path: root/litecli/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2020-08-14 16:58:23 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2021-02-07 10:11:48 +0000
commit4edd467b28c895483cd5468d51d1c6824a21715a (patch)
tree04a4f32d617905acfc23653025b6e8d3899f51c6 /litecli/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1.5.0.upstream/1.5.0
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'litecli/')
1 files changed, 1008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/litecli/ b/litecli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5768851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/litecli/
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+import logging
+import threading
+from time import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from io import open
+from collections import namedtuple
+from sqlite3 import OperationalError
+from cli_helpers.tabular_output import TabularOutputFormatter
+from cli_helpers.tabular_output import preprocessors
+import click
+import sqlparse
+from prompt_toolkit.completion import DynamicCompleter
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession, CompleteStyle
+from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import style_from_pygments_cls
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import HasFocus, IsDone
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import (
+ HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor,
+ ConditionalProcessor,
+from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer
+from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory
+from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory
+from .packages.special.main import NO_QUERY
+from .packages.prompt_utils import confirm, confirm_destructive_query
+from .packages import special
+from .sqlcompleter import SQLCompleter
+from .clitoolbar import create_toolbar_tokens_func
+from .clistyle import style_factory, style_factory_output
+from .sqlexecute import SQLExecute
+from .clibuffer import cli_is_multiline
+from .completion_refresher import CompletionRefresher
+from .config import config_location, ensure_dir_exists, get_config
+from .key_bindings import cli_bindings
+from .encodingutils import utf8tounicode, text_type
+from .lexer import LiteCliLexer
+from .__init__ import __version__
+from .packages.filepaths import dir_path_exists
+import itertools
+click.disable_unicode_literals_warning = True
+# Query tuples are used for maintaining history
+Query = namedtuple("Query", ["query", "successful", "mutating"])
+PACKAGE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+class LiteCli(object):
+ default_prompt = "\\d> "
+ max_len_prompt = 45
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ sqlexecute=None,
+ prompt=None,
+ logfile=None,
+ auto_vertical_output=False,
+ warn=None,
+ liteclirc=None,
+ ):
+ self.sqlexecute = sqlexecute
+ self.logfile = logfile
+ # Load config.
+ c = self.config = get_config(liteclirc)
+ self.multi_line = c["main"].as_bool("multi_line")
+ self.key_bindings = c["main"]["key_bindings"]
+ special.set_favorite_queries(self.config)
+ self.formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name=c["main"]["table_format"])
+ self.formatter.litecli = self
+ self.syntax_style = c["main"]["syntax_style"]
+ self.less_chatty = c["main"].as_bool("less_chatty")
+ self.cli_style = c["colors"]
+ self.output_style = style_factory_output(self.syntax_style, self.cli_style)
+ self.wider_completion_menu = c["main"].as_bool("wider_completion_menu")
+ c_dest_warning = c["main"].as_bool("destructive_warning")
+ self.destructive_warning = c_dest_warning if warn is None else warn
+ self.login_path_as_host = c["main"].as_bool("login_path_as_host")
+ # read from cli argument or user config file
+ self.auto_vertical_output = auto_vertical_output or c["main"].as_bool(
+ "auto_vertical_output"
+ )
+ # audit log
+ if self.logfile is None and "audit_log" in c["main"]:
+ try:
+ self.logfile = open(os.path.expanduser(c["main"]["audit_log"]), "a")
+ except (IOError, OSError):
+ self.echo(
+ "Error: Unable to open the audit log file. Your queries will not be logged.",
+ err=True,
+ fg="red",
+ )
+ self.logfile = False
+ self.completion_refresher = CompletionRefresher()
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.initialize_logging()
+ prompt_cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(["prompt"])["prompt"]
+ self.prompt_format = (
+ prompt or prompt_cnf or c["main"]["prompt"] or self.default_prompt
+ )
+ self.prompt_continuation_format = c["main"]["prompt_continuation"]
+ keyword_casing = c["main"].get("keyword_casing", "auto")
+ self.query_history = []
+ # Initialize completer.
