from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import traceback import logging import threading from time import time from datetime import datetime from io import open from collections import namedtuple from sqlite3 import OperationalError import shutil from cli_helpers.tabular_output import TabularOutputFormatter from cli_helpers.tabular_output import preprocessors import click import sqlparse from prompt_toolkit.completion import DynamicCompleter from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession, CompleteStyle from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import style_from_pygments_cls from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.filters import HasFocus, IsDone from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import ANSI from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import ( HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor, ConditionalProcessor, ) from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory from .packages.special.main import NO_QUERY from .packages.prompt_utils import confirm, confirm_destructive_query from .packages import special from .sqlcompleter import SQLCompleter from .clitoolbar import create_toolbar_tokens_func from .clistyle import style_factory, style_factory_output from .sqlexecute import SQLExecute from .clibuffer import cli_is_multiline from .completion_refresher import CompletionRefresher from .config import config_location, ensure_dir_exists, get_config from .key_bindings import cli_bindings from .encodingutils import utf8tounicode, text_type from .lexer import LiteCliLexer from .__init__ import __version__ from .packages.filepaths import dir_path_exists import itertools click.disable_unicode_literals_warning = True # Query tuples are used for maintaining history Query = namedtuple("Query", ["query", "successful", "mutating"]) PACKAGE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) class LiteCli(object): default_prompt = "\\d> " max_len_prompt = 45 def __init__( self, sqlexecute=None, prompt=None, logfile=None, auto_vertical_output=False, warn=None, liteclirc=None, ): self.sqlexecute = sqlexecute self.logfile = logfile # Load config. c = self.config = get_config(liteclirc) self.multi_line = c["main"].as_bool("multi_line") self.key_bindings = c["main"]["key_bindings"] special.set_favorite_queries(self.config) self.formatter = TabularOutputFormatter(format_name=c["main"]["table_format"]) self.formatter.litecli = self self.syntax_style = c["main"]["syntax_style"] self.less_chatty = c["main"].as_bool("less_chatty") self.show_bottom_toolbar = c["main"].as_bool("show_bottom_toolbar") self.cli_style = c["colors"] self.output_style = style_factory_output(self.syntax_style, self.cli_style) self.wider_completion_menu = c["main"].as_bool("wider_completion_menu") self.autocompletion = c["main"].as_bool("autocompletion") c_dest_warning = c["main"].as_bool("destructive_warning") self.destructive_warning = c_dest_warning if warn is None else warn self.login_path_as_host = c["main"].as_bool("login_path_as_host") # read from cli argument or user config file self.auto_vertical_output = auto_vertical_output or c["main"].as_bool( "auto_vertical_output" ) # audit log if self.logfile is None and "audit_log" in c["main"]: try: self.logfile = open(os.path.expanduser(c["main"]["audit_log"]), "a") except (IOError, OSError): self.echo( "Error: Unable to open the audit log file. Your queries will not be logged.", err=True, fg="red", ) self.logfile = False self.completion_refresher = CompletionRefresher() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.initialize_logging() prompt_cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(["prompt"])["prompt"] self.prompt_format = ( prompt or prompt_cnf or c["main"]["prompt"] or self.default_prompt ) self.prompt_continuation_format = c["main"]["prompt_continuation"] keyword_casing = c["main"].get("keyword_casing", "auto") self.query_history = [] # Initialize completer. self.completer = SQLCompleter( supported_formats=self.formatter.supported_formats, keyword_casing=keyword_casing, ) self._completer_lock = threading.Lock() # Register custom special commands. self.register_special_commands() self.prompt_app = None def register_special_commands(self): special.register_special_command( self.change_db, ".open", ".open", "Change to a new database.", aliases=("use", "\\u"), ) special.register_special_command( self.refresh_completions, "rehash", "\\#", "Refresh auto-completions.", arg_type=NO_QUERY, aliases=("\\#",), ) special.register_special_command( self.change_table_format, ".mode", "\\T", "Change the table format used to output results.", aliases=("tableformat", "\\T"), case_sensitive=True, ) special.register_special_command( self.execute_from_file, ".read", "\\. filename", "Execute commands from file.", case_sensitive=True, aliases=("\\.", "source"), ) special.register_special_command( self.change_prompt_format, "prompt", "\\R", "Change prompt format.", aliases=("\\R",), case_sensitive=True, ) def change_table_format(self, arg, **_): try: self.formatter.format_name = arg yield (None, None, None, "Changed table format to {}".format(arg)) except ValueError: msg = "Table format {} not recognized. Allowed formats:".format(arg) for table_type in self.formatter.supported_formats: msg += "\n\t{}".format(table_type) yield (None, None, None, msg) def change_db(self, arg, **_): if arg is None: self.sqlexecute.connect() else: self.sqlexecute.connect(database=arg) self.refresh_completions() yield ( None, None, None, 'You are now connected to database "%s"' % (self.sqlexecute.dbname), ) def execute_from_file(self, arg, **_): if not arg: message = "Missing required argument, filename." return [(None, None, None, message)] try: with open(os.path.expanduser(arg), encoding="utf-8") as f: query = except IOError as e: return [(None, None, None, str(e))] if self.