import logging import os import arrow from gitlint import shell as sh # import exceptions separately, this makes it a little easier to mock them out in the unit tests from import CommandNotFound, ErrorReturnCode from gitlint.cache import PropertyCache, cache from gitlint.exception import GitlintError # For now, the git date format we use is fixed, but technically this format is determined by `git config` # We should fix this at some point :-) GIT_TIMEFORMAT = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GitContextError(GitlintError): """ Exception indicating there is an issue with the git context """ pass class GitNotInstalledError(GitContextError): def __init__(self): super().__init__( "'git' command not found. You need to install git to use gitlint on a local repository. " + "See on how to install git.") class GitExitCodeError(GitContextError): def __init__(self, command, stderr): self.command = command self.stderr = stderr super().__init__(f"An error occurred while executing '{command}': {stderr}") def _git(*command_parts, **kwargs): """ Convenience function for running git commands. Automatically deals with exceptions and unicode. """ git_kwargs = {'_tty_out': False} git_kwargs.update(kwargs) try: LOG.debug(command_parts) result = sh.git(*command_parts, **git_kwargs) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg # If we reach this point and the result has an exit_code that is larger than 0, this means that we didn't # get an exception (which is the default sh behavior for non-zero exit codes) and so the user is expecting # a non-zero exit code -> just return the entire result if hasattr(result, 'exit_code') and result.exit_code > 0: return result return str(result) except CommandNotFound as e: raise GitNotInstalledError from e except ErrorReturnCode as e: # Something went wrong while executing the git command error_msg = e.stderr.strip() error_msg_lower = error_msg.lower() if '_cwd' in git_kwargs and b"not a git repository" in error_msg_lower: raise GitContextError(f"{git_kwargs['_cwd']} is not a git repository.") from e if (b"does not have any commits yet" in error_msg_lower or b"ambiguous argument 'head': unknown revision" in error_msg_lower): msg = "Current branch has no commits. Gitlint requires at least one commit to function." raise GitContextError(msg) from e raise GitExitCodeError(e.full_cmd, error_msg) from e def git_version(): """ Determine the git version installed on this host by calling git --version""" return _git("--version").replace("\n", "") def git_commentchar(repository_path=None): """ Shortcut for retrieving comment char from git config """ commentchar = _git("config", "--get", "core.commentchar", _cwd=repository_path, _ok_code=[0, 1]) # git will return an exit code of 1 if it can't find a config value, in this case we fall-back to # as commentchar if hasattr(commentchar, 'exit_code') and commentchar.exit_code == 1: # pylint: disable=no-member commentchar = "#" return commentchar.replace("\n", "") def git_hooks_dir(repository_path): """ Determine hooks directory for a given target dir """ hooks_dir = _git("rev-parse", "--git-path", "hooks", _cwd=repository_path) hooks_dir = hooks_dir.replace("\n", "") return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(repository_path, hooks_dir)) class GitCommitMessage: """ Class representing a git commit message. A commit message consists of the following: - context: The `GitContext` this commit message is part of - original: The actual commit message as returned by `git log` - full: original, but stripped of any comments - title: the first line of full - body: all lines following the title """ def __init__(self, context, original=None, full=None, title=None, body=None): self.context = context self.original = original self.full = full self.title = title self.body = body @staticmethod def from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str): """ Parses a full git commit message by parsing a given string into the different parts of a commit message """ all_lines = commit_msg_str.splitlines() cutline = f"{context.commentchar} ------------------------ >8 ------------------------" try: cutline_index = all_lines.index(cutline) except ValueError: cutline_index = None lines = [line for line in all_lines[:cutline_index] if not line.startswith(context.commentchar)] full = "\n".join(lines) title = lines[0] if lines else "" body = lines[1:] if len(lines) > 1 else [] return GitCommitMessage(context=context, original=commit_msg_str, full=full, title=title, body=body) def __str__(self): return self.full def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, GitCommitMessage) and self.original == other.original and self.full == other.full and self.title == other.title and self.body == other.body) # noqa class GitCommit: """ Class representing a git commit. A commit consists of: context, message, author name, author email, date, list of parent commit shas, list of changed