u"rüle-option")]
+ for side_effect in side_effects:
+ with patch('gitlint.config.rule_finder.find_rule_classes', side_effect=side_effect):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, ustr(side_effect)):
+ config.contrib = u"contrib-title-conventional-commits"
+ def test_extra_path(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ config.set_general_option("extra-path", self.get_user_rules_path())
+ self.assertEqual(config.extra_path, self.get_user_rules_path())
+ actual_rule = config.rules.find_rule('UC1')
+ self.assertTrue(actual_rule.is_user_defined)
+ self.assertEqual(ustr(type(actual_rule)), "<class 'my_commit_rules.MyUserCommitRule'>")
+ self.assertEqual(, 'UC1')
+ self.assertEqual(, u'my-üser-commit-rule')
+ self.assertEqual(, None)
+ expected_rule_option = options.IntOption('violation-count', 1, u"Number of violåtions to return")
+ self.assertListEqual(actual_rule.options_spec, [expected_rule_option])
+ self.assertDictEqual(actual_rule.options, {'violation-count': expected_rule_option})
+ # reset value (this is a different code path)
+ config.set_general_option("extra-path", self.SAMPLES_DIR)
+ self.assertEqual(config.extra_path, self.SAMPLES_DIR)
+ self.assertIsNone(config.rules.find_rule("UC1"))
+ def test_extra_path_negative(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ regex = u"Option extra-path must be either an existing directory or file (current value: 'föo/bar')"
+ # incorrect extra_path
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, regex):
+ config.extra_path = u"föo/bar"
+ # extra path contains classes with errors
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError,
+ "User-defined rule class 'MyUserLineRule' must have a 'validate' method"):
+ config.extra_path = self.get_sample_path("user_rules/incorrect_linerule")
+ def test_set_general_option_negative(self):
+ config = LintConfig()
+ # Note that we shouldn't test whether we can set unicode because python just doesn't allow unicode attributes
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, "'foo' is not a valid gitlint option"):
+ config.set_general_option("foo", u"bår")
+ # try setting _config_path, this is a real attribute of LintConfig, but the code should prevent it from
+ # being set
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, "'_config_path' is not a valid gitlint option"):
+ config.set_general_option("_config_path", u"bår")
+ # invalid verbosity
+ incorrect_values = [-1, u"föo"]
+ for value in incorrect_values:
+ expected_msg = u"Option 'verbosity' must be a positive integer (current value: '{0}')".format(value)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, expected_msg):
+ config.verbosity = value
+ incorrect_values = [4]
+ for value in incorrect_values:
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError, "Option 'verbosity' must be set between 0 and 3"):
+ config.verbosity = value
+ # invalid ignore_xxx_commits
+ ignore_attributes = ["ignore_merge_commits", "ignore_fixup_commits", "ignore_squash_commits",
+ "ignore_revert_commits"]
+ incorrect_values = [-1, 4, u"föo"]
+ for attribute in ignore_attributes:
+ for value in incorrect_values:
+ option_name = attribute.replace("_", "-")
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError,
+ "Option '{0}' must be either 'true' or 'false'".format(option_name)):
+ setattr(config, attribute, value)
+ # invalid ignore -> not here because ignore is a ListOption which converts everything to a string before
+ # splitting which means it it will accept just about everything
+ # invalid boolean options
+ for attribute in ['debug', 'staged', 'ignore_stdin']:
+ option_name = attribute.replace("_", "-")
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError,
+ "Option '{0}' must be either 'true' or 'false'".format(option_name)):
+ setattr(config, attribute, u"föobar")
+ # extra-path has its own negative test
+ # invalid target
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(LintConfigError,
+ u"Option target must be an existing directory (current value: 'föo/bar')"):
+ = u"föo/bar"
+ def test_ignore_independent_from_rules(self):
+ # Test that the lintconfig rules are not modified when setting config.ignore
+ # This was different in the past, this test is mostly here to catch regressions
+ config = LintConfig()
+ original_rules = config.rules
+ config.ignore = ["T1", "T2"]
+ self.assertEqual(config.ignore, ["T1", "T2"])
+ self.assertSequenceEqual(config.rules, original_rules)
+class LintConfigGeneratorTests(BaseTestCase):
+ @staticmethod
+ @patch('gitlint.config.shutil.copyfile')
+ def test_install_commit_msg_hook_negative(copy):
+ LintConfigGenerator.generate_config(u"föo/bar/test")
+ copy.assert_called_with(GITLINT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_SRC_PATH, u"föo/bar/test")