/** * V-Shell (Vertical Workspaces) * appDisplay.js * * @author GdH * @copyright 2022 - 2023 * @license GPL-3.0 * */ 'use strict'; const { Clutter, GLib, GObject, Meta, Shell, St, Graphene, Pango } = imports.gi; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Main = imports.ui.main; const AppDisplay = imports.ui.appDisplay; const IconGrid = imports.ui.iconGrid; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const IconGridOverride = Me.imports.lib.iconGrid; const _Util = Me.imports.lib.util; const DIALOG_SHADE_NORMAL = Clutter.Color.from_pixel(0x00000022); const DIALOG_SHADE_HIGHLIGHT = Clutter.Color.from_pixel(0x00000000); // gettext const _ = Me.imports.lib.settings._; let _overrides; let _appGridLayoutSettings; let _appDisplayScrollConId; let _appSystemStateConId; let _appGridLayoutConId; let _origAppViewItemAcceptDrop; let _updateFolderIcons; let opt; let shellVersion = _Util.shellVersion; let _firstRun = true; function update(reset = false) { opt = Me.imports.lib.settings.opt; const moduleEnabled = opt.get('appDisplayModule', true); reset = reset || !moduleEnabled; // don't even touch this module if disabled if (_firstRun && reset) return; _firstRun = false; if (_overrides) _overrides.removeAll(); if (reset) { _setAppDisplayOrientation(false); _updateAppGridProperties(reset); _updateAppGridDND(reset); _restoreOverviewGroup(); _overrides = null; opt = null; return; } _overrides = new _Util.Overrides(); if (opt.ORIENTATION === Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL) { _overrides.addOverride('AppDisplayVertical', AppDisplay.AppDisplay.prototype, AppDisplayVertical); _overrides.addOverride('BaseAppViewVertical', AppDisplay.BaseAppView.prototype, BaseAppViewVertical); } // Custom App Grid _overrides.addOverride('AppFolderDialog', AppDisplay.AppFolderDialog.prototype, AppFolderDialog); if (shellVersion >= 43) { // const defined class needs to be touched before real access AppDisplay.BaseAppViewGridLayout; _overrides.addOverride('BaseAppViewGridLayout', AppDisplay.BaseAppViewGridLayout.prototype, BaseAppViewGridLayout); } _overrides.addOverride('FolderView', AppDisplay.FolderView.prototype, FolderView); _overrides.addOverride('FolderIcon', AppDisplay.FolderIcon.prototype, FolderIcon); _overrides.addOverride('AppIcon', AppDisplay.AppIcon.prototype, AppIcon); _overrides.addOverride('AppDisplay', AppDisplay.AppDisplay.prototype, AppDisplayCommon); _overrides.addOverride('AppViewItem', AppDisplay.AppViewItem.prototype, AppViewItemCommon); _overrides.addOverride('BaseAppViewCommon', AppDisplay.BaseAppView.prototype, BaseAppViewCommon); _setAppDisplayOrientation(opt.ORIENTATION === Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL); _updateAppGridProperties(); _updateAppGridDND(); opt._appGridNeedsRedisplay = true; } function _setAppDisplayOrientation(vertical = false) { const CLUTTER_ORIENTATION = vertical ? Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL : Clutter.Orientation.HORIZONTAL; const scroll = vertical ? 'vscroll' : 'hscroll'; // app display to vertical has issues - page indicator not working // global appDisplay orientation switch is not built-in let appDisplay = Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay; // following line itself only changes in which axis will operate overshoot detection which switches appDisplay pages while dragging app icon to vertical appDisplay._orientation = CLUTTER_ORIENTATION; appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._orientation = CLUTTER_ORIENTATION; appDisplay._swipeTracker.orientation = CLUTTER_ORIENTATION; appDisplay._swipeTracker._reset(); if (vertical) { appDisplay._scrollView.set_policy(St.PolicyType.NEVER, St.PolicyType.EXTERNAL); // move and change orientation of page indicators // needs corrections in appgrid page calculations, e.g. appDisplay.adaptToSize() fnc, // which complicates use of super call inside the function const pageIndicators = appDisplay._pageIndicators; pageIndicators.vertical = true; appDisplay._box.vertical = false; pageIndicators.x_expand = false; pageIndicators.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER; pageIndicators.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START; const scrollContainer = appDisplay._scrollView.get_parent(); if (shellVersion < 43) { // remove touch friendly side navigation bars / arrows if (appDisplay._hintContainer && appDisplay._hintContainer.get_parent()) scrollContainer.remove_child(appDisplay._hintContainer); } else { // moving these bars needs more patching of the appDisplay's code // for now we just change bars style to be more like vertically oriented arrows indicating direction to prev/next page appDisplay._nextPageIndicator.add_style_class_name('nextPageIndicator'); appDisplay._prevPageIndicator.add_style_class_name('prevPageIndicator'); } // setting their x_scale to 0 removes the arrows and avoid allocation issues compared to .hide() them appDisplay._nextPageArrow.scale_x = 0; appDisplay._prevPageArrow.scale_x = 0; } else { appDisplay._scrollView.set_policy(St.PolicyType.EXTERNAL, St.PolicyType.NEVER); if (_appDisplayScrollConId) { appDisplay._adjustment.disconnect(_appDisplayScrollConId); _appDisplayScrollConId = 0; } // restore original page indicators const pageIndicators = appDisplay._pageIndicators; pageIndicators.vertical = false; appDisplay._box.vertical = true; pageIndicators.x_expand = true; pageIndicators.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.END; pageIndicators.