path: root/iredis/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iredis/ b/iredis/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03459f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iredis/
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+# noqa: F541
+This module describes how to match a redis command to grammar token based on
+command_nodex: x means node?
+command_keys: ends with s means there can be multiple <key>
+import logging
+from functools import lru_cache
+from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.compiler import compile
+from .commands import command2syntax
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONST = {
+ "failoverchoice": "TAKEOVER FORCE",
+ "withscores": "WITHSCORES",
+ "limit": "LIMIT",
+ "expiration": "EX PX",
+ "condition": "NX XX",
+ "keepttl": "KEEPTTL",
+ "operation": "AND OR XOR NOT",
+ "changed": "CH",
+ "incr": "INCR",
+ "resetchoice": "HARD SOFT",
+ "match": "MATCH",
+ "count_const": "COUNT",
+ "const_store": "STORE",
+ "const_storedist": "STOREDIST",
+ "type_const": "TYPE",
+ "type": "string list set zset hash stream",
+ "position_choice": "BEFORE AFTER",
+ "error": "TIMEOUT ERROR",
+ "async": "ASYNC",
+ "samples": "SAMPLES",
+ "weights_const": "WEIGHTS",
+ "aggregate_const": "AGGREGATE",
+ "aggregate": "SUM MIN MAX",
+ "slowlogsub": "LEN RESET GET",
+ "shutdown": "SAVE NOSAVE",
+ "switch": "ON OFF SKIP",
+ "on_off": "ON OFF",
+ "const_id": "ID",
+ "addr": "ADDR",
+ "skipme": "SKIPME",
+ "yes": "YES NO",
+ "migratechoice": "COPY REPLACE",
+ "auth": "AUTH",
+ "const_keys": "KEYS",
+ "distunit": "m km ft mi",
+ "order": "ASC DESC",
+ "pubsubcmd": "CHANNELS NUMSUB NUMPAT",
+ "scriptdebug": "YES NO SYNC",
+ "help": "HELP",
+ "stream": "STREAM",
+ "streams": "STREAMS",
+ "stream_create": "CREATE",
+ "stream_setid": "SETID",
+ "stream_destroy": "DESTROY",
+ "stream_delconsumer": "DELCONSUMER",
+ "stream_consumers": "CONSUMERS",
+ "stream_groups": "GROUPS",
+ "stream_group": "GROUP",
+ "maxlen": "MAXLEN",
+ "idel": "IDEL",
+ "time": "TIME",
+ "retrycount": "RETRYCOUNT",
+ "force": "FORCE",
+ "justid": "JUSTID",
+ "block": "BLOCK",
+ "noack": "NOACK",
+ "get": "GET",
+ "set": "SET",
+ "incrby": "INCRBY",
+ "overflow": "OVERFLOW",
+ "overflow_option": "WRAP SAT FAIL",
+ "version": "VERSION",
+ "schedule": "SCHEDULE",
+ "graphevent": (
+ "FORK "
+ ),
+ "section": (
+ "STATS "
+ "CPU "
+ "ALL "
+ ),
+ "redirect_const": "REDIRECT",
+ "prefix_const": "PREFIX",
+ "bcast_const": "BCAST",
+ "optin_const": "OPTIN",
+ "optout_const": "OPTOUT",
+ "noloop_const": "NOLOOP",
+ "reset_const": "RESET",
+ "const_user": "USER",
+ "full_const": "FULL",
+ "str_algo": "LCS",
+ "len_const": "LEN",
+ "idx_const": "IDX",
+ "minmatchlen_const": "MINMATCHLEN",
+ "withmatchlen_const": "WITHMATCHLEN",
+ "strings_const": "STRINGS",
+ "rank_const": "RANK",
+def c(const_name):
+ const_values = CONST[const_name].split()
+ uppers = [x.lower() for x in const_values]
+ const_values.extend(uppers)
+ return "|".join(const_values)
+VALID_TOKEN = r"""(
+("([^"]|\\")*?") |# with double quotes
+('([^']|\\')*?') |# with single quotes
+([^\s"]+) # without quotes
+PATTERN = fr"(?P<pattern>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+VALID_SLOT = r"\d+" # TODO add range? max value:16384
+VALID_NODE = r"\d+"
+NUM = r"\d+"
+NNUM = r"-?\+?\(?\[?(\d+|inf)" # number cloud be negative
+_FLOAT = r"-?(\d|\.|e)+"
+LEXNUM = r"(\[\w+)|(\(\w+)|(\+)|(-)"
+SLOT = fr"(?P<slot>{VALID_SLOT})"
+SLOTS = fr"(?P<slots>{VALID_SLOT}(\s+{VALID_SLOT})*)"
+NODE = fr"(?P<node>{VALID_NODE})"
+KEY = fr"(?P<key>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+PREFIX = fr"(?P<prefix>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+KEYS = fr"(?P<keys>{VALID_TOKEN}(\s+{VALID_TOKEN})*)"
+DESTINATION = fr"(?P<destination>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+NEWKEY = fr"(?P<newkey>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+VALUE = fr"(?P<value>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+VALUES = fr"(?P<values>{VALID_TOKEN}(\s+{VALID_TOKEN})*)"
+ELEMENT = fr"(?P<element>{VALID_TOKEN})" # element for list
+FIELDS = fr"(?P<fields>{VALID_TOKEN}(\s+{VALID_TOKEN})*)"
+FIELD = fr"(?P<field>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+SFIELD = fr"(?P<sfield>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+SVALUE = fr"(?P<svalue>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+MEMBER = fr"(?P<member>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+MEMBERS = fr"(?P<members>{VALID_TOKEN}(\s+{VALID_TOKEN})*)"
+COUNT = fr"(?P<count>{NNUM})"
+LEN = fr"(?P<len>{NNUM})"
+RANK = fr"(?P<rank>{NNUM})"
+VERSION_NUM = fr"(?P<version_num>{NUM})"
+MESSAGE = fr"(?P<message>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+CHANNEL = fr"(?P<channel>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+GROUP = fr"(?P<group>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+CONSUMER = fr"(?P<consumer>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+CATEGORYNAME = fr"(?P<categoryname>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+USERNAME = fr"(?P<username>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+RULE = fr"(?P<rule>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+BIT = r"(?P<bit>0|1)"
+FLOAT = fr"(?P<float>{_FLOAT})"
+LONGITUDE = fr"(?P<longitude>{_FLOAT})"
+LATITUDE = fr"(?P<latitude>{_FLOAT})"
+CURSOR = fr"(?P<cursor>{NUM})"
+PARAMETER = fr"(?P<parameter>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+DOUBLE_LUA = r'(?P<double_lua>[^"]*)'
+SINGLE_LUA = r"(?P<single_lua>[^']*)"
+INTTYPE = r"(?P<inttype>(i|u)\d+)"
+# IP re copied from:
+IP = r"""(?P<ip>(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.
+ (25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.
+ (25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])\.
+ (25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9]))"""
+# Port re copied from:
+# pompt_toolkit limit: Exception: {4}-style repetition not yet supported
+PORT = r"(?P<port>[1-9]|[1-5]?\d\d\d?\d?|6[1-4][0-9]\d\d\d|65[1-4]\d\d|655[1-2][0-9]|6553[1-5])"
+EPOCH = fr"(?P<epoch>{NUM})"
+PASSWORD = fr"(?P<password>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+REPLICATIONID = fr"(?P<replicationid>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+INDEX = r"(?P<index>(1[0-5]|\d))"
+CLIENTID = fr"(?P<clientid>{NUM})"
+SECOND = fr"(?P<second>{NUM})"
+TIMESTAMP = fr"(?P<timestamp>{NUM})"
+# TODO test lexer & completer for multi spaces in command
+# For now, redis command can have one space at most
+COMMAND = "(\s* (?P<command>[\w -]+))"
+MILLISECOND = fr"(?P<millisecond>{NUM})"
+TIMESTAMPMS = fr"(?P<timestampms>{NUM})"
+ANY = r"(?P<any>.*)" # TODO deleted
+START = fr"(?P<start>{NNUM})"
+END = fr"(?P<end>{NNUM})"
+# for stream ids, special ids include: -, +, $, > and *
+# please see:
+# stream id, DO NOT use r"" here, or the \+ will be two string
+# NOTE: if miss the outer (), multi IDS won't work.
