/** * Vertical Workspaces * workspaceThumbnail.js * * @author GdH * @copyright 2022 - 2023 * @license GPL-3.0 * */ 'use strict'; const { Clutter, Graphene, Meta, Shell, St } = imports.gi; const DND = imports.ui.dnd; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Background = imports.ui.background; const WorkspaceThumbnail = imports.ui.workspaceThumbnail; const ThumbnailState = WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailState; const ControlsState = imports.ui.overviewControls.ControlsState; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const _Util = Me.imports.util; let _overrides; const WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE = 10; const original_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE = WorkspaceThumbnail.MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; let MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; var opt = null; function update(reset = false) { if (_overrides) { _overrides.removeAll(); } if (reset) { if (original_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE) WorkspaceThumbnail.MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE = original_MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; _overrides = null; opt = null; return; } opt = Me.imports.settings.opt; MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE = opt.MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; WorkspaceThumbnail.MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE = MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE; _overrides = new _Util.Overrides(); _overrides.addOverride('WorkspaceThumbnail', WorkspaceThumbnail.WorkspaceThumbnail.prototype, WorkspaceThumbnailCommon); if (opt.ORIENTATION === Clutter.Orientation.VERTICAL) { _overrides.addOverride('ThumbnailsBox', WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailsBox.prototype, ThumbnailsBoxVertical); } else { _overrides.addOverride('ThumbnailsBox', WorkspaceThumbnail.ThumbnailsBox.prototype, ThumbnailsBoxHorizontal); } } var WorkspaceThumbnailCommon = { after__init: function () { //radius of ws thumbnail background this.add_style_class_name('ws-tmb'); // add workspace thumbnails labels if enabled if (opt.SHOW_WST_LABELS) { // 0 - disable // layout manager allows aligning widget children this.layout_manager = new Clutter.BinLayout(); // adding layout manager to tmb widget breaks wallpaper background aligning and rounded corners // unless border is removed if (opt.SHOW_WS_TMB_BG) this.add_style_class_name('ws-tmb-labeled'); const getLabel = function() { const wsIndex = this.metaWorkspace.index(); let label = `${wsIndex + 1}`; if (opt.SHOW_WST_LABELS === 2) { // 2 - index + workspace name const settings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings('org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences'); const wsLabels = settings.get_strv('workspace-names'); if (wsLabels.length > wsIndex && wsLabels[wsIndex]) { label += `: ${wsLabels[wsIndex]}`; } } else if (opt.SHOW_WST_LABELS === 3) { // 3- index + app name // global.display.get_tab_list offers workspace filtering using the second argument, but... // ... it sometimes includes windows from other workspaces, like minimized VBox machines, after Shell restarts const metaWin = global.display.get_tab_list(0, null).filter( w => w.get_monitor() === this.monitorIndex && w.get_workspace().index() === wsIndex)[0]; if (metaWin) { let tracker = Shell.WindowTracker.get_default(); label += `: ${tracker.get_window_app(metaWin).get_name()}`; } } else if (opt.SHOW_WST_LABELS === 4) { const metaWin = global.display.get_tab_list(0, null).filter( w => w.get_monitor() === this.monitorIndex && w.get_workspace().index() === wsIndex)[0]; if (metaWin) { label += `: ${metaWin.title}`; } } return label; }.bind(this); const label = getLabel(); this._wsLabel = new St.Label({ text: label, style_class: 'ws-tmb-label', x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.FILL, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, x_expand: true, y_expand: true, }); this._wsLabel._maxOpacity = 255; this._wsLabel.opacity = this._wsLabel._maxOpacity; this.add_child(this._wsLabel); this.set_child_above_sibling(this._wsLabel, null); this._wsIndexSigId = this.metaWorkspace.connect('notify::workspace-index', () => { const newLabel = getLabel(); this._wsLabel.text = newLabel; }); this.connect('destroy', () => this.metaWorkspace.disconnect(this._wsIndexSigId)); if (opt.SHOW_WST_LABELS_ON_HOVER) { this._wsLabel.opacity = 0; this.reactive = true; this.connect('enter-event', ()=> this._wsLabel.ease({ duration: 100, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, opacity: this._wsLabel._maxOpacity })); this.connect('leave-event', ()=> this._wsLabel.ease({ duration: 100, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, opacity: 0 })); } } if (opt.SHOW_WS_TMB_BG) { this._bgManager = new Background.BackgroundManager({ monitorIndex: this.monitorIndex, container: this._viewport, vignette: false, controlPosition: false, }); this._viewport.set_child_below_sibling(this._bgManager.backgroundActor, null); this.connect('destroy', function () { if (this._bgManager) this._bgManager.destroy(); this._bgManager = null; }.bind(this)); this._bgManager.backgroundActor.opacity = 220; // this all is just for the small border radius... /*const { scaleFactor } = St.ThemeContext.get_for_stage(global.stage); const cornerRadius = scaleFactor * BACKGROUND_CORNER_RADIUS_PIXELS; const backgroundContent = this._bgManager.backgroundActor.content; backgroundContent.rounded_clip_radius = cornerRadius; // the original clip has some addition at the bottom const rect = new Graphene.Rect(); rect.origin.x = this._viewport.x; rect.origin.y = this._viewport.y; rect.size.width = this._viewport.width; rect.size.height = this._viewport.height; this._bgManager.backgroundActor.content.set_rounded_clip_bounds(rect);*/ } }, activate: function(time) { if (this.state > ThumbnailState.NORMAL) return; // if Static Workspace overview mode active, a click on the already active workspace should activate the window picker mode const wsIndex = this.metaWorkspace.index(); const lastWsIndex = global.display.get_workspace_manager().get_n_workspaces() - 1; const stateAdjustment = Main.overview._overview.controls._stateAdjustment; if (stateAdjustment.value === ControlsState.APP_GRID) { if (this.metaWorkspace.active) { Main.overview._overview.controls._shiftState(Meta.MotionDirection.DOWN); // if searchActive, hide it immediately Main.overview.searchEntry.set_text(''); } else { this.metaWorkspace.activate(time); } } else { if (opt.OVERVIEW_MODE2 && !opt.WORKSPACE_MODE && wsIndex < lastWsIndex) { if (stateAdjustment.value > 1) { stateAdjustment.value = 1; } // spread windows // in OVERVIEW MODE 2 windows are not spread and workspace is not scaled // we need to repeat transition to the overview state 1 (window picker), but with spreading windows animation if (this.metaWorkspace.active) { opt.WORKSPACE_MODE = 1; const stateAdjustment = Main.overview._overview.controls._stateAdjustment // setting value to 0 would reset WORKSPACE_MODE stateAdjustment.value = 0.01; stateAdjustment.ease(1, { duration: 200, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, }); /*const adjustment = Main.overview._overview.controls._workspacesDisplay._workspacesViews[0]._workspaces[wsIndex].stateAdjustment; adjustment.value = 0; adjustment.ease(1, { duration: 200, mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD, });*/ } else { // switch ws this.metaWorkspace.activate(time); } // a click on the current workspace should go back to the main view } else if (this.metaWorkspace.active) { Main.overview.hide(); } else { this.metaWorkspace.activate(time); } } } } // ThumbnailsBox Vertical var ThumbnailsBoxVertical = { _activateThumbnailAtPoint: function(stageX, stageY, time) { const [r_, x, y] = this.transform_stage_point(stageX, stageY); const thumbnail = this._thumbnails.find(t => y >= t.y && y <= t.y + t.height); if (thumbnail) { thumbnail.activate(time); } }, _getPlaceholderTarget: function(index, spacing, rtl) { const workspace = this._thumbnails[index]; let targetY1; let targetY2; if (rtl) { const baseY = workspace.y + workspace.height; targetY1 = baseY - WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; targetY2 = baseY + spacing + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; } else { targetY1 = workspace.y - spacing - WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; targetY2 = workspace.y + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; } if (index === 0) { if (rtl) targetY2 -= spacing + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; else targetY1 += spacing + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; } if (index === this._dropPlaceholderPos) { const placeholderHeight = this._dropPlaceholder.get_height() + spacing; if (rtl) targetY2 += placeholderHeight; else targetY1 -= placeholderHeight; } return [targetY1, targetY2]; }, _withinWorkspace: function(y, index, rtl) { const length = this._thumbnails.length; const workspace = this._thumbnails[index]; let workspaceY1 = workspace.y + WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; let workspaceY2 = workspace.y + workspace.height - WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; if (index === length - 1) { if (rtl) workspaceY1 -= WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; else workspaceY2 += WORKSPACE_CUT_SIZE; } return y > workspaceY1 && y <= workspaceY2; }, handleDragOver: function(source, actor, x, y, time) { if (!source.metaWindow && (!source.app || !source.app.can_open_new_window()) && (source.app || !source.shellWorkspaceLaunch) && source != Main.xdndHandler) return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; const rtl = Clutter.get_default_text_direction() === Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; let canCreateWorkspaces = Meta.prefs_get_dynamic_workspaces(); let spacing = this.get_theme_node().get_length('spacing'); this._dropWorkspace = -1; let placeholderPos = -1; let length = this._thumbnails.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const index = rtl ? length - i - 1 : i; if (canCreateWorkspaces && source !== Main.xdndHandler) { const [targetStart, targetEnd] = this._getPlaceholderTarget(index, spacing, rtl); if (y > targetStart && y <= targetEnd) { placeholderPos = index; break; } } if (this._withinWorkspace(y, index, rtl)) { this._dropWorkspace = index; break; } } if (this._dropPlaceholderPos != placeholderPos) { this._dropPlaceholderPos = placeholderPos; this.queue_relayout(); } if (this._dropWorkspace != -1) return this._thumbnails[this._dropWorkspace].handleDragOverInternal(source, actor, time); else if (this._dropPlaceholderPos != -1) return source.metaWindow ? DND.DragMotionResult.MOVE_DROP : DND.DragMotionResult.COPY_DROP; else return DND.DragMotionResult.CONTINUE; }, //vfunc_get_preferred_width: function(forHeight) { // override of this vfunc doesn't work for some reason (tested on Ubuntu and Fedora), it's not reachable get_preferred_custom_width: function(forHeight) { if (forHeight === -1) return this.get_preferred_custom_height(forHeight); let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); forHeight = themeNode.adjust_for_width(forHeight); let spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); let nWorkspaces = this._thumbnails.length; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; const avail = forHeight - totalSpacing; let scale = (avail / nWorkspaces) / this._porthole.height; scale = Math.min(scale, MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE); const width = Math.round(this._porthole.width * scale); return themeNode.adjust_preferred_width(width, width); }, get_preferred_custom_height: function(_forWidth) { // Note that for getPreferredHeight/Width we cheat a bit and skip propagating // the size request to our children because we know how big they are and know // that the actors aren't depending on the virtual functions being called. let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); let spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); let nWorkspaces = this._thumbnails.length; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; const ratio = this._porthole.width / this._porthole.height; const tmbHeight = _forWidth / ratio; const naturalheight = this._thumbnails.reduce((accumulator, thumbnail, index) => { //let workspaceSpacing = 0; const progress = 1 - thumbnail.collapse_fraction; //const