/* This extension is a derived work of the Gnome Shell. * * Copyright (c) 2013 Paolo Tranquilli * * This extension is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This extension is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this extension; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import GLib from 'gi://GLib'; import GObject from 'gi://GObject'; import Meta from 'gi://Meta'; import { Extension, InjectionManager } from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js'; import { Workspace } from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/workspace.js'; import { WindowPreview } from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/windowPreview.js'; import { ControlsState } from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/overviewControls.js'; import { SettingsWatch } from './settingsWatch.js'; export default class MiddleClickClose extends Extension { #settings; #injectionManager; #refocusOnClose; enable() { this.#settings = new SettingsWatch(this.getSettings(), { close_button: { get: v => v.value, }, rearrange_delay: {}, keyboard_close: {}, }); this.#refocusOnClose = new WeakSet(); this.#injectionManager = new InjectionManager(); this.#patchClickHandler(); this.#patchWindowRepositioningDelay(); this.#patchKeyClose(); } disable() { this.#injectionManager.clear(); this.#injectionManager = null; this.#refocusOnClose = null; this.#settings.clear(); this.#settings = null; } #patchClickHandler() { // Patch _addWindowClone() to override the clicked signal handler for window clones (which // is what gnome calls window previews). const settings = this.#settings; this.#injectionManager.overrideMethod(Workspace.prototype, '_addWindowClone', original => function () { let clone = original.apply(this, arguments); // This relies on implementation details of both gnome and gobject. Mainly the order // the clone's actions are defined and the order with which signal handlers are // connected on the click action. Just pray this never breaks... Or that gnome moves // the click handler into a named function. That'd be nice too :) let [clickAction] = clone.get_actions(); let id = GObject.signal_handler_find(clickAction, { signalId: 'clicked' }); clickAction.disconnect(id); clickAction.connect('clicked', action => { if (action.get_button() == settings.close_button) { clone._deleteAll(); } else { clone._activate(); } }); return clone; } ); } #patchWindowRepositioningDelay() { // It'd be nice to just change the WINDOW_REPOSITIONING_DELAY in workspace.js, but // apparently that is impossible with the switch to ESM. Instead, we'll monkey-patch // _doRemoveWindow() and change the timeout after the fact. const settings = this.#settings; const refocusOnClose = this.#refocusOnClose; const lastLayoutFrozenIds = new WeakMap(); this.#injectionManager.overrideMethod(Workspace.prototype, '_doRemoveWindow', original => function (metaWin) { // Grab the old window's focus chain index. let focus_idx = this.get_focus_chain() .findIndex(clone => clone.metaWindow == metaWin); // Call the original method. const ret = original.apply(this, arguments); if (refocusOnClose.has(metaWin)) { // Find a "nearby" window to refocus to, based on the old index const chain = this.get_focus_chain(); if (focus_idx >= chain.length) { focus_idx = chain.length - 1; } // Focus on the selected window. if (focus_idx >= 0) { global.stage.key_focus = chain[focus_idx]; } } // Adjust the freeze delay. if (this._layoutFrozenId > 0 && this._layoutFrozenId != lastLayoutFrozenIds.get(this) ) { const src = GLib.MainContext.default().find_source_by_id(this._layoutFrozenId); src.set_ready_time(src.get_time() + settings.rearrange_delay * 1000); } // Need to keep the last id to avoid adjusting the layout freeze delay more than // once. lastLayoutFrozenIds.set(this, this._layoutFrozenId); return ret; }) } #patchKeyClose() { // If Meta.KeyBindingAction.CLOSE is fired in while a WindowPreview is focused, close it. const settings = this.#settings; const refocusOnClose = this.#refocusOnClose; function handleKeyPress(event) { // Keyboard close disabled in settings. if (!settings.keyboard_close) { return false; } // We only care about window picker mode. if (this._workspace._overviewAdjustment.value !== ControlsState.WINDOW_PICKER) { return false; } const action = global.display.get_keybinding_action( event.get_key_code(), event.get_state()); if (action == Meta.KeyBindingAction.CLOSE) { if (this._workspace.metaWorkspace?.active) { // Imediately refocus on another window when closing via keyboard. refocusOnClose.add(this.metaWindow); // Close the window. this._deleteAll(); } else { // Switch to the workspace the focused window is in. this._workspace.metaWorkspace?.activate(global.get_current_time()) } return true; } return false; } this.#injectionManager.overrideMethod(WindowPreview.prototype, 'vfunc_key_press_event', original => function () { return handleKeyPress.apply(this, arguments) || original.apply(this, arguments); } ) } };