.TH "nvmf_register_ctrl" 9 "nvmf_register_ctrl" "August 2024" "libnvme API manual" LINUX .SH NAME nvmf_register_ctrl \- Perform registration task with a DC .SH SYNOPSIS .B "int" nvmf_register_ctrl .BI "(nvme_ctrl_t c " "," .BI "enum nvmf_dim_tas tas " "," .BI "__u32 *result " ");" .SH ARGUMENTS .IP "c" 12 Controller instance .IP "tas" 12 Task field of the Command Dword 10 (cdw10). Indicates whether to perform a Registration, Deregistration, or Registration-update. .IP "result" 12 The command-specific result returned by the DC upon command completion. .SH "DESCRIPTION" Perform registration task with a Discovery Controller (DC). Three tasks are supported: register, deregister, and registration update. .SH "RETURN" 0 on success; on failure -1 is returned and errno is set