# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.50]) AC_INIT(mod_qos, 9.0, pbuchbinder@users.sourceforge.net) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/qscheck.c]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) # Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC # Checks for libraries. # Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h netdb.h stdlib.h string.h strings.h sys/socket.h unistd.h]) # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_UID_T # Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_FORK AC_FUNC_MALLOC AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ftruncate gethostbyname memset regcomp select socket strchr strerror strrchr strstr]) # START customize settings AC_ARG_ENABLE([use-static], AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-use-static,Try to use archives instead of shared libraries)) AC_ARG_ENABLE([full-static], AS_HELP_STRING(--enable-full-static,Try to compile a statical linked executable)) AC_ARG_ENABLE([ssl], AS_HELP_STRING(--disable-ssl,Disable ssl support (not supported yet))) AC_ARG_WITH(apr,AS_HELP_STRING(--with-apr=PATH,path to apr-1-config script), [if test ! -x $withval/apr-1-config; then AC_MSG_ERROR($withval/apr-1-config do not exist or is not executable); else APR_CONFIG="$withval/apr-1-config"; fi], [APR_CONFIG="apr-1-config"]) AC_ARG_WITH(apr-util,AS_HELP_STRING(--with-apr-util=PATH,path to apu-1-config script), [if test ! -x $withval/apu-1-config; then AC_MSG_ERROR($withval/apu-1-config do not exist or is not executable); else APU_CONFIG="$withval/apu-1-config"; fi], [APU_CONFIG="apu-1-config"]) AC_ARG_WITH(pcre2,AS_HELP_STRING(--with-pcre2=PATH,path to pcre2-config script), [if test ! -x $withval/pcre2-config; then AC_MSG_ERROR($withval/pcre2-config do not exist or is not executable); else PCRE2_CONFIG="$withval/pcre2-config"; fi], [PCRE2_CONFIG="pcre2-config"]) AC_ARG_WITH(png,AS_HELP_STRING(--with-png=PATH,path to libpng-config script), [if test ! -x $withval/libpng-config; then AC_MSG_ERROR($withval/libpng-config do not exist or is not executable); else PNG_CONFIG="$withval/libpng-config"; fi], [PNG_CONFIG="libpng-config"]) AC_ARG_WITH(ssl,AS_HELP_STRING(--with-ssl=PATH,path to openssl source), [if test ! -d $withval; then AC_MSG_ERROR($withval is not a directory); else OPENSSL_LIB_PATH="-L${withval}"; OPENSSL_INCLUDES="-I${withval}/include"; fi], [OPENSSL_LIB_PATH=""; OPENSSL_INCLUDES=""]) APR_VERSION=`$APR_CONFIG --version` if test ! "$?" = "0"; then echo "libapr is missing, use --with-apr=PATH" exit -1 fi APU_VERSION=`$APU_CONFIG --version` if test ! "$?" = "0"; then echo "libaprutil is missing, use --with-apr-util=PATH" exit -1 fi PCRE2_VERSION=`$PCRE2_CONFIG --version` if test ! "$?" = "0"; then echo "libpcre2 is missing, use --with-pcre2=PATH to specify the location of your pcre2 library" exit -1 fi PNG_VERSION=`$PNG_CONFIG --version` if test ! "$?" = "0"; then echo "libpng is missing, use --with-png=PATH to specify the location of your png library" #exit -1 fi # Store settings for includes, libs and flags INCLUDES="`$APR_CONFIG --includes` `$APU_CONFIG --includes` $OPENSSL_INCLUDES" CFLAGS="`$APR_CONFIG --cflags` `$PCRE2_CONFIG --cflags` `$PNG_CONFIG --cflags` $CFLAGS $INCLUDES" CPPFLAGS="`$APR_CONFIG --cppflags` $CPPFLAGS" LIBS="$OPENSSL_LIB_PATH -lssl -lcrypto `$APR_CONFIG --link-ld` `$APU_CONFIG --link-ld` `$APR_CONFIG --libs` `$APU_CONFIG --libs` `$PCRE2_CONFIG --libs8` `$PNG_CONFIG --libs` -lz" # if link static if test "$enable_full_static" = "yes"; then LDFLAGS="-all-static" fi # if link static if test "$enable_use_static" = "yes"; then LDFLAGS="-static" fi # END customize settings AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile src/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT