Changes in version 1.10: The function 'LZ_compress_finish' now adjusts the dictionary size for each member. The option '--loose-trailing', has been added to minilzip. The test used by lzlib to discriminate trailing data from a corrupt header in multimember or concatenated files has been improved to a Hamming distance (HD) of 3, and the 3 bit flips must happen in different magic bytes for the test to fail. As a consequence, lzlib now returns a data error when some kinds of files are appended to a lzip file as trailing data. The '--loose-trailing' option of minilzip can be used to ignore such trailing data when decompressing. Lziprecover can be used to remove conflicting trailing data from a file. Option '-S, --volume-size' of minilzip now keeps input files unchanged. The 'bits/byte' ratio has been replaced with the inverse compression ratio in the output of minilzip. minilzip now shows a final diagnostic at verbosity level 1 (-v) or higher if any file fails the test when testing multiple files. minilzip no longer adds a second '.lz' extension to the argument of '-o' if it already ends in '.lz' or '.tlz'. minilzip now shows the dictionary size at verbosity level 4 (-vvvv) when decompressing or testing. The new chapter 'Invoking minilzip' has been added to the manual.