from configparser import ConfigParser, Error as ConfigParserError import copy import io import re import os import shutil from collections import OrderedDict from gitlint.utils import DEFAULT_ENCODING from gitlint import rules # For some weird reason pylint complains about this, pylint: disable=unused-import from gitlint import options from gitlint import rule_finder from gitlint.contrib import rules as contrib_rules from gitlint.exception import GitlintError def handle_option_error(func): """ Decorator that calls given method/function and handles any RuleOptionError gracefully by converting it to a LintConfigError. """ def wrapped(*args): try: return func(*args) except options.RuleOptionError as e: raise LintConfigError(str(e)) from e return wrapped class LintConfigError(GitlintError): pass class LintConfig: """ Class representing gitlint configuration. Contains active config as well as number of methods to easily get/set the config. """ # Default tuple of rule classes (tuple because immutable). default_rule_classes = (rules.IgnoreByTitle, rules.IgnoreByBody, rules.IgnoreBodyLines, rules.TitleMaxLength, rules.TitleTrailingWhitespace, rules.TitleLeadingWhitespace, rules.TitleTrailingPunctuation, rules.TitleHardTab, rules.TitleMustNotContainWord, rules.TitleRegexMatches, rules.TitleMinLength, rules.BodyMaxLineLength, rules.BodyMinLength, rules.BodyMissing, rules.BodyTrailingWhitespace, rules.BodyHardTab, rules.BodyFirstLineEmpty, rules.BodyChangedFileMention, rules.BodyRegexMatches, rules.AuthorValidEmail) def __init__(self): self.rules = RuleCollection(self.default_rule_classes) self._verbosity = options.IntOption('verbosity', 3, "Verbosity") self._ignore_merge_commits = options.BoolOption('ignore-merge-commits', True, "Ignore merge commits") self._ignore_fixup_commits = options.BoolOption('ignore-fixup-commits', True, "Ignore fixup commits") self._ignore_squash_commits = options.BoolOption('ignore-squash-commits', True, "Ignore squash commits") self._ignore_revert_commits = options.BoolOption('ignore-revert-commits', True, "Ignore revert commits") self._debug = options.BoolOption('debug', False, "Enable debug mode") self._extra_path = None target_description = "Path of the target git repository (default=current working directory)" self._target = options.PathOption('target', os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()), target_description) self._ignore = options.ListOption('ignore', [], 'List of rule-ids to ignore') self._contrib = options.ListOption('contrib', [], 'List of contrib-rules to enable') self._config_path = None ignore_stdin_description = "Ignore any stdin data. Useful for running in CI server." self._ignore_stdin = options.BoolOption('ignore-stdin', False, ignore_stdin_description) self._staged = options.BoolOption('staged', False, "Read staged commit meta-info from the local repository.") @property def target(self): return self._target.value if self._target else None @target.setter @handle_option_error def target(self, value): return self._target.set(value) @property def verbosity(self): return self._verbosity.value @verbosity.setter @handle_option_error def verbosity(self, value): self._verbosity.set(value) if self.verbosity < 0 or self.verbosity > 3: raise LintConfigError("Option 'verbosity' must be set between 0 and 3") @property def ignore_merge_commits(self): return self._ignore_merge_commits.value @ignore_merge_commits.setter @handle_option_error def ignore_merge_commits(self, value): return self._ignore_merge_commits.set(value) @property def ignore_fixup_commits(self): return self._ignore_fixup_commits.value @ignore_fixup_commits.setter @handle_option_error def ignore_fixup_commits(self, value): return self._ignore_fixup_commits.set(value) @property def ignore_squash_commits(self): return self._ignore_squash_commits.value @ignore_squash_commits.setter @handle_option_error def ignore_squash_commits(self, value): return self._ignore_squash_commits.set(value) @property def ignore_revert_commits(self): return self._ignore_revert_commits.value @ignore_revert_commits.setter @handle_option_error def ignore_revert_commits(self, value): return self._ignore_revert_commits.set(value) @property def debug(self): return self._debug.value @debug.setter @handle_option_error def debug(self, value): return self._debug.set(value) @property def ignore(self): return self._ignore.value @ignore.setter def ignore(self, value): if value == "all": value = [ for rule in self.rules] return self._ignore.set(value) @property def ignore_stdin(self): return self._ignore_stdin.value @ignore_stdin.setter @handle_option_error def ignore_stdin(self, value): return self._ignore_stdin.set(value) @property def staged(self): return self._staged.value @staged.setter @handle_option_error def staged(self, value): return self._staged.set(value) @property def extra_path(self): return self._extra_path.value if self._extra_path else None @extra_path.setter def extra_path(self, value): try: if self.extra_path: self._extra_path.set(value) else: self._extra_path = options.PathOption( 'extra-path', value, "Path to a directory or module with extra user-defined rules", type='both' ) # Make sure we unload any previously loaded extra-path rules self.rules.delete_rules_by_attr("is_user_defined", True) # Find rules in the new extra-path and add them to the existing rules rule_classes = rule_finder.find_rule_classes(self.extra_path) self.rules.add_rules(rule_classes, {'is_user_defined': True}) except (options.RuleOptionError, rules.UserRuleError) as e: raise LintConfigError(str(e)) from e @property def contrib(self): return self._contrib.value @contrib.setter def contrib(self, value): try: self._contrib.set(value) # Make sure we unload any previously loaded contrib rules when re-setting the value self.rules.delete_rules_by_attr("is_contrib", True) # Load all classes from the contrib directory contrib_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(contrib_rules.__file__)) rule_classes = rule_finder.find_rule_classes(contrib_dir_path) # For each specified contrib rule, check whether it exists among the contrib classes for rule_id_or_name in self.contrib: rule_class = next((rc for rc in rule_classes if rule_id_or_name in (,, False) # If contrib rule exists, instantiate it and add it to the rules list if rule_class: self.rules.add_rule(rule_class,, {'is_contrib': True}) else: raise LintConfigError(f"No contrib rule with id or name '{rule_id_or_name}' found.") except (options.RuleOptionError, rules.UserRuleError) as e: raise LintConfigError(str(e)) from e def _get_option(self, rule_name_or_id, option_name): rule = self.rules.find_rule(rule_name_or_id) if not rule: raise LintConfigError(f"No such rule '{rule_name_or_id}'") option = rule.options.get(option_name) if not option: raise LintConfigError(f"Rule '{rule_name_or_id}' has no option '{option_name}'") return option def get_rule_option(self, rule_name_or_id, option_name): """ Returns the value of a given option for a given rule. LintConfigErrors will be raised if the rule or option don't exist. """ option = self._get_option(rule_name_or_id, option_name) return option.value def set_rule_option(self, rule_name_or_id, option_name, option_value): """ Attempts to set a given value for a given option for a given rule. LintConfigErrors will be raised if the rule or option don't exist or if the value is invalid. """ option = self._get_option(rule_name_or_id, option_name) try: option.set(option_value) except options.RuleOptionError as e: msg = f"'{option_value}' is not a valid value for option '{rule_name_or_id}.{option_name}'. {e}." raise LintConfigError(msg) from e def set_general_option(self, option_name, option_value): attr_name = option_name.replace("-", "_") # only allow setting general options that exist and don't start with an underscore if not hasattr(self, attr_name) or attr_name[0] == "_": raise LintConfigError(f"'{option_name}' is not a valid gitlint option") # else: setattr(self, attr_name, option_value) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, LintConfig) and \ self.rules == other.rules and \ self.verbosity == other.verbosity and \ == and \ self.extra_path == other.extra_path and \ self.contrib == other.contrib and \ self.ignore_merge_commits == other.ignore_merge_commits and \ self.ignore_fixup_commits == other.ignore_fixup_commits and \ self.ignore_squash_commits == other.ignore_squash_commits and \ self.ignore_revert_commits == other.ignore_revert_commits and \ self.ignore_stdin == other.ignore_stdin and \ self.staged == other.staged and \ self.debug == other.debug and \ self.ignore == other.ignore and \ self._config_path == other._config_path # noqa def __str__(self): # config-path is not a user exposed variable, so don't print it under the