.TH QSDT 1 "May 2023" "mod_qos utilities 11.74" "qsdt man page" .SH NAME qsdt calculates the elapsed time between two related log messages. .SH SYNOPSIS qsdt [\-t ] \-i \-s \-e [\-v] [] .SH DESCRIPTION qsdt is a simple tool to search two different messages in a log file and calculates the elapsed time between these lines. The two log messages need a common identifier such an unique request id (UNIQUE_ID), a thread id, or a transaction code. .SH OPTIONS .TP \-t Defines a pattern (regular expression) matching the log line's timestamp. The pattern must include two sub\-expressions, one matching hours, minutes and seconds the other matching the milliseconds. Default pattern is ([0\-9]{2}:[0\-9]{2}:[0\-9]{2})[.,]([0\-9]{3}) .TP \-i Pattern (regular expression) matching the identifier which the two messages have in common. The sub\-expression defines the part which needs to be extracted from the matching string. Note: You can also use the start (\-s) and end (\-e) pattern to define the sub\-expression matching this identifier. .TP \-s Defines the pattern (regular expression or literal string) identifying the first (start) of the two messages. .TP \-e Defines the pattern (regular expression or literal string) identifying the second (end) of the two messages. .TP \-v Verbose mode. .TP Defines the input file to process. qsdt reads from from standard input if this parameter is omitted. .SH EXAMPLE Sample command line arguments: \-i ' ([a\-z0\-9]+) [A\-Z]+ ' \-s 'Received Request' \-e 'Received Response' matching those sample log messages: 2018\-03\-12 16:34:08.653 threadid23 INFO Received Request 2018\-03\-13 16:35:09.891 threadid23 DEBUG MessageHandler Received Response .SH NOTE The four patterns (t,i,s,e) are concatenated into two search patterns: first (start): [t (HH:MM:SS)(SSS) ].*[i (id) ].*[s ] second (end): [t (HH:MM:SS)(SSS) ].*[i (id) ].*[e ] And the three sub\-expression are used to extract the timestamp and the unique identifier that the start and end message have in common. This means that you could specify the sub\-expression for the unique identifier in the start (\-s) or end (\-e) pattern alternatively, e.g. in case the identifier is at the end of the log line. .SH SEE ALSO qsexec(1), qsfilter2(1), qsgeo(1), qsgrep(1), qshead(1), qslog(1), qslogger(1), qspng(1), qsre(1), qsrespeed(1), qsrotate(1), qssign(1), qstail(1) .SH AUTHOR Pascal Buchbinder, http://mod-qos.sourceforge.net/