class PropertyCache: """Mixin class providing a simple cache.""" def __init__(self): self._cache = {} def _try_cache(self, cache_key, cache_populate_func): """Tries to get a value from the cache identified by `cache_key`. If no value is found in the cache, do a function call to `cache_populate_func` to populate the cache and then return the value from the cache.""" if cache_key not in self._cache: cache_populate_func() return self._cache[cache_key] def cache(original_func=None, cachekey=None): """Cache decorator. Caches function return values. Requires the parent class to extend and initialize PropertyCache. Usage: # Use function name as cache key @cache def myfunc(args): ... # Specify cache key @cache(cachekey="foobar") def myfunc(args): ... """ # Decorators with optional arguments are a bit convoluted in python, see some of the links below for details. def cache_decorator(func): # Use 'nonlocal' keyword to access parent function variable: # nonlocal cachekey if not cachekey: cachekey = func.__name__ def wrapped(*args): def cache_func_result(): # Call decorated function and store its result in the cache args[0]._cache[cachekey] = func(*args) return args[0]._try_cache(cachekey, cache_func_result) return wrapped # To support optional kwargs for decorators, we need to check if a function is passed as first argument or not. # if original_func: return cache_decorator(original_func) return cache_decorator