/* Lziprecover - Data recovery tool for the lzip format Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Antonio Diaz Diaz. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Exit status: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental problems (file not found, invalid flags, I/O errors, etc), 2 to indicate a corrupt or invalid input file, 3 for an internal consistency error (eg, bug) which caused lziprecover to panic. */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__MSVCRT__) #include #define fchmod(x,y) 0 #define fchown(x,y,z) 0 #define SIGHUP SIGTERM #define S_ISSOCK(x) 0 #define S_IRGRP 0 #define S_IWGRP 0 #define S_IROTH 0 #define S_IWOTH 0 #endif #if defined(__OS2__) #include #endif #include "arg_parser.h" #include "lzip.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "block.h" #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #if CHAR_BIT != 8 #error "Environments where CHAR_BIT != 8 are not supported." #endif int verbosity = 0; std::string output_filename; // global vars for output file int outfd = -1; namespace { const char * const Program_name = "Lziprecover"; const char * const program_name = "lziprecover"; const char * invocation_name = 0; const struct { const char * from; const char * to; } known_extensions[] = { { ".lz", "" }, { ".tlz", ".tar" }, { 0, 0 } }; enum Mode { m_none, m_alone_to_lz, m_debug_decompress, m_debug_delay, m_debug_repair, m_decompress, m_dump_tdata, m_list, m_merge, m_range_dec, m_remove_tdata, m_repair, m_show_packets, m_split, m_strip_tdata, m_test }; bool delete_output_on_interrupt = false; void show_help() { std::printf( "%s - Data recovery tool and decompressor for the lzip format.\n", Program_name ); std::printf( "\nLziprecover can repair perfectly most files with small errors (up to one\n" "single-byte error per member), without the need of any extra redundance\n" "at all. Losing an entire archive just because of a corrupt byte near the\n" "beginning is a thing of the past.\n" "\nLziprecover can also produce a correct file by merging the good parts of\n" "two or more damaged copies, extract data from damaged files, decompress\n" "files and test integrity of files.\n" "\nLziprecover provides random access to the data in multimember files; it\n" "only decompresses the members containing the desired data.\n" "\nLziprecover facilitates the management of metadata stored as trailing\n" "data in lzip files.\n" "\nLziprecover is not a replacement for regular backups, but a last line of\n" "defense for the case where the backups are also damaged.\n" "\nUsage: %s [options] [files]\n", invocation_name ); std::printf( "\nOptions:\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n" " -V, --version output version information and exit\n" " -a, --trailing-error exit with error status if trailing data\n" " -A, --alone-to-lz convert lzma-alone files to lzip format\n" " -c, --stdout write to standard output, keep input files\n" " -d, --decompress decompress\n" " -D, --range-decompress= decompress a range of bytes (N-M) to stdout\n" " -f, --force overwrite existing output files\n" " -i, --ignore-errors make '--range-decompress' ignore data errors\n" " -k, --keep keep (don't delete) input files\n" " -l, --list print (un)compressed file sizes\n" " -m, --merge correct errors in file using several copies\n" " -o, --output= place the output into \n" " -q, --quiet suppress all messages\n" " -R, --repair try to repair a small error in file\n" " -s, --split split multimember file in single-member files\n" " -t, --test test compressed file integrity\n" " -v, --verbose be verbose (a 2nd -v gives more)\n" " --loose-trailing allow trailing data seeming corrupt header\n" " --dump-tdata dump trailing data to standard output\n" " --remove-tdata remove trailing data from files in place\n" " --strip-tdata copy files to stdout without trailing data\n" ); if( verbosity >= 1 ) { std::printf( " -W, --debug-decompress=, set pos to val and decompress to stdout\n" " -X, --show-packets[=,] show in stdout the decoded LZMA packets\n" " -Y, --debug-delay= find max error detection delay in \n" " -Z, --debug-repair=, test repair one-byte error at \n" ); } std::printf( "If no file names are given, or if a file is '-', lziprecover decompresses\n" "from standard input to standard output.