# coding=UTF-8 import os import pytest from utils import run, dbtest, set_expanded_output, is_expanded_output from sqlite3 import OperationalError, ProgrammingError def assert_result_equal( result, title=None, rows=None, headers=None, status=None, auto_status=True, assert_contains=False, ): """Assert that an sqlexecute.run() result matches the expected values.""" if status is None and auto_status and rows: status = "{} row{} in set".format(len(rows), "s" if len(rows) > 1 else "") fields = {"title": title, "rows": rows, "headers": headers, "status": status} if assert_contains: # Do a loose match on the results using the *in* operator. for key, field in fields.items(): if field: assert field in result[0][key] else: # Do an exact match on the fields. assert result == [fields] @dbtest def test_conn(executor): run(executor, """create table test(a text)""") run(executor, """insert into test values('abc')""") results = run(executor, """select * from test""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[("abc",)]) @dbtest def test_bools(executor): run(executor, """create table test(a boolean)""") run(executor, """insert into test values(1)""") results = run(executor, """select * from test""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[(1,)]) @dbtest def test_binary(executor): run(executor, """create table foo(blb BLOB NOT NULL)""") run(executor, """INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('\x01\x01\x01\n')""") results = run(executor, """select * from foo""") expected = "\x01\x01\x01\n" assert_result_equal(results, headers=["blb"], rows=[(expected,)]) ## Failing in Travis for some unknown reason. # @dbtest # def test_table_and_columns_query(executor): # run(executor, "create table a(x text, y text)") # run(executor, "create table b(z text)") # assert set(executor.tables()) == set([("a",), ("b",)]) # assert set(executor.table_columns()) == set([("a", "x"), ("a", "y"), ("b", "z")]) @dbtest def test_database_list(executor): databases = executor.databases() assert "main" in list(databases) @dbtest def test_invalid_syntax(executor): with pytest.raises(OperationalError) as excinfo: run(executor, "invalid syntax!") assert "syntax error" in str(excinfo.value) @dbtest def test_invalid_column_name(executor): with pytest.raises(OperationalError) as excinfo: run(executor, "select invalid command") assert "no such column: invalid" in str(excinfo.value) @dbtest def test_unicode_support_in_output(executor): run(executor, "create table unicodechars(t text)") run(executor, "insert into unicodechars (t) values ('é')") # See issue #24, this raises an exception without proper handling results = run(executor, "select * from unicodechars") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["t"], rows=[("é",)]) @dbtest def test_invalid_unicode_values_dont_choke(executor): run(executor, "create table unicodechars(t text)") # \xc3 is not a valid utf-8 char. But we can insert it into the database # which can break querying if not handled correctly. run(executor, "insert into unicodechars (t) values (cast(x'c3' as text))") results = run(executor, "select * from unicodechars") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["t"], rows=[("\\xc3",)]) @dbtest def test_multiple_queries_same_line(executor): results = run(executor, "select 'foo'; select 'bar'") expected = [ { "title": None, "headers": ["'foo'"], "rows": [("foo",)], "status": "1 row in set", }, { "title": None, "headers": ["'bar'"], "rows": [("bar",)], "status": "1 row in set", }, ] assert expected == results @dbtest def test_multiple_queries_same_line_syntaxerror(executor): with pytest.raises(OperationalError) as excinfo: run(executor, "select 'foo'; invalid syntax") assert "syntax error" in str(excinfo.value) @dbtest def test_favorite_query(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, "create table test(a text)") run(executor, "insert into test values('abc')") run(executor, "insert into test values('def')") results = run(executor, "\\fs test-a select * from test where a like 'a%'") assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, "\\f+ test-a") assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test where a like 'a%'", headers=["a"], rows=[("abc",)], auto_status=False, ) results = run(executor, "\\fd test-a") assert_result_equal(results, status="test-a: Deleted") @dbtest def test_bind_parameterized_favorite_query(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, "create table test(name text, id integer)") run(executor, "insert into test values('def', 2)") run(executor, "insert into test values('two words', 3)") results = run(executor, "\\fs q_param select * from test where name=?") assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, "\\f+ q_param def") assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test where name=?", headers=["name", "id"], rows=[("def", 2)], auto_status=False, ) results = run(executor, "\\f+ q_param 'two words'") assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test where name=?", headers=["name", "id"], rows=[("two words", 3)], auto_status=False, ) with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError): results = run(executor, "\\f+ q_param") with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError): results = run(executor, "\\f+ q_param 1 2") @dbtest def