general section return (f"config-path: {self._config_path}\n" f"[GENERAL]\n" f"extra-path: {self.extra_path}\n" f"contrib: {self.contrib}\n" f"ignore: {','.join(self.ignore)}\n" f"ignore-merge-commits: {self.ignore_merge_commits}\n" f"ignore-fixup-commits: {self.ignore_fixup_commits}\n" f"ignore-squash-commits: {self.ignore_squash_commits}\n" f"ignore-revert-commits: {self.ignore_revert_commits}\n" f"ignore-stdin: {self.ignore_stdin}\n" f"staged: {self.staged}\n" f"verbosity: {self.verbosity}\n" f"debug: {self.debug}\n" f"target: {}\n" f"[RULES]\n{self.rules}") class RuleCollection: """ Class representing an ordered list of rules. Methods are provided to easily retrieve, add or delete rules. """ def __init__(self, rule_classes=None, rule_attrs=None): # Use an ordered dict so that the order in which rules are applied is always the same self._rules = OrderedDict() if rule_classes: self.add_rules(rule_classes, rule_attrs) def find_rule(self, rule_id_or_name): rule = self._rules.get(rule_id_or_name) # if not found, try finding rule by name if not rule: rule = next((rule for rule in self._rules.values() if == rule_id_or_name), None) return rule def add_rule(self, rule_class, rule_id, rule_attrs=None): """ Instantiates and adds a rule to RuleCollection. Note: There can be multiple instantiations of the same rule_class in the RuleCollection, as long as the rule_id is unique. :param rule_class python class representing the rule :param rule_id unique identifier for the rule. If not unique, it will overwrite the existing rule with that id :param rule_attrs dictionary of attributes to set on the instantiated rule obj """ rule_obj = rule_class() = rule_id if rule_attrs: for key, val in rule_attrs.items(): setattr(rule_obj, key, val) self._rules[] = rule_obj def add_rules(self, rule_classes, rule_attrs=None): """ Convenience method to add multiple rules at once based on a list of rule classes. """ for rule_class in rule_classes: self.add_rule(rule_class,, rule_attrs) def delete_rules_by_attr(self, attr_name, attr_val): """ Deletes all rules from the collection that match a given attribute name and value """ # Create a new list based on _rules.values() because in python 3, values() is a ValuesView as opposed to a list # This means you can't modify the ValueView while iterating over it. for rule in [r for r in self._rules.values()]: # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension if hasattr(rule, attr_name) and (getattr(rule, attr_name) == attr_val): del self._rules[] def __iter__(self): for rule in self._rules.values(): yield rule def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, RuleCollection) and self._rules == other._rules def __len__(self): return len(self._rules) def __str__(self): return_str = "" for rule in self._rules.values(): return_str += f" {}: {}\n" for option_name, option_value in sorted(rule.options.items()): if option_value.value is None: option_val_repr = None elif isinstance(option_value.value, list): option_val_repr = ",".join(option_value.value) elif isinstance(option_value, options.RegexOption): option_val_repr = option_value.value.pattern else: option_val_repr = option_value.value return_str += f" {option_name}={option_val_repr}\n" return return_str class LintConfigBuilder: """ Factory class that can build gitlint config. This is primarily useful to deal with complex configuration scenarios where configuration can be set and overridden from various sources (typically according to certain precedence rules) before the actual config should be normalized, validated and build. Example usage can be found in gitlint.cli. """ RULE_QUALIFIER_SYMBOL = ":" def __init__(self): self._config_blueprint = OrderedDict() self._config_path = None def set_option(self, section, option_name, option_value): if section not in self._config_blueprint: self._config_blueprint[section] = OrderedDict() self._config_blueprint[section][option_name] = option_value def set_config_from_commit(self, commit): """ Given a git commit, applies config specified in the commit message. Supported: - gitlint-ignore: all """ for line in commit.message.body: pattern = re.compile(r"^gitlint-ignore:\s*(.*)") matches = pattern.match(line) if matches and len(matches.groups()) == 1: self.set_option('general', 'ignore', def set_config_from_string_list(self, config_options): """ Given a list of config options of the form ".