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER; // put back touch friendly navigation bars/buttons const scrollContainer = appDisplay._scrollView.get_parent(); if (appDisplay._hintContainer && !appDisplay._hintContainer.get_parent()) { scrollContainer.add_child(appDisplay._hintContainer); // the hit container covers the entire app grid and added at the top of the stack blocks DND drops // so it needs to be pushed below scrollContainer.set_child_below_sibling(appDisplay._hintContainer, null); } appDisplay._nextPageArrow.scale_x = 1; appDisplay._prevPageArrow.scale_x = 1; appDisplay._nextPageIndicator.remove_style_class_name('nextPageIndicator'); appDisplay._prevPageIndicator.remove_style_class_name('prevPageIndicator'); } // value for page indicator is calculated from scroll adjustment, horizontal needs to be replaced by vertical appDisplay._adjustment = appDisplay._scrollView[scroll].adjustment; // no need to connect already connected signal (wasn't removed the original one before) if (!vertical) { // reset used appDisplay properties Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay.scale_y = 1; Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay.scale_x = 1; Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay.opacity = 255; return; } // update appGrid dot pages indicators _appDisplayScrollConId = appDisplay._adjustment.connect('notify::value', adj => { const value = adj.value / adj.page_size; appDisplay._pageIndicators.setCurrentPosition(value); }); } // Set App Grid columns, rows, icon size, incomplete pages function _updateAppGridProperties(reset = false) { opt._appGridNeedsRedisplay = false; // columns, rows, icon size const appDisplay = Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay; appDisplay.visible = true; if (reset) { appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.fixedIconSize = -1; appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.allow_incomplete_pages = true; appDisplay._grid.setGridModes(); if (_appGridLayoutSettings) { _appGridLayoutSettings.disconnect(_appGridLayoutConId); _appGridLayoutConId = 0; _appGridLayoutSettings = null; } appDisplay._redisplay(); appDisplay._grid.set_style(''); _resetAppGrid(); } else { // update grid on layout reset if (!_appGridLayoutSettings) { _appGridLayoutSettings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings('org.gnome.shell'); _appGridLayoutConId = _appGridLayoutSettings.connect('changed::app-picker-layout', _resetAppGrid); } appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.allow_incomplete_pages = opt.APP_GRID_ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_PAGES; appDisplay._grid.set_style(`column-spacing: ${opt.APP_GRID_SPACING}px; row-spacing: ${opt.APP_GRID_SPACING}px;`); // force redisplay appDisplay._grid._currentMode = -1; appDisplay._grid.setGridModes(); appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.fixedIconSize = opt.APP_GRID_ICON_SIZE; // appDisplay._folderIcons.forEach(folder => folder._dialog?._updateFolderSize()); _resetAppGrid(); } } function _updateAppGridDND(reset) { if (!reset) { if (!_appSystemStateConId && opt.APP_GRID_INCLUDE_DASH >= 3) { _appSystemStateConId = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().connect( 'app-state-changed', () => { _updateFolderIcons = true; Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay._redisplay(); } ); } } else if (_appSystemStateConId) { Shell.AppSystem.get_default().disconnect(_appSystemStateConId); _appSystemStateConId = 0; } if (opt.APP_GRID_ORDER && !reset) { if (!_origAppViewItemAcceptDrop) _origAppViewItemAcceptDrop = AppDisplay.AppViewItem.prototype.acceptDrop; AppDisplay.AppViewItem.prototype.acceptDrop = () => false; } else if (_origAppViewItemAcceptDrop) { AppDisplay.AppViewItem.prototype.acceptDrop = _origAppViewItemAcceptDrop; } } function _restoreOverviewGroup() { Main.overview.dash.showAppsButton.checked = false; Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.opacity = 255; Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.scale_x = 1; Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.hide(); } const AppDisplayVertical = { // correction of the appGrid size when page indicators were moved from the bottom to the right adaptToSize(width, height) { const [, indicatorWidth] = this._pageIndicators.get_preferred_width(-1); width -= indicatorWidth; this._grid.findBestModeForSize(width, height); const adaptToSize = AppDisplay.BaseAppView.prototype.adaptToSize.bind(this); adaptToSize(width, height); }, }; const AppDisplayCommon = { _ensureDefaultFolders() { // disable creation of default folders if user deleted them }, _redisplay() { this._folderIcons.forEach(icon => { icon.view._redisplay(); }); BaseAppViewCommon._redisplay.bind(this)(); }, // apps load adapted for custom sorting and including dash items _loadApps() { let appIcons = []; const runningApps = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().get_running().map(a => a.id); this._appInfoList = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().get_installed().filter(appInfo => { try { appInfo.get_id(); // catch invalid file encodings } catch (e) { return false; } const appIsRunning = runningApps.includes(appInfo.get_id()); const appIsFavorite = this._appFavorites.isFavorite(appInfo.get_id()); const excludeApp = (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_RUNNING && appIsRunning) || (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_FAVORITES && appIsFavorite); return this._parentalControlsManager.shouldShowApp(appInfo) && !excludeApp; }); let apps = this._appInfoList.map(app => app.get_id()); let appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); const appsInsideFolders = new Set(); this._folderIcons = []; if (!opt.APP_GRID_ORDER) { let folders = this._folderSettings.get_strv('folder-children'); folders.forEach(id => { let path = `${this._folderSettings.path}folders/${id}/`; let icon = this._items.get(id); if (!icon) { icon = new AppDisplay.FolderIcon(id, path, this); icon.connect('apps-changed', () => { this._redisplay(); this._savePages(); }); icon.connect('notify::pressed', () => { if (icon.pressed) this.updateDragFocus(icon); }); } else if (_updateFolderIcons && opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_RUNNING) { // if any app changed its running state, update folder icon icon.icon.update(); } // remove empty folder icons if (!icon.visible) { icon.destroy(); return; } appIcons.push(icon); this._folderIcons.push(icon); icon.getAppIds().forEach(appId => appsInsideFolders.add(appId)); }); } // reset request to update active icon _updateFolderIcons = false; // Allow dragging of the icon only if the Dash would accept a drop to // change favorite-apps. There are no other possible drop targets from // the app picker, so there's no other need for a drag to start, // at least on single-monitor setups. // This also disables drag-to-launch on multi-monitor setups, // but we hope that is not used much. const isDraggable = global.settings.is_writable('favorite-apps') || global.settings.is_writable('app-picker-layout'); apps.forEach(appId => { if (!opt.APP_GRID_ORDER && appsInsideFolders.has(appId)) return; let icon = this._items.get(appId); if (!icon) { let app = appSys.lookup_app(appId); icon = new AppDisplay.AppIcon(app, { isDraggable }); icon.connect('notify::pressed', () => { if (icon.pressed) this.updateDragFocus(icon); }); } appIcons.push(icon); }); // At last, if there's a placeholder available, add it if (this._placeholder) appIcons.push(this._placeholder); return appIcons; }, // support active preview icons _onDragBegin(overview, source) { if (source._sourceItem) source = source._sourceItem; this._dragMonitor = { dragMotion: this._onDragMotion.bind(this), }; DND.addDragMonitor(this._dragMonitor); if (shellVersion < 43) this._slideSidePages(AppDisplay.SidePages.PREVIOUS | AppDisplay.SidePages.NEXT | AppDisplay.SidePages.DND); else this._appGridLayout.showPageIndicators(); this._dragFocus = null; this._swipeTracker.enabled = false; // When dragging from a folder dialog, the dragged app icon doesn't // exist in AppDisplay. We work around that by adding a placeholder // icon that is either destroyed on cancel, or becomes the effective // new icon when dropped. if (AppDisplay._getViewFromIcon(source) instanceof AppDisplay.FolderView || (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_FAVORITES && this._appFavorites.isFavorite(source.id))) this._ensurePlaceholder(source); }, _ensurePlaceholder(source) { if (this._placeholder) return; if (source._sourceItem) source = source._sourceItem; const appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); const app = appSys.lookup_app(source.id); const isDraggable = global.settings.is_writable('favorite-apps') || global.settings.is_writable('app-picker-layout'); this._placeholder = new AppDisplay.AppIcon(app, { isDraggable }); this._placeholder.connect('notify::pressed', () => { if (this._placeholder?.pressed) this.updateDragFocus(this._placeholder); }); this._placeholder.scaleAndFade(); this._redisplay(); }, // accept source from active preview acceptDrop(source) { if (opt.APP_GRID_ORDER) return false; if (source._sourceItem) source = source._sourceItem; let dropTarget = null; if (shellVersion >= 43) { dropTarget = this._dropTarget; delete this._dropTarget; } if (!this._canAccept(source)) return false; if ((shellVersion < 43 && this._dropPage) || (shellVersion >= 43 && (dropTarget === this._prevPageIndicator || dropTarget === this._nextPageIndicator))) { let increment; if (shellVersion < 43) increment = this._dropPage === AppDisplay.SidePages.NEXT ? 1 : -1; else increment = dropTarget === this._prevPageIndicator ? -1 : 1; const { currentPage, nPages } = this._grid; const page = Math.min(currentPage + increment, nPages); const position = page < nPages ? -1 : 0; this._moveItem(source, page, position); this.goToPage(page); } else if (this._delayedMoveData) { // Dropped before the icon was moved const { page, position } = this._delayedMoveData; try { this._moveItem(source, page, position); } catch (e) { log(`Warning:${e}`); } this._removeDelayedMove(); } this._savePages(); let view = AppDisplay._getViewFromIcon(source); if (view instanceof AppDisplay.FolderView) view.removeApp(source.app); if (this._currentDialog) this._currentDialog.popdown(); if (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_FAVORITES && this._appFavorites.isFavorite(source.id)) this._appFavorites.removeFavorite(source.id); return true; }, }; const BaseAppViewVertical = { after__init() { this._grid.layoutManager._orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; this._scrollView.set_policy(St.PolicyType.NEVER, St.PolicyType.EXTERNAL); this._orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; this._swipeTracker.orientation = Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL; this._swipeTracker._reset(); this._pageIndicators.vertical = true; this._box.vertical = false; this._pageIndicators.x_expand = false; this._pageIndicators.y_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER; this._pageIndicators.x_align = Clutter.ActorAlign.START; this._pageIndicators.set_style('margin-right: 10px;'); const scrollContainer = this._scrollView.get_parent(); if (shellVersion < 43) { // remove touch friendly side navigation bars / arrows if (this._hintContainer && this._hintContainer.get_parent()) scrollContainer.remove_child(this._hintContainer); } else { // moving these bars needs more patching of the this's code // for now we just change bars style to be more like vertically oriented arrows indicating direction to prev/next page this._nextPageIndicator.add_style_class_name('nextPageIndicator'); this._prevPageIndicator.add_style_class_name('prevPageIndicator'); } // setting their x_scale to 0 removes the arrows and avoid allocation issues compared to .hide() them this._nextPageArrow.scale_x = 0; this._prevPageArrow.scale_x = 0; this._adjustment = this._scrollView.vscroll.adjustment; this._adjustment.connect('notify::value', adj => { const value = adj.value / adj.page_size; this._pageIndicators.setCurrentPosition(value); }); }, // <= 42 only, this fixes dnd from appDisplay to the workspace thumbnail on the left if appDisplay is on page 1 because of appgrid left overshoot _pageForCoords() { return AppDisplay.SidePages.NONE; }, }; const BaseAppViewCommon = { _sortOrderedItemsAlphabetically(icons = null) { if (!icons) icons = this._orderedItems; icons.sort((a, b) => a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase())); }, _setLinearPositions(icons) { const { itemsPerPage } = this._grid; icons.forEach((icon, i) => { const page = Math.floor(i / itemsPerPage); const position = i % itemsPerPage; try { this._moveItem(icon, page, position); } catch (e) { log(`Warning:${e}`); } }); }, // adds sorting options and option to add favorites and running apps _redisplay() { let oldApps = this._orderedItems.slice(); let oldAppIds = oldApps.map(icon => icon.id); let newApps = this._loadApps().sort(this._compareItems.bind(this)); let newAppIds = newApps.map(icon => icon.id); let addedApps = newApps.filter(icon => !oldAppIds.includes(icon.id)); let removedApps = oldApps.filter(icon => !newAppIds.includes(icon.id)); // Remove old app icons removedApps.forEach(icon => { this._removeItem(icon); icon.destroy(); }); // Add new app icons, or move existing ones newApps.forEach(icon => { const [page, position] = this._getItemPosition(icon); if (addedApps.includes(icon)) { this._addItem(icon, page, position); } else if (page !== -1 && position !== -1) { this._moveItem(icon, page, position); } else { // App is part of a folder } }); // sort all alphabetically if (opt.APP_GRID_ORDER > 0) { // const { itemsPerPage } = this._grid; let appIcons = this._orderedItems; this._sortOrderedItemsAlphabetically(appIcons); // appIcons.sort((a, b) => a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase())); // then sort used apps by usage if (opt.APP_GRID_ORDER === 2) appIcons.sort((a, b) => Shell.AppUsage.get_default().compare(a.app.id, b.app.id)); // sort favorites first if (opt.APP_GRID_DASH_FIRST) { const fav = Object.keys(this._appFavorites._favorites); appIcons.sort((a, b) => { let aFav = fav.indexOf(a.id); if (aFav < 0) aFav = 999; let bFav = fav.indexOf(b.id); if (bFav < 0) bFav = 999; return bFav < aFav; }); } // sort running first if (opt.APP_GRID_DASH_FIRST) appIcons.sort((a, b) => a.app.get_state() !== Shell.AppState.RUNNING && b.app.get_state() === Shell.AppState.RUNNING); this._setLinearPositions(appIcons); this._orderedItems = appIcons; } this.emit('view-loaded'); if (!opt.APP_GRID_ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_PAGES) { for (let i = 0; i < this._grid.nPages; i++) this._grid.layoutManager._fillItemVacancies(i); } }, _canAccept(source) { return opt.APP_GRID_ORDER ? false : source instanceof AppDisplay.AppViewItem; }, // support active preview icons acceptDrop(source) { if (!this._canAccept(source)) return false; if (source._sourceItem) source = source._sourceItem; if (this._dropPage) { const increment = this._dropPage === AppDisplay.SidePages.NEXT ? 1 : -1; const { currentPage, nPages } = this._grid; const page = Math.min(currentPage + increment, nPages); const position = page < nPages ? -1 : 0; this._moveItem(source, page, position); this.goToPage(page); } else if (this._delayedMoveData) { // Dropped before the icon was moved const { page, position } = this._delayedMoveData; this._moveItem(source, page, position); this._removeDelayedMove(); } return true; }, // support active preview icons _onDragMotion(dragEvent) { if (!(dragEvent.source instanceof AppDisplay.AppViewItem)) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; if (dragEvent.source._sourceItem) dragEvent.source = dragEvent.source._sourceItem; const appIcon = dragEvent.source; if (shellVersion < 43) { this._dropPage = this._pageForCoords(dragEvent.x, dragEvent.y); if (this._dropPage && this._dropPage === AppDisplay.SidePages.PREVIOUS && this._grid.currentPage === 0) { delete this._dropPage; return DND.DragMotionResult.NO_DROP; } } if (appIcon instanceof AppDisplay.AppViewItem) { if (shellVersion < 44) { // Handle the drag overshoot. When dragging to above the // icon grid, move to the page above; when dragging below, // move to the page below. this._handleDragOvershoot(dragEvent); } else if (!this._dragMaybeSwitchPageImmediately(dragEvent)) { // Two ways of switching pages during DND: // 1) When "bumping" the cursor against the monitor edge, we switch // page immediately. // 2) When hovering over the next-page indicator for a certain time, // we also switch page. const { targetActor } = dragEvent; if (targetActor === this._prevPageIndicator || targetActor === this._nextPageIndicator) this._maybeSetupDragPageSwitchInitialTimeout(dragEvent); else this._resetDragPageSwitch(); } } this._maybeMoveItem(dragEvent); return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, // adjustable page width for GS <= 42 adaptToSize(width, height, isFolder = false) { let box = new Clutter.ActorBox({ x2: width, y2: height, }); box = this.