test_verbose_feature_of_favorite_query(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, "create table test(a text, id integer)") run(executor, "insert into test values('abc', 1)") run(executor, "insert into test values('def', 2)") results = run(executor, "\\fs sh_param select * from test where id=$1") assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, "\\f sh_param 1") assert_result_equal( results, title=None, headers=["a", "id"], rows=[("abc", 1)], auto_status=False, ) results = run(executor, "\\f+ sh_param 1") assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test where id=1", headers=["a", "id"], rows=[("abc", 1)], auto_status=False, ) @dbtest def test_shell_parameterized_favorite_query(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, "create table test(a text, id integer)") run(executor, "insert into test values('abc', 1)") run(executor, "insert into test values('def', 2)") results = run(executor, "\\fs sh_param select * from test where id=$1") assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, "\\f+ sh_param 1") assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test where id=1", headers=["a", "id"], rows=[("abc", 1)], auto_status=False, ) results = run(executor, "\\f+ sh_param") assert_result_equal( results, title=None, headers=None, rows=None, status="missing substitution for $1 in query:\n select * from test where id=$1", ) results = run(executor, "\\f+ sh_param 1 2") assert_result_equal( results, title=None, headers=None, rows=None, status="Too many arguments.\nQuery does not have enough place holders to substitute.\nselect * from test where id=1", ) @dbtest def test_favorite_query_multiple_statement(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, "create table test(a text)") run(executor, "insert into test values('abc')") run(executor, "insert into test values('def')") results = run( executor, "\\fs test-ad select * from test where a like 'a%'; " "select * from test where a like 'd%'", ) assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, "\\f+ test-ad") expected = [ { "title": "> select * from test where a like 'a%'", "headers": ["a"], "rows": [("abc",)], "status": None, }, { "title": "> select * from test where a like 'd%'", "headers": ["a"], "rows": [("def",)], "status": None, }, ] assert expected == results results = run(executor, "\\fd test-ad") assert_result_equal(results, status="test-ad: Deleted") @dbtest def test_favorite_query_expanded_output(executor): set_expanded_output(False) run(executor, """create table test(a text)""") run(executor, """insert into test values('abc')""") results = run(executor, "\\fs test-ae select * from test") assert_result_equal(results, status="Saved.") results = run(executor, R"\f+ test-ae \G") assert is_expanded_output() is True assert_result_equal( results, title="> select * from test", headers=["a"], rows=[("abc",)], auto_status=False, ) set_expanded_output(False) results = run(executor, "\\fd test-ae") assert_result_equal(results, status="test-ae: Deleted") @dbtest def test_special_command(executor): results = run(executor, "\\?") assert_result_equal( results, rows=("quit", "\\q", "Quit."), headers="Command", assert_contains=True, auto_status=False, ) @dbtest def test_cd_command_without_a_folder_name(executor): results = run(executor, "system cd") assert_result_equal(results, status="No folder name was provided.") @dbtest def test_system_command_not_found(executor): results = run(executor, "system xyz") assert_result_equal(results, status="OSError: No such file or directory", assert_contains=True) @dbtest def test_system_command_output(executor): test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) test_file_path = os.path.join(test_dir, "test.txt") results = run(executor, "system cat {0}".format(test_file_path)) assert_result_equal(results, status="litecli is awesome!\n") @dbtest def test_cd_command_current_dir(executor): test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) run(executor, "system cd {0}".format(test_path)) assert os.getcwd() == test_path run(executor, "system cd ..") @dbtest def test_unicode_support(executor): results = run(executor, "SELECT '日本語' AS japanese;") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["japanese"], rows=[("日本語",)]) @dbtest def test_timestamp_null(executor): run(executor, """create table ts_null(a timestamp null)""") run(executor, """insert into ts_null values(null)""") results = run(executor, """select * from ts_null""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[(None,)]) @dbtest def test_datetime_null(executor): run(executor, """create table dt_null(a datetime null)""") run(executor, """insert into dt_null values(null)""") results = run(executor, """select * from dt_null""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[(None,)]) @dbtest def test_date_null(executor): run(executor, """create table date_null(a date null)""") run(executor, """insert into date_null values(null)""") results = run(executor, """select * from date_null""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[(None,)]) @dbtest def test_time_null(executor): run(executor, """create table time_null(a time null)""") run(executor, """insert into time_null values(null)""") results = run(executor, """select * from time_null""") assert_result_equal(results, headers=["a"], rows=[(None,)])