API compatibility report for the libyang.so object between 2.47.2 and 3.0.0 versions on x86_64


Test Info

Module Namelibyang.so
Version #12.47.2
Version #23.0.0
GCC Version13.2.1
SubjectBinary Compatibility

Test Results

Total Header Files17
Total Objects1
Total Symbols / Types391 / 104
Compatibility 65.9%

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-15
Removed SymbolsHigh19
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols  15 

log.h, libyang.so.3.0.0
ly_last_logmsg ( )
ly_strerr ( )

plugins_types.h, libyang.so.3.0.0
lyplg_type_sort_binary ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_bits ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_boolean ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_decimal64 ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_enum ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_identityref ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_instanceid ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_int ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_leafref ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_simple ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_uint ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_union ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )

printer_data.h, libyang.so.3.0.0
lyd_metadata_should_print ( struct lyd_meta const* meta )

to the top

Removed Symbols  19 

context.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
ly_ctx_reset_latests ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )

log.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
ly_errapptag ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errcode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errmsg ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errpath ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_last_errmsg ( )
ly_strerrcode ( )
ly_vecode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )

tree_data.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
lyd_child ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_find_xpath4 ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, struct lyd_node const* tree, char const* xpath, void* prefix_data, struct lyxp_var const* vars, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_get_value ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_new_list3_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list3_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_list_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_term_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, size_t value_len, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_term_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_parent ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_target ( struct ly_path const* path, struct lyd_node const* tree )

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity  26 

plugins_types.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] lyplg_type_compare_binary ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_bits ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_boolean ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_decimal64 ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_identityref ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_instanceid ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_int ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_leafref ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_simple ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_uint ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_union ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] lyd_find_xpath3 ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, struct lyd_node const* tree, char const* xpath, struct lyxp_var const* vars, struct ly_set** set )  2 
[+] lyd_new_any ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, ly_bool use_value, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  3 
[+] lyd_new_ext_list ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_ext_term ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_node** node )  3 
[+] lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list3 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta2 ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_attr const* attr, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Medium Severity  7 

[+] struct ly_err_item  2 

[+] struct lysc_ext  1 
[+] struct lysc_type  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_bits  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_leafref  2 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity  4 

log.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] ly_err_first ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_err_last ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_set_log_clb ( void(*clb)(, char const*, char const*), ly_bool path )  1 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] lyd_new_ext_term ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_node** node )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  7 

[+] struct ly_err_item  3 
[+] typedef ly_log_clb  1 

[+] typedef lyplg_type_sort_clb  1 

[+] struct lysc_type  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_bits  1 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity  18 

log.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] ly_err_first ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_err_last ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_err_print ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct ly_err_item* eitem )  1 
[+] ly_temp_log_options ( uint32_t* opts )  1 

plugins_exts.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log ( struct lysc_ctx const* cctx, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log_err ( struct ly_err_item const* err, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log_path ( char const* path, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_parse_log ( struct lysp_ctx const* pctx, struct lysp_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 

plugins_types.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] ly_err_new ( struct ly_err_item** err, char* path, char* apptag, char const* err_format, ... )  1 

tree_data.h, libyang.so.2.47.2
[+] lyd_new_ext_any ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, void const* value, ly_bool use_value, struct lyd_node** node )  2 
[+] lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list3 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta2 ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_attr const* attr, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  2 

to the top

Header Files  17 


to the top

Objects  1 


to the top

Test Info

Module Namelibyang.so
Version #12.47.2
Version #23.0.0
SubjectSource Compatibility

Test Results

Total Header Files17
Total Objects1
Total Symbols / Types391 / 104
Compatibility 42.3%

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-15
Removed SymbolsHigh19
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with
Other Changes
in Symbols

Added Symbols  15 

ly_last_logmsg ( )
ly_strerr ( )

lyplg_type_sort_binary ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_bits ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_boolean ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_decimal64 ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_enum ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_identityref ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_instanceid ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_int ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_leafref ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_simple ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_uint ( struct ly_ctx const* UNUSED_ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )
lyplg_type_sort_union ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )

lyd_metadata_should_print ( struct lyd_meta const* meta )

to the top

Removed Symbols  19 

ly_ctx_reset_latests ( struct ly_ctx* ctx )

ly_errapptag ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errcode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errmsg ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_errpath ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )
ly_last_errmsg ( )
ly_strerrcode ( )
ly_vecode ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )

lyd_child ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_find_xpath4 ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, struct lyd_node const* tree, char const* xpath, void* prefix_data, struct lyxp_var const* vars, struct ly_set** set )
lyd_get_value ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_new_list3_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list3_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_list_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_list_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )
lyd_new_term_bin ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, size_t value_len, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_new_term_canon ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )
lyd_parent ( struct lyd_node const* node )
lyd_target ( struct ly_path const* path, struct lyd_node const* tree )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, High Severity  4 

[+] struct ly_err_item  2 

[+] struct lysc_ext  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_leafref  1 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, High Severity  20 

[+] lyplg_type_compare_binary ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_bits ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_boolean ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_decimal64 ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_identityref ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_instanceid ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_int ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_leafref ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_simple ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_uint ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 
[+] lyplg_type_compare_union ( struct lyd_value const* val1, struct lyd_value const* val2 )  1 

[+] lyd_find_xpath3 ( struct lyd_node const* ctx_node, struct lyd_node const* tree, char const* xpath, struct lyxp_var const* vars, struct ly_set** set )  2 
[+] lyd_new_any ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, void const* value, ly_bool use_value, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  3 
[+] lyd_new_ext_list ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_ext_term ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_node** node )  3 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Medium Severity  4 

[+] ly_err_first ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_err_last ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx )  1 
[+] ly_set_log_clb ( void(*clb)(, char const*, char const*), ly_bool path )  1 

[+] lyd_new_ext_term ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, char const* val_str, struct lyd_node** node )  1 

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity  7 

[+] struct ly_err_item  2 
[+] typedef ly_log_clb  1 

[+] typedef lyplg_type_sort_clb  1 

[+] struct lysc_type  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_bits  1 
[+] struct lysc_type_leafref  1 

to the top

Problems with Symbols, Low Severity  6 

[+] lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list3 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta2 ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_attr const* attr, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 

to the top

Other Changes in Symbols  15 

[+] ly_temp_log_options ( uint32_t* opts )  1 

[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log ( struct lysc_ctx const* cctx, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log_err ( struct ly_err_item const* err, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_compile_log_path ( char const* path, struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 
[+] lyplg_ext_parse_log ( struct lysp_ctx const* pctx, struct lysp_ext_instance const* ext, char const* format, ... )  1 

[+] ly_err_new ( struct ly_err_item** err, char* path, char* apptag, char const* err_format, ... )  1 

[+] lyd_new_ext_any ( struct lysc_ext_instance const* ext, char const* name, void const* value, ly_bool use_value, struct lyd_node** node )  2 
[+] lyd_new_list ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node, ... )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list2 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* keys, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_list3 ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const** key_values, uint32_t* value_lengths, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_meta2 ( struct ly_ctx const* ctx, struct lyd_node* parent, ly_bool clear_dflt, struct lyd_attr const* attr, struct lyd_meta** meta )  1 
[+] lyd_new_term ( struct lyd_node* parent, struct lys_module const* module, char const* name, char const* val_str, ly_bool output, struct lyd_node** node )  2 

to the top

Header Files  17 


to the top

Objects  1 


to the top