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box); box = this._scrollView.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box); box = this._grid.get_theme_node().get_content_box(box); const availWidth = box.get_width(); const availHeight = box.get_height(); let pageWidth, pageHeight; pageHeight = availHeight; pageWidth = Math.ceil(availWidth * (isFolder ? 1 : opt.APP_GRID_PAGE_WIDTH_SCALE)); // subtract space for navigation arrows in horizontal mode pageWidth -= opt.ORIENTATION ? 0 : 128; this._grid.layout_manager.pagePadding.left = Math.floor(availWidth * 0.02); this._grid.layout_manager.pagePadding.right = Math.ceil(availWidth * 0.02); this._grid.adaptToSize(pageWidth, pageHeight); const leftPadding = Math.floor( (availWidth - this._grid.layout_manager.pageWidth) / 2); const rightPadding = Math.ceil( (availWidth - this._grid.layout_manager.pageWidth) / 2); const topPadding = Math.floor( (availHeight - this._grid.layout_manager.pageHeight) / 2); const bottomPadding = Math.ceil( (availHeight - this._grid.layout_manager.pageHeight) / 2); this._scrollView.content_padding = new Clutter.Margin({ left: leftPadding, right: rightPadding, top: topPadding, bottom: bottomPadding, }); this._availWidth = availWidth; this._availHeight = availHeight; this._pageIndicatorOffset = leftPadding; this._pageArrowOffset = Math.max( leftPadding - 80, 0); // 80 is AppDisplay.PAGE_PREVIEW_MAX_ARROW_OFFSET }, }; const BaseAppViewGridLayout = { _getIndicatorsWidth(box) { const [width, height] = box.get_size(); const arrows = [ this._nextPageArrow, this._previousPageArrow, ]; const minArrowsWidth = arrows.reduce( (previousWidth, accessory) => { const [min] = accessory.get_preferred_width(height); return Math.max(previousWidth, min); }, 0); const idealIndicatorWidth = (width * 0.1/* PAGE_PREVIEW_RATIO*/) / 2; return Math.max(idealIndicatorWidth, minArrowsWidth); }, }; const FolderIcon = { after__init() { /* // If folder preview icons are clickable, // disable opening the folder with primary mouse button and enable the secondary one const buttonMask = opt.APP_GRID_ACTIVE_PREVIEW ? St.ButtonMask.TWO | St.ButtonMask.THREE : St.ButtonMask.ONE | St.ButtonMask.TWO; this.button_mask = buttonMask;*/ this.button_mask = St.ButtonMask.ONE | St.ButtonMask.TWO; // build the folders now to avoid node errors when dragging active folder preview icons if (this.visible && opt.APP_GRID_ACTIVE_PREVIEW) this._ensureFolderDialog(); }, open() { this._ensureFolderDialog(); if (this._dialog._designCapacity !== this.view._orderedItems.length) this._dialog._updateFolderSize(); this.view._scrollView.vscroll.adjustment.value = 0; this._dialog.popup(); }, }; const FolderView = { _createGrid() { let grid; if (shellVersion < 43) grid = new FolderGrid(); else grid = new FolderGrid43(); // IconGrid algorithm for adaptive icon size // counts with different default(max) size for folders grid.layoutManager._isFolder = true; return grid; }, createFolderIcon(size) { const layout = new Clutter.GridLayout({ row_homogeneous: true, column_homogeneous: true, }); let icon = new St.Widget({ layout_manager: layout, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, style: `width: ${size}px; height: ${size}px;`, }); const numItems = this._orderedItems.length; // decide what number of icons switch to 3x3 grid // APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_GRID: 3 -> more than 4 // : 4 -> more than 8 const threshold = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_GRID % 3 ? 8 : 4; const gridSize = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_GRID > 2 && numItems > threshold ? 3 : 2; const FOLDER_SUBICON_FRACTION = gridSize === 2 ? 0.4 : 0.27; let subSize = Math.floor(FOLDER_SUBICON_FRACTION * size); let rtl = icon.get_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; for (let i = 0; i < gridSize * gridSize; i++) { const style = `width: ${subSize}px; height: ${subSize}px;`; let bin = new St.Bin({ style, reactive: true }); bin.pivot_point = new Graphene.Point({ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }); if (i < numItems) { if (!opt.APP_GRID_ACTIVE_PREVIEW) { bin.child = this._orderedItems[i].app.create_icon_texture(subSize); } else { const app = this._orderedItems[i].app; const child = new ActiveFolderIcon(app); child._sourceItem = this._orderedItems[i]; child._sourceFolder = this; child.icon.style_class = ''; child.icon.set_style('margin: 0; padding: 0;'); child.icon.setIconSize(subSize); bin.child = child; bin.connect('enter-event', () => { bin.ease({ duration: 100, scale_x: 1.14, scale_y: 1.14, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); }); bin.connect('leave-event', () => { bin.ease({ duration: 100, scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); }); } } layout.attach(bin, rtl ? (i + 1) % gridSize : i % gridSize, Math.floor(i / gridSize), 1, 1); } // if folder content changed, update folder size if (this._dialog && this._dialog._designCapacity !== this._orderedItems.length) this._dialog._updateFolderSize(); return icon; }, // this just overrides _redisplay() for GS < 44 _redisplay() { // super._redisplay(); - super doesn't work in my overrides AppDisplay.BaseAppView.prototype._redisplay.bind(this)(); }, _loadApps() { this._apps = []; const excludedApps = this._folder.get_strv('excluded-apps'); const appSys = Shell.AppSystem.get_default(); const addAppId = appId => { if (excludedApps.includes(appId)) return; if (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_FAVORITES && this._appFavorites.isFavorite(appId)) return; const app = appSys.lookup_app(appId); if (!app) return; if (opt.APP_GRID_EXCLUDE_RUNNING) { const runningApps = Shell.AppSystem.get_default().get_running().map(a => a.id); if (runningApps.includes(appId)) return; } if (!this._parentalControlsManager.shouldShowApp(app.get_app_info())) return; if (this._apps.indexOf(app) !