# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=bad-option-value,unidiomatic-typecheck,undefined-variable,no-else-return, # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args,unexpected-keyword-arg import io import os import platform import shutil import sys import tempfile from datetime import datetime from uuid import uuid4 from unittest import TestCase import arrow from qa.shell import git, gitlint, RunningCommand from qa.utils import DEFAULT_ENCODING class BaseTestCase(TestCase): """ Base class of which all gitlint integration test classes are derived. Provides a number of convenience methods. """ # In case of assert failures, print the full error message maxDiff = None tmp_git_repo = None GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB = os.environ.get("GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB", "[NOT SET]") GIT_CONTEXT_ERROR_CODE = 254 GITLINT_USAGE_ERROR = 253 def setUp(self): """ Sets up the integration tests by creating a new temporary git repository """ self.tmpfiles = [] self.tmp_git_repos = [] self.tmp_git_repo = self.create_tmp_git_repo() def tearDown(self): # Clean up temporary files and repos for tmpfile in self.tmpfiles: os.remove(tmpfile) for repo in self.tmp_git_repos: shutil.rmtree(repo) def assertEqualStdout(self, output, expected): # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.assertIsInstance(output, RunningCommand) output = output.stdout.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) output = output.replace('\r', '') self.assertMultiLineEqual(output, expected) @staticmethod def generate_temp_path(): timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f") return os.path.realpath(f"/tmp/gitlint-test-{timestamp}") def create_tmp_git_repo(self): """ Creates a temporary git repository and returns its directory path """ tmp_git_repo = self.generate_temp_path() self.tmp_git_repos.append(tmp_git_repo) git("init", tmp_git_repo) # configuring name and email is required in every git repot git("config", "user.name", "gitlint-test-user", _cwd=tmp_git_repo) git("config", "user.email", "gitlint@test.com", _cwd=tmp_git_repo) # Git does not by default print unicode paths, fix that by setting core.quotePath to false # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34549040/git-not-displaying-unicode-file-names # ftp://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-config.html git("config", "core.quotePath", "false", _cwd=tmp_git_repo) # Git on mac doesn't like unicode characters by default, so we need to set this option # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5581857/git-and-the-umlaut-problem-on-mac-os-x git("config", "core.precomposeunicode", "true", _cwd=tmp_git_repo) return tmp_git_repo @staticmethod def create_file(parent_dir): """ Creates a file inside a passed directory. Returns filename.""" test_filename = "test-fïle-" + str(uuid4()) # pylint: disable=consider-using-with io.open(os.path.join(parent_dir, test_filename), 'a', encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING).close() return test_filename @staticmethod def create_environment(envvars=None): """ Creates a copy of the current os.environ and adds/overwrites a given set of variables to it """ environment = os.environ.copy() if envvars: environment.update(envvars) return environment def create_tmp_git_config(self, contents): """ Creates an environment with the GIT_CONFIG variable set to a file with the given contents. """ tmp_config = self.create_tmpfile(contents) return self.create_environment({"GIT_CONFIG": tmp_config}) def create_simple_commit(self, message, out=None, ok_code=None, env=None, git_repo=None, tty_in=False): """ Creates a simple commit with an empty test file. :param message: Commit message for the commit. """ git_repo = self.tmp_git_repo if git_repo is None else git_repo # Let's make sure that we copy the environment in which this python code was executed as environment # variables can influence how git runs. # This was needed to fix https://github.com/jorisroovers/gitlint/issues/15 as we need to make sure to use # the PATH variable that contains the virtualenv's python binary. environment = self.create_environment(env) # Create file and add to git test_filename = self.create_file(git_repo) git("add", test_filename, _cwd=git_repo) # https://amoffat.github.io/sh/#interactive-callbacks if not ok_code: ok_code = [0] git("commit", "-m", message, _cwd=git_repo, _err_to_out=True, _out=out, _tty_in=tty_in, _ok_code=ok_code, _env=environment) return test_filename def create_tmpfile(self, content): """ Utility method to create temp files. These are cleaned at the end of the test """ # Not using a context manager to avoid unneccessary identation in test code tmpfile, tmpfilepath = tempfile.mkstemp() self.tmpfiles.append(tmpfilepath) with io.open(tmpfile, "w", encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) as f: f.write(content) return tmpfilepath @staticmethod def get_example_path(filename=""): examples_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../examples") return os.path.join(examples_dir, filename) @staticmethod def get_sample_path(filename=""): samples_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "samples") return os.path.join(samples_dir, filename) def get_last_commit_short_hash(self, git_repo=None): git_repo = self.tmp_git_repo if git_repo is None else git_repo return git("rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD", _cwd=git_repo, _err_to_out=True).replace("\n", "") def get_last_commit_hash(self, git_repo=None): git_repo = self.tmp_git_repo if git_repo is None else git_repo return git("rev-parse", "HEAD", _cwd=git_repo, _err_to_out=True).replace("\n", "") @staticmethod def get_expected(filename="", variable_dict=None): """ Utility method to read an 'expected' file and return it as a string. Optionally replace template variables specified by variable_dict. """ expected_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "expected") expected_path = os.path.join(expected_dir, filename) with io.open(expected_path, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) as file: expected = file.read() if variable_dict: expected = expected.format(**variable_dict) return expected @staticmethod def get_system_info_dict(): """ Returns a dict with items related to system values logged by `gitlint --debug` """ expected_gitlint_version = gitlint("--version").replace("gitlint, version ", "").strip() expected_git_version = git("--version").strip() return {'platform': platform.platform(), 'python_version': sys.version, 'git_version': expected_git_version, 'gitlint_version': expected_gitlint_version, 'GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB': BaseTestCase.GITLINT_USE_SH_LIB, 'DEFAULT_ENCODING': DEFAULT_ENCODING} def get_debug_vars_last_commit(self, git_repo=None): """ Returns a dict with items related to `gitlint --debug` output for the last commit. """ target_repo = git_repo if git_repo else self.tmp_git_repo commit_sha = self.get_last_commit_hash(git_repo=target_repo) expected_date = git("log", "-1", "--pretty=%ai", _tty_out=False, _cwd=target_repo) expected_date = arrow.get(str(expected_date), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z").format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z") expected_kwargs = self.get_system_info_dict() expected_kwargs.update({'target': target_repo, 'commit_sha': commit_sha, 'commit_date': expected_date}) return expected_kwargs