files, list of branch names. In the context of gitlint, only the git context and commit message are required. """ def __init__(self, context, message, sha=None, date=None, author_name=None, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments author_email=None, parents=None, changed_files=None, branches=None): self.context = context self.message = message self.sha = sha = date self.author_name = author_name self.author_email = author_email self.parents = parents or [] # parent commit hashes self.changed_files = changed_files or [] self.branches = branches or [] @property def is_merge_commit(self): return self.message.title.startswith("Merge") @property def is_fixup_commit(self): return self.message.title.startswith("fixup!") @property def is_squash_commit(self): return self.message.title.startswith("squash!") @property def is_revert_commit(self): return self.message.title.startswith("Revert") def __str__(self): date_str = arrow.get( if else None return (f"--- Commit Message ----\n{self.message}\n" "--- Meta info ---------\n" f"Author: {self.author_name} <{self.author_email}>\n" f"Date: {date_str}\n" f"is-merge-commit: {self.is_merge_commit}\n" f"is-fixup-commit: {self.is_fixup_commit}\n" f"is-squash-commit: {self.is_squash_commit}\n" f"is-revert-commit: {self.is_revert_commit}\n" f"Branches: {self.branches}\n" f"Changed Files: {self.changed_files}\n" "-----------------------") def __eq__(self, other): # skip checking the context as context refers back to this obj, this will trigger a cyclic dependency return (isinstance(other, GitCommit) and self.message == other.message and self.sha == other.sha and self.author_name == other.author_name and self.author_email == other.author_email and == and self.parents == other.parents and self.is_merge_commit == other.is_merge_commit and self.is_fixup_commit == other.is_fixup_commit and self.is_squash_commit == other.is_squash_commit and self.is_revert_commit == other.is_revert_commit and self.changed_files == other.changed_files and self.branches == other.branches) # noqa class LocalGitCommit(GitCommit, PropertyCache): """ Class representing a git commit that exists in the local git repository. This class uses lazy loading: it defers reading information from the local git repository until the associated property is accessed for the first time. Properties are then cached for subsequent access. This approach ensures that we don't do 'expensive' git calls when certain properties are not actually used. In addition, reading the required info when it's needed rather than up front avoids adding delay during gitlint startup time and reduces gitlint's memory footprint. """ def __init__(self, context, sha): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called PropertyCache.__init__(self) self.context = context self.sha = sha def _log(self): """ Does a call to `git log` to determine a bunch of information about the commit. """ long_format = "--pretty=%aN%x00%aE%x00%ai%x00%P%n%B" raw_commit = _git("log", self.sha, "-1", long_format, _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split("\n") (name, email, date, parents), commit_msg = raw_commit[0].split('\x00'), "\n".join(raw_commit[1:]) commit_parents = parents.split(" ") commit_is_merge_commit = len(commit_parents) > 1 # "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z" -> ISO 8601-like format # Use arrow for datetime parsing, because apparently python is quirky around ISO-8601 dates: # commit_date = arrow.get(date, GIT_TIMEFORMAT).datetime # Create Git commit object with the retrieved info commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(self.context, commit_msg) self._cache.update({'message': commit_msg_obj, 'author_name': name, 'author_email': email, 'date': commit_date, 'parents': commit_parents, 'is_merge_commit': commit_is_merge_commit}) @property def message(self): return self._try_cache("message", self._log) @property def author_name(self): return self._try_cache("author_name", self._log) @property def author_email(self): return self._try_cache("author_email", self._log) @property def date(self): return self._try_cache("date", self._log) @property def parents(self): return self._try_cache("parents", self._log) @property def branches(self): def cache_branches(): # We have to parse 'git branch --contains ' instead of 'git for-each-ref' to be compatible with # git versions < 2.7.0 # branches = _git("branch", "--contains", self.sha, _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split("\n") # This means that we need to remove any leading * that indicates the current branch. Note that we can # safely do this since git branches cannot contain '*' anywhere, so if we find an '*' we know it's output # from the git CLI and not part of the branch name. See # We also drop the last empty line from the output. self._cache['branches'] = [branch.replace("*", "").strip() for branch in branches[:-1]] return self._try_cache("branches", cache_branches) @property