import pytest import tempfile from unittest.mock import patch from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText from iredis.entry import ( gather_args, parse_url, SkipAuthFileHistory, write_result, is_too_tall, ) from iredis.utils import DSN @pytest.mark.parametrize( "is_tty,raw_arg_is_raw,final_config_is_raw", [ (True, None, False), (True, True, True), (True, False, False), (False, None, True), (False, True, True), (False, False, True), # not tty ], ) def test_command_entry_tty(is_tty, raw_arg_is_raw, final_config_is_raw, config): # is tty + raw -> raw with patch("sys.stdout.isatty") as patch_tty: patch_tty.return_value = is_tty if raw_arg_is_raw is None: call = ["iredis"] elif raw_arg_is_raw is True: call = ["iredis", "--raw"] elif raw_arg_is_raw is False: call = ["iredis", "--no-raw"] else: raise Exception() gather_args.main(call, standalone_mode=False) assert config.raw == final_config_is_raw def test_disable_pager(): from iredis.config import config gather_args.main(["iredis", "--decode", "utf-8"], standalone_mode=False) assert config.enable_pager gather_args.main(["iredis", "--no-pager"], standalone_mode=False) assert not config.enable_pager def test_command_with_decode_utf_8(): from iredis.config import config gather_args.main(["iredis", "--decode", "utf-8"], standalone_mode=False) assert config.decode == "utf-8" gather_args.main(["iredis"], standalone_mode=False) assert config.decode == "" def test_command_with_shell_pipeline(): from iredis.config import config gather_args.main(["iredis", "--no-shell"], standalone_mode=False) assert is False gather_args.main(["iredis"], standalone_mode=False) assert is True def test_command_shell_options_higher_priority(): from iredis.config import config from textwrap import dedent config_content = dedent( """ [main] shell = False """ ) with open("/tmp/iredisrc", "w+") as etc_config: etc_config.write(config_content) gather_args.main(["iredis", "--iredisrc", "/tmp/iredisrc"], standalone_mode=False) assert is False gather_args.main( ["iredis", "--shell", "--iredisrc", "/tmp/iredisrc"], standalone_mode=False ) assert is True @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url,dsn", [ ( "redis://localhost:6379/3", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=3, username=None, password=None, ), ), ( "redis://localhost:6379", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=0, username=None, password=None, ), ), ( "rediss://localhost:6379", DSN( scheme="rediss", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=0, username=None, password=None, ), ), ( "redis://username:password@localhost:6379", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=0, username="username", password="password", ), ), ( "redis://:password@localhost:6379", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=0, username=None, password="password", ), ), ( "redis://username@localhost:12345", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=12345, path=None, db=0, username="username", password=None, ), ), ( # query string won't work for redis:// "redis://username@localhost:6379?db=2", DSN( scheme="redis", host="localhost", port=6379, path=None, db=0, username="username", password=None, ), ), ( "unix://username:password2@/tmp/to/socket.sock?db=0", DSN( scheme="unix", host=None, port=None, path="/tmp/to/socket.sock", db=0, username="username", password="password2", ), ), ( "unix://:password3@/path/to/socket.sock", DSN( scheme="unix", host=None, port=None, path="/path/to/socket.sock", db=0, username=None, password="password3", ), ), ( "unix:///tmp/socket.sock", DSN( scheme="unix", host=None, port=None, path="/tmp/socket.sock", db=0, username=None, password=None, ), ), ], ) def test_parse_url(url, dsn): assert parse_url(url) == dsn @pytest.mark.parametrize( "command,record", [ ("set foo bar", True), ("set auth bar", True), ("auth 123", False), ("AUTH hello", False), ("AUTH hello world", False), ], ) def test_history(command, record): f = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+") history = SkipAuthFileHistory( assert history._loaded_strings == [] history.append_string(command) assert (command in history._loaded_strings) is record def test_write_result_for_str(capsys): write_result("hello") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "hello\n" def test_write_result_for_bytes(capsys): write_result(b"hello") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "hello\n" def test_write_result_for_formatted_text(): ft = FormattedText([("class:keyword", "set"), ("class:string", "hello world")]) # just this test not raise means ok write_result(ft) def test_is_too_tall_for_formatted_text(): ft = FormattedText([("class:key", f"key-{index}\n") for index in range(21)]) assert is_too_tall(ft, 20) assert not is_too_tall(ft, 22) def test_is_too_tall_for_bytes(): byte_text = b"".join([b"key\n" for index in range(21)]) assert is_too_tall(byte_text, 20) assert not is_too_tall(byte_text, 23)