+ self.completer = SQLCompleter(
+ supported_formats=self.formatter.supported_formats,
+ keyword_casing=keyword_casing,
+ )
+ self._completer_lock = threading.Lock()
+ # Register custom special commands.
+ self.register_special_commands()
+ self.prompt_app = None
+ def register_special_commands(self):
+ special.register_special_command(
+ self.change_db,
+ ".open",
+ ".open",
+ "Change to a new database.",
+ aliases=("use", "\\u"),
+ )
+ special.register_special_command(
+ self.refresh_completions,
+ "rehash",
+ "\\#",
+ "Refresh auto-completions.",
+ arg_type=NO_QUERY,
+ aliases=("\\#",),
+ )
+ special.register_special_command(
+ self.change_table_format,
+ ".mode",
+ "\\T",
+ "Change the table format used to output results.",
+ aliases=("tableformat", "\\T"),
+ case_sensitive=True,
+ )
+ special.register_special_command(
+ self.execute_from_file,
+ "source",
+ "\\. filename",
+ "Execute commands from file.",
+ aliases=("\\.",),
+ )
+ special.register_special_command(
+ self.change_prompt_format,
+ "prompt",
+ "\\R",
+ "Change prompt format.",
+ aliases=("\\R",),
+ case_sensitive=True,
+ )
+ def change_table_format(self, arg, **_):
+ try:
+ self.formatter.format_name = arg
+ yield (None, None, None, "Changed table format to {}".format(arg))
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "Table format {} not recognized. Allowed formats:".format(arg)
+ for table_type in self.formatter.supported_formats:
+ msg += "\n\t{}".format(table_type)
+ yield (None, None, None, msg)
+ def change_db(self, arg, **_):
+ if arg is None:
+ self.sqlexecute.connect()
+ else:
+ self.sqlexecute.connect(database=arg)
+ self.refresh_completions()
+ yield (
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ 'You are now connected to database "%s"' % (self.sqlexecute.dbname),
+ )
+ def execute_from_file(self, arg, **_):
+ if not arg:
+ message = "Missing required argument, filename."
+ return [(None, None, None, message)]
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.expanduser(arg), encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ query =
+ except IOError as e:
+ return [(None, None, None, str(e))]
+ if self.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(query) is False:
+ message = "Wise choice. Command execution stopped."
+ return [(None, None, None, message)]
+ return
+ def change_prompt_format(self, arg, **_):
+ """
+ Change the prompt format.
+ """
+ if not arg:
+ message = "Missing required argument, format."
+ return [(None, None, None, message)]
+ self.prompt_format = self.get_prompt(arg)
+ return [(None, None, None, "Changed prompt format to %s" % arg)]
+ def initialize_logging(self):
+ log_file = self.config["main"]["log_file"]
+ if log_file == "default":
+ log_file = config_location() + "log"
+ ensure_dir_exists(log_file)
+ log_level = self.config["main"]["log_level"]
+ level_map = {
+ "ERROR": logging.ERROR,
+ "WARNING": logging.WARNING,
+ "INFO": logging.INFO,
+ "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG,
+ }
+ # Disable logging if value is NONE by switching to a no-op handler
+ # Set log level to a high value so it doesn't even waste cycles getting called.
+ if log_level.upper() == "NONE":
+ handler = logging.NullHandler()
+ log_level = "CRITICAL"
+ elif dir_path_exists(log_file):
+ handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)
+ else:
+ self.echo(
+ 'Error: Unable to open the log file "{}".'.format(log_file),
+ err=True,
+ fg="red",
+ )
+ return
+ formatter = logging.Formatter(
+ "%(asctime)s (%(process)d/%(threadName)s) "
+ "%(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+ )
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ root_logger = logging.getLogger("litecli")
+ root_logger.addHandler(handler)
+ root_logger.setLevel(level_map[log_level.upper()])
+ logging.captureWarnings(True)
+ root_logger.debug("Initializing litecli logging.")
