`MONITOR` is a debugging command that streams back every command processed by the Redis server. It can help in understanding what is happening to the database. This command can both be used via `redis-cli` and via `telnet`. The ability to see all the requests processed by the server is useful in order to spot bugs in an application both when using Redis as a database and as a distributed caching system. ``` $ redis-cli monitor 1339518083.107412 [0] "keys" "*" 1339518087.877697 [0] "dbsize" 1339518090.420270 [0] "set" "x" "6" 1339518096.506257 [0] "get" "x" 1339518099.363765 [0] "eval" "return redis.call('set','x','7')" "0" 1339518100.363799 [0 lua] "set" "x" "7" 1339518100.544926 [0] "del" "x" ``` Use `SIGINT` (Ctrl-C) to stop a `MONITOR` stream running via `redis-cli`. ``` $ telnet localhost 6379 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. MONITOR +OK +1339518083.107412 [0] "keys" "*" +1339518087.877697 [0] "dbsize" +1339518090.420270 [0] "set" "x" "6" +1339518096.506257 [0] "get" "x" +1339518099.363765 [0] "del" "x" +1339518100.544926 [0] "get" "x" QUIT +OK Connection closed by foreign host. ``` Manually issue the `QUIT` or `RESET` commands to stop a `MONITOR` stream running via `telnet`. ## Commands not logged by MONITOR Because of security concerns, no administrative commands are logged by `MONITOR`'s output and sensitive data is redacted in the command `AUTH`. Furthermore, the command `QUIT` is also not logged. ## Cost of running MONITOR Because `MONITOR` streams back **all** commands, its use comes at a cost. The following (totally unscientific) benchmark numbers illustrate what the cost of running `MONITOR` can be. Benchmark result **without** `MONITOR` running: ``` $ src/redis-benchmark -c 10 -n 100000 -q PING_INLINE: 101936.80 requests per second PING_BULK: 102880.66 requests per second SET: 95419.85 requests per second GET: 104275.29 requests per second INCR: 93283.58 requests per second ``` Benchmark result **with** `MONITOR` running (`redis-cli monitor > /dev/null`): ``` $ src/redis-benchmark -c 10 -n 100000 -q PING_INLINE: 58479.53 requests per second PING_BULK: 59136.61 requests per second SET: 41823.50 requests per second GET: 45330.91 requests per second INCR: 41771.09 requests per second ``` In this particular case, running a single `MONITOR` client can reduce the throughput by more than 50%. Running more `MONITOR` clients will reduce throughput even more. @return **Non standard return value**, just dumps the received commands in an infinite flow. ## Behavior change history * `>= 6.0.0`: `AUTH` excluded from the command's output. * `>= 6.2.0`: "`RESET` can be called to exit monitor mode. * `>= 6.2.4`: "`AUTH`, `HELLO`, `EVAL`, `EVAL_RO`, `EVALSHA` and `EVALSHA_RO` included in the command's output.