/* Lziprecover - Data recovery tool for the lzip format Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Antonio Diaz Diaz. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lzip.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "block.h" #include "file_index.h" namespace { int decompress_member( const int infd, const int outfd, const Pretty_print & pp, const unsigned long long mpos, const unsigned long long outskip, const unsigned long long outend ) { try { Range_decoder rdec( infd ); File_header header; rdec.read_data( header.data, File_header::size ); if( rdec.finished() ) // End Of File { pp( "File ends unexpectedly at member header." ); return 2; } if( !header.verify_magic() ) { pp( "Bad magic number (file not in lzip format)." ); return 2; } if( !header.verify_version() ) { if( pp.verbosity() >= 0 ) { pp(); std::fprintf( stderr, "Version %d member format not supported.\n", header.version() ); } return 2; } const unsigned dictionary_size = header.dictionary_size(); if( dictionary_size < min_dictionary_size || dictionary_size > max_dictionary_size ) { pp( "Invalid dictionary size in member header." ); return 2; } if( pp.verbosity() >= 2 ) { pp(); show_header( dictionary_size ); } LZ_decoder decoder( header, rdec, outfd, outskip, outend ); const int result = decoder.decode_member( pp ); if( result != 0 ) { if( pp.verbosity() >= 0 && result <= 2 ) { pp(); std::fprintf( stderr, "%s at pos %llu\n", ( result == 2 ) ? "File ends unexpectedly" : "Decoder error", mpos + rdec.member_position() ); } return 2; } if( pp.verbosity() >= 2 ) std::fputs( "done\n", stderr ); } catch( std::bad_alloc ) { pp( "Not enough memory." ); return 1; } catch( Error e ) { pp(); show_error( e.msg, errno ); return 1; } return 0; } int list_file( const char * const input_filename, const Pretty_print & pp ) { struct stat in_stats; const int infd = open_instream( input_filename, &in_stats, true, true ); if( infd < 0 ) return 1; const File_index file_index( infd ); close( infd ); if( file_index.retval() != 0 ) { pp( file_index.error().c_str() ); return file_index.retval(); } if( pp.verbosity() >= 0 ) { const unsigned long long data_size = file_index.data_end(); const unsigned long long file_size = file_index.file_end(); pp( 0, stdout ); if( data_size > 0 && file_size > 0 ) std::printf( "%6.3f:1, %6.3f bits/byte, %5.2f%% saved. ", (double)data_size / file_size, ( 8.0 * file_size ) / data_size, 100.0 * ( 1.0 - ( (double)file_size / data_size ) ) ); std::printf( "decompressed size %9llu, compressed size %8llu.\n", data_size, file_size ); if( pp.verbosity() >= 1 && file_index.members() > 1 ) { std::printf( " Total members in file = %ld\n", file_index.members() ); if( pp.verbosity() >= 2 ) for( long i = 0; i < file_index.members(); ++i ) { const Block & db = file_index.dblock( i ); const Block & mb = file_index.mblock( i ); std::printf( " Member %3ld data pos %9llu data size %7llu " "member pos %9llu member size %7llu.\n", i + 1, db.pos(), db.size(), mb.pos(), mb.size() ); } } } return 0; } } // end namespace const char * format_num( unsigned long long num, unsigned long long limit, const int set_prefix ) { const char * const si_prefix[8] = { "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y" }; const char * const binary_prefix[8] = { "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi" }; enum { buffers = 8, bufsize = 32 }; static char buffer[buffers][bufsize]; // circle of static buffers for printf static int current = 0; static bool si = true; if( set_prefix ) si = ( set_prefix > 0 ); const unsigned factor = ( si ? 1000 : 1024 ); char * const buf = buffer[current++]; current %= buffers; const char * const * prefix = ( si ? si_prefix : binary_prefix ); const char * p = ""; bool exact = ( num % factor == 0 ); for( int i = 0; i < 8 && ( num > limit || ( exact && num >= factor ) ); ++i ) { num /= factor; if( num % factor != 0 ) exact = false; p = prefix[i]; } snprintf( buf, bufsize, "%llu %s", num, p ); return buf; } bool safe_seek( const int fd, const long long pos ) { if( lseek( fd, pos, SEEK_SET ) == pos ) return true; show_error( "Seek error", errno ); return false; } int list_files( const std::vector< std::string > & filenames, const int verbosity ) { Pretty_print pp( filenames, verbosity ); int retval = 0; for( unsigned i = 0; i < filenames.size(); ++i ) { pp.set_name( filenames[i] ); const int tmp = list_file( filenames[i].c_str(), pp ); if( tmp > retval ) retval = tmp; } return retval; } int range_decompress( const std::string & input_filename, const std::string & output_filename, Block range, const int verbosity, const bool force, const bool ignore, const bool to_stdout ) { struct stat in_stats; const int infd = open_instream( input_filename.c_str(), &in_stats, true, true ); if( infd < 0 ) return 1; Pretty_print pp( input_filename, verbosity ); const File_index file_index( infd ); if( file_index.retval() != 0 ) { pp( file_index.error().c_str() ); return file_index.retval(); } if( range.end() > file_index.data_end() ) range.size( std::max( 0LL, file_index.data_end() - range.pos() ) ); if( range.size() <= 0 ) { if( verbosity >= 0 ) pp( "Nothing to do." ); return 0; } if( verbosity >= 1 ) { if( verbosity >= 2 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "Decompressed file size = %sB\n", format_num( file_index.data_end() ) ); std::fprintf( stderr, "Decompressing range %sB to %sB (%sBytes)\n", format_num( range.pos() ), format_num( range.pos() + range.size() ), format_num( range.size() ) ); } int outfd = -1; if( to_stdout || output_filename.empty() ) outfd = STDOUT_FILENO; else { outfd = open_outstream_rw( output_filename, force ); if( outfd < 0 ) return 1; } int retval = 0; for( long i = 0; i < file_index.members(); ++i ) { const Block & db = file_index.dblock( i ); if( range.overlaps( db ) ) { if( verbosity >= 3 ) std::fprintf( stderr, "Decompressing member %3ld\n", i + 1 ); const long long outskip = std::max( 0LL, range.pos() - db.pos() ); const long long outend = std::min( db.size(), range.end() - db.pos() ); const long long mpos = file_index.mblock( i ).pos(); if( !safe_seek( infd, mpos ) ) { retval = 1; break; } const int tmp = decompress_member( infd, outfd, pp, mpos, outskip, outend ); if( tmp && ( tmp != 2 || !ignore ) ) cleanup_and_fail( output_filename, outfd, tmp ); if( tmp > retval ) retval = tmp; pp.reset(); } } close( infd ); if( close( outfd ) != 0 ) { show_error( "Error closing output file", errno ); cleanup_and_fail( output_filename, -1, 1 ); } if( verbosity >= 2 && retval == 0 ) std::fputs( "Byte range decompressed successfully.\n", stderr ); return retval; }