+ root_logger.debug("Log file %r.", log_file)
+ def read_my_cnf_files(self, keys):
+ """
+ Reads a list of config files and merges them. The last one will win.
+ :param files: list of files to read
+ :param keys: list of keys to retrieve
+ :returns: tuple, with None for missing keys.
+ """
+ cnf = self.config
+ sections = ["main"]
+ def get(key):
+ result = None
+ for sect in cnf:
+ if sect in sections and key in cnf[sect]:
+ result = cnf[sect][key]
+ return result
+ return {x: get(x) for x in keys}
+ def connect(self, database=""):
+ cnf = {"database": None}
+ cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(cnf.keys())
+ # Fall back to config values only if user did not specify a value.
+ database = database or cnf["database"]
+ # Connect to the database.
+ def _connect():
+ self.sqlexecute = SQLExecute(database)
+ try:
+ _connect()
+ except Exception as e: # Connecting to a database could fail.
+ self.logger.debug("Database connection failed: %r.", e)
+ self.logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
+ self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ exit(1)
+ def handle_editor_command(self, text):
+ """Editor command is any query that is prefixed or suffixed by a '\e'.
+ The reason for a while loop is because a user might edit a query
+ multiple times. For eg:
+ "select * from \e"<enter> to edit it in vim, then come
+ back to the prompt with the edited query "select * from
+ blah where q = 'abc'\e" to edit it again.
+ :param text: Document
+ :return: Document
+ """
+ while special.editor_command(text):
+ filename = special.get_filename(text)
+ query = special.get_editor_query(text) or self.get_last_query()
+ sql, message = special.open_external_editor(filename, sql=query)
+ if message:
+ # Something went wrong. Raise an exception and bail.
+ raise RuntimeError(message)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ text = self.prompt_app.prompt(default=sql)
+ break
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sql = ""
+ continue
+ return text
+ def run_cli(self):
+ iterations = 0
+ sqlexecute = self.sqlexecute
+ logger = self.logger
+ self.configure_pager()
+ self.refresh_completions()
+ history_file = config_location() + "history"
+ if dir_path_exists(history_file):
+ history = FileHistory(history_file)
+ else:
+ history = None
+ self.echo(
+ 'Error: Unable to open the history file "{}". '
+ "Your query history will not be saved.".format(history_file),
+ err=True,
+ fg="red",
+ )
+ key_bindings = cli_bindings(self)
+ if not self.less_chatty:
+ print("Version:", __version__)
+ print("Mail:!forum/litecli-users")
+ print("GitHub:")
+ # print("Home:")
+ def get_message():
+ prompt = self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format)
+ if (
+ self.prompt_format == self.default_prompt
+ and len(prompt) > self.max_len_prompt
+ ):
+ prompt = self.get_prompt("\\d> ")
+ return [("class:prompt", prompt)]
+ def get_continuation(width, line_number, is_soft_wrap):
+ continuation = " " * (width - 1) + " "
+ return [("class:continuation", continuation)]
+ def show_suggestion_tip():
+ return iterations < 2
+ def one_iteration(text=None):
+ if text is None:
+ try:
+ text = self.prompt_app.prompt()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ return
+ special.set_expanded_output(False)
+ try:
+ text = self.handle_editor_command(text)
+ except RuntimeError as e:
+ logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e)
+ logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
+ self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ return
+ if not text.strip():
+ return
+ if self.destructive_warning:
+ destroy = confirm_destructive_query(text)
+ if destroy is None:
+ pass # Query was not destructive. Nothing to do here.
+ elif destroy is True:
+ self.echo("Your call!")
+ else:
+ self.echo("Wise choice!")
