from mycli.packages.completion_engine import suggest_type import pytest def sorted_dicts(dicts): """input is a list of dicts.""" return sorted(tuple(x.items()) for x in dicts) def test_select_suggests_cols_with_visible_table_scope(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT FROM tabl', 'SELECT ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_select_suggests_cols_with_qualified_table_scope(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT FROM sch.tabl', 'SELECT ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [('sch', 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE (', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo = ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE bar OR ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo = 1 AND ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE (bar > 10 AND ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE (bar AND (baz OR (qux AND (', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE 10 < ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo BETWEEN ', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo BETWEEN foo AND ', ]) def test_where_suggests_columns_functions(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo IN (', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo IN (bar, ', ]) def test_where_in_suggests_columns(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_where_equals_any_suggests_columns_or_keywords(): text = 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE foo = ANY(' suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}]) def test_lparen_suggests_cols(): suggestion = suggest_type('SELECT MAX( FROM tbl', 'SELECT MAX(') assert suggestion == [ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tbl', None)]}] def test_operand_inside_function_suggests_cols1(): suggestion = suggest_type( 'SELECT MAX(col1 + FROM tbl', 'SELECT MAX(col1 + ') assert suggestion == [ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tbl', None)]}] def test_operand_inside_function_suggests_cols2(): suggestion = suggest_type( 'SELECT MAX(col1 + col2 + FROM tbl', 'SELECT MAX(col1 + col2 + ') assert suggestion == [ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tbl', None)]}] def test_select_suggests_cols_and_funcs(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT ', 'SELECT ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': []}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': []}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM ', 'INSERT INTO ', 'COPY ', 'UPDATE ', 'DESCRIBE ', 'DESC ', 'EXPLAIN ', 'SELECT * FROM foo JOIN ', ]) def test_expression_suggests_tables_views_and_schemas(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM sch.', 'INSERT INTO sch.', 'COPY sch.', 'UPDATE sch.', 'DESCRIBE sch.', 'DESC sch.', 'EXPLAIN sch.', 'SELECT * FROM foo JOIN sch.', ]) def test_expression_suggests_qualified_tables_views_and_schemas(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'sch'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'sch'}]) def test_truncate_suggests_tables_and_schemas(): suggestions = suggest_type('TRUNCATE ', 'TRUNCATE ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) def test_truncate_suggests_qualified_tables(): suggestions = suggest_type('TRUNCATE sch.', 'TRUNCATE sch.') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'sch'}]) def test_distinct_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT DISTINCT ', 'SELECT DISTINCT ') assert suggestions == [{'type': 'column', 'tables': []}] def test_col_comma_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT a, b, FROM tbl', 'SELECT a, b,') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tbl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tbl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_table_comma_suggests_tables_and_schemas(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT a, b FROM tbl1, ', 'SELECT a, b FROM tbl1, ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) def test_into_suggests_tables_and_schemas(): suggestion = suggest_type('INSERT INTO ', 'INSERT INTO ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestion) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) def test_insert_into_lparen_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type('INSERT INTO abc (', 'INSERT INTO abc (') assert suggestions == [{'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None)]}] def test_insert_into_lparen_partial_text_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type('INSERT INTO abc (i', 'INSERT INTO abc (i') assert suggestions == [{'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None)]}] def test_insert_into_lparen_comma_suggests_cols(): suggestions = suggest_type('INSERT INTO abc (id,', 'INSERT INTO abc (id,') assert suggestions == [{'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None)]}] def test_partially_typed_col_name_suggests_col_names(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE col_n', 'SELECT * FROM tabl WHERE col_n') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['tabl']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_dot_suggests_cols_of_a_table_or_schema_qualified_table(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT tabl. FROM tabl', 'SELECT tabl.') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', None)]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'tabl'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'tabl'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 'tabl'}]) def test_dot_suggests_cols_of_an_alias(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT t1. FROM tabl1 t1, tabl2 t2', 'SELECT t1.') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': 't1'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 't1'}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl1', 't1')]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 't1'}]) def test_dot_col_comma_suggests_cols_or_schema_qualified_table(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT t1.a, t2. FROM tabl1 t1, tabl2 t2', 'SELECT t1.a, t2.') