Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string. By default all the bytes contained in the string are examined. It is possible to specify the counting operation only in an interval passing the additional arguments _start_ and _end_. Like for the `GETRANGE` command start and end can contain negative values in order to index bytes starting from the end of the string, where -1 is the last byte, -2 is the penultimate, and so forth. Non-existent keys are treated as empty strings, so the command will return zero. By default, the additional arguments _start_ and _end_ specify a byte index. We can use an additional argument `BIT` to specify a bit index. So 0 is the first bit, 1 is the second bit, and so forth. For negative values, -1 is the last bit, -2 is the penultimate, and so forth. @return @integer-reply The number of bits set to 1. @examples ```cli SET mykey "foobar" BITCOUNT mykey BITCOUNT mykey 0 0 BITCOUNT mykey 1 1 BITCOUNT mykey 1 1 BYTE BITCOUNT mykey 5 30 BIT ``` ## Pattern: real-time metrics using bitmaps Bitmaps are a very space-efficient representation of certain kinds of information. One example is a Web application that needs the history of user visits, so that for instance it is possible to determine what users are good targets of beta features. Using the `SETBIT` command this is trivial to accomplish, identifying every day with a small progressive integer. For instance day 0 is the first day the application was put online, day 1 the next day, and so forth. Every time a user performs a page view, the application can register that in the current day the user visited the web site using the `SETBIT` command setting the bit corresponding to the current day. Later it will be trivial to know the number of single days the user visited the web site simply calling the `BITCOUNT` command against the bitmap. A similar pattern where user IDs are used instead of days is described in the article called "[Fast easy realtime metrics using Redis bitmaps][hbgc212fermurb]". [hbgc212fermurb]: ## Performance considerations In the above example of counting days, even after 10 years the application is online we still have just `365*10` bits of data per user, that is just 456 bytes per user. With this amount of data `BITCOUNT` is still as fast as any other O(1) Redis command like `GET` or `INCR`. When the bitmap is big, there are two alternatives: * Taking a separated key that is incremented every time the bitmap is modified. This can be very efficient and atomic using a small Redis Lua script. * Running the bitmap incrementally using the `BITCOUNT` _start_ and _end_ optional parameters, accumulating the results client-side, and optionally caching the result into a key.