import os import re import locale import logging import subprocess import shlex from io import open from time import sleep import click import sqlparse from . import export from .main import special_command, NO_QUERY, PARSED_QUERY from .favoritequeries import FavoriteQueries from .delimitercommand import DelimiterCommand from .utils import handle_cd_command from mycli.packages.prompt_utils import confirm_destructive_query TIMING_ENABLED = False use_expanded_output = False PAGER_ENABLED = True tee_file = None once_file = None written_to_once_file = False delimiter_command = DelimiterCommand() @export def set_timing_enabled(val): global TIMING_ENABLED TIMING_ENABLED = val @export def set_pager_enabled(val): global PAGER_ENABLED PAGER_ENABLED = val @export def is_pager_enabled(): return PAGER_ENABLED @export @special_command('pager', '\\P [command]', 'Set PAGER. Print the query results via PAGER.', arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, aliases=('\\P', ), case_sensitive=True) def set_pager(arg, **_): if arg: os.environ['PAGER'] = arg msg = 'PAGER set to %s.' % arg set_pager_enabled(True) else: if 'PAGER' in os.environ: msg = 'PAGER set to %s.' % os.environ['PAGER'] else: # This uses click's default per echo_via_pager. msg = 'Pager enabled.' set_pager_enabled(True) return [(None, None, None, msg)] @export @special_command('nopager', '\\n', 'Disable pager, print to stdout.', arg_type=NO_QUERY, aliases=('\\n', ), case_sensitive=True) def disable_pager(): set_pager_enabled(False) return [(None, None, None, 'Pager disabled.')] @special_command('\\timing', '\\t', 'Toggle timing of commands.', arg_type=NO_QUERY, aliases=('\\t', ), case_sensitive=True) def toggle_timing(): global TIMING_ENABLED TIMING_ENABLED = not TIMING_ENABLED message = "Timing is " message += "on." if TIMING_ENABLED else "off." return [(None, None, None, message)] @export def is_timing_enabled(): return TIMING_ENABLED @export def set_expanded_output(val): global use_expanded_output use_expanded_output = val @export def is_expanded_output(): return use_expanded_output _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @export def editor_command(command): """ Is this an external editor command? :param command: string """ # It is possible to have `\e filename` or `SELECT * FROM \e`. So we check # for both conditions. return command.strip().endswith('\\e') or command.strip().startswith('\\e') @export def get_filename(sql): if sql.strip().startswith('\\e'): command, _, filename = sql.partition(' ') return filename.strip() or None @export def get_editor_query(sql): """Get the query part of an editor command.""" sql = sql.strip() # The reason we can't simply do .strip('\e') is that it strips characters, # not a substring. So it'll strip "e" in the end of the sql also! # Ex: "select * from style\e" -> "select * from styl". pattern = re.compile('(^\\\e|\\\e$)') while sql = pattern.sub('', sql) return sql @export def open_external_editor(filename=None, sql=None): """Open external editor, wait for the user to type in their query, return the query. :return: list with one tuple, query as first element. """ message = None filename = filename.strip().split(' ', 1)[0] if filename else None sql = sql or '' MARKER = '# Type your query above this line.\n' # Populate the editor buffer with the partial sql (if available) and a # placeholder comment. query = click.edit(u'{sql}\n\n{marker}'.format(sql=sql, marker=MARKER), filename=filename, extension='.sql') if filename: try: with open(filename) as f: query = except IOError: message = 'Error reading file: %s.' % filename if query is not None: query = query.split(MARKER, 1)[0].rstrip('\n') else: # Don't return None for the caller to deal with. # Empty string is ok. query = sql return (query, message) @special_command('\\f', '\\f [name [args..]]', 'List or execute favorite queries.', arg_type=PARSED_QUERY, case_sensitive=True) def execute_favorite_query(cur, arg, **_): """Returns (title, rows, headers, status)""" if arg == '': for result in list_favorite_queries(): yield result """Parse out favorite name and optional substitution parameters""" name, _, arg_str = arg.partition(' ') args = shlex.split(arg_str) query = FavoriteQueries.instance.get(name) if query is None: message = "No favorite query: %s" % (name) yield (None, None, None, message) else: query, arg_error = subst_favorite_query_args(query, args) if arg_error: yield (None, None, None, arg_error) else: for sql in sqlparse.split(query): sql = sql.rstrip(';') title = '> %s' % (sql) cur.execute(sql) if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] yield (title, cur, headers, None) else: yield (title, None, None, None) def list_favorite_queries(): """List of all favorite queries. Returns (title, rows, headers, status)""" headers = ["Name", "Query"] rows = [(r, FavoriteQueries.instance.get(r)) for r in FavoriteQueries.instance.list()] if not rows: status = '\nNo favorite queries found.' + FavoriteQueries.instance.usage else: status = '' return [('', rows, headers, status)] def subst_favorite_query_args(query, args): """replace positional parameters ($1...$N) in query.""" for idx, val in enumerate(args): subst_var = '$' + str(idx + 1) if subst_var not in query: return [None, 'query does not have substitution parameter ' + subst_var + ':\n ' + query] query = query.replace(subst_var, val) match ='\\$\d+', query) if match: return[None, 'missing substitution for ' + + ' in query:\n ' + query] return [query, None] @special_command('\\fs', '\\fs name query', 'Save a favorite query.') def save_favorite_query(arg, **_): """Save a new favorite query. Returns (title, rows, headers, status)""" usage = 'Syntax: \\fs name query.