+ return
+ # Keep track of whether or not the query is mutating. In case
+ # of a multi-statement query, the overall query is considered
+ # mutating if any one of the component statements is mutating
+ mutating = False
+ try:
+ logger.debug("sql: %r", text)
+ special.write_tee(self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format) + text)
+ if self.logfile:
+ self.logfile.write("\n# %s\n" %
+ self.logfile.write(text)
+ self.logfile.write("\n")
+ successful = False
+ start = time()
+ res =
+ self.formatter.query = text
+ successful = True
+ result_count = 0
+ for title, cur, headers, status in res:
+ logger.debug("headers: %r", headers)
+ logger.debug("rows: %r", cur)
+ logger.debug("status: %r", status)
+ threshold = 1000
+ if is_select(status) and cur and cur.rowcount > threshold:
+ self.echo(
+ "The result set has more than {} rows.".format(threshold),
+ fg="red",
+ )
+ if not confirm("Do you want to continue?"):
+ self.echo("Aborted!", err=True, fg="red")
+ break
+ if self.auto_vertical_output:
+ max_width = self.prompt_app.output.get_size().columns
+ else:
+ max_width = None
+ formatted = self.format_output(
+ title, cur, headers, special.is_expanded_output(), max_width
+ )
+ t = time() - start
+ try:
+ if result_count > 0:
+ self.echo("")
+ try:
+ self.output(formatted, status)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ self.echo("Time: %0.03fs" % t)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ start = time()
+ result_count += 1
+ mutating = mutating or is_mutating(status)
+ special.unset_once_if_written()
+ except EOFError as e:
+ raise e
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # get last connection id
+ connection_id_to_kill = sqlexecute.connection_id
+ logger.debug("connection id to kill: %r", connection_id_to_kill)
+ # Restart connection to the database
+ sqlexecute.connect()
+ try:
+ for title, cur, headers, status in
+ "kill %s" % connection_id_to_kill
+ ):
+ status_str = str(status).lower()
+ if status_str.find("ok") > -1:
+ logger.debug(
+ "cancelled query, connection id: %r, sql: %r",
+ connection_id_to_kill,
+ text,
+ )
+ self.echo("cancelled query", err=True, fg="red")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.echo(
+ "Encountered error while cancelling query: {}".format(e),
+ err=True,
+ fg="red",
+ )
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ self.echo("Not Yet Implemented.", fg="yellow")
+ except OperationalError as e:
+ logger.debug("Exception: %r", e)
+ if e.args[0] in (2003, 2006, 2013):
+ logger.debug("Attempting to reconnect.")
+ self.echo("Reconnecting...", fg="yellow")
+ try:
+ sqlexecute.connect()
+ logger.debug("Reconnected successfully.")
+ one_iteration(text)
+ return # OK to just return, cuz the recursion call runs to the end.
+ except OperationalError as e:
+ logger.debug("Reconnect failed. e: %r", e)
+ self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ # If reconnection failed, don't proceed further.
+ return
+ else:
+ logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e)
+ logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
+ self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e)
+ logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc())
+ self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ else:
+ # Refresh the table names and column names if necessary.