+STREAM_ID = "(?P<stream_id>[T\d:>+*\-\$]+)"
+DELTA = fr"(?P<delta>{NNUM})"
+OFFSET = fr"(?P<offset>{NUM})" # string offset, can't be negative
+SHARP_OFFSET = f"(?P<offset>\#?{NUM})" # for bitfield command
+MIN = fr"(?P<min>{NNUM})"
+MAX = fr"(?P<max>{NNUM})"
+POSITION = fr"(?P<position>{NNUM})"
+TIMEOUT = fr"(?P<timeout>{NUM})"
+SCORE = fr"(?P<score>{_FLOAT})"
+LEXMIN = fr"(?P<lexmin>{LEXNUM})"
+LEXMAX = fr"(?P<lexmax>{LEXNUM})"
+WEIGHTS = fr"(?P<weights>{_FLOAT}(\s+{_FLOAT})*)"
+IP_PORT = fr"(?P<ip_port>{IP}:{PORT})"
+HOST = fr"(?P<host>{VALID_TOKEN})"
+# const choices
+FAILOVERCHOICE = fr"(?P<failoverchoice>{c('failoverchoice')})"
+WITHSCORES = fr"(?P<withscores>{c('withscores')})"
+LIMIT = fr"(?P<limit>{c('limit')})"
+EXPIRATION = fr"(?P<expiration>{c('expiration')})"
+CONDITION = fr"(?P<condition>{c('condition')})"
+OPERATION = fr"(?P<operation>{c('operation')})"
+CHANGED = fr"(?P<changed>{c('changed')})"
+INCR = fr"(?P<incr>{c('incr')})"
+RESETCHOICE = fr"(?P<resetchoice>{c('resetchoice')})"
+MATCH = fr"(?P<match>{c('match')})"
+COUNT_CONST = fr"(?P<count_const>{c('count_const')})"
+TYPE_CONST = fr"(?P<type_const>{c('type_const')})"
+TYPE = fr"(?P<type>{c('type')})"
+POSITION_CHOICE = fr"(?P<position_choice>{c('position_choice')})"
+ERROR = fr"(?P<error>{c('error')})"
+ASYNC = fr"(?P<async>{c('async')})"
+CONNTYPE = fr"(?P<conntype>{c('conntype')})"
+SAMPLES = fr"(?P<samples>{c('samples')})"
+SLOTSUBCMD = fr"(?P<slotsubcmd>{c('slotsubcmd')})"
+WEIGHTS_CONST = fr"(?P<weights_const>{c('weights_const')})"
+AGGREGATE_CONST = fr"(?P<aggregate_const>{c('aggregate_const')})"
+AGGREGATE = fr"(?P<aggregate>{c('aggregate')})"
+SLOWLOGSUB = fr"(?P<slowlogsub>{c('slowlogsub')})"
+SHUTDOWN = fr"(?P<shutdown>{c('shutdown')})"
+SWITCH = fr"(?P<switch>{c('switch')})"
+ON_OFF = fr"(?P<on_off>{c('on_off')})"
+CONST_ID = fr"(?P<const_id>{c('const_id')})"
+CONST_USER = fr"(?P<const_user>{c('const_user')})"
+ADDR = fr"(?P<addr>{c('addr')})"
+SKIPME = fr"(?P<skipme>{c('skipme')})"
+YES = fr"(?P<yes>{c('yes')})"
+MIGRATECHOICE = fr"(?P<migratechoice>{c('migratechoice')})"
+AUTH = fr"(?P<auth>{c('auth')})"
+CONST_KEYS = fr"(?P<const_keys>{c('const_keys')})"
+OBJECT = fr"(?P<object>{c('object')})"
+SUBRESTORE = fr"(?P<subrestore>{c('subrestore')})"
+DISTUNIT = fr"(?P<distunit>{c('distunit')})"
+GEOCHOICE = fr"(?P<geochoice>{c('geochoice')})"
+ORDER = fr"(?P<order>{c('order')})"
+CONST_STORE = fr"(?P<const_store>{c('const_store')})"
