Switch the connection to a different protocol. Redis version 6 or greater are able to support two protocols, the old protocol, RESP2, and a new one introduced with Redis 6, RESP3. RESP3 has certain advantages since when the connection is in this mode, Redis is able to reply with more semantical replies: for instance `HGETALL` will return a _map type_, so a client library implementation no longer requires to know in advance to translate the array into a hash before returning it to the caller. For a full coverage of RESP3 please [check this repository](https://github.com/antirez/resp3). Redis 6 connections starts in RESP2 mode, so clients implementing RESP2 do not need to change (nor there are short term plans to drop support for RESP2). Clients that want to handshake the RESP3 mode need to call the `HELLO` command, using "3" as first argument. > HELLO 3 1# "server" => "redis" 2# "version" => "6.0.0" 3# "proto" => (integer) 3 4# "id" => (integer) 10 5# "mode" => "standalone" 6# "role" => "master" 7# "modules" => (empty array) The `HELLO` command has a useful reply that will state a number of facts about the server: the exact version, the set of modules loaded, the client ID, the replication role and so forth. Because of that, and given that the `HELLO` command also works with "2" as argument, both in order to downgrade the protocol back to version 2, or just to get the reply from the server without switching the protocol, client library authors may consider using this command instead of the canonical `PING` when setting up the connection. This command accepts two non mandatory options: - `AUTH `: directly authenticate the connection other than switching to the specified protocol. In this way there is no need to call `AUTH` before `HELLO` when setting up new connections. Note that the username can be set to "default" in order to authenticate against a server that does not use ACLs, but the simpler `requirepass` mechanism of Redis before version 6. - `SETNAME `: this is equivalent to also call `CLIENT SETNAME`. @return @array-reply: a list of server properties. The reply is a map instead of an array when RESP3 is selected. The command returns an error if the protocol requested does not exist.