import logging from re import compile, escape from collections import Counter from prompt_toolkit.completion import Completer, Completion from .packages.completion_engine import suggest_type from .packages.parseutils import last_word from .packages.filepaths import parse_path, complete_path, suggest_path from .packages.special.favoritequeries import FavoriteQueries _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SQLCompleter(Completer): keywords = ['ACCESS', 'ADD', 'ALL', 'ALTER TABLE', 'AND', 'ANY', 'AS', 'ASC', 'AUTO_INCREMENT', 'BEFORE', 'BEGIN', 'BETWEEN', 'BIGINT', 'BINARY', 'BY', 'CASE', 'CHANGE MASTER TO', 'CHAR', 'CHARACTER SET', 'CHECK', 'COLLATE', 'COLUMN', 'COMMENT', 'COMMIT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CREATE', 'CURRENT', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'DATABASE', 'DATE', 'DECIMAL', 'DEFAULT', 'DELETE FROM', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DROP', 'ELSE', 'END', 'ENGINE', 'ESCAPE', 'EXISTS', 'FILE', 'FLOAT', 'FOR', 'FOREIGN KEY', 'FORMAT', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'FUNCTION', 'GRANT', 'GROUP BY', 'HAVING', 'HOST', 'IDENTIFIED', 'IN', 'INCREMENT', 'INDEX', 'INSERT INTO', 'INT', 'INTEGER', 'INTERVAL', 'INTO', 'IS', 'JOIN', 'KEY', 'LEFT', 'LEVEL', 'LIKE', 'LIMIT', 'LOCK', 'LOGS', 'LONG', 'MASTER', 'MEDIUMINT', 'MODE', 'MODIFY', 'NOT', 'NULL', 'NUMBER', 'OFFSET', 'ON', 'OPTION', 'OR', 'ORDER BY', 'OUTER', 'OWNER', 'PASSWORD', 'PORT', 'PRIMARY', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PROCESSLIST', 'PURGE', 'REFERENCES', 'REGEXP', 'RENAME', 'REPAIR', 'RESET', 'REVOKE', 'RIGHT', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROW', 'ROWS', 'ROW_FORMAT', 'SAVEPOINT', 'SELECT', 'SESSION', 'SET', 'SHARE', 'SHOW', 'SLAVE', 'SMALLINT', 'SMALLINT', 'START', 'STOP', 'TABLE', 'THEN', 'TINYINT', 'TO', 'TRANSACTION', 'TRIGGER', 'TRUNCATE', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UNSIGNED', 'UPDATE', 'USE', 'USER', 'USING', 'VALUES', 'VARCHAR', 'VIEW', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', 'WITH'] functions = ['AVG', 'CONCAT', 'COUNT', 'DISTINCT', 'FIRST', 'FORMAT', 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 'LAST', 'LCASE', 'LEN', 'MAX', 'MID', 'MIN', 'NOW', 'ROUND', 'SUM', 'TOP', 'UCASE', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP'] show_items = [] change_items = ['MASTER_BIND', 'MASTER_HOST', 'MASTER_USER', 'MASTER_PASSWORD', 'MASTER_PORT', 'MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY', 'MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD', 'MASTER_LOG_FILE', 'MASTER_LOG_POS', 'RELAY_LOG_FILE', 'RELAY_LOG_POS', 'MASTER_SSL', 'MASTER_SSL_CA', 'MASTER_SSL_CAPATH', 'MASTER_SSL_CERT', 'MASTER_SSL_KEY', 'MASTER_SSL_CIPHER', 'MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT', 'IGNORE_SERVER_IDS'] users = [] def __init__(self, smart_completion=True, supported_formats=(), keyword_casing='auto'): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.smart_completion = smart_completion self.reserved_words = set() for x in self.keywords: self.reserved_words.update(x.split()) self.name_pattern = compile("^[_a-z][_a-z0-9\$]*$") self.special_commands = [] self.table_formats = supported_formats if keyword_casing not in ('upper', 'lower', 'auto'): keyword_casing = 'auto' self.keyword_casing = keyword_casing self.reset_completions() def escape_name(self, name): if name and ((not self.name_pattern.match(name)) or (name.upper() in self.reserved_words) or (name.upper() in self.functions)): name = '`%s`' % name return name def unescape_name(self, name): """Unquote a string.""" if name and name[0] == '"' and name[-1] == '"': name = name[1:-1] return name def escaped_names(self, names): return [self.escape_name(name) for name in names] def extend_special_commands(self, special_commands): # Special commands are not part of all_completions since they can only # be at the beginning of a line. self.special_commands.extend(special_commands) def extend_database_names(self, databases): self.databases.extend(databases) def extend_keywords(self, additional_keywords): self.keywords.extend(additional_keywords) self.all_completions.update(additional_keywords) def extend_show_items(self, show_items): for show_item in show_items: self.show_items.extend(show_item) self.all_completions.update(show_item) def extend_change_items(self, change_items): for change_item in change_items: self.change_items.extend(change_item) self.all_completions.update(change_item) def extend_users(self, users): for user in users: self.users.extend(user) self.all_completions.update(user) def extend_schemata(self, schema): if schema is None: return metadata = self.dbmetadata['tables'] metadata[schema] = {} # dbmetadata.values() are the 'tables' and 'functions' dicts for metadata in self.dbmetadata.values(): metadata[schema] = {} self.all_completions.update(schema) def extend_relations(self, data, kind): """Extend metadata for tables or views :param data: list of (rel_name, ) tuples :param kind: either 'tables' or 'views' :return: """ # 'data' is a generator object. It can throw an exception while being # consumed. This could happen if the user has launched the app without # specifying a database name. This exception must be handled to prevent # crashing. try: data = [self.escaped_names(d) for d in data] except Exception: data = [] # dbmetadata['tables'][$schema_name][$table_name] should be a list of # column names. Default to an asterisk metadata = self.dbmetadata[kind] for relname in data: try: metadata[self.dbname][relname[0]] = ['*'] except KeyError: _logger.error('%r %r listed in unrecognized schema %r', kind, relname[0], self.dbname) self.all_completions.add(relname[0]) def extend_columns(self, column_data, kind): """Extend column metadata :param column_data: list of (rel_name, column_name) tuples :param kind: either 'tables' or 'views' :return: """ # 'column_data' is a generator object. It can throw an exception while # being consumed. This could happen if the user has launched the app # without specifying a database name. This exception must be handled to # prevent crashing. try: column_data = [self.escaped_names(d) for d in column_data] except Exception: column_data = [] metadata = self.dbmetadata[kind] for relname, column in column_data: metadata[self.dbname][relname].append(column) self.all_completions.add(column) def extend_functions(self, func_data): # 'func_data' is a generator object. It can throw an exception while # being consumed. This could happen if the user has launched the app # without specifying a database name. This exception must be handled to # prevent crashing. try: func_data = [self.escaped_names(d) for d in func_data] except Exception: func_data = [] # dbmetadata['functions'][$schema_name][$function_name] should return # function metadata. metadata = self.dbmetadata['functions'] for func in func_data: metadata[self.dbname][func[0]] = None self.all_completions.add(func[0]) def set_dbname(self, dbname): self.dbname = dbname def reset_completions(self): self.databases = [] self.users = [] self.show_items = [] self.dbname = '' self.dbmetadata = {'tables': {}, 'views': {}, 'functions': {}} self.all_completions = set(self.keywords + self.functions) @staticmethod def find_matches(text, collection, start_only=False, fuzzy=True, casing=None): """Find completion matches for the given text. Given the user's input text and a collection of available completions, find completions matching the last word of the text. If `start_only` is True, the text will match an available completion only at the beginning. Otherwise, a completion is considered a match if the text appears anywhere within it. yields prompt_toolkit Completion instances for any matches found in the collection of available completions. """ last = last_word(text, include='most_punctuations') text = last.lower() completions = [] if fuzzy: regex = '.*?'.join(map(escape, text)) pat = compile('(%s)' % regex) for item in sorted(collection): r = if r: completions.append((len(, r.start(), item)) else: match_end_limit = len(text) if start_only else None for item in sorted(collection): match_point = item.lower().find(text, 0, match_end_limit) if match_point >= 0: completions.append((len(text), match_point, item)) if casing == 'auto': casing = 'lower' if last and last[-1].islower() else 'upper' def apply_case(kw): if casing == 'upper': return kw.upper() return kw.lower() return (Completion(z if casing is None else apply_case(z), -len(text)) for x, y, z in sorted(completions)) def get_completions(self, document, complete_event, smart_completion=None): word_before_cursor = document.get_word_before_cursor(WORD=True) if smart_completion is None: smart_completion = self.smart_completion # If smart_completion is off then match any word that starts with # 'word_before_cursor'. if not smart_completion: return self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.all_completions, start_only=True, fuzzy=False) completions = [] suggestions = suggest_type(document.text, document.text_before_cursor) for suggestion in suggestions: _logger.debug('Suggestion type: %r', suggestion['type']) if suggestion['type'] == 'column': tables = suggestion['tables'] _logger.debug("Completion column scope: %r", tables) scoped_cols = self.populate_scoped_cols(tables) if suggestion.get('drop_unique'): # drop_unique