height = (this._porthole.height * MAX_THUMBNAIL_SCALE + workspaceSpacing) * progress; const height = (tmbHeight) * progress; return accumulator + height; }, 0); //return themeNode.adjust_preferred_height(totalSpacing, naturalheight); // we need to calculate the height precisely as it need to align with the workspacesDisplay because of transition animation // This works perfectly for fullHD monitor, for some reason 5:4 aspect ratio monitor adds unnecessary pixels to the final height of the thumbnailsBox return [totalSpacing, naturalheight]; }, // removes extra space (extraWidth in the original function), we need the box as accurate as possible // for precise app grid transition animation vfunc_allocate: function(box) { this.set_allocation(box); let rtl = Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; if (this._thumbnails.length == 0) // not visible return; let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); box = themeNode.get_content_box(box); const portholeWidth = this._porthole.width; const portholeHeight = this._porthole.height; const spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); const nWorkspaces = this._thumbnails.length; // Compute the scale we'll need once everything is updated, // unless we are currently transitioning if (this._expandFraction === 1) { const totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; const availableHeight = (box.get_height() - totalSpacing) / nWorkspaces; const hScale = box.get_width() / portholeWidth; const vScale = availableHeight / portholeHeight; const newScale = Math.min(hScale, vScale); if (newScale !== this._targetScale) { if (this._targetScale > 0) { // We don't ease immediately because we need to observe the // ordering in queueUpdateStates - if workspaces have been // removed we need to slide them out as the first thing. this._targetScale = newScale; this._pendingScaleUpdate = true; } else { this._targetScale = this._scale = newScale; } this._queueUpdateStates(); } } const ratio = portholeWidth / portholeHeight; const thumbnailFullHeight = Math.round(portholeHeight * this._scale); const thumbnailWidth = Math.round(thumbnailFullHeight * ratio); const thumbnailHeight = thumbnailFullHeight * this._expandFraction; const roundedVScale = thumbnailHeight / portholeHeight; let indicatorValue = this._scrollAdjustment.value; let indicatorUpperWs = Math.ceil(indicatorValue); let indicatorLowerWs = Math.floor(indicatorValue); let indicatorLowerY1 = 0; let indicatorLowerY2 = 0; let indicatorUpperY1 = 0; let indicatorUpperY2 = 0; let indicatorThemeNode = this._indicator.get_theme_node(); let indicatorTopFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.TOP) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.TOP); let indicatorBottomFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.BOTTOM) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.BOTTOM); let indicatorLeftFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.LEFT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.LEFT); let indicatorRightFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.RIGHT); let y = box.y1; if (this._dropPlaceholderPos == -1) { this._dropPlaceholder.allocate_preferred_size( ...this._dropPlaceholder.get_position()); Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { this._dropPlaceholder.hide(); }); } let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { const thumbnail = this._thumbnails[i]; if (i > 0) y += spacing - Math.round(thumbnail.collapse_fraction * spacing); const x1 = box.x1; const x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; if (i === this._dropPlaceholderPos) { let [, placeholderHeight] = this._dropPlaceholder.get_preferred_height(-1); childBox.x1 = x1; childBox.x2 = x2; if (rtl) { childBox.y2 = box.y2 - Math.round(y); childBox.y1 = box.y2 - Math.round(y + placeholderHeight); } else { childBox.y1 = Math.round(y); childBox.y2 = Math.round(y + placeholderHeight); } this._dropPlaceholder.allocate(childBox); Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { this._dropPlaceholder.show(); }); y += placeholderHeight + spacing; } // We might end up with thumbnailWidth being something