+CONST_STOREDIST = fr"(?P<const_storedist>{c('const_storedist')})"
+PUBSUBCMD = fr"(?P<pubsubcmd>{c('pubsubcmd')})"
+SCRIPTDEBUG = fr"(?P<scriptdebug>{c('scriptdebug')})"
+HELP = fr"(?P<help>{c('help')})"
+STREAM = fr"(?P<stream>{c('stream')})"
+STREAM_GROUPS = fr"(?P<stream_groups>{c('stream_groups')})"
+STREAM_GROUP = fr"(?P<stream_group>{c('stream_group')})"
+STREAM_CONSUMERS = fr"(?P<stream_consumers>{c('stream_consumers')})"
+STREAM_CREATE = fr"(?P<stream_create>{c('stream_create')})"
+STREAM_SETID = fr"(?P<stream_setid>{c('stream_setid')})"
+STREAM_DESTROY = fr"(?P<stream_destroy>{c('stream_destroy')})"
+STREAM_DELCONSUMER = fr"(?P<stream_delconsumer>{c('stream_delconsumer')})"
+MAXLEN = fr"(?P<maxlen>{c('maxlen')})"
+APPROXIMATELY = r"(?P<approximately>~)"
+IDEL = fr"(?P<idel>{c('idel')})"
+TIME = fr"(?P<time>{c('time')})"
+RETRYCOUNT = fr"(?P<retrycount>{c('retrycount')})"
+FORCE = fr"(?P<force>{c('force')})"
+JUSTID = fr"(?P<justid>{c('justid')})"
+BLOCK = fr"(?P<block>{c('block')})"
+STREAMS = fr"(?P<streams>{c('streams')})"
+NOACK = fr"(?P<noack>{c('noack')})"
+GET = fr"(?P<get>{c('get')})"
+SET = fr"(?P<set>{c('set')})"
+INCRBY = fr"(?P<incrby>{c('incrby')})"
+OVERFLOW = fr"(?P<overflow>{c('overflow')})"
+OVERFLOW_OPTION = fr"(?P<overflow_option>{c('overflow_option')})"
+KEEPTTL = fr"(?P<keepttl>{c('keepttl')})"
+GRAPHEVENT = fr"(?P<graphevent>{c('graphevent')})"
+VERSION = fr"(?P<version>{c('version')})"
+SECTION = fr"(?P<section>{c('section')})"
+SCHEDULE = fr"(?P<schedule>{c('schedule')})"
+REDIRECT_CONST = fr"(?P<redirect_const>{c('redirect_const')})"
+PREFIX_CONST = fr"(?P<prefix_const>{c('prefix_const')})"
+BCAST_CONST = fr"(?P<bcast_const>{c('bcast_const')})"
+OPTIN_CONST = fr"(?P<optin_const>{c('optin_const')})"
+OPTOUT_CONST = fr"(?P<optout_const>{c('optout_const')})"
+NOLOOP_CONST = fr"(?P<noloop_const>{c('noloop_const')})"
+RESET_CONST = fr"(?P<reset_const>{c('reset_const')})"
+FULL_CONST = fr"(?P<full_const>{c('full_const')})"
+STR_ALGO = fr"(?P<str_algo>{c('str_algo')})"
+LEN_CONST = fr"(?P<len_const>{c('len_const')})"
+IDX_CONST = fr"(?P<idx_const>{c('idx_const')})"
+MINMATCHLEN_CONST = fr"(?P<minmatchlen_const>{c('minmatchlen_const')})"
+WITHMATCHLEN_CONST = fr"(?P<withmatchlen_const>{c('withmatchlen_const')})"
+STRINGS_CONST = fr"(?P<strings_const>{c('strings_const')})"
+RANK_CONST = fr"(?P<rank_const>{c('rank_const')})"
+command_grammar = compile(COMMAND)
+# Here are the core grammars, those are tokens after ``command``.
