import io import shutil from copy import copy from io import BytesIO, TextIOWrapper import logging import os from os.path import exists import struct import sys from typing import Union from configobj import ConfigObj, ConfigObjError from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def log(logger, level, message): """Logs message to stderr if logging isn't initialized.""" if != 'root': logger.log(level, message) else: print(message, file=sys.stderr) def read_config_file(f, list_values=True): """Read a config file. *list_values* set to `True` is the default behavior of ConfigObj. Disabling it causes values to not be parsed for lists, (e.g. 'a,b,c' -> ['a', 'b', 'c']. Additionally, the config values are not unquoted. We are disabling list_values when reading MySQL config files so we can correctly interpret commas in passwords. """ if isinstance(f, basestring): f = os.path.expanduser(f) try: config = ConfigObj(f, interpolation=False, encoding='utf8', list_values=list_values) except ConfigObjError as e: log(logger, logging.ERROR, "Unable to parse line {0} of config file " "'{1}'.".format(e.line_number, f)) log(logger, logging.ERROR, "Using successfully parsed config values.") return e.config except (IOError, OSError) as e: log(logger, logging.WARNING, "You don't have permission to read " "config file '{0}'.".format(e.filename)) return None return config def get_included_configs(config_file: Union[str, io.TextIOWrapper]) -> list: """Get a list of configuration files that are included into config_path with !includedir directive. "Normal" configs should be passed as file paths. The only exception is .mylogin which is decoded into a stream. However, it never contains include directives and so will be ignored by this function. """ if not isinstance(config_file, str) or not os.path.isfile(config_file): return [] included_configs = [] try: with open(config_file) as f: include_directives = filter( lambda s: s.startswith('!includedir'), f ) dirs = map(lambda s: s.strip().split()[-1], include_directives) dirs = filter(os.path.isdir, dirs) for dir in dirs: for filename in os.listdir(dir): if filename.endswith('.cnf'): included_configs.append(os.path.join(dir, filename)) except (PermissionError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass return included_configs def read_config_files(files, list_values=True): """Read and merge a list of config files.""" config = ConfigObj(list_values=list_values) _files = copy(files) while _files: _file = _files.pop(0) _config = read_config_file(_file, list_values=list_values) # expand includes only if we were able to parse config # (otherwise we'll just encounter the same errors again) if config is not None: _files = get_included_configs(_file) + _files if bool(_config) is True: config.merge(_config) config.filename = _config.filename return config def write_default_config(source, destination, overwrite=False): destination = os.path.expanduser(destination) if not overwrite and exists(destination): return shutil.copyfile(source, destination) def get_mylogin_cnf_path(): """Return the path to the login path file or None if it doesn't exist.""" mylogin_cnf_path = os.getenv('MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE') if mylogin_cnf_path is None: app_data = os.getenv('APPDATA') default_dir = os.path.join(app_data, 'MySQL') if app_data else '~' mylogin_cnf_path = os.path.join(default_dir, '.mylogin.cnf') mylogin_cnf_path = os.path.expanduser(mylogin_cnf_path) if exists(mylogin_cnf_path): logger.debug("Found login path file at '{0}'".format(mylogin_cnf_path)) return mylogin_cnf_path return None def open_mylogin_cnf(name): """Open a readable version of .mylogin.cnf. Returns the file contents as a TextIOWrapper object. :param str name: The pathname of the file to be opened. :return: the login path file or None """ try: with open(name, 'rb') as f: plaintext = read_and_decrypt_mylogin_cnf(f) except (OSError, IOError, ValueError): logger.error('Unable to open login path file.') return None if not isinstance(plaintext, BytesIO): logger.error('Unable to read login path file.') return None return TextIOWrapper(plaintext) def read_and_decrypt_mylogin_cnf(f): """Read and decrypt the contents of .mylogin.cnf. This decryption algorithm mimics the code in MySQL's The login key is 20-bytes of random non-printable ASCII. It is written to the actual login path file. It is used to generate the real key used in the AES cipher. :param f: an I/O object opened in binary mode :return: the decrypted login path file :rtype: io.BytesIO or None """ # Number of bytes used to store the length of ciphertext. MAX_CIPHER_STORE_LEN = 4 LOGIN_KEY_LEN = 20 # Move past the unused buffer. buf = if not buf or len(buf) != 4: logger.error('Login path file is blank or incomplete.') return None # Read the login key. key = # Generate the real key. rkey = [0] * 16 for i in range(LOGIN_KEY_LEN): try: rkey[i % 16] ^= ord(key[i:i+1]) except TypeError: # ord() was unable to get the value of the byte. logger.error('Unable to generate login path AES key.') return None rkey = struct.pack('16B', *rkey) # Create a decryptor object using the key. decryptor = _get_decryptor(rkey) # Create a bytes buffer to hold the plaintext. plaintext = BytesIO() while True: # Read the length of the ciphertext. len_buf = if len(len_buf) < MAX_CIPHER_STORE_LEN: break cipher_len, = struct.unpack("= 2 and s[0] == s[-1] and s[0] in ('"', "'")): s = s[1:-1] return s def _get_decryptor(key): """Get the AES decryptor.""" c = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=default_backend()) return c.decryptor() def _remove_pad(line): """Remove the pad from the *line*.""" pad_length = ord(line[-1:]) try: # Determine pad length. pad_length = ord(line[-1:]) except TypeError: # ord() was unable to get the value of the byte. logger.warning('Unable to remove pad.') return False if pad_length > len(line) or len(set(line[-pad_length:])) != 1: # Pad length should be less than or equal to the length of the # plaintext. The pad should have a single unique byte. logger.warning('Invalid pad found in login path file.') return False return line[:-pad_length]