name: Tests and Checks on: [push, pull_request] jobs: checks: runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" strategy: matrix: python-version: [3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, pypy3] os: ["macos-latest", "ubuntu-latest"] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} # Checkout pull request HEAD commit instead of merge commit # Because gitlint is a tool that uses git itself under the hood, we remove git tracking from the checked out # code by temporarily renaming the .git directory. # This is to ensure that the tests don't have a dependency on the version control of gitlint itself. - name: Temporarily remove git version control from code run: mv .git ._git - name: Setup python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Install requirements run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r test-requirements.txt - name: Unit Tests run: ./ # Coveralls integration doesn't properly work at this point, also see below # - name: Coveralls # env: # COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN }} # run: coveralls - name: Integration Tests run: ./ -i - name: Integration Tests (GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB=0) env: GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB: 0 run: ./ -i - name: PEP8 run: ./ -p - name: PyLint run: ./ -l - name: Build tests run: ./ --build # Coveralls GH Action currently doesn't support current non-LCOV reporting format # For now, still using Travis for unit test coverage reporting # # - name: Coveralls # uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master # with: # github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Re-add git version control so we can run gitlint on itself. - name: Re-add git version control to code run: mv ._git .git - name: Gitlint check run: ./ -g --debug windows-checks: runs-on: windows-latest strategy: matrix: python-version: [3.6] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} # Checkout pull request HEAD commit instead of merge commit # Because gitlint is a tool that uses git itself under the hood, we remove git tracking from the checked out # code by temporarily renaming the .git directory. # This is to ensure that the tests don't have a dependency on the version control of gitlint itself. - name: Temporarily remove git version control from code run: Rename-Item .git ._git - name: Setup python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: "Upgrade pip on Python 3" if: matrix.python-version == '3.6' run: python -m pip install --upgrade pip - name: Install requirements run: | pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r test-requirements.txt - name: gitlint --version run: gitlint --version - name: Tests (sanity) run: tools\windows\run_tests.bat "gitlint\tests\cli\" - name: Tests (ignore cli\*) run: pytest --ignore gitlint\tests\cli -rw -s gitlint - name: Tests ( only - continue-on-error:true) run: tools\windows\run_tests.bat "gitlint\tests\cli\" continue-on-error: true # Known to fail at this point - name: Tests (all - continue-on-error:true) run: tools\windows\run_tests.bat continue-on-error: true # Known to fail at this point - name: Integration tests (continue-on-error:true) run: pytest -rw -s qa continue-on-error: true # Known to fail at this point - name: PEP8 run: flake8 gitlint qa examples - name: PyLint run: pylint gitlint qa --rcfile=".pylintrc" -r n # Re-add git version control so we can run gitlint on itself. - name: Re-add git version control to code run: Rename-Item ._git .git - name: Gitlint check run: gitlint --debug