def test_xrange(judge_command): judge_command( "XRANGE somestream - +", {"command": "XRANGE", "key": "somestream", "stream_id": ["-", "+"]}, ) judge_command( "XRANGE somestream 1526985054069 1526985055069", { "command": "XRANGE", "key": "somestream", "stream_id": ["1526985054069", "1526985055069"], }, ) judge_command( "XRANGE somestream 1526985054069 1526985055069-10", { "command": "XRANGE", "key": "somestream", "stream_id": ["1526985054069", "1526985055069-10"], }, ) judge_command( "XRANGE somestream 1526985054069 1526985055069-10 count 10", { "command": "XRANGE", "key": "somestream", "stream_id": ["1526985054069", "1526985055069-10"], "count_const": "count", "count": "10", }, ) def test_xgroup_create(judge_command): judge_command( "XGROUP CREATE mykey mygroup 123", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_create": "CREATE", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "stream_id": "123", }, ) judge_command( "XGROUP CREATE mykey mygroup $", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_create": "CREATE", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "stream_id": "$", }, ) # short of a parameter judge_command("XGROUP CREATE mykey mygroup", None) judge_command("XGROUP CREATE mykey", None) def test_xgroup_setid(judge_command): judge_command( "XGROUP SETID mykey mygroup 123", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_setid": "SETID", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "stream_id": "123", }, ) judge_command( "XGROUP SETID mykey mygroup $", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_setid": "SETID", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "stream_id": "$", }, ) # two subcommand together shouldn't match judge_command("XGROUP CREATE mykey mygroup 123 SETID mykey mygroup $", None) def test_xgroup_destroy(judge_command): judge_command( "XGROUP destroy mykey mygroup", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_destroy": "destroy", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", }, ) judge_command("XGROUP destroy mykey", None) judge_command("XGROUP DESTROY mykey mygroup $", None) def test_xgroup_delconsumer(judge_command): judge_command( "XGROUP delconsumer mykey mygroup myconsumer", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_delconsumer": "delconsumer", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "myconsumer", }, ) judge_command( "XGROUP delconsumer mykey mygroup $", { "command": "XGROUP", "stream_delconsumer": "delconsumer", "key": "mykey", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "$", }, ) judge_command("XGROUP delconsumer mykey mygroup", None) def test_xgroup_stream(judge_command): judge_command( "XACK mystream group1 123123", { "command": "XACK", "key": "mystream", "group": "group1", "stream_id": "123123", }, ) judge_command( "XACK mystream group1 123123 111", {"command": "XACK", "key": "mystream", "group": "group1", "stream_id": "111"}, ) def test_xinfo(judge_command): judge_command( "XINFO consumers mystream mygroup", { "command": "XINFO", "stream_consumers": "consumers", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", }, ) judge_command( "XINFO GROUPS mystream", {"command": "XINFO", "stream_groups": "GROUPS", "key": "mystream"}, ) judge_command( "XINFO STREAM mystream", {"command": "XINFO", "stream": "STREAM", "key": "mystream"}, ) judge_command("XINFO HELP", {"command": "XINFO", "help": "HELP"}) judge_command("XINFO consumers mystream mygroup GROUPS mystream", None) judge_command("XINFO groups mystream mygroup", None) def test_xinfo_with_full(judge_command): judge_command( "XINFO STREAM mystream FULL", { "command": "XINFO", "stream": "STREAM", "key": "mystream", "full_const": "FULL", }, ) judge_command( "XINFO STREAM mystream FULL count 10", { "command": "XINFO", "stream": "STREAM", "key": "mystream", "full_const": "FULL", "count_const": "count", "count": "10", }, ) def test_xpending(judge_command): judge_command( "XPENDING mystream group55", {"command": "XPENDING", "key": "mystream", "group": "group55"}, ) judge_command( "XPENDING mystream group55 myconsumer", { "command": "XPENDING", "key": "mystream", "group": "group55", "consumer": "myconsumer", }, ) judge_command( "XPENDING mystream group55 - + 