== -1) return; this._apps.push(app); }; const folderApps = this._folder.get_strv('apps'); folderApps.forEach(addAppId); const folderCategories = this._folder.get_strv('categories'); const appInfos = this._parentView.getAppInfos(); appInfos.forEach(appInfo => { let appCategories = AppDisplay._getCategories(appInfo); if (!AppDisplay._listsIntersect(folderCategories, appCategories)) return; addAppId(appInfo.get_id()); }); let items = []; this._apps.forEach(app => { let icon = this._items.get(app.get_id()); if (!icon) icon = new AppDisplay.AppIcon(app); items.push(icon); }); this._appIds = this._apps.map(app => app.get_id()); return items; }, // 42 only - don't apply appGrid scale on folders adaptToSize(width, height) { if (!opt.ORIENTATION) { const [, indicatorHeight] = this._pageIndicators.get_preferred_height(-1); height -= indicatorHeight; } BaseAppViewCommon.adaptToSize.bind(this)(width, height, true); }, }; // folder columns and rows const FolderGrid = GObject.registerClass( class FolderGrid extends IconGrid.IconGrid { _init() { super._init({ allow_incomplete_pages: false, // For adaptive size (0), set the numbers high enough to fit all the icons // to avoid splitting the icons to pages columns_per_page: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS : 20, rows_per_page: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS : 20, page_halign: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, page_valign: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); // if (!opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_DEFAULT) const spacing = opt.APP_GRID_SPACING; this.set_style(`column-spacing: ${spacing}px; row-spacing: ${spacing}px;`); this.layout_manager.fixedIconSize = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE; } adaptToSize(width, height) { this.layout_manager.adaptToSize(width, height); } }); let FolderGrid43; // first reference to constant defined using const in other module returns undefined, the AppGrid const will remain empty and unused const AppGrid = AppDisplay.AppGrid; if (AppDisplay.AppGrid) { FolderGrid43 = GObject.registerClass( class FolderGrid43 extends AppDisplay.AppGrid { _init() { super._init({ allow_incomplete_pages: false, columns_per_page: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS : 20, rows_per_page: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS : 20, page_halign: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, page_valign: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, }); const spacing = opt.APP_GRID_SPACING; this.set_style(`column-spacing: ${spacing}px; row-spacing: ${spacing}px;`); this.layout_manager.fixedIconSize = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE; this.setGridModes([ { columns: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS : 3, rows: opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS : 3, }, ]); } adaptToSize(width, height) { this.layout_manager.adaptToSize(width, height); } }); } const FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME = 200; // AppDisplay.FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME const AppFolderDialog = { // injection to _init() after__init() { // delegate this dialog to the FolderIcon._view // so its _createFolderIcon function can update the dialog if folder content changed this._view._dialog = this; // right click into the folder popup should close it this.child.reactive = true; const clickAction = new Clutter.ClickAction(); clickAction.connect('clicked', act => { if (act.get_button() === Clutter.BUTTON_PRIMARY) return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; const [x, y] = clickAction.get_coords(); const actor = global.stage.get_actor_at_pos(Clutter.PickMode.ALL, x, y); // if it's not entry for editing folder title if (actor !== this._entry) this.popdown(); return Clutter.EVENT_STOP; }); this.child.add_action(clickAction); }, popup() { if (this._isOpen) return; /* if (!this._correctSize) { // update folder with the precise app item size when the dialog is realized GLib.idle_add(0, () => this._updateFolderSize(true)); this._correctSize = true; }*/ this._isOpen = this._grabHelper.grab({ actor: this, onUngrab: () => this.popdown(), }); if (!this._isOpen) return; this.get_parent().set_child_above_sibling(this, null); this._needsZoomAndFade = true; this.show(); this.emit('open-state-changed', true); }, _updateFolderSize() { // adapt folder size according to the settings and number of icons const view = this._view; view._grid.layoutManager.fixedIconSize = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE; view._grid.set_style(`column-spacing: ${opt.APP_GRID_SPACING}px; row-spacing: ${opt.APP_GRID_SPACING}px;`); const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const dialogMargin = 30; const nItems = view._orderedItems.length; let columns = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS; let rows = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ROWS; let spacing = opt.APP_GRID_SPACING; const monitor = global.display.get_monitor_geometry(global.display.get_primary_monitor()); if (!columns && !rows) { columns = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(nItems)); rows = columns; if (columns * (columns - 1) >= nItems) { rows = columns - 1; } else if ((columns + 1) * (columns - 1) >= nItems) { rows = columns - 1; columns += 1; } } else if (!columns && rows) { columns = Math.ceil(nItems / rows); } else if (columns && !rows) { rows = Math.ceil(nItems / columns); } const iconSize = opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE < 0 ? opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE_DEFAULT : opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_ICON_SIZE; let itemSize = iconSize + 53; // icon padding // first run sets the grid before we can read the real icon size // so we estimate the size from default properties // and correct it in the second run if (this._notFirstRun) { const [firstItem] = view._grid.layoutManager._container; firstItem.icon.setIconSize(iconSize); const [firstItemWidth] = firstItem.get_preferred_size(); const realSize = firstItemWidth / scaleFactor; if (realSize > iconSize) itemSize = realSize; } else { this._needsUpdateSize = true; this._notFirstRun = true; } let width = columns * (itemSize + spacing) + /* padding for nav arrows*/64; width = Math.round(width + (opt.ORIENTATION || !opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_COLUMNS ? 100 : 160/* space for navigation arrows*/)); let height = rows * (itemSize + spacing) + /* header*/75 + /* padding*/100; // folder must fit the primary monitor // reduce columns/rows if needed and count with the scaled values while (width * scaleFactor > monitor.width - 2 * dialogMargin) { width -= itemSize + spacing; columns -= 1; } while (height * scaleFactor > monitor.height - 2 * dialogMargin) { height -= itemSize + spacing; rows -= 1; } width = Math.max(540, width); const layoutManager = view._grid.layoutManager; layoutManager.rows_per_page = rows; layoutManager.columns_per_page = columns; // this line is required by GS 43 view._grid.setGridModes([{ columns, rows }]); this.child.set_style(` width: ${width}px; height: ${height}px; padding: 30px; `); view._redisplay(); // store original item count this._designCapacity = nItems; }, _zoomAndFadeIn() { let [sourceX, sourceY] = this._source.get_transformed_position(); let [dialogX, dialogY] = this.child.get_transformed_position(); const sourceCenterX = sourceX + this._source.width / 2; const sourceCenterY = sourceY + this._source.height / 2; // this. covers the whole screen let dialogTargetX = dialogX; let dialogTargetY = dialogY; if (!opt.APP_GRID_FOLDER_CENTER) { const appDisplay = this._source._parentView; dialogTargetX = Math.round(sourceCenterX - this.child.width / 2); dialogTargetY = Math.round(sourceCenterY - this.child.height / 2); // keep the dialog in appDisplay area if possible dialogTargetX = Math.clamp( dialogTargetX, this.x + appDisplay.x, this.x + appDisplay.x + appDisplay.width - this.child.width ); dialogTargetY = Math.clamp( dialogTargetY, this.y + appDisplay.y, this.y + appDisplay.y + appDisplay.height - this.child.height ); // or at least in the monitor area const monitor = global.display.get_monitor_geometry(global.display.get_primary_monitor()); dialogTargetX = Math.clamp( dialogTargetX, this.x + monitor.x, this.x + monitor.x + monitor.width - this.child.width ); dialogTargetY = Math.clamp( dialogTargetY, this.y + monitor.y, this.y + monitor.y + monitor.height - this.child.height ); } const dialogOffsetX = -dialogX + dialogTargetX; const dialogOffsetY = -dialogY + dialogTargetY; this.child.set({ translation_x: sourceX - dialogX, translation_y: sourceY - dialogY, scale_x: this._source.width / this.child.width, scale_y: this._source.height / this.child.height, opacity: 0, }); this.ease({ background_color: DIALOG_SHADE_NORMAL, duration: FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); this.child.ease({ translation_x: dialogOffsetX, translation_y: dialogOffsetY, scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, opacity: 255, duration: FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => { // if the folder grid was build with the estimated icon item size because the real size wasn't available // rebuild it with the real size now, after the folder was realized if (this._needsUpdateSize) { this._updateFolderSize(); this._view._redisplay(); this._needsUpdateSize = false; } }, }); this._needsZoomAndFade = false; if (this._sourceMappedId === 0) { this._sourceMappedId = this._source.connect( 'notify::mapped', this._zoomAndFadeOut.bind(this)); } }, _zoomAndFadeOut() { if (!this._isOpen) return; if (!this._source.mapped) { this.hide(); return; } let [sourceX, sourceY] = this._source.get_transformed_position(); let [dialogX, dialogY] = this.child.get_transformed_position(); this.ease({ background_color: Clutter.Color.from_pixel(0x00000000), duration: FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); this.child.ease({ translation_x: sourceX - dialogX + this.child.translation_x, translation_y: sourceY - dialogY + this.child.translation_y, scale_x: this._source.width / this.child.width, scale_y: this._source.height / this.child.height, opacity: 0, duration: FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, onComplete: () => { this.child.set({ translation_x: 0, translation_y: 0, scale_x: 1, scale_y: 1, opacity: 255, }); this.hide(); this._popdownCallbacks.forEach(func => func()); this._popdownCallbacks = []; }, }); this._needsZoomAndFade = false; }, _setLighterBackground(lighter) { const backgroundColor = lighter ? DIALOG_SHADE_HIGHLIGHT : DIALOG_SHADE_NORMAL; this.ease({ backgroundColor, duration: FOLDER_DIALOG_ANIMATION_TIME, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); }, }; // just make