Changes in version 1.12: Lunzip now reports an error if a file name is empty (lunzip -t ""). Option '-o, --output' now behaves like '-c, --stdout', but sending the output unconditionally to a file instead of to standard output. See the new description of '-o' in the manual. This change is backwards compatible only when decompressing from standard input alone. Therefore commands like: lunzip -d -o foo - bar.lz < foo.lz must now be split into: lunzip -d -o foo - < foo.lz lunzip -d bar.lz or rewritten as: lunzip -d - bar.lz < foo.lz > foo Lunzip now does not even open the output file if the input file is a terminal. The words 'decompressed' and 'compressed' have been replaced with the shorter 'out' and 'in' in the verbose output when decompressing or testing. Option '--list' now reports corruption or truncation of the last header in a multimenber file specifically instead of showing the generic message "Last member in input file is truncated or corrupt." The commands needed to extract files from a tar.lz archive have been documented in the output of '--help' and in the man page. 9 new test files have been added to the testsuite.