like 99.33 // pixels. To make this work and not end up with a gap at the end, // we need some thumbnails to be 99 pixels and some 100 pixels width; // we compute an actual scale separately for each thumbnail. const y1 = Math.round(y); const y2 = Math.round(y + thumbnailHeight); const roundedHScale = (y2 - y1) / portholeHeight; // Allocating a scaled actor is funny - x1/y1 correspond to the origin // of the actor, but x2/y2 are increased by the *unscaled* size. if (rtl) { childBox.y2 = box.y2 - y1; childBox.y1 = box.y2 - (y1 + thumbnailHeight); } else { childBox.y1 = y1; childBox.y2 = y1 + thumbnailHeight; } childBox.x1 = x1; childBox.x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; thumbnail.setScale(roundedHScale, roundedVScale); thumbnail.allocate(childBox); if (i === indicatorUpperWs) { indicatorUpperY1 = childBox.y1; indicatorUpperY2 = childBox.y2; } if (i === indicatorLowerWs) { indicatorLowerY1 = childBox.y1; indicatorLowerY2 = childBox.y2; } // We round the collapsing portion so that we don't get thumbnails resizing // during an animation due to differences in rounded, but leave the uncollapsed // portion unrounded so that non-animating we end up with the right total y += thumbnailHeight - Math.round(thumbnailHeight * thumbnail.collapse_fraction); } childBox.x1 = box.x1; childBox.x2 = box.x1 + thumbnailWidth; const indicatorY1 = indicatorLowerY1 + (indicatorUpperY1 - indicatorLowerY1) * (indicatorValue % 1); const indicatorY2 = indicatorLowerY2 + (indicatorUpperY2 - indicatorLowerY2) * (indicatorValue % 1); childBox.y1 = indicatorY1 - indicatorTopFullBorder; childBox.y2 = indicatorY2 + indicatorBottomFullBorder; childBox.x1 -= indicatorLeftFullBorder; childBox.x2 += indicatorRightFullBorder; this._indicator.allocate(childBox); }, _updateShouldShow: function() { // set current workspace indicator border radius // here just 'cause it's easier than adding to init this._indicator.add_style_class_name('ws-tmb'); const shouldShow = opt.SHOW_WS_TMB; if (this._shouldShow === shouldShow) return; this._shouldShow = shouldShow; this.notify('should-show'); } } // ThumbnailsBox Horizontal var ThumbnailsBoxHorizontal = { get_preferred_custom_width: function(_forHeight) { // Note that for getPreferredHeight/Width we cheat a bit and skip propagating // the size request to our children because we know how big they are and know // that the actors aren't depending on the virtual functions being called. let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); let spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); let nWorkspaces = this._thumbnails.length; let totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; const ratio = this._porthole.height / this._porthole.width; const tmbWidth = (_forHeight - 2 * spacing) / ratio; const naturalWidth = this._thumbnails.reduce((accumulator, thumbnail, index) => { const progress = 1 - thumbnail.collapse_fraction; const width = tmbWidth * progress; return accumulator + width; }, 0); return themeNode.adjust_preferred_width(totalSpacing, naturalWidth); }, vfunc_allocate(box) { this.set_allocation(box); let rtl = Clutter.get_default_text_direction() == Clutter.TextDirection.RTL; if (this._thumbnails.length == 0) // not visible return; let themeNode = this.get_theme_node(); box = themeNode.get_content_box(box); const portholeWidth = this._porthole.width; const portholeHeight = this._porthole.height; const spacing = themeNode.get_length('spacing'); const nWorkspaces = this._thumbnails.length; // Compute the scale we'll need once everything is updated, // unless we are currently transitioning if (this._expandFraction === 1) { const totalSpacing = (nWorkspaces - 1) * spacing; const availableWidth = (box.get_width() - totalSpacing) / nWorkspaces; const hScale = availableWidth / portholeWidth; const vScale = box.get_height() / portholeHeight; const newScale = Math.min(hScale, vScale); if (newScale !