app grid to update all invalid positions that may be result of grid/icon size change function _updateIconPositions() { const appDisplay = Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay; const icons = [...appDisplay._orderedItems]; for (let i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) appDisplay._moveItem(icons[i], -1, -1); } function _removeIcons() { const appDisplay = Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay; const icons = [...appDisplay._orderedItems]; for (let i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { const icon = icons[i]; if (icon._dialog) Main.layoutManager.overviewGroup.remove_child(icon._dialog); appDisplay._removeItem(icon); icon.destroy(); } appDisplay._folderIcons = []; } function _resetAppGrid(settings) { const appDisplay = Main.overview._overview._controls._appDisplay; // reset the grid only if called directly without args or if all folders where removed by using reset button in Settings window // otherwise this function is called every time a user moves icon to another position as a settings callback if (settings) { const currentValue = JSON.stringify(global.settings.get_value('app-picker-layout').deep_unpack()); const emptyValue = JSON.stringify([]); const customLayout = currentValue !== emptyValue; // appDisplay._customLayout = customLayout; if (customLayout) return; else opt._appGridNeedsRedisplay = true; } // force update icon size using adaptToSize(). the page size cannot be the same as the current one appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageWidth += 1; appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.adaptToSize(appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageWidth - 1, appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageHeight); _removeIcons(); appDisplay._redisplay(); // force appDisplay to move all icons to proper positions and update all properties GLib.idle_add(0, () => { _updateIconPositions(); if (appDisplay._sortOrderedItemsAlphabetically) { appDisplay._sortOrderedItemsAlphabetically(); appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageWidth += 1; appDisplay._grid.layoutManager.adaptToSize(appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageWidth - 1, appDisplay._grid.layoutManager._pageHeight); appDisplay._setLinearPositions(appDisplay._orderedItems); } else { appDisplay._removeItem(appDisplay._orderedItems[0]); appDisplay._redisplay(); } appDisplay._redisplay(); }); } function _getWindowApp(metaWin) { const tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); return tracker.get_window_app(metaWin); } function _getAppLastUsedWindow(app) { let recentWin; global.display.get_tab_list(Meta.TabList.NORMAL_ALL, null).forEach(metaWin => { const winApp = _getWindowApp(metaWin); if (!recentWin && winApp === app) recentWin = metaWin; }); return recentWin; } function _getAppRecentWorkspace(app) { const recentWin = _getAppLastUsedWindow(app); if (recentWin) return recentWin.get_workspace(); return null; } const AppIcon = { after__init() { // update the app label behavior this._updateMultiline(); }, // avoid accepting by placeholder when dragging active preview // and also by icon if alphabet or usage sorting are used _canAccept(source) { if (source._sourceItem) source = source._sourceItem; let view = AppDisplay._getViewFromIcon(source); return source !== this && (source instanceof this.constructor) && (view instanceof AppDisplay.AppDisplay && !opt.APP_GRID_ORDER); }, }; const AppViewItemCommon = { _updateMultiline() { const { label } = this.icon; if (label) label.opacity = 255; if (!this._expandTitleOnHover || !this.icon.label) return; const { clutterText } = label; const isHighlighted = this.has_key_focus() || this.hover || this._forcedHighlight; if (opt.APP_GRID_NAMES_MODE === 2 && this._expandTitleOnHover) { // !_expandTitleOnHover indicates search result icon label.opacity = isHighlighted || !this.app ? 255 : 0; } if (isHighlighted) this.get_parent()?.set_child_above_sibling(this, null); if (!opt.APP_GRID_NAMES_MODE) { const layout = clutterText.get_layout(); if (!layout.is_wrapped() && !layout.is_ellipsized()) return; } label.remove_transition('allocation'); const id = label.connect('notify::allocation', () => { label.restore_easing_state(); label.disconnect(id); }); const expand = opt.APP_GRID_NAMES_MODE === 1 || this._forcedHighlight || this.hover || this.has_key_focus(); label.save_easing_state(); label.set_easing_duration(expand ? AppDisplay.APP_ICON_TITLE_EXPAND_TIME : AppDisplay.APP_ICON_TITLE_COLLAPSE_TIME); clutterText.set({ line_wrap: expand, line_wrap_mode: expand ? Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR : Pango.WrapMode.NONE, ellipsize: expand ? Pango.EllipsizeMode.NONE : Pango.EllipsizeMode.END, }); }, // support active preview icons acceptDrop(source, _actor, x) { if (opt.APP_GRID_ORDER) return DND.DragMotionResult.NO_DROP; this._setHoveringByDnd(false); if (!this._canAccept(source)) return false; if (this._withinLeeways(x)) return false; // added - remove app from the source folder after dnd to other folder if (source._sourceItem) { const app = source._sourceItem.app; source._sourceFolder.removeApp(app); } return true; }, }; const ActiveFolderIcon = GObject.registerClass( class ActiveFolderIcon extends AppDisplay.AppIcon { _init(app) { super._init(app, { setSizeManually: true, showLabel: false, }); } handleDragOver() { return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; } acceptDrop() { return false; } _onDragEnd() { this._dragging = false; this.undoScaleAndFade(); Main.overview.endItemDrag(this._sourceItem.icon); } });