import re from gitlint.options import ListOption from gitlint.rules import CommitMessageTitle, LineRule, RuleViolation from gitlint.utils import ustr RULE_REGEX = re.compile(r"[^(]+?(\([^)]+?\))?: .+") class ConventionalCommit(LineRule): """ This rule enforces the spec at """ name = "contrib-title-conventional-commits" id = "CT1" target = CommitMessageTitle options_spec = [ ListOption( "types", ["fix", "feat", "chore", "docs", "style", "refactor", "perf", "test", "revert"], "Comma separated list of allowed commit types.", ) ] def validate(self, line, _commit): violations = [] for commit_type in self.options["types"].value: if line.startswith(ustr(commit_type)): break else: msg = u"Title does not start with one of {0}".format(', '.join(self.options['types'].value)) violations.append(RuleViolation(, msg, line)) if not RULE_REGEX.match(line): msg = u"Title does not follow format 'type(optional-scope): description'" violations.append(RuleViolation(, msg, line)) return violations