def test_client_setname(judge_command): judge_command( "CLIENT SETNAME foobar", {"command": "CLIENT SETNAME", "value": "foobar"} ) def test_client_unblock(judge_command): judge_command( "CLIENT UNBLOCK 33 TIMEOUT", {"command": "CLIENT UNBLOCK", "clientid": "33", "error": "TIMEOUT"}, ) judge_command("CLIENT UNBLOCK 33", {"command": "CLIENT UNBLOCK", "clientid": "33"}) def test_flushdb(judge_command): judge_command("FLUSHDB async", {"command": "FLUSHDB", "async": "async"}) judge_command("FLUSHDB", {"command": "FLUSHDB"}) judge_command("FLUSHDB ASYNC", {"command": "FLUSHDB", "async": "ASYNC"}) judge_command("FLUSHALL ASYNC", {"command": "FLUSHALL", "async": "ASYNC"}) def test_client_list(judge_command): judge_command("client list", {"command": "client list"}) judge_command("client list TYPE REPLICA1", None) judge_command( "client list type master", {"command": "client list", "type_const": "type", "conntype": "master"}, ) judge_command( "client list TYPE REPLICA", {"command": "client list", "type_const": "TYPE", "conntype": "REPLICA"}, ) judge_command( "client list TYPE REPLICA id 1 2 3", { "command": "client list", "type_const": "TYPE", "conntype": "REPLICA", "clientids": "1 2 3", }, ) judge_command( "client list ID 1 2 3", {"command": "client list", "clientids": "1 2 3"}, ) def test_configset(judge_command): judge_command( "config set foo bar", {"command": "config set", "parameter": "foo", "value": "bar"}, ) judge_command( "config set requirepass ''", {"command": "config set", "parameter": "requirepass", "value": "''"}, ) def test_shutdown(judge_command): judge_command("shutdown save", {"command": "shutdown", "shutdown": "save"}) judge_command("shutdown NOSAVE", {"command": "shutdown", "shutdown": "NOSAVE"}) def test_clientpause(judge_command): judge_command("client pause 3000", {"command": "client pause", "timeout": "3000"}) def test_client_reply(judge_command): judge_command("client reply on", {"command": "client reply", "switch": "on"}) def test_client_kill(judge_command): judge_command( "CLIENT KILL addr type pubsub", { "command": "CLIENT KILL", "addr": "addr", "ip_port": "", "type_const": "type", "conntype": "pubsub", }, ) judge_command( "CLIENT KILL ", {"command": "CLIENT KILL", "ip_port": ""}, ) judge_command( "CLIENT KILL ADDR ", {"command": "CLIENT KILL", "ip_port": "", "addr": "ADDR"}, ) judge_command( "CLIENT KILL LADDR ", {"command": "CLIENT KILL", "ip_port": "", "laddr": "LADDR"}, ) judge_command( "CLIENT KILL USER myuser", {"command": "CLIENT KILL", "const_user": "USER", "username": "myuser"}, ) judge_command( "CLIENT KILL id 123455 type pubsub skipme no", { "command": "CLIENT KILL", "const_id": "id", "clientid": "123455", "type_const": "type", "conntype": "pubsub", "skipme": "skipme", "yes": "no", }, ) def test_client_kill_username(judge_command): """since redis-server 6.0""" judge_command( "client kill USER default", {"command": "client kill", "const_user": "USER", "username": "default"}, ) def test_client_kill_unordered_arguments(judge_command): judge_command( "CLIENT KILL type pubsub addr", { "command": "CLIENT KILL", "addr": "addr", "ip_port": "", "type_const": "type", "conntype": "pubsub", }, ) def test_psync(judge_command): judge_command( "PSYNC abc 123", {"command": "PSYNC", "replicationid": "abc", "offset": "123"} ) judge_command("PSYNC", None) def test_latency_graph(judge_command): judge_command( "latency graph command", {"command": "latency graph", "graphevent": "command"} ) judge_command( "latency graph fork", {"command": "latency graph", "graphevent": "fork"} ) judge_command("latency graph", None) def test_latency_reset(judge_command): judge_command( "latency reset command fork aof-fsync-always", {"command": "latency reset", "graphevent": "aof-fsync-always"}, ) judge_command( "latency reset fork", {"command": "latency reset", "graphevent": "fork"} ) judge_command("latency reset", {"command": "latency reset"}) def test_lolwut(judge_command): judge_command("lolwut", {"command": "lolwut"}) # only works before redis 6 judge_command("lolwut 5", {"command": "lolwut", "any": "5"}) judge_command("lolwut 5 1", {"command": "lolwut", "any": "5 1"}) # redis 6 judge_command( "lolwut VERSION 5 5", {"command": "lolwut", "version": "VERSION", "version_num": "5", "any": "5"}, ) def test_info(judge_command): judge_command("info cpu", {"command": "info", "section": "cpu"}) judge_command("info", {"command": "info"}) judge_command("info all", {"command": "info", "section": "all"}) judge_command("info CPU", {"command": "info", "section": "CPU"}) def test_bgsave(judge_command): judge_command("bgsave", {"command": "bgsave"}) judge_command("bgsave schedule", {"command": "bgsave", "schedule": "schedule"}) judge_command("BGSAVE SCHEDULE", {"command": "BGSAVE", "schedule": "SCHEDULE"}) def test_acl_cat(judge_command): judge_command("acl cat", {"command": "acl cat"}) judge_command("acl CAT", {"command": "acl CAT"}) judge_command( "ACL CAT scripting", {"command": "ACL CAT", "categoryname": "scripting"} ) judge_command("ACL CAT WATCH", {"command": "ACL CAT", "categoryname": "WATCH"}) def test_acl_deluser(judge_command): judge_command( "acl deluser laixintao", {"command": "acl deluser", "username": "laixintao"} ) judge_command( "acl deluser laixintao antirez", {"command": "acl deluser", "username": "antirez"}, ) def test_acl_log(judge_command): judge_command("acl log 2", {"command": "acl log", "count": "2"}) judge_command("acl log reset", {"command": "acl log", "reset_const": "reset"}) judge_command("acl log ", {"command": "acl log"}) def test_acl_setuser(judge_command): judge_command("ACL SETUSER alice", {"command": "ACL SETUSER", "username": "alice"}) judge_command( "ACL SETUSER alice on >p1pp0 ~cached:* +get", {"command": "ACL SETUSER", "username": "alice", "rule": "+get"}, ) judge_command( "ACL SETUSER alan allkeys +@string +@set -SADD >alanpassword", {"command": "ACL SETUSER", "username": "alan", "rule": ">alanpassword"}, ) def test_acl_getuser(judge_command): judge_command("acl getuser alan", {"command": "acl getuser", "username": "alan"}) judge_command("acl getuser", None) def test_failover(judge_command): judge_command( "failover to 7379 abort timeout 101", { "command": "failover", "to_const": "to", "host": "", "port": "7379", "abort_const": "abort", "timeout_const": "timeout", "millisecond": "101", }, ) judge_command( "failover abort timeout 101", { "command": "failover", "abort_const": "abort", "timeout_const": "timeout", "millisecond": "101", }, ) judge_command( "failover timeout 101", { "command": "failover", "timeout_const": "timeout", "millisecond": "101", }, ) judge_command( "failover to 7379 force abort timeout 101", { "command": "failover", "to_const": "to", "force": "force", "host": "", "port": "7379", "abort_const": "abort", "timeout_const": "timeout", "millisecond": "101", }, )