\n\n' + FavoriteQueries.instance.usage if not arg: return [(None, None, None, usage)] name, _, query = arg.partition(' ') # If either name or query is missing then print the usage and complain. if (not name) or (not query): return [(None, None, None, usage + 'Err: Both name and query are required.')], query) return [(None, None, None, "Saved.")] @special_command('\\fd', '\\fd [name]', 'Delete a favorite query.') def delete_favorite_query(arg, **_): """Delete an existing favorite query.""" usage = 'Syntax: \\fd name.\n\n' + FavoriteQueries.instance.usage if not arg: return [(None, None, None, usage)] status = FavoriteQueries.instance.delete(arg) return [(None, None, None, status)] @special_command('system', 'system [command]', 'Execute a system shell commmand.') def execute_system_command(arg, **_): """Execute a system shell command.""" usage = "Syntax: system [command].\n" if not arg: return [(None, None, None, usage)] try: command = arg.strip() if command.startswith('cd'): ok, error_message = handle_cd_command(arg) if not ok: return [(None, None, None, error_message)] return [(None, None, None, '')] args = arg.split(' ') process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() response = output if not error else error # Python 3 returns bytes. This needs to be decoded to a string. if isinstance(response, bytes): encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False) response = response.decode(encoding) return [(None, None, None, response)] except OSError as e: return [(None, None, None, 'OSError: %s' % e.strerror)] def parseargfile(arg): if arg.startswith('-o '): mode = "w" filename = arg[3:] else: mode = 'a' filename = arg if not filename: raise TypeError('You must provide a filename.') return {'file': os.path.expanduser(filename), 'mode': mode} @special_command('tee', 'tee [-o] filename', 'Append all results to an output file (overwrite using -o).') def set_tee(arg, **_): global tee_file try: tee_file = open(**parseargfile(arg)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise OSError("Cannot write to file '{}': {}".format(e.filename, e.strerror)) return [(None, None, None, "")] @export def close_tee(): global tee_file if tee_file: tee_file.close() tee_file = None @special_command('notee', 'notee', 'Stop writing results to an output file.') def no_tee(arg, **_): close_tee() return [(None, None, None, "")] @export def write_tee(output): global tee_file if tee_file: click.echo(output, file=tee_file, nl=False) click.echo(u'\n', file=tee_file, nl=False) tee_file.flush() @special_command('\\once', '\\o [-o] filename', 'Append next result to an output file (overwrite using -o).', aliases=('\\o', )) def set_once(arg, **_): global once_file, written_to_once_file once_file = parseargfile(arg) written_to_once_file = False return [(None, None, None, "")] @export def write_once(output): global once_file, written_to_once_file if output and once_file: try: f = open(**once_file) except (IOError, OSError) as e: once_file = None raise OSError("Cannot write to file '{}': {}".format( e.filename, e.strerror)) with f: click.echo(output, file=f, nl=False) click.echo(u"\n", file=f, nl=False) written_to_once_file = True @export def unset_once_if_written(): """Unset the once file, if it has been written to.""" global once_file if written_to_once_file: once_file = None @special_command( 'watch', 'watch [seconds] [-c] query', 'Executes the query every [seconds] seconds (by default 5).' ) def watch_query(arg, **kwargs): usage = """Syntax: watch [seconds] [-c] query. * seconds: The interval at the query will be repeated, in seconds. By default 5. * -c: Clears the screen between every iteration. """ if not arg: yield (None, None, None, usage) return seconds = 5 clear_screen = False statement = None while statement is None: arg = arg.strip() if not arg: # Oops, we parsed all the arguments without finding a statement yield (None, None, None, usage) return (current_arg, _, arg) = arg.partition(' ') try: seconds = float(current_arg) continue except ValueError: pass if current_arg == '-c': clear_screen = True continue statement = '{0!s} {1!s}'.format(current_arg, arg) destructive_prompt = confirm_destructive_query(statement) if destructive_prompt is False: click.secho("Wise choice!") return elif destructive_prompt is True: click.secho("Your call!") cur = kwargs['cur'] sql_list = [ (sql.rstrip(';'), "> {0!s}".format(sql)) for sql in sqlparse.split(statement) ] old_pager_enabled = is_pager_enabled() while True: if clear_screen: click.clear() try: # Somewhere in the code the pager its activated after every yield, # so we disable it in every iteration set_pager_enabled(False) for (sql, title) in sql_list: cur.execute(sql) if cur.description: headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] yield (title, cur, headers, None) else: yield (title, None, None, None) sleep(seconds) except KeyboardInterrupt: # This prints the Ctrl-C character in its own line, which prevents # to print a line with the cursor positioned behind the prompt click.secho("", nl=True) return finally: set_pager_enabled(old_pager_enabled) @export @special_command('delimiter', None, 'Change SQL delimiter.') def set_delimiter(arg, **_): return delimiter_command.set(arg) @export def get_current_delimiter(): return delimiter_command.current @export def split_queries(input): for query in delimiter_command.queries_iter(input): yield query