+ if need_completion_refresh(text):
+ self.refresh_completions(reset=need_completion_reset(text))
+ finally:
+ if self.logfile is False:
+ self.echo("Warning: This query was not logged.", err=True, fg="red")
+ query = Query(text, successful, mutating)
+ self.query_history.append(query)
+ get_toolbar_tokens = create_toolbar_tokens_func(self, show_suggestion_tip)
+ if self.wider_completion_menu:
+ complete_style = CompleteStyle.MULTI_COLUMN
+ else:
+ complete_style = CompleteStyle.COLUMN
+ with self._completer_lock:
+ if self.key_bindings == "vi":
+ editing_mode = EditingMode.VI
+ else:
+ editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS
+ self.prompt_app = PromptSession(
+ lexer=PygmentsLexer(LiteCliLexer),
+ reserve_space_for_menu=self.get_reserved_space(),
+ message=get_message,
+ prompt_continuation=get_continuation,
+ bottom_toolbar=get_toolbar_tokens,
+ complete_style=complete_style,
+ input_processors=[
+ ConditionalProcessor(
+ processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(chars="[](){}"),
+ filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~IsDone(),
+ )
+ ],
+ tempfile_suffix=".sql",
+ completer=DynamicCompleter(lambda: self.completer),
+ history=history,
+ auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(),
+ complete_while_typing=True,
+ multiline=cli_is_multiline(self),
+ style=style_factory(self.syntax_style, self.cli_style),
+ include_default_pygments_style=False,
+ key_bindings=key_bindings,
+ enable_open_in_editor=True,
+ enable_system_prompt=True,
+ enable_suspend=True,
+ editing_mode=editing_mode,
+ search_ignore_case=True,
+ )
+ try:
+ while True:
+ one_iteration()
+ iterations += 1
+ except EOFError:
+ special.close_tee()
+ if not self.less_chatty:
+ self.echo("Goodbye!")
+ def log_output(self, output):
+ """Log the output in the audit log, if it's enabled."""
+ if self.logfile:
+ click.echo(utf8tounicode(output), file=self.logfile)
+ def echo(self, s, **kwargs):
+ """Print a message to stdout.
+ The message will be logged in the audit log, if enabled.
+ All keyword arguments are passed to click.echo().
+ """
+ self.log_output(s)
+ click.secho(s, **kwargs)
+ def get_output_margin(self, status=None):
+ """Get the output margin (number of rows for the prompt, footer and
+ timing message."""
+ margin = (
+ self.get_reserved_space()
+ + self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format).count("\n")
+ + 2
+ )
+ if status:
+ margin += 1 + status.count("\n")
+ return margin
+ def output(self, output, status=None):
+ """Output text to stdout or a pager command.
+ The status text is not outputted to pager or files.
+ The message will be logged in the audit log, if enabled. The
+ message will be written to the tee file, if enabled. The
+ message will be written to the output file, if enabled.
+ """
+ if output:
+ size = self.prompt_app.output.get_size()
+ margin = self.get_output_margin(status)
+ fits = True
+ buf = []
+ output_via_pager = self.explicit_pager and special.is_pager_enabled()
+ for i, line in enumerate(output, 1):
+ self.log_output(line)
+ special.write_tee(line)
+ special.write_once(line)
+ if fits or output_via_pager:
+ # buffering
+ buf.append(line)
+ if len(line) > size.columns or i > (size.rows - margin):
+ fits = False
+ if not self.explicit_pager and special.is_pager_enabled():
+ # doesn't fit, use pager
+ output_via_pager = True
+ if not output_via_pager:
+ # doesn't fit, flush buffer
+ for line in buf:
+ click.secho(line)
+ buf = []
+ else:
+ click.secho(line)
+ if buf:
+ if output_via_pager:
+ # sadly click.echo_via_pager doesn't accept generators
+ click.echo_via_pager("\n".join(buf))
+ else:
+ for line in buf:
+ click.secho(line)
+ if status:
+ self.log_output(status)
+ click.secho(status)
+ def configure_pager(self):
+ # Provide sane defaults for less if they are empty.
+ if not os.environ.get("LESS"):
+ os.environ["LESS"] = "-RXF"
+ cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(["pager", "skip-pager"])
+ if cnf["pager"]:
+ special.set_pager(cnf["pager"])
+ self.explicit_pager = True
+ else:
+ self.explicit_pager = False
+ if cnf["skip-pager"] or not self.config["main"].as_bool("enable_pager"):
+ special.disable_pager()
+ def refresh_completions(self, reset=False):
+ if reset:
+ with self._completer_lock:
+ self.completer.reset_completions()
+ self.completion_refresher.refresh(
+ self.sqlexecute,
+ self._on_completions_refreshed,
+ {
+ "supported_formats": self.formatter.supported_formats,
+ "keyword_casing": self.completer.keyword_casing,
+ },
+ )
+ return [
+ (None, None, None, "Auto-completion refresh started in the background.")