is used for 'tb11 JOIN tbl2 USING (...' # which should suggest only columns that appear in more than # one table scoped_cols = [ col for (col, count) in Counter(scoped_cols).items() if count > 1 and col != '*' ] cols = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, scoped_cols) completions.extend(cols) elif suggestion['type'] == 'function': # suggest user-defined functions using substring matching funcs = self.populate_schema_objects(suggestion['schema'], 'functions') user_funcs = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, funcs) completions.extend(user_funcs) # suggest hardcoded functions using startswith matching only if # there is no schema qualifier. If a schema qualifier is # present it probably denotes a table. # eg: SELECT * FROM users u WHERE u. if not suggestion['schema']: predefined_funcs = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.functions, start_only=True, fuzzy=False, casing=self.keyword_casing) completions.extend(predefined_funcs) elif suggestion['type'] == 'table': tables = self.populate_schema_objects(suggestion['schema'], 'tables') tables = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, tables) completions.extend(tables) elif suggestion['type'] == 'view': views = self.populate_schema_objects(suggestion['schema'], 'views') views = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, views) completions.extend(views) elif suggestion['type'] == 'alias': aliases = suggestion['aliases'] aliases = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, aliases) completions.extend(aliases) elif suggestion['type'] == 'database': dbs = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.databases) completions.extend(dbs) elif suggestion['type'] == 'keyword': keywords = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.keywords, start_only=True, fuzzy=False, casing=self.keyword_casing) completions.extend(keywords) elif suggestion['type'] == 'show': show_items = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.show_items, start_only=False, fuzzy=True, casing=self.keyword_casing) completions.extend(show_items) elif suggestion['type'] == 'change': change_items = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.change_items, start_only=False, fuzzy=True) completions.extend(change_items) elif suggestion['type'] == 'user': users = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.users, start_only=False, fuzzy=True) completions.extend(users) elif suggestion['type'] == 'special': special = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.special_commands, start_only=True, fuzzy=False) completions.extend(special) elif suggestion['type'] == 'favoritequery': queries = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, FavoriteQueries.instance.list(), start_only=False, fuzzy=True) completions.extend(queries) elif suggestion['type'] == 'table_format': formats = self.find_matches(word_before_cursor, self.table_formats, start_only=True, fuzzy=False) completions.extend(formats) elif suggestion['type'] == 'file_name': file_names = self.find_files(word_before_cursor) completions.extend(file_names) return completions def find_files(self, word): """Yield matching directory or file names. :param word: :return: iterable """ base_path, last_path, position = parse_path(word) paths = suggest_path(word) for name in sorted(paths): suggestion = complete_path(name, last_path) if suggestion: yield Completion(suggestion, position) def populate_scoped_cols(self, scoped_tbls): """Find all columns in a set of scoped_tables :param scoped_tbls: list of (schema, table, alias) tuples :return: list of column names """ columns = [] meta = self.dbmetadata for tbl in scoped_tbls: # A fully qualified schema.relname reference or default_schema # DO NOT escape schema names. schema = tbl[0] or self.dbname relname = tbl[1] escaped_relname = self.escape_name(tbl[1]) # We don't know if schema.relname is a table or view. Since # tables and views cannot share the same name, we can check one # at a time try: columns.extend(meta['tables'][schema][relname]) # Table exists, so don't bother checking for a view continue except KeyError: try: columns.extend(meta['tables'][schema][escaped_relname]) # Table exists, so don't bother checking for a view continue except KeyError: pass try: columns.extend(meta['views'][schema][relname]) except KeyError: pass return columns def populate_schema_objects(self, schema, obj_type): """Returns list of tables or functions for a (optional) schema""" metadata = self.dbmetadata[obj_type] schema = schema or self.dbname try: objects = metadata[schema].keys() except KeyError: # schema doesn't exist objects = [] return objects