\n" "Numbers may be followed by a multiplier: k = kB = 10^3 = 1000,\n" "Ki = KiB = 2^10 = 1024, M = 10^6, Mi = 2^20, G = 10^9, Gi = 2^30, etc...\n" "\nExit status: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental problems (file\n" "not found, invalid flags, I/O errors, etc), 2 to indicate a corrupt or\n" "invalid input file, 3 for an internal consistency error (eg, bug) which\n" "caused lziprecover to panic.\n" "\nReport bugs to lzip-bug@nongnu.org\n" "Lziprecover home page: http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lziprecover.html\n" ); } } // end namespace void Pretty_print::operator()( const char * const msg, FILE * const f ) const { if( verbosity >= 0 ) { if( first_post ) { first_post = false; std::fputs( padded_name.c_str(), f ); if( !msg ) std::fflush( f ); } if( msg ) std::fprintf( f, "%s\n", msg ); } } const char * bad_version( const unsigned version ) { static char buf[80]; snprintf( buf, sizeof buf, "Version %u member format not supported.", version ); return buf; } const char * format_ds( const unsigned dictionary_size ) { enum { bufsize = 16, factor = 1024 }; static char buf[bufsize]; const char * const prefix[8] = { "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi" }; const char * p = ""; const char * np = " "; unsigned num = dictionary_size; bool exact = ( num % factor == 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < 8 && ( num > 9999 || ( exact && num >= factor ) ); ++i ) { num /= factor; if( num % factor != 0 ) exact = false; p = prefix[i]; np = ""; } snprintf( buf, bufsize, "%s%4u %sB", np, num, p ); return buf; } void show_header( const unsigned dictionary_size ) { std::fprintf( stderr, "dictionary %s, ", format_ds( dictionary_size ) ); } #include "main_common.cc" namespace { // Recognized formats: - , , // void parse_range( const char * const ptr, Block & range ) { const char * tail = ptr; long long value = ( ptr[0] == ',' ) ? 0 : getnum( ptr, 0, 0, INT64_MAX - 1, &tail ); if( tail[0] == 0 || tail[0] == ',' || tail[0] == '-' ) { range.pos( value ); if( tail[0] == 0 ) { range.size( INT64_MAX - value ); return; } const bool issize = ( tail[0] == ',' ); value = getnum( tail + 1, 0, 1, INT64_MAX ); // size if( issize || value > range.pos() ) { if( !issize ) value -= range.pos(); if( INT64_MAX - range.pos() >= value ) { range.size( value ); return; } } } show_error( "Bad decompression range.", 0, true ); std::exit( 1 ); } // Recognized formats: , ,+ ,f // void parse_pos_value( const char * const ptr, Bad_byte & bad_byte ) { const char * tail; bad_byte.pos = getnum( ptr, 0, 0, INT64_MAX, &tail ); if( tail[0] != ',' ) { show_error( "Bad separator between and .", 0, true ); std::exit( 1 ); } if( tail[1] == '+' ) { ++tail; bad_byte.mode = Bad_byte::delta; } else if( tail[1] == 'f' ) { ++tail; bad_byte.mode = Bad_byte::flip; } else bad_byte.mode = Bad_byte::literal; bad_byte.value = getnum( tail + 1, 0, 0, 255 ); } void one_file( const int files ) { if( files != 1 ) { show_error( "You must specify exactly 1 file.", 0, true ); std::exit( 1 ); } } void set_mode( Mode & program_mode, const Mode new_mode ) { if( program_mode != m_none && program_mode != new_mode ) { show_error( "Only one operation can be specified.", 0, true ); std::exit( 1 ); } program_mode = new_mode; } int extension_index( const std::string & name ) { for( int eindex = 0; known_extensions[eindex].from; ++eindex ) { const std::string ext( known_extensions[eindex].from ); if( name.size() > ext.size() && name.compare( name.size() - ext.size(), ext.size(), ext ) == 0 ) return eindex; } return -1; } void set_a_outname( const std::string & name ) { output_filename = name; if( name.size() > 5 && name.compare( name.size() - 