import os import re from textwrap import dedent from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from packaging.version import parse as version_parse from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText import pytest import redis from iredis.client import Client from iredis.commands import command2syntax from iredis.completers import IRedisCompleter from iredis.config import config, load_config_files from iredis.entry import Rainbow, prompt_message from iredis.exceptions import NotSupport from ..helpers import formatted_text_rematch @pytest.fixture def completer(): return IRedisCompleter() zset_type = "ziplist" hash_type = "hashtable" list_type = "quicklist" if version_parse(os.environ["REDIS_VERSION"]) >= version_parse("7"): zset_type = "listpack" hash_type = "listpack" list_type = "listpack" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "_input, command_name, expect_args", [ ("keys *", "keys", ["*"]), ("DEL abc foo bar", "DEL", ["abc", "foo", "bar"]), ("cluster info", "cluster info", []), ("CLUSTER failover FORCE", "CLUSTER failover", ["FORCE"]), ], ) def test_send_command(_input, command_name, expect_args): client = Client("", 6379, None) client.execute = MagicMock() next(client.send_command(_input, None)) args, _ = client.execute.call_args assert args == (command_name, *expect_args) def test_client_not_support_hello_command(iredis_client): with pytest.raises(NotSupport): iredis_client.pre_hook("hello 3", "hello", "3", None) def test_patch_completer(): client = Client("", "6379", None) completer = IRedisCompleter() client.pre_hook( "MGET foo bar hello world", "MGET", "foo bar hello world", completer ) assert completer.key_completer.words == ["world", "hello", "bar", "foo"] assert completer.key_completer.words == ["world", "hello", "bar", "foo"] client.pre_hook("GET bar", "GET", "bar", completer) assert completer.key_completer.words == ["bar", "world", "hello", "foo"] def test_get_server_verison_after_client(config): Client("", "6379", None) assert re.match(r"\d+\..*", config.version) config.version = "Unknown" config.no_info = True Client("", "6379", None) assert config.version == "Unknown" def test_do_help(config): client = Client("", "6379", None) config.version = "5.0.0" resp = client.do_help("SET") assert resp[10] == ("", "1.0.0 (Available on your redis-server: 5.0.0)") config.version = "2.0.0" resp = client.do_help("cluster", "addslots") assert resp[10] == ("", "3.0.0 (Not available on your redis-server: 2.0.0)") def test_rainbow_iterator(): "test color infinite iterator" original_color = Rainbow.color Rainbow.color = list(range(0, 3)) assert list(zip(range(10), Rainbow())) == [ (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 0), (5, 1), (6, 2), (7, 1), (8, 0), (9, 1), ] Rainbow.color = original_color def test_prompt_message(iredis_client, config): config.rainbow = False assert prompt_message(iredis_client) == "[15]> " config.rainbow = True assert prompt_message(iredis_client)[:3] == [ ("#cc2244", "1"), ("#bb4444", "2"), ("#996644", "7"), ] def test_on_connection_error_retry(iredis_client, config): config.retry_times = 1 mock_connection = MagicMock() mock_connection.read_response.side_effect = [ redis.exceptions.ConnectionError( "Error 61 connecting to Connection refused." ), "hello", ] original_connection = iredis_client.connection iredis_client.connection = mock_connection value = iredis_client.execute("None", "GET", ["foo"]) assert value == "hello" # be rendered mock_connection.disconnect.assert_called_once() mock_connection.connect.assert_called_once() iredis_client.connection = original_connection def test_on_connection_error_retry_without_retrytimes(iredis_client, config): config.retry_times = 0 mock_connection = MagicMock() mock_connection.read_response.side_effect = [ redis.exceptions.ConnectionError( "Error 61 connecting to Connection refused." ), "hello", ] iredis_client.connection = mock_connection with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ConnectionError): iredis_client.execute("None", "GET", ["foo"]) mock_connection.disconnect.assert_not_called() mock_connection.connect.assert_not_called() def