== this._targetScale) { if (this._targetScale > 0) { // We don't ease immediately because we need to observe the // ordering in queueUpdateStates - if workspaces have been // removed we need to slide them out as the first thing. this._targetScale = newScale; this._pendingScaleUpdate = true; } else { this._targetScale = this._scale = newScale; } this._queueUpdateStates(); } } const ratio = portholeWidth / portholeHeight; const thumbnailFullHeight = Math.round(portholeHeight * this._scale); const thumbnailWidth = Math.round(thumbnailFullHeight * ratio); const thumbnailHeight = thumbnailFullHeight * this._expandFraction; const roundedVScale = thumbnailHeight / portholeHeight; let indicatorValue = this._scrollAdjustment.value; let indicatorUpperWs = Math.ceil(indicatorValue); let indicatorLowerWs = Math.floor(indicatorValue); let indicatorLowerX1 = 0; let indicatorLowerX2 = 0; let indicatorUpperX1 = 0; let indicatorUpperX2 = 0; let indicatorThemeNode = this._indicator.get_theme_node(); let indicatorTopFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.TOP) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.TOP); let indicatorBottomFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.BOTTOM) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.BOTTOM); let indicatorLeftFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.LEFT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.LEFT); let indicatorRightFullBorder = indicatorThemeNode.get_padding(St.Side.RIGHT) + indicatorThemeNode.get_border_width(St.Side.RIGHT); let x = box.x1; if (this._dropPlaceholderPos == -1) { this._dropPlaceholder.allocate_preferred_size( ...this._dropPlaceholder.get_position()); Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { this._dropPlaceholder.hide(); }); } let childBox = new Clutter.ActorBox(); for (let i = 0; i < this._thumbnails.length; i++) { const thumbnail = this._thumbnails[i]; if (i > 0) x += spacing - Math.round(thumbnail.collapse_fraction * spacing); const y1 = box.y1; const y2 = y1 + thumbnailHeight; if (i === this._dropPlaceholderPos) { const [, placeholderWidth] = this._dropPlaceholder.get_preferred_width(-1); childBox.y1 = y1; childBox.y2 = y2; if (rtl) { childBox.x2 = box.x2 - Math.round(x); childBox.x1 = box.x2 - Math.round(x + placeholderWidth); } else { childBox.x1 = Math.round(x); childBox.x2 = Math.round(x + placeholderWidth); } this._dropPlaceholder.allocate(childBox); Meta.later_add(Meta.LaterType.BEFORE_REDRAW, () => { this._dropPlaceholder.show(); }); x += placeholderWidth + spacing; } // We might end up with thumbnailWidth being something like 99.33 // pixels. To make this work and not end up with a gap at the end, // we need some thumbnails to be 99 pixels and some 100 pixels width; // we compute an actual scale separately for each thumbnail. const x1 = Math.round(x); const x2 = Math.round(x + thumbnailWidth); const roundedHScale = (x2 - x1) / portholeWidth; // Allocating a scaled actor is funny - x1/y1 correspond to the origin // of the actor, but x2/y2 are increased by the *unscaled* size. if (rtl) { childBox.x2 = box.x2 - x1; childBox.x1 = box.x2 - (x1 + thumbnailWidth); } else { childBox.x1 = x1; childBox.x2 = x1 + thumbnailWidth; } childBox.y1 = y1; childBox.y2 = y1 + thumbnailHeight; thumbnail.setScale(roundedHScale, roundedVScale); thumbnail.allocate(childBox); if (i === indicatorUpperWs) { indicatorUpperX1 = childBox.x1; indicatorUpperX2 = childBox.x2; } if (i === indicatorLowerWs) { indicatorLowerX1 = childBox.x1; indicatorLowerX2 = childBox.x2; } // We round the collapsing portion so that we don't get thumbnails resizing // during an animation due to differences in rounded, but leave the uncollapsed // portion unrounded so that non-animating we end up with the right total x += thumbnailWidth - Math.round(thumbnailWidth * thumbnail.collapse_fraction); } childBox.y1 = box.y1; childBox.y2 = box.y1 + thumbnailHeight; const indicatorX1 = indicatorLowerX1 + (indicatorUpperX1 - indicatorLowerX1) * (indicatorValue % 1); const indicatorX2 = indicatorLowerX2 + (indicatorUpperX2 - indicatorLowerX2) * (indicatorValue % 1); childBox.x1 = indicatorX1 - indicatorLeftFullBorder; childBox.x2 = indicatorX2 + indicatorRightFullBorder; childBox.y1 -= indicatorTopFullBorder; childBox.y2 += indicatorBottomFullBorder; this._indicator.allocate(childBox); }, _updateShouldShow: ThumbnailsBoxVertical._updateShouldShow }