from __future__ import print_function import sys import sqlparse from sqlparse.sql import Comparison, Identifier, Where from litecli.encodingutils import string_types, text_type from .parseutils import last_word, extract_tables, find_prev_keyword from .special import parse_special_command def suggest_type(full_text, text_before_cursor): """Takes the full_text that is typed so far and also the text before the cursor to suggest completion type and scope. Returns a tuple with a type of entity ('table', 'column' etc) and a scope. A scope for a column category will be a list of tables. """ word_before_cursor = last_word(text_before_cursor, include="many_punctuations") identifier = None # here should be removed once sqlparse has been fixed try: # If we've partially typed a word then word_before_cursor won't be an empty # string. In that case we want to remove the partially typed string before # sending it to the sqlparser. Otherwise the last token will always be the # partially typed string which renders the smart completion useless because # it will always return the list of keywords as completion. if word_before_cursor: if word_before_cursor.endswith("(") or word_before_cursor.startswith("\\"): parsed = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor) else: parsed = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor[: -len(word_before_cursor)]) # word_before_cursor may include a schema qualification, like # "schema_name.partial_name" or "schema_name.", so parse it # separately p = sqlparse.parse(word_before_cursor)[0] if p.tokens and isinstance(p.tokens[0], Identifier): identifier = p.tokens[0] else: parsed = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor) except (TypeError, AttributeError): return [{"type": "keyword"}] if len(parsed) > 1: # Multiple statements being edited -- isolate the current one by # cumulatively summing statement lengths to find the one that bounds the # current position current_pos = len(text_before_cursor) stmt_start, stmt_end = 0, 0 for statement in parsed: stmt_len = len(text_type(statement)) stmt_start, stmt_end = stmt_end, stmt_end + stmt_len if stmt_end >= current_pos: text_before_cursor = full_text[stmt_start:current_pos] full_text = full_text[stmt_start:] break elif parsed: # A single statement statement = parsed[0] else: # The empty string statement = None # Check for special commands and handle those separately if statement: # Be careful here because trivial whitespace is parsed as a statement, # but the statement won't have a first token tok1 = statement.token_first() if tok1 and tok1.value.startswith("."): return suggest_special(text_before_cursor) elif tok1 and tok1.value.startswith("\\"): return suggest_special(text_before_cursor) elif tok1 and tok1.value.startswith("source"): return suggest_special(text_before_cursor) elif text_before_cursor and text_before_cursor.startswith(".open "): return suggest_special(text_before_cursor) last_token = statement and statement.token_prev(len(statement.tokens))[1] or "" return suggest_based_on_last_token( last_token, text_before_cursor, full_text, identifier ) def suggest_special(text): text = text.lstrip() cmd, _, arg = parse_special_command(text) if cmd == text: # Trying to complete the special command itself return [{"type": "special"}] if cmd in ("\\u", "\\r"): return [{"type": "database"}] if cmd in ("\\T"): return [{"type": "table_format"}] if cmd in ["\\f", "\\fs", "\\fd"]: return [{"type": "favoritequery"}] if cmd in ["\\d", "\\dt", "\\dt+", ".schema"]: return [ {"type": "table", "schema": []}, {"type": "view", "schema": []}, {"type": "schema"}, ] if cmd in ["\\.", "source", ".open"]: return [{"type": "file_name"}] if cmd in [".import"]: # Usage: .import filename table if _expecting_arg_idx(arg, text) == 1: return [{"type": "file_name"}] else: return [{"type": "table", "schema": []}] return [{"type": "keyword"}, {"type": "special"}] def _expecting_arg_idx(arg, text): """Return the index of expecting argument. >>> _expecting_arg_idx("./da", ".import ./da") 1 >>> _expecting_arg_idx("./data.csv", ".import ./data.csv") 1 >>> _expecting_arg_idx("./data.csv", ".import ./data.csv ") 2 >>> _expecting_arg_idx("./data.csv t", ".import ./data.csv t") 2 """ args = arg.split() return len(args) + int(text[-1].isspace()) def suggest_based_on_last_token(token, text_before_cursor, full_text, identifier): if isinstance(token, string_types): token_v = token.lower() elif isinstance(token, Comparison): # If 'token' is a Comparison type such as # 'select * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = d.'. Then calling # token.value on the comparison type will only return the lhs of the # comparison. In this case So we need to do token.tokens to get # both sides of the comparison and pick the last token out of that # list. token_v = token.tokens[-1].value.lower() elif isinstance(token, Where): # sqlparse groups all tokens from the where clause into a single token # list. This means that token.value may be something like # 'where foo > 5 and '. We need to look "inside" token.tokens to handle # suggestions in complicated where clauses correctly prev_keyword, text_before_cursor = find_prev_keyword(text_before_cursor) return suggest_based_on_last_token( prev_keyword, text_before_cursor, full_text, identifier ) else: token_v = token.value.lower() is_operand = lambda x: x and any([x.endswith(op) for op in ["+", "-", "*", "/"]]) if not token: return [{"type": "keyword"}, {"type": "special"}] elif token_v.endswith("("): p = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor)[0] if p.tokens and isinstance(p.tokens[-1], Where): # Four possibilities: # 1 - Parenthesized clause like "WHERE foo AND (" # Suggest columns/functions # 2 - Function call like "WHERE foo(" # Suggest columns/functions # 3 - Subquery expression like "WHERE EXISTS (" # Suggest keywords, in order to do a subquery # 4 - Subquery OR array comparison like "WHERE foo = ANY(" # Suggest columns/functions AND keywords. (If we wanted to be # really fancy, we could suggest only array-typed columns) column_suggestions = suggest_based_on_last_token( "where", text_before_cursor, full_text, identifier ) # Check for a subquery expression (cases 3 & 4) where = p.tokens[-1] idx, prev_tok = where.token_prev(len(where.tokens) - 1) if isinstance(prev_tok, Comparison): # e.g. "SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE foo = ANY(" prev_tok = prev_tok.tokens[-1] prev_tok = prev_tok.value.lower() if prev_tok == "exists": return [{"type": "keyword"}] else: return column_suggestions # Get the token before the parens idx, prev_tok = p.token_prev(len(p.tokens) - 1) if prev_tok and prev_tok.value and prev_tok.value.lower() == "using": # tbl1 INNER JOIN tbl2 USING (col1, col2) tables = extract_tables(full_text) # suggest columns that are present in more than one table return [{"type": "column", "tables": tables, "drop_unique": True}] elif p.token_first().value.lower() == "select": # If the lparen is preceeded by a space chances are we're about to # do a sub-select. if last_word(text_before_cursor, "all_punctuations").startswith("("): return [{"type": "keyword"}] elif p.token_first().value.lower() == "show": return [{"type": "show"}] # We're probably in a function argument list return [{"type": "column", "tables": extract_tables(full_text)}] elif token_v in ("set", "order by", "distinct"): return [{"type": "column", "tables": extract_tables(full_text)}] elif token_v == "as": # Don't suggest anything for an alias return [] elif token_v in ("show"): return [{"type": "show"}] elif token_v in ("to",): p = sqlparse.parse(text_before_cursor)[0] if p.token_first().value.lower() == "change": return [{"type": "change"}] else: return [{"type": "user"}] elif token_v in ("user", "for"): return [{"type": "user"}] elif token_v in ("select", "where", "having"): # Check for a table alias or schema qualification parent = (identifier and identifier.get_parent_name()) or [] tables = extract_tables(full_text) if parent: tables = [t for t in tables if identifies(parent, *t)] return [ {"type": "column", "tables": tables}, {"type": "table", "schema": parent}, {"type": "view", "schema": parent}, {"type": "function", "schema": parent}, ] else: aliases = [alias or table for (schema, table, alias) in tables] return [ {"type": "column", "tables": tables}, {"type": "function", "schema": []}, {"type": "alias", "aliases": aliases}, {"type": "keyword"}, ] elif (token_v.endswith("join") and token.is_keyword) or ( token_v in ("copy", "from", "update", "into", "describe", "truncate", "desc", "explain") ): schema = (identifier and identifier.get_parent_name()) or [] # Suggest tables from either the currently-selected schema or the # public schema if no schema has been specified suggest = [{"type": "table", "schema": schema}] if not schema: # Suggest schemas suggest.insert(0, {"type": "schema"}) # Only tables can be TRUNCATED, otherwise suggest views if token_v != "truncate": suggest.append({"type": "view", "schema": schema}) return suggest elif token_v in ("table", "view", "function"): # E.g. 'DROP FUNCTION ', 'ALTER TABLE ' rel_type = token_v schema = (identifier and identifier.get_parent_name()) or [] if schema: return [{"type": rel_type, "schema": schema}] else: return [{"type": "schema"}, {"type": rel_type, "schema": []}] elif token_v == "on": tables = extract_tables(full_text) # [(schema, table, alias), ...] parent = (identifier and identifier.get_parent_name()) or [] if parent: # "ON parent." # parent can be either a schema name or table alias tables = [t for t in tables if identifies(parent, *t)] return [ {"type": "column", "tables": tables}, {"type": "table", "schema": parent}, {"type": "view", "schema": parent}, {"type": "function", "schema": parent}, ] else: # ON # Use table alias if there is one, otherwise the table name aliases = [alias or table for (schema, table, alias) in tables] suggest = [{"type": "alias", "aliases": aliases}] # The lists of 'aliases' could be empty if we're trying to complete # a GRANT query. eg: GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON # In that case we just suggest all tables. if not aliases: suggest.append({"type": "table", "schema": parent}) return suggest elif token_v in ("use", "database", "template", "connect"): # "\c ", "DROP DATABASE ", # "CREATE DATABASE WITH TEMPLATE " return [{"type": "database"}] elif token_v == "tableformat": return [{"type": "table_format"}] elif token_v.endswith(",") or is_operand(token_v) or token_v in ["=", "and", "or"]: prev_keyword, text_before_cursor = find_prev_keyword(text_before_cursor) if prev_keyword: return suggest_based_on_last_token( prev_keyword, text_before_cursor, full_text, identifier ) else: return [] else: return [{"type": "keyword"}] def identifies(id, schema, table, alias): return id == alias or id == table or (schema and (id == schema + "." + table))