def is_merge_commit(self): return self._try_cache("is_merge_commit", self._log) @property def changed_files(self): def cache_changed_files(): self._cache['changed_files'] = _git("diff-tree", "--no-commit-id", "--name-only", "-r", "--root", self.sha, _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split() return self._try_cache("changed_files", cache_changed_files) class StagedLocalGitCommit(GitCommit, PropertyCache): """ Class representing a git commit that has been staged, but not committed. Other than the commit message itself (and changed files), a lot of information is actually not known at staging time, since the commit hasn't happened yet. However, we can make educated guesses based on existing repository information. """ def __init__(self, context, commit_message): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called PropertyCache.__init__(self) self.context = context self.message = commit_message self.sha = None self.parents = [] # Not really possible to determine before a commit @property @cache def author_name(self): try: return _git("config", "--get", "", _cwd=self.context.repository_path).strip() except GitExitCodeError as e: raise GitContextError("Missing git configuration: please set") from e @property @cache def author_email(self): try: return _git("config", "--get", "", _cwd=self.context.repository_path).strip() except GitExitCodeError as e: raise GitContextError("Missing git configuration: please set") from e @property @cache def date(self): # We don't know the actual commit date yet, but we make a pragmatic trade-off here by providing the current date # We get current date from arrow, reformat in git date format, then re-interpret it as a date. # This ensure we capture the same precision and timezone information that git does. return arrow.get(, GIT_TIMEFORMAT).datetime @property @cache def branches(self): # We don't know the branch this commit will be part of yet, but we're pragmatic here and just return the # current branch, as for all intents and purposes, this will be what the user is looking for. return [self.context.current_branch] @property def changed_files(self): return _git("diff", "--staged", "--name-only", "-r", _cwd=self.context.repository_path).split() class GitContext(PropertyCache): """ Class representing the git context in which gitlint is operating: a data object storing information about the git repository that gitlint is linting. """ def __init__(self, repository_path=None): PropertyCache.__init__(self) self.commits = [] self.repository_path = repository_path @property @cache def commentchar(self): return git_commentchar(self.repository_path) @property @cache def current_branch(self): current_branch = _git("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", _cwd=self.repository_path).strip() return current_branch @staticmethod def from_commit_msg(commit_msg_str): """ Determines git context based on a commit message. :param commit_msg_str: Full git commit message. """ context = GitContext() commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str) commit = GitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj) context.commits.append(commit) return context @staticmethod def from_staged_commit(commit_msg_str, repository_path): """ Determines git context based on a commit message that is a staged commit for a local git repository. :param commit_msg_str: Full git commit message. :param repository_path: Path to the git repository to retrieve the context from """ context = GitContext(repository_path=repository_path) commit_msg_obj = GitCommitMessage.from_full_message(context, commit_msg_str) commit = StagedLocalGitCommit(context, commit_msg_obj) context.commits.append(commit) return context @staticmethod def from_local_repository(repository_path, refspec=None): """ Retrieves the git context from a local git repository. :param repository_path: Path to the git repository to retrieve the context from :param refspec: The commit(s) to retrieve """ context = GitContext(repository_path=repository_path) # If no refspec is defined, fallback to the last commit on the current branch if refspec is None: # We tried many things here e.g.: defaulting to e.g. HEAD or HEAD^... (incl. dealing with # repos that only have a single commit - HEAD^... doesn't work there), but then we still get into # problems with e.g. merge commits. Easiest solution is just taking the SHA from `git log -1`. sha_list = [_git("log", "-1", "--pretty=%H", _cwd=repository_path).replace("\n", "")] else: sha_list = _git("rev-list", refspec, _cwd=repository_path).split() for sha in sha_list: commit = LocalGitCommit(context, sha) context.commits.append(commit) return context def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, GitContext) and self.commits == other.commits and self.repository_path == other.repository_path and self.commentchar == other.commentchar and self.current_branch == other.current_branch) # noqa