10", { "command": "XPENDING", "key": "mystream", "group": "group55", "stream_id": ["-", "+"], "count": "10", }, ) judge_command( "XPENDING mystream group55 - + 10 myconsumer", { "command": "XPENDING", "key": "mystream", "group": "group55", "stream_id": ["-", "+"], "count": "10", "consumer": "myconsumer", }, ) judge_command("XPENDING mystream group55 - + ", None) def test_xadd(judge_command): judge_command( "xadd mystream MAXLEN ~ 1000 * key value", { "command": "xadd", "key": "mystream", "maxlen": "MAXLEN", "approximately": "~", "count": "1000", "sfield": "key", "svalue": "value", "stream_id": "*", }, ) # test for MAXLEN option judge_command( "xadd mystream MAXLEN 1000 * key value", { "command": "xadd", "key": "mystream", "maxlen": "MAXLEN", "count": "1000", "sfield": "key", "svalue": "value", "stream_id": "*", }, ) judge_command( "xadd mystream * key value", { "command": "xadd", "key": "mystream", "sfield": "key", "svalue": "value", "stream_id": "*", }, ) # spcify stream id judge_command( "xadd mystream 123-123 key value", { "command": "xadd", "key": "mystream", "sfield": "key", "svalue": "value", "stream_id": "123-123", }, ) judge_command( "xadd mystream 123-123 key value foo bar hello world", { "command": "xadd", "key": "mystream", "sfield": "hello", "svalue": "world", "stream_id": "123-123", }, ) def test_xtrim(judge_command): judge_command( " XTRIM mystream MAXLEN 2", {"command": "XTRIM", "key": "mystream", "maxlen": "MAXLEN", "count": "2"}, ) judge_command( " XTRIM mystream MAXLEN ~ 2", { "command": "XTRIM", "key": "mystream", "maxlen": "MAXLEN", "count": "2", "approximately": "~", }, ) judge_command(" XTRIM mystream", None) def test_xdel(judge_command): judge_command( "XDEL mystream 1581165000000 1549611229000 1581060831000", {"command": "XDEL", "key": "mystream", "stream_id": "1581060831000"}, ) judge_command( "XDEL mystream 1581165000000", {"command": "XDEL", "key": "mystream", "stream_id": "1581165000000"}, ) def test_xclaim(judge_command): judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 123 456 789", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "789", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 IDEL 300", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": ["3600000", "300"], "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", "idel": "IDEL", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 retrycount 7", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", "retrycount": "retrycount", "count": "7", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 TIME 123456789", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", "time": "TIME", "timestamp": "123456789", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 FORCE", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", "force": "FORCE", }, ) judge_command( "XCLAIM mystream mygroup Alice 3600000 1526569498055-0 JUSTID", { "command": "XCLAIM", "key": "mystream", "group": "mygroup", "consumer": "Alice", "millisecond": "3600000", "stream_id": "1526569498055-0", "justid": "JUSTID", }, ) def test_xread(judge_command): judge_command( "XREAD COUNT 2 STREAMS mystream writers 0-0 0-0", { "command": "XREAD", "count_const": "COUNT", "count": "2", "streams": "STREAMS", # FIXME current grammar can't support multiple tokens # so the ids will be recognized to keys. "keys": "mystream writers 0-0", "stream_id": "0-0", }, ) judge_command( "XREAD COUNT 2 BLOCK 1000 STREAMS mystream writers 0-0 0-0", { "command": "XREAD", "count_const": "COUNT", "count": "2", "streams": "STREAMS", "keys": "mystream writers 0-0", "block": "BLOCK", "millisecond": "1000", "stream_id": "0-0", }, ) def test_xreadgroup(judge_command): judge_command( "XREADGROUP GROUP mygroup1 Bob COUNT 1 BLOCK 100 NOACK STREAMS key1 1 key2 2", { "command": "XREADGROUP", "stream_group": "GROUP", "group": "mygroup1", "consumer": "Bob", "count_const": "COUNT", "count": "1", "block": "BLOCK", "millisecond": "100", "noack": "NOACK", "streams": "STREAMS", "keys": "key1 1 key2", "stream_id": "2", }, ) judge_command( "XREADGROUP GROUP mygroup1 Bob STREAMS key1 1 key2 2", { "command": "XREADGROUP", "stream_group": "GROUP", "group": "mygroup1", "consumer": "Bob", "streams": "STREAMS", "keys": "key1 1 key2", "stream_id": "2", }, ) judge_command("XREADGROUP GROUP group consumer", None)