+# E.g. SET command's syntax is "SET key value"
+# Then it's grammar here is r"\s+ key \s+ value \s*", we needn't add `command`
+# here because every syntaxes starts with `command` so we will prepend `command`
+# in get_command_grammar function.
+ "command_key": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s*",
+ "command_pattern": fr"\s+ {PATTERN} \s*",
+ "command_georadiusbymember": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {MEMBER}
+ \s+ {FLOAT} \s+ {DISTUNIT}
+ (\s+ {GEOCHOICE})*
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {ORDER})?
+ (\s+ {CONST_STORE} \s+ {KEY})?
+ (\s+ {CONST_STOREDIST} \s+ {KEY})? \s*""",
+ "command_command": fr"\s+ {COMMAND} \s*",
+ "command_slots": fr"\s+ {SLOTS} \s*",
+ "command_node": fr"\s+ {NODE} \s*",
+ "command_slot": fr"\s+ {SLOT} \s*",
+ "command_failoverchoice": fr"\s+ {FAILOVERCHOICE} \s*",
+ "command_resetchoice": fr"\s+ {RESETCHOICE} \s*",
+ "command_slot_count": fr"\s+ {SLOT} \s+ {COUNT} \s*",
+ "command_key_samples_count": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {SAMPLES} \s+ {COUNT} \s*""",
+ "command": r"\s*",
+ "command_ip_port": fr"\s+ {IP} \s+ {PORT} \s*",
+ "command_epoch": fr"\s+ {EPOCH} \s*",
+ "command_yes": fr"\s+ {YES} \s*",
+ "command_sectionx": fr"(\s+ {SECTION})? \s*",
+ "command_asyncx": fr"(\s+ {ASYNC})? \s*",
+ "command_slot_slotsubcmd_nodex": fr"""
+ \s+ {SLOT} \s+ {SLOTSUBCMD} (\s+ {NODE})? \s*""",
+ "command_password": fr"\s+ {PASSWORD} \s*",
+ "command_usernamex_password": fr"(\s+ {USERNAME})? \s+ {PASSWORD} \s*",
+ "command_message": fr"\s+ {MESSAGE} \s*",
+ "command_messagex": fr"(\s+{MESSAGE})? \s*",
+ "command_index": fr"\s+ {INDEX} \s*",
+ "command_index_index": fr"\s+ {INDEX} \s+ {INDEX} \s*",
+ "command_type_conntype_x": fr"""
+ (\s+ {TYPE_CONST} \s+ {CONNTYPE})? \s*""",
+ "command_clientid_errorx": fr"\s+ {CLIENTID} (\s+ {ERROR})? \s*",
+ "command_keys": fr"\s+ {KEYS} \s*",
+ "command_key_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_parameter_value": fr"\s+ {PARAMETER} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_parameter": fr"\s+ {PARAMETER} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_value": fr"\s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_key_second": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {SECOND} \s*",
+ "command_key_timestamp": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {TIMESTAMP} \s*",
+ "command_key_index": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {INDEX} \s*",
+ "command_key_millisecond": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MILLISECOND} \s*",
+ "command_key_timestampms": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {TIMESTAMPMS} \s*",
+ "command_key_newkey": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {NEWKEY} \s*",
+ "command_newkey_keys": fr"\s+ {NEWKEY} \s+ {KEYS} \s*",
+ "command_key_newkey_timeout": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {NEWKEY} \s+ {TIMEOUT} \s*",
+ "command_keys_timeout": fr"\s+ {KEYS} \s+ {TIMEOUT} \s*",
+ "command_count_timeout": fr"\s+ {COUNT} \s+ {TIMEOUT} \s*",
+ "command_timeout": fr"\s+ {TIMEOUT} \s*",
+ "command_key_positionchoice_pivot_value": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {POSITION_CHOICE} \s+ {VALUE} \s+ {VALUE} \s*""",
+ "command_pass": fr"\s+ {ANY} \s*",
+ "command_any": fr"\s+ {ANY} \s*",
+ "command_set": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {VALUE}
+ (
+ (\s+ {CONDITION})|
+ (\s+ {KEEPTTL})
+ )*
+ \s*""",
