Quick Close in Overview ================ Gnome shell extension for closing apps in overview with a middle (or other) click. All credit goes to Paolo Tranquilli (http://cs.unibo.it/~tranquil/en/hacking.html), I've merely copied its code here to provide Gnome Shell 3.10+ compatibility This extension is installable from https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/352/middle-click-to-close-in-overview/. Otherwise you may * download a [zip](https://github.com/p91paul/middleclickclose/archive/master.zip) of this extension * extract it * run the following command ``` make install ``` * reload gnome-shell (Alt-F2, r, Enter) -> on Wayland you need to log out and log in again, there is no in-place reload * activate it through the Gnome Extensions application. ## Translations If you're interested in contributing a translation, import the translation template file under `src/po/template.pot` to your favourite po-editing software and create a `*.po` file under `src/po`. To update all existing translations after changing the code, run `make po`. To regenerate only the `template.pot` file, run `make pot`