test_socket_keepalive(config): config.socket_keepalive = True from iredis.client import Client newclient = Client("", "6379", 0) assert newclient.connection.socket_keepalive # keepalive off config.socket_keepalive = False newclient = Client("", "6379", 0) assert not newclient.connection.socket_keepalive def test_not_retry_on_authentication_error(iredis_client, config): config.retry_times = 2 mock_connection = MagicMock() mock_connection.read_response.side_effect = [ redis.exceptions.AuthenticationError("Authentication required."), "hello", ] iredis_client.connection = mock_connection with pytest.raises(redis.exceptions.ConnectionError): iredis_client.execute("None", "GET", ["foo"]) @pytest.mark.skipif( "version_parse(os.environ['REDIS_VERSION']) != version_parse('6')", reason=""" in redis7, it will not work if you: 1. connect redis without password 2. set a password 3. auth the auth will fail""", ) def test_auto_select_db_and_auth_for_reconnect_only_6(iredis_client, config): config.retry_times = 2 config.raw = True next(iredis_client.send_command("select 2")) assert iredis_client.connection.db == 2 resp = next(iredis_client.send_command("auth 123")) assert ( b"ERROR AUTH called without any " b"password configured for the default user. " b"Are you sure your configuration is correct?" in resp ) assert iredis_client.connection.password is None next(iredis_client.send_command("config set requirepass 'abc'")) next(iredis_client.send_command("auth abc")) assert iredis_client.connection.password == "abc" assert ( iredis_client.execute("ACL SETUSER", "default", "on", "nopass", "~*", "+@all") == b"OK" ) @pytest.mark.skipif("version_parse(os.environ['REDIS_VERSION']) > version_parse('5')") def test_auto_select_db_and_auth_for_reconnect_only_5(iredis_client, config): config.retry_times = 2 config.raw = True next(iredis_client.send_command("select 2")) assert iredis_client.connection.db == 2 resp = next(iredis_client.send_command("auth 123")) assert b"Client sent AUTH, but no password is set" in resp assert iredis_client.connection.password is None next(iredis_client.send_command("config set requirepass 'abc'")) next(iredis_client.send_command("auth abc")) assert iredis_client.connection.password == "abc" next(iredis_client.send_command("config set requirepass ''")) def test_split_shell_command(iredis_client, completer): assert iredis_client.split_command_and_pipeline(" get json | rg . ", completer) == ( " get json ", "rg . ", ) assert iredis_client.split_command_and_pipeline( """ get "json | \\" hello" | rg . """, completer ) == (""" get "json | \\" hello" """, "rg . ") def test_running_with_pipeline(clean_redis, iredis_client, capfd, completer): = True clean_redis.set("foo", "hello \n world") with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(iredis_client.send_command("get foo | grep w", completer)) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == " world\n" def test_running_with_multiple_pipeline(clean_redis, iredis_client, capfd, completer): = True clean_redis.set("foo", "hello world\nhello iredis") with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next( iredis_client.send_command("get foo | grep hello | grep iredis", completer) ) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == "hello iredis\n" def test_can_not_connect_on_startup(capfd): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): Client("localhost", "16111", 15) out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert "connecting to localhost:16111." in err def test_peek_key_not_exist(iredis_client, clean_redis, config): config.raw = False peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("non-exist-key")) assert peek_result == ["non-exist-key doesn't exist."] def test_iredis_with_username(): with patch("redis.connection.Connection.connect"): c = Client("", "6379", username="abc", password="abc1") assert c.connection.username == "abc" assert c.connection.password == "abc1" def test_peek_string(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.set("foo", "bar") peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("foo")) assert peek_result[0][0] == ("class:dockey", "key: ") assert