Feature: manipulate tables: create, insert, update, select, delete from, drop Scenario: create, insert, select from, update, drop table When we connect to test database then we see database connected when we create table then we see table created when we insert into table then we see record inserted when we update table then we see record updated when we select from table then we see data selected when we delete from table then we confirm the destructive warning then we see record deleted when we drop table then we confirm the destructive warning then we see table dropped when we connect to dbserver then we see database connected Scenario: select null values When we connect to test database then we see database connected when we select null then we see null selected Scenario: confirm destructive query When we query "create table foo(x integer);" and we query "delete from foo;" and we answer the destructive warning with "y" then we see text "Your call!" Scenario: decline destructive query When we query "delete from foo;" and we answer the destructive warning with "n" then we see text "Wise choice!" Scenario: no destructive warning if disabled in config When we run dbcli with --no-warn and we query "create table blabla(x integer);" and we query "delete from blabla;" Then we see text "Query OK" Scenario: confirm destructive query with invalid response When we query "delete from foo;" then we answer the destructive warning with invalid "1" and see text "is not a valid boolean"