5, 5, ".lzma" ) == 0 ) output_filename.erase( name.size() - 2 ); else if( name.size() > 4 && name.compare( name.size() - 4, 4, ".tlz" ) == 0 ) output_filename.insert( name.size() - 2, "ar." ); else if( name.size() <= 3 || name.compare( name.size() - 3, 3, ".lz" ) != 0 ) output_filename += known_extensions[0].from; } void set_d_outname( const std::string & name, const int eindex ) { if( eindex >= 0 ) { const std::string from( known_extensions[eindex].from ); if( name.size() > from.size() ) { output_filename.assign( name, 0, name.size() - from.size() ); output_filename += known_extensions[eindex].to; return; } } output_filename = name; output_filename += ".out"; if( verbosity >= 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't guess original name for '%s' -- using '%s'\n", program_name, name.c_str(), output_filename.c_str() ); } } // end namespace int open_instream( const char * const name, struct stat * const in_statsp, const bool no_ofile, const bool reg_only ) { int infd = open( name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY ); if( infd < 0 ) show_file_error( name, "Can't open input file", errno ); else { const int i = fstat( infd, in_statsp ); const mode_t mode = in_statsp->st_mode; const bool can_read = ( i == 0 && !reg_only && ( S_ISBLK( mode ) || S_ISCHR( mode ) || S_ISFIFO( mode ) || S_ISSOCK( mode ) ) ); if( i != 0 || ( !S_ISREG( mode ) && ( !can_read || !no_ofile ) ) ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Input file '%s' is not a regular file%s.\n", program_name, name, ( can_read && !no_ofile ) ? ",\n and '--stdout' was not specified" : "" ); close( infd ); infd = -1; } } return infd; } int open_truncable_stream( const char * const name, struct stat * const in_statsp ) { int infd = open( name, O_RDWR | O_BINARY ); if( infd < 0 ) show_file_error( name, "Can't open input file", errno ); else { const int i = fstat( infd, in_statsp ); const mode_t mode = in_statsp->st_mode; if( i != 0 || !S_ISREG( mode ) ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: File '%s' is not a regular file.\n", program_name, name ); close( infd ); infd = -1; } } return infd; } bool open_outstream( const bool force, const bool from_stdin, const bool rw, const bool skipping ) { const mode_t usr_rw = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; const mode_t all_rw = usr_rw | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH; const mode_t outfd_mode = from_stdin ? all_rw : usr_rw; int flags = O_CREAT | ( rw ? O_RDWR : O_WRONLY ) | O_BINARY; if( force ) flags |= O_TRUNC; else flags |= O_EXCL; outfd = open( output_filename.c_str(), flags, outfd_mode ); if( outfd >= 0 ) delete_output_on_interrupt = true; else if( verbosity >= 0 ) { if( errno == EEXIST ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output file '%s' already exists%s.\n", program_name, output_filename.c_str(), skipping ? ", skipping" : ". Use '--force' to overwrite it" ); else std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Can't create output file '%s': %s\n", program_name, output_filename.c_str(), std::strerror( errno ) ); } return ( outfd >= 0 ); } bool file_exists( const std::string & filename ) { struct stat st; if( stat( filename.c_str(), &st ) == 0 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output file '%s' already exists." " Use '--force' to overwrite it.\n", program_name, filename.c_str() ); return true; } return false; } bool check_tty( const char * const input_filename, const int infd, const Mode program_mode ) { if( program_mode == m_alone_to_lz && isatty( outfd ) ) { show_error( "I won't write compressed data to a terminal.", 0, true ); return false; } if( isatty( infd ) ) // all modes read compressed data { show_file_error( input_filename, "I won't read compressed data from a terminal." ); return false; } return true; } void cleanup_and_fail( const int retval ) { if( delete_output_on_interrupt ) { delete_output_on_interrupt = false; if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: Deleting output file '%s', if it exists.