re.match(r"string \(embstr\) mem: \d+ bytes, ttl: -1", peek_result[0][1][1]) assert peek_result[0][2:] == [ ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "strlen: "), ("", "3"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "value: "), ("", '"bar"'), ] def test_peek_list_fetch_all(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.lpush("mylist", *[f"hello-{index}" for index in range(5)]) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("mylist")) formatted_text_rematch( peek_result[0], FormattedText( [ ("class:dockey", "key: "), ("", rf"list \({list_type}\) mem: \d+ bytes, ttl: -1"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "llen: "), ("", "5"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "elements: "), ("", "\n"), ("", r"1\)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"hello-4"'), ("", "\n"), ("", r"2\)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"hello-3"'), ("", "\n"), ("", r"3\)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"hello-2"'), ("", "\n"), ("", r"4\)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"hello-1"'), ("", "\n"), ("", r"5\)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"hello-0"'), ] ), ) def test_peek_list_fetch_part(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.lpush("mylist", *[f"hello-{index}" for index in range(40)]) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("mylist")) assert len(peek_result[0]) == 91 def test_peek_set_fetch_all(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.sadd("myset", *[f"hello-{index}" for index in range(5)]) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myset")) assert len(peek_result[0]) == 27 def test_peek_set_fetch_part(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.sadd("myset", *[f"hello-{index}" for index in range(40)]) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myset")) assert peek_result[0][0] == ("class:dockey", "key: ") assert peek_result[0][1][1].startswith(f"set ({hash_type}) mem: ") def test_peek_zset_fetch_all(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.zadd( "myzset", dict(zip([f"hello-{index}" for index in range(3)], range(3))) ) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myzset")) formatted_text_rematch( peek_result[0][0:9], FormattedText( [ ("class:dockey", "key: "), ("", rf"zset \({zset_type}\) mem: \d+ bytes, ttl: -1"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "zcount: "), ("", "3"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "members: "), ("", "\n"), ("", r"1\)"), ] ), ) def test_peek_zset_fetch_part(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.zadd( "myzset", dict(zip([f"hello-{index}" for index in range(40)], range(40))) ) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myzset")) formatted_text_rematch( peek_result[0][0:8], FormattedText( [ ("class:dockey", "key: "), ("", rf"zset \({zset_type}\) mem: \d+ bytes, ttl: -1"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "zcount: "), ("", "40"), ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", r"members \(first 40\): "), ("", "\n"), ] ), ) def test_peek_hash_fetch_all(iredis_client, clean_redis): for key, value in zip( [f"hello-{index}" for index in range(3)], [f"hi-{index}" for index in range(3)] ): clean_redis.hset("myhash", key, value) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myhash")) assert len(peek_result[0]) == 28 def test_peek_hash_fetch_part(iredis_client, clean_redis): for key, value in zip( [f"hello-{index}" for index in range(100)], [f"hi-{index}" for index in range(100)], ): clean_redis.hset("myhash", key, value) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("myhash")) assert len(peek_result[0]) == 707 def test_peek_stream(iredis_client, clean_redis): clean_redis.xadd("mystream", {"foo": "bar", "hello": "world"}) peek_result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("mystream")) assert peek_result[0][0] == ("class:dockey", "key: ") assert re.match( r"stream \((stream|unknown)\) mem: \d+ bytes, ttl: -1", peek_result[0][1][1] ) assert peek_result[0][2:18] == FormattedText( [ ("", "\n"), ("class:dockey", "XINFO: "), ("", "\n"), ("", " 