+ ]
+ def _on_completions_refreshed(self, new_completer):
+ """Swap the completer object in cli with the newly created completer.
+ """
+ with self._completer_lock:
+ self.completer = new_completer
+ if self.prompt_app:
+ # After refreshing, redraw the CLI to clear the statusbar
+ # "Refreshing completions..." indicator
+ def get_completions(self, text, cursor_positition):
+ with self._completer_lock:
+ return self.completer.get_completions(
+ Document(text=text, cursor_position=cursor_positition), None
+ )
+ def get_prompt(self, string):
+ self.logger.debug("Getting prompt")
+ sqlexecute = self.sqlexecute
+ now =
+ string = string.replace("\\d", sqlexecute.dbname or "(none)")
+ string = string.replace("\\n", "\n")
+ string = string.replace("\\D", now.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"))
+ string = string.replace("\\m", now.strftime("%M"))
+ string = string.replace("\\P", now.strftime("%p"))
+ string = string.replace("\\R", now.strftime("%H"))
+ string = string.replace("\\r", now.strftime("%I"))
+ string = string.replace("\\s", now.strftime("%S"))
+ string = string.replace("\\_", " ")
+ return string
+ def run_query(self, query, new_line=True):
+ """Runs *query*."""
+ results =
+ for result in results:
+ title, cur, headers, status = result
+ self.formatter.query = query
+ output = self.format_output(title, cur, headers)
+ for line in output:
+ click.echo(line, nl=new_line)
+ def format_output(self, title, cur, headers, expanded=False, max_width=None):
+ expanded = expanded or self.formatter.format_name == "vertical"
+ output = []
+ output_kwargs = {
+ "dialect": "unix",
+ "disable_numparse": True,
+ "preserve_whitespace": True,
+ "preprocessors": (preprocessors.align_decimals,),
+ "style": self.output_style,
+ }
+ if title: # Only print the title if it's not None.
+ output = itertools.chain(output, [title])
+ if cur:
+ column_types = None
+ if hasattr(cur, "description"):
+ def get_col_type(col):
+ # col_type = FIELD_TYPES.get(col[1], text_type)
+ # return col_type if type(col_type) is type else text_type
+ return text_type
+ column_types = [get_col_type(col) for col in cur.description]
+ if max_width is not None:
+ cur = list(cur)
+ formatted = self.formatter.format_output(
+ cur,
+ headers,
+ format_name="vertical" if expanded else None,
+ column_types=column_types,
+ **output_kwargs
+ )
+ if isinstance(formatted, (text_type)):
+ formatted = formatted.splitlines()
+ formatted = iter(formatted)
+ first_line = next(formatted)
+ formatted = itertools.chain([first_line], formatted)
+ if (
+ not expanded
+ and max_width
+ and headers
+ and cur
+ and len(first_line) > max_width
+ ):
+ formatted = self.formatter.format_output(
+ cur,
+ headers,
+ format_name="vertical",
+ column_types=column_types,
+ **output_kwargs
+ )
+ if isinstance(formatted, (text_type)):
+ formatted = iter(formatted.splitlines())
+ output = itertools.chain(output, formatted)
+ return output
+ def get_reserved_space(self):
+ """Get the number of lines to reserve for the completion menu."""
+ reserved_space_ratio = 0.45
+ max_reserved_space = 8
+ _, height = click.get_terminal_size()
+ return min(int(round(height * reserved_space_ratio)), max_reserved_space)
+ def get_last_query(self):
+ """Get the last query executed or None."""
+ return self.query_history[-1][0] if self.query_history else None
+@click.option("-V", "--version", is_flag=True, help="Output litecli's version.")