\n", program_name, output_filename.c_str() ); if( outfd >= 0 ) { close( outfd ); outfd = -1; } if( std::remove( output_filename.c_str() ) != 0 && errno != ENOENT ) show_error( "WARNING: deletion of output file (apparently) failed." ); } std::exit( retval ); } namespace { // Set permissions, owner and times. void close_and_set_permissions( const struct stat * const in_statsp ) { bool warning = false; if( in_statsp ) { const mode_t mode = in_statsp->st_mode; // fchown will in many cases return with EPERM, which can be safely ignored. if( fchown( outfd, in_statsp->st_uid, in_statsp->st_gid ) == 0 ) { if( fchmod( outfd, mode ) != 0 ) warning = true; } else if( errno != EPERM || fchmod( outfd, mode & ~( S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX ) ) != 0 ) warning = true; } if( close( outfd ) != 0 ) { show_error( "Error closing output file", errno ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } outfd = -1; delete_output_on_interrupt = false; if( in_statsp ) { struct utimbuf t; t.actime = in_statsp->st_atime; t.modtime = in_statsp->st_mtime; if( utime( output_filename.c_str(), &t ) != 0 ) warning = true; } if( warning && verbosity >= 1 ) show_error( "Can't change output file attributes." ); } unsigned char xdigit( const unsigned value ) { if( value <= 9 ) return '0' + value; if( value <= 15 ) return 'A' + value - 10; return 0; } bool show_trailing_data( const uint8_t * const data, const int size, const Pretty_print & pp, const bool all, const int ignore_trailing ) // -1 = show { if( verbosity >= 4 || ignore_trailing <= 0 ) { std::string msg; if( !all ) msg = "first bytes of "; msg += "trailing data = "; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { msg += xdigit( data[i] >> 4 ); msg += xdigit( data[i] & 0x0F ); msg += ' '; } msg += '\''; for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { if( std::isprint( data[i] ) ) msg += data[i]; else msg += '.'; } msg += '\''; pp( msg.c_str() ); if( ignore_trailing == 0 ) show_file_error( pp.name(), trailing_msg ); } return ( ignore_trailing > 0 ); } int decompress( const unsigned long long cfile_size, const int infd, const Pretty_print & pp, const bool ignore_trailing, const bool loose_trailing, const bool testing ) { int retval = 0; try { unsigned long long partial_file_pos = 0; Range_decoder rdec( infd ); for( bool first_member = true; ; first_member = false ) { File_header header; rdec.reset_member_position(); const int size = rdec.read_data( header.data, File_header::size ); if( rdec.finished() ) // End Of File { if( first_member ) { show_file_error( pp.name(), "File ends unexpectedly at member header." ); retval = 2; } else if( header.verify_prefix( size ) ) { pp( "Truncated header in multimember file." ); show_trailing_data( header.data, size, pp, true, -1 ); retval = 2; } else if( size > 0 && !show_trailing_data( header.data, size, pp, true, ignore_trailing ) ) retval = 2; break; } if( !header.verify_magic() ) { if( first_member ) { show_file_error( pp.name(), bad_magic_msg ); retval = 2; } else if( !loose_trailing && header.verify_corrupt() ) { pp( corrupt_mm_msg ); show_trailing_data( header.data, size, pp, false, -1 ); retval = 2; } else if( !show_trailing_data( header.data, size, pp, false, ignore_trailing ) ) retval = 2; break; } if( !header.verify_version() ) { pp( bad_version( header.version() ) ); retval = 2; break; } const unsigned dictionary_size = header.dictionary_size(); if( !isvalid_ds( dictionary_size ) ) { pp( bad_dict_msg ); retval = 2; break; } if( verbosity >= 2 || ( verbosity == 1 && first_member ) ) pp(); LZ_decoder decoder( rdec, dictionary_size, outfd ); show_dprogress( cfile_size, partial_file_pos, &rdec, &pp ); // init const int result = decoder.decode_member( pp ); partial_file_pos += rdec.member_position(); if( result != 0 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 && result <= 2 ) { pp(); std::fprintf( stderr, "%s at pos %llu\n", ( result == 2 ) ? "File ends unexpectedly" : "Decoder error", partial_file_pos ); } retval = 2; break; } if( verbosity >= 2 ) { std::fputs( testing ? "ok\n" : "done\n", stderr ); pp.reset(); } } } catch( std::bad_alloc ) { pp( "Not enough memory." ); retval = 1; } catch( Error e ) { pp(); show_error( e.msg, errno ); retval = 1; } if( verbosity == 1 && retval == 0 ) std::fputs( testing ? "ok\n" : "done\n", stderr ); return retval; } extern "C" void signal_handler( int ) { show_error( "Control-C or similar caught, quitting." ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } void set_signals() { std::signal( SIGHUP, signal_handler ); std::signal( SIGINT, signal_handler ); std::signal( SIGTERM, signal_handler ); } } // end namespace int close_outstream( const struct stat * const in_statsp ) { if( delete_output_on_interrupt ) close_and_set_permissions( in_statsp ); if( outfd >= 0 && close( outfd ) != 0 ) { show_error( "Error closing stdout", errno ); return 1; } outfd = -1; return 0; } std::string insert_fixed( std::string name ) { if( name.size() > 7 && name.compare( name.size() - 7, 7, ".tar.lz" ) == 0 ) name.insert( name.size() - 7, "_fixed" ); else if( name.size() > 3 && name.compare( name.size() - 3, 3, ".lz" ) == 0 ) name.insert( name.size() - 3, "_fixed" ); else if( name.size() > 4 && name.compare( name.size() - 4, 4, ".tlz" ) == 0 ) name.insert( name.size() - 4, "_fixed" ); else name += "_fixed.lz"; return name; } void show_file_error( const char * const filename, const char * const msg, const int errcode ) { if( verbosity < 0 ) return; std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s: %s", program_name, filename, msg ); if( errcode > 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, ": %s", std::strerror( errcode ) ); std::fputc( '\n', stderr ); } void show_error2( const char * const msg1, const char * const name, const char * const msg2 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s '%s' %s\n", program_name, msg1, name, msg2 ); } void show_error4( const char * const msg1, const char * const name1, const char * const name2, const char * const msg2 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s '%s' and '%s' %s\n", program_name, msg1, name1, name2, msg2 ); } void show_dprogress( const unsigned long long cfile_size, const unsigned long long partial_size, const Range_decoder * const d, const Pretty_print * const p ) { static unsigned long long csize = 0; // file_size / 100 static unsigned long long psize = 0; static const Range_decoder * rdec = 0; static const Pretty_print * pp = 0; static int counter = 0; static bool enabled = true; if( !enabled ) return; if( p ) // initialize static vars { if( verbosity < 2 || !isatty( STDERR_FILENO ) ) { enabled = false; return; } csize = cfile_size; psize = partial_size; rdec = d; pp = p; counter = 0; } if( rdec && pp && --counter <= 0 ) { const unsigned long long pos = psize + rdec->member_position(); counter = 7; // update display every 114688 bytes if( csize > 0 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%4llu%% %.1f MB\r", pos / csize, pos / 1000000.0 ); else std::fprintf( stderr, " %.1f MB\r", pos / 1000000.0 ); pp->reset(); (*pp)(); // restore cursor position } } int main( const int argc, const char * const argv[] ) { Block range( 0, 0 ); Bad_byte bad_byte; std::string default_output_filename; std::vector< std::string > filenames; Mode program_mode = m_none; bool force = false; bool ignore_errors = false; bool ignore_trailing = true; bool keep_input_files = false; bool loose_trailing = false; bool to_stdout = false; invocation_name = argv[0]; enum { opt_dtd = 256, opt_lt, opt_rtd, opt_std }; const Arg_parser::Option options[] = { { 'a', "trailing-error", Arg_parser::no }, { 'A', "alone-to-lz", Arg_parser::no }, { 'c', "stdout", Arg_parser::no }, { 'd', "decompress", Arg_parser::no }, { 'D', "range-decompress", Arg_parser::yes }, { 'f', "force", Arg_parser::no }, { 'h', "help", Arg_parser::no }, { 'i', "ignore-errors", Arg_parser::no }, { 'k', "keep", Arg_parser::no }, { 