+ "command_key_start_end_x": fr"\s+ {KEY} (\s+ {START} \s+ {END})? \s*",
+ "command_key_start_end": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {START} \s+ {END} \s*",
+ "command_key_delta": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {DELTA} \s*",
+ "command_key_offset_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {OFFSET} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_key_field_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} (\s+ {FIELD} \s+ {VALUE})+ \s*",
+ "command_key_offset_bit": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {OFFSET} \s+ {BIT} \s*",
+ "command_key_offset": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {OFFSET} \s*",
+ "command_key_position": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {POSITION} \s*",
+ "command_key_position_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {POSITION} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_key_second_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {SECOND} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_key_float": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FLOAT} \s*",
+ "command_key_valuess": fr"(\s+ {KEY} \s+ {VALUE})+ \s*",
+ "command_key_values": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {VALUES} \s*",
+ "command_key_millisecond_value": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MILLISECOND} \s+ {VALUE} \s*",
+ "command_operation_key_keys": fr"\s+ {OPERATION} \s+ {KEY} \s+ {KEYS} \s*",
+ "command_key_bit_start_end": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {BIT} (\s+ {START})? (\s+ {END})? \s*",
+ "command_key_members": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MEMBERS} \s*",
+ "command_geodist": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MEMBER} \s+ {MEMBER} (\s+ {DISTUNIT})? \s*",
+ "command_key_longitude_latitude_members": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} (\s+ {LONGITUDE} \s+ {LATITUDE} \s {MEMBER})+ \s*""",
+ "command_destination_keys": fr"\s+ {DESTINATION} \s+ {KEYS} \s*",
+ "command_object_key": fr"\s+ {OBJECT} \s+ {KEY} \s*",
+ "command_key_member": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MEMBER} \s*",
+ "command_key_newkey_member": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {NEWKEY} \s+ {MEMBER} \s*",
+ "command_key_count_x": fr"\s+ {KEY} (\s+ {COUNT})? \s*",
+ "command_key_min_max": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {MIN} \s+ {MAX} \s*",
+ "command_key_condition_changed_incr_score_members": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} (\s+ {CONDITION})?
+ (\s+ {CHANGED})?
+ (\s+ {INCR})?
+ (\s+ {SCORE} \s+ {MEMBER})+ \s*""",
+ "command_key_float_member": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FLOAT} \s+ {MEMBER} \s*",
+ "command_key_lexmin_lexmax": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {LEXMIN} \s+ {LEXMAX} \s*",
+ "command_key_start_end_withscores_x": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {START} \s+ {END} (\s+ {WITHSCORES})? \s*""",
+ "command_key_lexmin_lexmax_limit_offset_count": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {LEXMIN} \s+ {LEXMAX}
+ (\s+ {LIMIT} \s+ {OFFSET} \s+ {COUNT})? \s*""",
+ "command_key_min_max_withscore_x_limit_offset_count_x": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {MIN} \s+ {MAX} (\s+ {WITHSCORES})?
+ (\s+ {LIMIT} \s+ {OFFSET} \s+ {COUNT})? \s*""",
+ "command_cursor_match_pattern_count_type": fr"""
+ \s+ {CURSOR} (\s+ {MATCH} \s+ {PATTERN})?