1)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"length"'), ("", "\n"), ("", " 2)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"1"'), ("", "\n"), ("", " 3)"), ("", " "), ("class:string", '"radix-tree-keys"'), ("", "\n"), ("", " 4)"), ] ) def test_mem_not_called_before_redis_4(config, iredis_client, clean_redis): config.version = "3.2.9" def wrapper(func): def execute(command_name, *args): print(command_name) if command_name.upper() == "MEMORY USAGE": raise Exception("MEMORY USAGE not supported!") return func(command_name, *args) return execute iredis_client.execute = wrapper(iredis_client.execute) clean_redis.set("foo", "bar") result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("foo")) assert result[0][1] == ("", "string (embstr), ttl: -1") def test_mem_not_called_when_cant_get_server_version( config, iredis_client, clean_redis ): config.version = None def wrapper(func): def execute(command_name, *args): print(command_name) if command_name.upper() == "MEMORY USAGE": raise Exception("MEMORY USAGE not supported!") return func(command_name, *args) return execute iredis_client.execute = wrapper(iredis_client.execute) clean_redis.set("foo", "bar") result = list(iredis_client.do_peek("foo")) assert result[0][1] == ("", "string (embstr), ttl: -1") def test_reissue_command_on_redis_cluster(iredis_client, clean_redis): mock_response = iredis_client.connection = MagicMock() mock_response.read_response.side_effect = redis.exceptions.ResponseError( "MOVED 12182" ) iredis_client.reissue_with_redirect = MagicMock() iredis_client.execute("set", "foo", "bar") assert iredis_client.reissue_with_redirect.call_args == ( ( "MOVED 12182", "set", "foo", "bar", ), ) def test_reissue_command_on_redis_cluster_with_password_in_dsn( iredis_client, clean_redis ): config_content = dedent( """ [main] log_location = /tmp/iredis1.log no_info=True [alias_dsn] cluster-7003=redis://foo:bar@ """ ) with open("/tmp/iredisrc", "w+") as etc_config: etc_config.write(config_content) config_obj = load_config_files("/tmp/iredisrc") config.alias_dsn = config_obj["alias_dsn"] mock_execute_by_connection = iredis_client.execute_by_connection = MagicMock() with patch("redis.connection.Connection.connect"): iredis_client.reissue_with_redirect( "MOVED 12182", "set", "foo", "bar" ) call_args = mock_execute_by_connection.call_args[0] print(call_args) assert list(call_args[1:]) == ["set", "foo", "bar"] assert call_args[0].password == "bar" def test_version_parse_for_auth(iredis_client): """ fix: """ iredis_client.auth_compat("6.1.0") assert command2syntax["AUTH"] == "command_usernamex_password" iredis_client.auth_compat("5.0") assert command2syntax["AUTH"] == "command_password" iredis_client.auth_compat("") assert command2syntax["AUTH"] == "command_password" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "info, version", [ ( ( "# Server\r\nredis_version:df--128-NOTFOUND\r\n" "redis_mode:standalone\r\narch_bits:64" ), "df--128-NOTFOUND", ), ( ( "# Server\r\nredis_version:6.2.5\r\n" "redis_git_sha1:00000000\r\n" "redis_git_dirty:0\r\n" "redis_build_id:915e5480613bc9b6\r\n" "redis_mode:standalone " ), "6.2.5", ), ( ( "# Server\r\nredis_version:\r\n" "redis_git_sha1:00000000\r\nredis_git_dirty:0\r\n" "redis_build_id:915e5480613bc9b6\r\n" "redis_mode:standalone " ), "", ), ], ) def test_version_path(info, version): with patch("iredis.client.config") as mock_config: mock_config.no_info = True mock_config.pager = "less" mock_config.version = "5.0.0" mock_config.decode = "utf-8" with patch("iredis.client.Client.execute") as mock_execute: mock_execute.return_value = info client = Client("", 6379) client.get_server_info() assert mock_config.version == version def test_prompt(): c = Client() assert str(c) == "> " c = Client(prompt="{host} {port} {db}") assert str(c) == " 6379 0" c = Client(prompt="{host} {port} {db} {username}") assert str(c) == " 6379 0 None" c = Client(prompt="{host} {port} {db} {username}", username="foo1") assert str(c) == " 6379 0 foo1" c = Client(prompt="{client_id} aabc") assert re.match(r"^\d+ aabc$", str(c)) c = Client(prompt="{client_addr} >") assert re.match(r"^\d+ >$", str(c))