import os import pexpect from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent def test_history_not_log_auth(cli): cli.sendline("AUTH 123") cli.expect(["Client sent AUTH, but no password is set", ""]) cli.sendline("set foo bar") cli.expect("OK") with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.iredis_history")) as history_file: content = assert "set foo bar" in content assert "AUTH" not in content def test_history_create_and_writing_with_config(): config_content = dedent( """ [main] history_location = /tmp/iredis_history.txt """ ) with open("/tmp/iredisrc", "w+") as etc_config: etc_config.write(config_content) cli = pexpect.spawn("iredis -n 15 --iredisrc /tmp/iredisrc", timeout=2) cli.expect("") cli.sendline("set hello world") cli.expect("OK") cli.close() log = Path("/tmp/iredis_history.txt") assert log.exists() with open(log) as logfile: content = assert "set hello world" in content