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})? (\s+ {TYPE_CONST} \s+ {TYPE})? \s*""",
+ "command_key_cursor_match_pattern_count": fr"""\s+ {KEY}
+ \s+ {CURSOR} (\s+ {MATCH} \s+ {PATTERN})? (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})? \s*""",
+ "command_key_fields": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FIELDS} \s*",
+ "command_key_field": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FIELD} \s*",
+ "command_key_field_delta": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FIELD} \s+ {DELTA} \s*",
+ "command_key_field_float": fr"\s+ {KEY} \s+ {FIELD} \s+ {FLOAT} \s*",
+ "command_key_fieldvalues": fr"\s+ {KEY} (\s+ {FIELD} \s+ {VALUE})+ \s*",
+ "command_slowlog": fr"\s+ {SLOWLOGSUB} \s+ {NUM} \s*",
+ "command_switch": fr"\s+ {SWITCH} \s*",
+ "command_schedulex": fr"(\s+ {SCHEDULE})? \s*",
+ "command_clientkill": fr"""
+ (
+ (\s+ {IP_PORT})|
+ (\s+ {ADDR} \s+ {IP_PORT})|
+ (\s+ {CONST_ID} \s+ {CLIENTID})|
+ (\s+ {TYPE_CONST} \s+ {CONNTYPE})|
+ (\s+ {CONST_USER} \s+ {USERNAME})|
+ (\s+ {SKIPME} \s+ {YES})
+ )+ \s*""",
+ "command_migrate": fr"""
+ \s+ {HOST} \s+ {PORT}
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {INDEX} \s+ {TIMEOUT}
+ (
+ (\s+ {AUTH} \s+ {PASSWORD})|
+ (\s+ {AUTH} \s+ {USERNAME} \s+ {PASSWORD})
+ )?
+ (\s+ {CONST_KEYS} \s+ {KEYS})?
+ \s*""",
+ "command_radius": fr"""\s+ {KEY}
+ (\s+ {GEOCHOICE})* (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {ORDER})?
+ (\s+ {CONST_STORE} \s+ {KEY})?
+ (\s+ {CONST_STOREDIST} \s+ {KEY})? \s*""",
+ "command_restore": fr"""\s+ {KEY}
+ \s+ {TIMEOUT} \s+ {VALUE} (\s+ {SUBRESTORE} \s+ {SECOND})? \s*""",
+ "command_pubsubcmd_channels": fr"\s+ {PUBSUBCMD} (\s+ {CHANNEL})+ \s*",
+ "command_channel_message": fr"\s+ {CHANNEL} \s+ {MESSAGE} \s*",
+ "command_channels": fr"(\s+ {CHANNEL})+ \s*",
+ "command_lua_any": fr"""(\s+"{DOUBLE_LUA}")? (\s+'{SINGLE_LUA}')? \s+ {ANY} \s*""",
+ "command_scriptdebug": fr"\s+ {SCRIPTDEBUG} \s*",
+ "command_shutdown": fr"\s+ {SHUTDOWN} \s*",
+ "command_key_start_end_countx": fr"""\s+ {KEY}
+ \s+ {STREAM_ID}
+ \s+ {STREAM_ID}
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xgroup": fr"""
+ (
+ (\s+ {STREAM_CREATE} \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP} \s+ {STREAM_ID})|
+ (\s+ {STREAM_SETID} \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP} \s+ {STREAM_ID})|
+ (\s+ {STREAM_DESTROY} \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP})|
+ )
+ \s*""",
+ "command_key_group_ids": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP} (\s+ {STREAM_ID})+ \s*""",
+ "command_key_ids": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} (\s+ {STREAM_ID})+ \s*""",
+ "command_xinfo": fr"""
+ (
+ (\s+ {STREAM_CONSUMERS} \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP})|
+ (\s+ {STREAM_GROUPS} \s+ {KEY})|
+ (\s+ {STREAM} \s+ {KEY}
+ (\s+ {FULL_CONST})?
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ )|
+ (\s+ {HELP})
+ )
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xpending": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP}
+ (\s+ {STREAM_ID} \s+ {STREAM_ID} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {CONSUMER})?
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xadd": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY}
+ (\s+ {MAXLEN} (\s+ {APPROXIMATELY})? \s+ {COUNT})?
+ \s+ {STREAM_ID}
+ (\s+ {SFIELD} \s+ {SVALUE})+ \s*""",
+ "command_key_maxlen": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {MAXLEN} (\s+ {APPROXIMATELY})? \s+ {COUNT}
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xclaim": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {GROUP} \s+ {CONSUMER} \s+ {MILLISECOND}
+ (\s+ {STREAM_ID})+
+ (\s+ {IDEL} \s+ {MILLISECOND})?
+ (\s+ {TIME} \s+ {TIMESTAMP})?
+ (\s+ {RETRYCOUNT} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {FORCE})?
+ (\s+ {JUSTID})?
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xread": fr"""
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {BLOCK} \s+ {MILLISECOND})?
