Return the serialized payload of loaded libraries. You can restore the serialized payload later with the `FUNCTION RESTORE` command. For more information please refer to [Introduction to Redis Functions](/topics/functions-intro). @return @bulk-string-reply: the serialized payload @examples The following example shows how to dump loaded libraries using `FUNCTION DUMP` and then it calls `FUNCTION FLUSH` deletes all the libraries. Then, it restores the original libraries from the serialized payload with `FUNCTION RESTORE`. ``` redis> FUNCTION DUMP "\xf6\x05mylib\x03LUA\x00\xc3@D@J\x1aredis.register_function('my@\x0b\x02', @\x06`\x12\x11keys, args) return`\x0c\a[1] end)\n\x00@\n)\x11\xc8|\x9b\xe4" redis> FUNCTION FLUSH OK redis> FUNCTION RESTORE "\xf6\x05mylib\x03LUA\x00\xc3@D@J\x1aredis.register_function('my@\x0b\x02', @\x06`\x12\x11keys, args) return`\x0c\a[1] end)\n\x00@\n)\x11\xc8|\x9b\xe4" OK redis> FUNCTION LIST 1) 1) "library_name" 2) "mylib" 3) "engine" 4) "LUA" 5) "description" 6) (nil) 7) "functions" 8) 1) 1) "name" 2) "myfunc" 3) "description" 4) (nil) ```