from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import csv import logging import os import sys import platform import shlex from sqlite3 import ProgrammingError from litecli import __version__ from litecli.packages.special import iocommands from litecli.packages.special.utils import format_uptime from .main import special_command, RAW_QUERY, PARSED_QUERY, ArgumentMissing log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @special_command( ".tables", "\\dt", "List tables.", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, aliases=("\\dt",), ) def list_tables(cur, arg=None, arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, verbose=False): if arg: args = ("{0}%".format(arg),) query = """ SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name LIKE ? AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY 1 """ else: args = tuple() query = """ SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY 1 """ log.debug(query) cur.execute(query, args) tables = cur.fetchall() status = "" if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [(None, None, None, "")] # if verbose and arg: # query = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name LIKE ?" # log.debug(query) # cur.execute(query) # status = cur.fetchone()[1] return [(None, tables, headers, status)] @special_command( ".schema", ".schema[+] [table]", "The complete schema for the database or a single table", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, ) def show_schema(cur, arg=None, **_): if arg: args = (arg,) query = """ SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name==? AND sql IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tbl_name, type DESC, name """ else: args = tuple() query = """ SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql IS NOT NULL ORDER BY tbl_name, type DESC, name """ log.debug(query) cur.execute(query, args) tables = cur.fetchall() status = "" if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [(None, None, None, "")] return [(None, tables, headers, status)] @special_command( ".databases", ".databases", "List databases.", arg_type=RAW_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, aliases=("\\l",), ) def list_databases(cur, **_): query = "PRAGMA database_list" log.debug(query) cur.execute(query) if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] return [(None, cur, headers, "")] else: return [(None, None, None, "")] @special_command( ".indexes", ".indexes [tablename]", "List indexes.", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, aliases=("\\di",), ) def list_indexes(cur, arg=None, arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, verbose=False): if arg: args = ("{0}%".format(arg),) query = """ SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND tbl_name LIKE ? AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY 1 """ else: args = tuple() query = """ SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' ORDER BY 1 """ log.debug(query) cur.execute(query, args) indexes = cur.fetchall() status = "" if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [(None, None, None, "")] return [(None, indexes, headers, status)] @special_command( ".status", "\\s", "Show current settings.", arg_type=RAW_QUERY, aliases=("\\s",), case_sensitive=True, ) def status(cur, **_): # Create output buffers. footer = [] footer.append("--------------") # Output the litecli client information. implementation = platform.python_implementation() version = platform.python_version() client_info = [] client_info.append("litecli {0},".format(__version__)) client_info.append("running on {0} {1}".format(implementation, version)) footer.append(" ".join(client_info)) # Build the output that will be displayed as a table. query = "SELECT file from pragma_database_list() where name = 'main';" log.debug(query) cur.execute(query) db = cur.fetchone()[0] if db is None: db = "" footer.append("Current database: " + db) if iocommands.is_pager_enabled(): if "PAGER" in os.environ: pager = os.environ["PAGER"] else: pager = "System default" else: pager = "stdout" footer.append("Current pager:" + pager) footer.append("--------------") return [(None, None, "", "\n".join(footer))] @special_command( ".load", ".load path", "Load an extension library.", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, ) def load_extension(cur, arg, **_): args = shlex.split(arg) if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError(".load accepts exactly one path") path = args[0] conn = cur.connection conn.enable_load_extension(True) conn.load_extension(path) return [(None, None, None, "")] @special_command( "describe", "\\d [table]", "Description of a table", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, aliases=("\\d", "desc"), ) def describe(cur, arg, **_): if arg: args = (arg,) query = """ PRAGMA table_info({}) """.format( arg ) else: return list_tables(cur) log.debug(query) cur.execute(query) tables = cur.fetchall() status = "" if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] else: return [(None, None, None, "")] return [(None, tables, headers, status)] @special_command( ".import", ".import filename table", "Import data from filename into an existing table", arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True, ) def import_file(cur, arg=None, **_): def split(s): # this is a modification of shlex.split function, just to make it support '`', # because table name might contain '`' character. lex = shlex.shlex(s, posix=True) lex.whitespace_split = True lex.commenters = "" lex.quotes += "`" return list(lex) args = split(arg) log.debug("[arg = %r], [args = %r]", arg, args) if len(args) != 2: raise TypeError("Usage: .import filename table") filename, table = args cur.execute('PRAGMA table_info("%s")' % table) ncols = len(cur.fetchall()) insert_tmpl = 'INSERT INTO "%s" VALUES (?%s)' % (table, ",?" * (ncols - 1)) with open(filename, "r") as csvfile: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) cur.execute("BEGIN") ninserted, nignored = 0, 0 for i, row in enumerate(reader): if len(row) != ncols: print( "%s:%d expected %d columns but found %d - ignored" % (filename, i, ncols, len(row)), file=sys.stderr, ) nignored += 1 continue cur.execute(insert_tmpl, row) ninserted += 1 cur.execute("COMMIT") status = "Inserted %d rows into %s" % (ninserted, table) if nignored > 0: status += " (%d rows are ignored)" % nignored return [(None, None, None, status)]