+ \s+ {STREAMS}
+ \s+ {KEYS}
+ (\s+ {STREAM_ID})+
+ \s*""",
+ "command_xreadgroup": fr"""
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})?
+ (\s+ {BLOCK} \s+ {MILLISECOND})?
+ (\s+ {NOACK})?
+ \s+ {STREAMS}
+ \s+ {KEYS}
+ (\s+ {STREAM_ID})+
+ \s*""",
+ "command_bitfield": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY}
+ (
+ (\s+ {GET} \s+ {INTTYPE} \s+ {SHARP_OFFSET})|
+ (\s+ {SET} \s+ {INTTYPE} \s+ {SHARP_OFFSET} \s+ {VALUE})|
+ (\s+ {INCRBY} \s+ {INTTYPE} \s+ {SHARP_OFFSET} \s+ {VALUE})|
+ )+
+ \s*""",
+ "command_replicationid_offset": fr"\s+ {REPLICATIONID} \s+ {OFFSET} \s*",
+ "command_graphevent": fr"\s+ {GRAPHEVENT} \s*",
+ "command_graphevents": fr"(\s+ {GRAPHEVENT})* \s*",
+ # before redis 5: lolwut 5 1
+ # start from redis 6: lolwut VERSION 5 1
+ "command_version": fr"(\s+ {VERSION} \s+ {VERSION_NUM})? (\s+ {ANY})? \s*",
+ "command_client_tracking": fr"""
+ \s+ {ON_OFF}
+ (
+ (\s+ {PREFIX_CONST} \s+ {PREFIX})|
+ (\s+ {BCAST_CONST})|
+ (\s+ {OPTIN_CONST})|
+ (\s+ {OPTOUT_CONST})|
+ (\s+ {NOLOOP_CONST})
+ )*
+ \s*""",
+ "command_categorynamex": fr"(\s+ {CATEGORYNAME})? \s*",
+ "command_usernames": fr"(\s+ {USERNAME})+ \s*",
+ "command_username": fr"\s+ {USERNAME} \s*",
+ "command_count_or_resetx": fr"( (\s+ {COUNT}) | (\s+ {RESET_CONST}) )? \s*",
+ "command_username_rules": fr"\s+ {USERNAME} (\s+ {RULE})* \s*",
+ "command_count": fr"(\s+ {COUNT})? \s*",
+ "command_stralgo": fr"""
+ (
+ \s+ {STR_ALGO}
+ (
+ (\s+ {CONST_KEYS} \s+ {KEYS})|
+ (\s+ {STRINGS_CONST} \s+ {VALUES})
+ )
+ (\s+ {IDX_CONST})?
+ (\s+ {LEN_CONST})?
+ (\s+ {MINMATCHLEN_CONST} \s+ {LEN})?
+ )
+ \s*""",
+ "command_lpos": fr"""
+ \s+ {KEY} \s+ {ELEMENT}
+ (
+ (\s+ {RANK_CONST} \s+ {RANK})|
+ (\s+ {COUNT_CONST} \s+ {COUNT})|
+ (\s+ {MAXLEN} \s+ {LEN})
+ )*
+ \s*""",
+pipeline = r"(?P<shellcommand>\|.*)?"
+def get_command_grammar(command):
+ """
+ :param command: command name in upper case. This command must be raw user
+ input, otherwise can't match in lexer, cause this command to be invalid;
+ """
+ syntax_name = command2syntax[" ".join(command.split()).upper()]
+ syntax = GRAMMAR.get(syntax_name)
+ # If a command is not supported yet, (e.g. command from latest version added
+ # by Redis recently, or command from third Redis module.) return a defualt
+ # grammar, so the lexer and completion won't be activated.
+ if syntax is None:
+ return command_grammar
+ # prepend command token for this syntax
+ command_allow_multi_spaces = command.replace(r" ", r"\s+")
+ syntax = fr"\s* (?P<command>{command_allow_multi_spaces}) " + syntax
+ # allow user input pipeline to redirect to shell, like `get json | jq .`
+ syntax += pipeline
+"syxtax: {syntax}")
+ return compile(syntax)