'l', "list", Arg_parser::no }, { 'm', "merge", Arg_parser::no }, { 'n', "threads", Arg_parser::yes }, { 'o', "output", Arg_parser::yes }, { 'q', "quiet", Arg_parser::no }, { 'R', "repair", Arg_parser::no }, { 's', "split", Arg_parser::no }, { 't', "test", Arg_parser::no }, { 'v', "verbose", Arg_parser::no }, { 'V', "version", Arg_parser::no }, { 'W', "debug-decompress", Arg_parser::yes }, { 'X', "show-packets", Arg_parser::maybe }, { 'Y', "debug-delay", Arg_parser::yes }, { 'Z', "debug-repair", Arg_parser::yes }, { opt_dtd, "dump-tdata", Arg_parser::no }, { opt_lt, "loose-trailing", Arg_parser::no }, { opt_rtd, "remove-tdata", Arg_parser::no }, { opt_std, "strip-tdata", Arg_parser::no }, { 0 , 0, Arg_parser::no } }; const Arg_parser parser( argc, argv, options ); if( parser.error().size() ) // bad option { show_error( parser.error().c_str(), 0, true ); return 1; } int argind = 0; for( ; argind < parser.arguments(); ++argind ) { const int code = parser.code( argind ); if( !code ) break; // no more options const std::string & sarg = parser.argument( argind ); const char * const arg = sarg.c_str(); switch( code ) { case 'a': ignore_trailing = false; break; case 'A': set_mode( program_mode, m_alone_to_lz ); break; case 'c': to_stdout = true; break; case 'd': set_mode( program_mode, m_decompress ); break; case 'D': set_mode( program_mode, m_range_dec ); parse_range( arg, range ); break; case 'f': force = true; break; case 'h': show_help(); return 0; case 'i': ignore_errors = true; break; case 'k': keep_input_files = true; break; case 'l': set_mode( program_mode, m_list ); break; case 'm': set_mode( program_mode, m_merge ); break; case 'n': break; case 'o': default_output_filename = sarg; break; case 'q': verbosity = -1; break; case 'R': set_mode( program_mode, m_repair ); break; case 's': set_mode( program_mode, m_split ); break; case 't': set_mode( program_mode, m_test ); break; case 'v': if( verbosity < 4 ) ++verbosity; break; case 'V': show_version(); return 0; case 'W': set_mode( program_mode, m_debug_decompress ); parse_pos_value( arg, bad_byte ); break; case 'X': set_mode( program_mode, m_show_packets ); if( arg[0] ) { parse_pos_value( arg, bad_byte ); } break; case 'Y': set_mode( program_mode, m_debug_delay ); parse_range( arg, range ); break; case 'Z': set_mode( program_mode, m_debug_repair ); parse_pos_value( arg, bad_byte ); break; case opt_dtd: set_mode( program_mode, m_dump_tdata ); break; case opt_lt: loose_trailing = true; break; case opt_rtd: set_mode( program_mode, m_remove_tdata ); break; case opt_std: set_mode( program_mode, m_strip_tdata ); break; default : internal_error( "uncaught option." ); } } // end process options #if defined(__MSVCRT__) || defined(__OS2__) setmode( STDIN_FILENO, O_BINARY ); setmode( STDOUT_FILENO, O_BINARY ); #endif if( program_mode == m_none ) { show_error( "You must specify the operation to be performed.", 0, true ); return 1; } bool filenames_given = false; for( ; argind < parser.arguments(); ++argind ) { filenames.push_back( parser.argument( argind ) ); if( filenames.back() != "-" ) filenames_given = true; } try { switch( program_mode ) { case m_none: internal_error( "invalid operation." ); break; case m_alone_to_lz: break; case m_debug_decompress: one_file( filenames.size() ); return debug_decompress( filenames[0], bad_byte, false ); case m_debug_delay: one_file( filenames.size() ); return debug_delay( filenames[0], range ); case m_debug_repair: one_file( filenames.size() ); return debug_repair( filenames[0], bad_byte ); case m_decompress: break; case m_dump_tdata: case m_strip_tdata: if( filenames.size() < 1 ) { show_error( "You must specify at least 1 file.", 0, true ); return 1; } if( default_output_filename.size() ) set_signals(); return dump_tdata( filenames, default_output_filename, force, program_mode == m_strip_tdata, loose_trailing ); case m_list: break; case m_merge: if( filenames.size() < 2 ) { show_error( "You must specify at least 2 files.", 0, true ); return 