+@click.option("-D", "--database", "dbname", help="Database to use.")
+ "-R",
+ "--prompt",
+ "prompt",
+ help='Prompt format (Default: "{0}").'.format(LiteCli.default_prompt),
+ "-l",
+ "--logfile",
+ type=click.File(mode="a", encoding="utf-8"),
+ help="Log every query and its results to a file.",
+ "--liteclirc",
+ default=config_location() + "config",
+ help="Location of liteclirc file.",
+ type=click.Path(dir_okay=False),
+ "--auto-vertical-output",
+ is_flag=True,
+ help="Automatically switch to vertical output mode if the result is wider than the terminal width.",
+ "-t", "--table", is_flag=True, help="Display batch output in table format."
+@click.option("--csv", is_flag=True, help="Display batch output in CSV format.")
+ "--warn/--no-warn", default=None, help="Warn before running a destructive query."
+@click.option("-e", "--execute", type=str, help="Execute command and quit.")
+@click.argument("database", default="", nargs=1)
+def cli(
+ database,
+ dbname,
+ version,
+ prompt,
+ logfile,
+ auto_vertical_output,
+ table,
+ csv,
+ warn,
+ execute,
+ liteclirc,
+ """A SQLite terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
+ \b
+ Examples:
+ - litecli lite_database
+ """
+ if version:
+ print("Version:", __version__)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ litecli = LiteCli(
+ prompt=prompt,
+ logfile=logfile,
+ auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output,
+ warn=warn,
+ liteclirc=liteclirc,
+ )
+ # Choose which ever one has a valid value.
+ database = database or dbname
+ litecli.connect(database)
+ litecli.logger.debug("Launch Params: \n" "\tdatabase: %r", database)
+ # --execute argument
+ if execute:
+ try:
+ if csv:
+ litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv"
+ elif not table:
+ litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv"
+ litecli.run_query(execute)
+ exit(0)
+ except Exception as e:
+ click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ exit(1)
+ if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ litecli.run_cli()
+ else:
+ stdin = click.get_text_stream("stdin")
+ stdin_text =
+ try:
+ sys.stdin = open("/dev/tty")
+ except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
+ litecli.logger.warning("Unable to open TTY as stdin.")
+ if (
+ litecli.destructive_warning
+ and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False
+ ):
+ exit(0)
+ try:
+ new_line = True
+ if csv:
+ litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv"
+ elif not table:
+ litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv"
+ litecli.run_query(stdin_text, new_line=new_line)
+ exit(0)
+ except Exception as e:
+ click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red")
+ exit(1)
+def need_completion_refresh(queries):
+ """Determines if the completion needs a refresh by checking if the sql
+ statement is an alter, create, drop or change db."""
+ for query in sqlparse.split(queries):
+ try:
+ first_token = query.split()[0]
+ if first_token.lower() in (
+ "alter",
+ "create",
+ "use",
+ "\\r",
+ "\\u",
+ "connect",
+ "drop",
+ ):
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+def need_completion_reset(queries):
+ """Determines if the statement is a database switch such as 'use' or '\\u'.
+ When a database is changed the existing completions must be reset before we
+ start the completion refresh for the new database.
+ """
+ for query in sqlparse.split(queries):
+ try:
+ first_token = query.split()[0]
+ if first_token.lower() in ("use", "\\u"):
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+def is_mutating(status):
+ """Determines if the statement is mutating based on the status."""
+ if not status:
+ return False
+ mutating = set(
+ [
+ "insert",
+ "update",
+ "delete",
+ "alter",
+ "create",
+ "drop",
+ "replace",
+ "truncate",
+ "load",
+ ]
+ )
+ return status.split(None, 1)[0].lower() in mutating
+def is_select(status):
+ """Returns true if the first word in status is 'select'."""
+ if not status:
+ return False
+ return status.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == "select"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cli()