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(query) is False: message = "Wise choice. Command execution stopped." return [(None, None, None, message)] return def change_prompt_format(self, arg, **_): """ Change the prompt format. """ if not arg: message = "Missing required argument, format." return [(None, None, None, message)] self.prompt_format = self.get_prompt(arg) return [(None, None, None, "Changed prompt format to %s" % arg)] def initialize_logging(self): log_file = self.config["main"]["log_file"] if log_file == "default": log_file = config_location() + "log" ensure_dir_exists(log_file) log_level = self.config["main"]["log_level"] level_map = { "CRITICAL": logging.CRITICAL, "ERROR": logging.ERROR, "WARNING": logging.WARNING, "INFO": logging.INFO, "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG, } # Disable logging if value is NONE by switching to a no-op handler # Set log level to a high value so it doesn't even waste cycles getting called. if log_level.upper() == "NONE": handler = logging.NullHandler() log_level = "CRITICAL" elif dir_path_exists(log_file): handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) else: self.echo( 'Error: Unable to open the log file "{}".'.format(log_file), err=True, fg="red", ) return formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s (%(process)d/%(threadName)s) " "%(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger = logging.getLogger("litecli") root_logger.addHandler(handler) root_logger.setLevel(level_map[log_level.upper()]) logging.captureWarnings(True) root_logger.debug("Initializing litecli logging.") root_logger.debug("Log file %r.", log_file) def read_my_cnf_files(self, keys): """ Reads a list of config files and merges them. The last one will win. :param files: list of files to read :param keys: list of keys to retrieve :returns: tuple, with None for missing keys. """ cnf = self.config sections = ["main"] def get(key): result = None for sect in cnf: if sect in sections and key in cnf[sect]: result = cnf[sect][key] return result return {x: get(x) for x in keys} def connect(self, database=""): cnf = {"database": None} cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(cnf.keys()) # Fall back to config values only if user did not specify a value. database = database or cnf["database"] # Connect to the database. def _connect(): self.sqlexecute = SQLExecute(database) try: _connect() except Exception as e: # Connecting to a database could fail. self.logger.debug("Database connection failed: %r.", e) self.logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc()) self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red") exit(1) def handle_editor_command(self, text): """Editor command is any query that is prefixed or suffixed by a '\e'. The reason for a while loop is because a user might edit a query multiple times. For eg: "select * from \e" to edit it in vim, then come back to the prompt with the edited query "select * from blah where q = 'abc'\e" to edit it again. :param text: Document :return: Document """ while special.editor_command(text): filename = special.get_filename(text) query = special.get_editor_query(text) or self.get_last_query() sql, message = special.open_external_editor(filename, sql=query) if message: # Something went wrong. Raise an exception and bail. raise RuntimeError(message) while True: try: text = self.prompt_app.prompt(default=sql) break except KeyboardInterrupt: sql = "" continue return text def run_cli(self): iterations = 0 sqlexecute = self.sqlexecute logger = self.logger self.configure_pager() self.refresh_completions() history_file = config_location() + "history" if dir_path_exists(history_file): history = FileHistory(history_file) else: history = None self.echo( 'Error: Unable to open the history file "{}". ' "Your query history will not be saved.".format(history_file), err=True, fg="red", ) key_bindings = cli_bindings(self) if not self.less_chatty: print("Version:", __version__) print("Mail:!forum/litecli-users") print("GitHub:") # print("Home:") def get_message(): prompt = self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format) if ( self.prompt_format == self.default_prompt and len(prompt) > self.max_len_prompt ): prompt = self.get_prompt("\\d> ") prompt = prompt.replace("\\x1b", "\x1b") return ANSI(prompt) def get_continuation(width, line_number, is_soft_wrap): continuation = " " * (width - 1) + " " return [("class:continuation", continuation)] def show_suggestion_tip(): return iterations < 2 def one_iteration(text=None): if text is None: try: text = self.prompt_app.prompt() except KeyboardInterrupt: return special.set_expanded_output(False) try: text = self.handle_editor_command(text) except RuntimeError as e: logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e) logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc()) self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red") return if not text.strip(): return if self.destructive_warning: destroy = confirm_destructive_query(text) if destroy is None: pass # Query was not destructive. Nothing to do here. elif destroy is True: self.echo("Your call!") else: self.echo("Wise choice!") return # Keep track of whether or not the query is mutating. In case # of a multi-statement query, the overall query is considered # mutating if any one of the component statements is mutating mutating = False try: logger.debug("sql: %r", text) special.write_tee(self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format) + text) if self.logfile: self.logfile.write("\n# %s\n" % self.logfile.write(text) self.logfile.write("\n") successful = False start = time() res = self.formatter.query = text successful = True result_count = 0 for title, cur, headers, status in res: logger.debug("headers: %r", headers) logger.debug("rows: %r", cur) logger.debug("status: %r", status) threshold = 1000 if is_select(status) and cur and cur.rowcount > threshold: self.echo( "The result set has more than {} rows.".format(threshold), fg="red", ) if not confirm("Do you want to continue?"): self.echo("Aborted!", err=True, fg="red") break if self.auto_vertical_output: max_width = self.prompt_app.output.get_size().columns else: max_width = None formatted = self.format_output( title, cur, headers, special.is_expanded_output(), max_width ) t = time() - start try: if result_count > 0: self.echo("") try: self.output(formatted, status) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.echo("Time: %0.03fs" % t) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass start = time() result_count += 1 mutating = mutating or is_mutating(status) special.unset_once_if_written() except EOFError as e: raise e except KeyboardInterrupt: # get last connection id connection_id_to_kill = sqlexecute.connection_id logger.debug("connection id to kill: %r", connection_id_to_kill) # Restart connection to the database sqlexecute.connect() try: for title, cur, headers, status in "kill %s" % connection_id_to_kill ): status_str = str(status).lower() if status_str.find("ok") > -1: logger.debug( "cancelled query, connection id: %r, sql: %r", connection_id_to_kill, text, ) self.echo("cancelled query", err=True, fg="red") except Exception as e: self.echo( "Encountered error while cancelling query: {}".format(e), err=True, fg="red", ) except NotImplementedError: self.echo("Not Yet Implemented.", fg="yellow") except OperationalError as e: logger.debug("Exception: %r", e) if e.args[0] in (2003, 2006, 2013): logger.debug("Attempting to reconnect.") self.echo("Reconnecting...", fg="yellow") try: sqlexecute.connect() logger.debug("Reconnected successfully.") one_iteration(text) return # OK to just return, cuz the recursion call runs to the end. except OperationalError as e: logger.debug("Reconnect failed. e: %r", e) self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red") # If reconnection failed, don't proceed further. return else: logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e) logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc()) self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red") except Exception as e: logger.error("sql: %r, error: %r", text, e) logger.error("traceback: %r", traceback.format_exc()) self.echo(str(e), err=True, fg="red") else: # Refresh the table names and column names if necessary. if need_completion_refresh(text): self.refresh_completions(reset=need_completion_reset(text)) finally: if self.logfile is False: self.echo("Warning: This query was not logged.", err=True, fg="red") query = Query(text, successful, mutating) self.query_history.append(query) get_toolbar_tokens = create_toolbar_tokens_func(self, show_suggestion_tip) if self.wider_completion_menu: complete_style = CompleteStyle.MULTI_COLUMN else: complete_style = CompleteStyle.COLUMN if not self.autocompletion: complete_style = CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE with self._completer_lock: if self.key_bindings == "vi": editing_mode = EditingMode.VI else: editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS self.prompt_app = PromptSession( lexer=PygmentsLexer(LiteCliLexer), reserve_space_for_menu=self.get_reserved_space(), message=get_message, prompt_continuation=get_continuation, bottom_toolbar=get_toolbar_tokens if self.show_bottom_toolbar else None, complete_style=complete_style, input_processors=[ ConditionalProcessor( processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(chars="[](){}"), filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER) & ~IsDone(), ) ], tempfile_suffix=".sql", completer=DynamicCompleter(lambda: self.completer), history=history, auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory(), complete_while_typing=True, multiline=cli_is_multiline(self), style=style_factory(self.syntax_style, self.cli_style), include_default_pygments_style=False, key_bindings=key_bindings, enable_open_in_editor=True, enable_system_prompt=True, enable_suspend=True, editing_mode=editing_mode, search_ignore_case=True, ) try: while True: one_iteration() iterations += 1 except EOFError: special.close_tee() if not self.less_chatty: self.echo("Goodbye!") def log_output(self, output): """Log the output in the audit log, if it's enabled.""" if self.logfile: click.echo(utf8tounicode(output), file=self.logfile) def echo(self, s, **kwargs): """Print a message to stdout. The message will be logged in the audit log, if enabled. All keyword arguments are passed to click.echo(). """ self.log_output(s) click.secho(s, **kwargs) def get_output_margin(self, status=None): """Get the output margin (number of rows for the prompt, footer and timing message.""" margin = ( self.get_reserved_space() + self.get_prompt(self.prompt_format).count("\n") + 2 ) if status: margin += 1 + status.count("\n") return margin def output(self, output, status=None): """Output text to stdout or a pager command. The status text is not outputted to pager or files. The message will be logged in the audit log, if enabled. The message will be written to the tee file, if enabled. The message will be written to the output file, if enabled. """ if output: size = self.prompt_app.output.get_size() margin = self.get_output_margin(status) fits = True buf = [] output_via_pager = self.explicit_pager and special.is_pager_enabled() for i, line in enumerate(output, 1): self.log_output(line) special.write_tee(line) special.write_once(line) if fits or output_via_pager: # buffering buf.append(line) if len(line) > size.columns or i > (size.rows - margin): fits = False if not self.explicit_pager and special.is_pager_enabled(): # doesn't fit, use pager output_via_pager = True if not output_via_pager: # doesn't fit, flush buffer for line in buf: click.secho(line) buf = [] else: click.secho(line) if buf: if output_via_pager: # sadly click.echo_via_pager doesn't accept generators click.echo_via_pager("\n".join(buf)) else: for line in buf: click.secho(line) if status: self.log_output(status) click.secho(status) def configure_pager(self): # Provide sane defaults for less if they are empty. if not os.environ.get("LESS"): os.environ["LESS"] = "-RXF" cnf = self.read_my_cnf_files(["pager", "skip-pager"]) if cnf["pager"]: special.set_pager(cnf["pager"]) self.explicit_pager = True else: self.explicit_pager = False if cnf["skip-pager"] or not self.config["main"].as_bool("enable_pager"): special.disable_pager() def refresh_completions(self, reset=False): if reset: with self._completer_lock: self.completer.reset_completions() self.completion_refresher.refresh( self.sqlexecute, self._on_completions_refreshed, { "supported_formats": self.formatter.supported_formats, "keyword_casing": self.completer.keyword_casing, }, ) return [ (None, None, None, "Auto-completion refresh started in the background.") ] def _on_completions_refreshed(self, new_completer): """Swap the completer object in cli with the newly created completer.""" with self._completer_lock: self.completer = new_completer if self.prompt_app: # After refreshing, redraw the CLI to clear the statusbar # "Refreshing completions..." indicator def get_completions(self, text, cursor_positition): with self._completer_lock: return self.completer.get_completions( Document(text=text, cursor_position=cursor_positition), None ) def get_prompt(self, string): self.logger.debug("Getting prompt") sqlexecute = self.sqlexecute now = string = string.replace("\\d", sqlexecute.dbname or "(none)") string = string.replace("\\f", os.path.basename(sqlexecute.dbname or "(none)")) string = string.replace("\\n", "\n") string = string.replace("\\D", now.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")) string = string.replace("\\m", now.strftime("%M")) string = string.replace("\\P", now.strftime("%p")) string = string.replace("\\R", now.strftime("%H")) string = string.replace("\\r", now.strftime("%I")) string = string.replace("\\s", now.strftime("%S")) string = string.replace("\\_", " ") return string def run_query(self, query, new_line=True): """Runs *query*.""" results = for result in results: title, cur, headers, status = result self.formatter.query = query output = self.format_output(title, cur, headers) for line in output: click.echo(line, nl=new_line) def format_output(self, title, cur, headers, expanded=False, max_width=None): expanded = expanded or self.formatter.format_name == "vertical" output = [] output_kwargs = { "dialect": "unix", "disable_numparse": True, "preserve_whitespace": True, "preprocessors": (preprocessors.align_decimals,), "style": self.output_style, } if title: # Only print the title if it's not None. output = itertools.chain(output, [title]) if cur: column_types = None if hasattr(cur, "description"): def get_col_type(col): # col_type = FIELD_TYPES.get(col[1], text_type) # return col_type if type(col_type) is type else text_type return text_type column_types = [get_col_type(col) for col in cur.description] if max_width is not None: cur = list(cur) formatted = self.formatter.format_output( cur, headers, format_name="vertical" if expanded else None, column_types=column_types, **output_kwargs ) if isinstance(formatted, (text_type)): formatted = formatted.splitlines() formatted = iter(formatted) first_line = next(formatted) formatted = itertools.chain([first_line], formatted) if ( not expanded and max_width and headers and cur and len(first_line) > max_width ): formatted = self.formatter.format_output( cur, headers, format_name="vertical", column_types=column_types, **output_kwargs ) if isinstance(formatted, (text_type)): formatted = iter(formatted.splitlines()) output = itertools.chain(output, formatted) return output def get_reserved_space(self): """Get the number of lines to reserve for the completion menu.""" reserved_space_ratio = 0.45 max_reserved_space = 8 _, height = shutil.get_terminal_size() return min(int(round(height * reserved_space_ratio)), max_reserved_space) def get_last_query(self): """Get the last query executed or None.""" return self.query_history[-1][0] if self.query_history else None @click.command() @click.option("-V", "--version", is_flag=True, help="Output litecli's version.") @click.option("-D", "--database", "dbname", help="Database to use.") @click.option( "-R", "--prompt", "prompt", help='Prompt format (Default: "{0}").'.format(LiteCli.default_prompt), ) @click.option( "-l", "--logfile", type=click.File(mode="a", encoding="utf-8"), help="Log every query and its results to a file.", ) @click.option( "--liteclirc", default=config_location() + "config", help="Location of liteclirc file.", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False), ) @click.option( "--auto-vertical-output", is_flag=True, help="Automatically switch to vertical output mode if the result is wider than the terminal width.", ) @click.option( "-t", "--table", is_flag=True, help="Display batch output in table format." ) @click.option("--csv", is_flag=True, help="Display batch output in CSV format.") @click.option( "--warn/--no-warn", default=None, help="Warn before running a destructive query." ) @click.option("-e", "--execute", type=str, help="Execute command and quit.") @click.argument("database", default="", nargs=1) def cli( database, dbname, version, prompt, logfile, auto_vertical_output, table, csv, warn, execute, liteclirc, ): """A SQLite terminal client with auto-completion and syntax highlighting. \b Examples: - litecli lite_database """ if version: print("Version:", __version__) sys.exit(0) litecli = LiteCli( prompt=prompt, logfile=logfile, auto_vertical_output=auto_vertical_output, warn=warn, liteclirc=liteclirc, ) # Choose which ever one has a valid value. database = database or dbname litecli.connect(database) litecli.logger.debug("Launch Params: \n" "\tdatabase: %r", database) # --execute argument if execute: try: if csv: litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv" elif not table: litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv" litecli.run_query(execute) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red") exit(1) if sys.stdin.isatty(): litecli.run_cli() else: stdin = click.get_text_stream("stdin") stdin_text = try: sys.stdin = open("/dev/tty") except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): litecli.logger.warning("Unable to open TTY as stdin.") if ( litecli.destructive_warning and confirm_destructive_query(stdin_text) is False ): exit(0) try: new_line = True if csv: litecli.formatter.format_name = "csv" elif not table: litecli.formatter.format_name = "tsv" litecli.run_query(stdin_text, new_line=new_line) exit(0) except Exception as e: click.secho(str(e), err=True, fg="red") exit(1) def need_completion_refresh(queries): """Determines if the completion needs a refresh by checking if the sql statement is an alter, create, drop or change db.""" for query in sqlparse.split(queries): try: first_token = query.split()[0] if first_token.lower() in ( "alter", "create", "use", "\\r", "\\u", "connect", "drop", ): return True except Exception: return False def need_completion_reset(queries): """Determines if the statement is a database switch such as 'use' or '\\u'. When a database is changed the existing completions must be reset before we start the completion refresh for the new database. """ for query in sqlparse.split(queries): try: first_token = query.split()[0] if first_token.lower() in ("use", "\\u"): return True except Exception: return False def is_mutating(status): """Determines if the statement is mutating based on the status.""" if not status: return False mutating = set( [ "insert", "update", "delete", "alter", "create", "drop", "replace", "truncate", "load", ] ) return status.split(None, 1)[0].lower() in mutating def is_select(status): """Returns true if the first word in status is 'select'.""" if not status: return False return status.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == "select" if __name__ == "__main__": cli()