1; } set_signals(); return merge_files( filenames, default_output_filename, force ); case m_range_dec: one_file( filenames.size() ); set_signals(); return range_decompress( filenames[0], default_output_filename, range, force, ignore_errors, ignore_trailing, loose_trailing, to_stdout ); case m_remove_tdata: if( filenames.size() < 1 ) { show_error( "You must specify at least 1 file.", 0, true ); return 1; } return remove_tdata( filenames, loose_trailing ); case m_repair: one_file( filenames.size() ); set_signals(); return repair_file( filenames[0], default_output_filename, force ); case m_show_packets: one_file( filenames.size() ); return debug_decompress( filenames[0], bad_byte, true ); case m_split: one_file( filenames.size() ); set_signals(); return split_file( filenames[0], default_output_filename, force ); case m_test: break; } } catch( std::bad_alloc ) { show_error( "Not enough memory." ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } catch( Error e ) { show_error( e.msg, errno ); cleanup_and_fail( 1 ); } if( filenames.empty() ) filenames.push_back("-"); if( program_mode == m_list ) return list_files( filenames, ignore_trailing, loose_trailing ); if( program_mode == m_test ) outfd = -1; else if( program_mode != m_alone_to_lz && program_mode != m_decompress ) internal_error( "invalid decompressor operation." ); if( !to_stdout && program_mode != m_test && ( filenames_given || default_output_filename.size() ) ) set_signals(); Pretty_print pp( filenames ); int failed_tests = 0; int retval = 0; bool stdin_used = false; for( unsigned i = 0; i < filenames.size(); ++i ) { std::string input_filename; int infd; struct stat in_stats; output_filename.clear(); if( filenames[i].empty() || filenames[i] == "-" ) { if( stdin_used ) continue; else stdin_used = true; infd = STDIN_FILENO; if( program_mode != m_test ) { if( to_stdout || default_output_filename.empty() ) outfd = STDOUT_FILENO; else { output_filename = default_output_filename; if( program_mode == m_alone_to_lz && extension_index( default_output_filename ) < 0 ) output_filename += known_extensions[0].from; if( !open_outstream( force, true ) ) { if( retval < 1 ) retval = 1; close( infd ); continue; } } } } else { input_filename = filenames[i]; infd = open_instream( input_filename.c_str(), &in_stats, to_stdout || program_mode == m_test ); if( infd < 0 ) { if( retval < 1 ) retval = 1; continue; } if( program_mode != m_test ) { if( to_stdout ) outfd = STDOUT_FILENO; else { if( program_mode == m_alone_to_lz ) set_a_outname( input_filename ); else set_d_outname( input_filename, extension_index( input_filename ) ); if( !open_outstream( force, false ) ) { if( retval < 1 ) retval = 1; close( infd ); continue; } } } } pp.set_name( input_filename ); if( !check_tty( pp.name(), infd, program_mode ) ) { if( retval < 1 ) retval = 1; if( program_mode == m_test ) { close( infd ); continue; } cleanup_and_fail( retval ); } const struct stat * const in_statsp = input_filename.size() ? &in_stats : 0; const unsigned long long cfile_size = ( in_statsp && S_ISREG( in_statsp->st_mode ) ) ? ( in_statsp->st_size + 99 ) / 100 : 0; int tmp; if( program_mode == m_alone_to_lz ) tmp = alone_to_lz( infd, pp ); else tmp = decompress( cfile_size, infd, pp, ignore_trailing, loose_trailing, program_mode == m_test ); if( tmp > retval ) retval = tmp; if( tmp ) { if( program_mode != m_test ) cleanup_and_fail( retval ); else ++failed_tests; } if( delete_output_on_interrupt ) close_and_set_permissions( in_statsp ); if( input_filename.size() ) { close( infd ); if( !keep_input_files && !to_stdout && program_mode != m_test ) std::remove( input_filename.c_str() ); } } if( outfd >= 0 && close( outfd ) != 0 ) { show_error( "Error closing stdout", errno ); if( retval < 1 ) retval = 1; } if( failed_tests > 0 && verbosity >= 1 && filenames.size() > 1 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "%s: warning: %d %s failed the test.\n", program_name, failed_tests, ( failed_tests == 1 ) ? "file" : "files" ); return retval; }