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl2', 't2')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 't2'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 't2'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 't2'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM (', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE EXISTS (', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar AND NOT EXISTS (', 'SELECT 1 AS', ]) def test_sub_select_suggests_keyword(expression): suggestion = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert suggestion == [{'type': 'keyword'}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM (S', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE EXISTS (S', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar AND NOT EXISTS (S', ]) def test_sub_select_partial_text_suggests_keyword(expression): suggestion = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert suggestion == [{'type': 'keyword'}] def test_outer_table_reference_in_exists_subquery_suggests_columns(): q = 'SELECT * FROM foo f WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bar WHERE f.' suggestions = suggest_type(q, q) assert suggestions == [ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'foo', 'f')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'f'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'f'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 'f'}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM ', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ', 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ', ]) def test_sub_select_table_name_completion(expression): suggestion = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert sorted_dicts(suggestion) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) def test_sub_select_col_name_completion(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT * FROM (SELECT FROM abc', 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['abc']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) @pytest.mark.xfail def test_sub_select_multiple_col_name_completion(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT * FROM (SELECT a, FROM abc', 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT a, ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}]) def test_sub_select_dot_col_name_completion(): suggestions = suggest_type('SELECT * FROM (SELECT t. FROM tabl t', 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT t.') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'tabl', 't')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 't'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 't'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 't'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('join_type', ['', 'INNER', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT OUTER']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('tbl_alias', ['', 'foo']) def test_join_suggests_tables_and_schemas(tbl_alias, join_type): text = 'SELECT * FROM abc {0} {1} JOIN '.format(tbl_alias, join_type) suggestion = suggest_type(text, text) assert sorted_dicts(suggestion) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON a.', 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = AND a.', ]) def test_join_alias_dot_suggests_cols1(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', 'a')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'a'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'a'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 'a'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = d.', 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = AND a.id2 = d.', ]) def test_join_alias_dot_suggests_cols2(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'def', 'd')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'd'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'd'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 'd'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'select a.x, b.y from abc a join bcd b on ', 'select a.x, b.y from abc a join bcd b on = OR ', ]) def test_on_suggests_aliases(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['a', 'b']}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'select abc.x, bcd.y from abc join bcd on ', 'select abc.x, bcd.y from abc join bcd on = AND ', ]) def test_on_suggests_tables(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['abc', 'bcd']}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'select a.x, b.y from abc a join bcd b on = ', 'select a.x, b.y from abc a join bcd b on = AND a.id2 = ', ]) def test_on_suggests_aliases_right_side(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['a', 'b']}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'select abc.x, bcd.y from abc join bcd on ', 'select abc.x, bcd.y from abc join bcd on = and ', ]) def test_on_suggests_tables_right_side(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['abc', 'bcd']}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('col_list', ['', 'col1, ']) def test_join_using_suggests_common_columns(col_list): text = 'select * from abc inner join def using (' + col_list assert suggest_type(text, text) == [ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'abc', None), (None, 'def', None)], 'drop_unique': True}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('sql', [ 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = JOIN ghi g ON g.', 'SELECT * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = AND a.id2 = d.id2 JOIN ghi g ON = AND g.', ]) def test_two_join_alias_dot_suggests_cols1(sql): suggestions = suggest_type(sql, sql) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'ghi', 'g')]}, {'type': 'table', 'schema': 'g'}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': 'g'}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': 'g'}]) def test_2_statements_2nd_current(): suggestions = suggest_type('select * from a; select * from ', 'select * from a; select * from ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) suggestions = suggest_type('select * from a; select from b', 'select * from a; select ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['b']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'b', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) # Should work even if first statement is invalid suggestions = suggest_type('select * from; select * from ', 'select * from; select * from ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) def test_2_statements_1st_current(): suggestions = suggest_type('select * from ; select * from b', 'select * from ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) suggestions = suggest_type('select from a; select * from b', 'select ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['a']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'a', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_3_statements_2nd_current(): suggestions = suggest_type('select * from a; select * from ; select * from c', 'select * from a; select * from ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) suggestions = suggest_type('select * from a; select from b; select * from c', 'select * from a; select ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'alias', 'aliases': ['b']}, {'type': 'column', 'tables': [(None, 'b', None)]}, {'type': 'function', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'keyword'}, ]) def test_create_db_with_template(): suggestions = suggest_type('create database foo with template ', 'create database foo with template ') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([{'type': 'database'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('initial_text', ['', ' ', '\t \t']) def test_specials_included_for_initial_completion(initial_text): suggestions = suggest_type(initial_text, initial_text) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == \ sorted_dicts([{'type': 'keyword'}, {'type': 'special'}]) def test_specials_not_included_after_initial_token(): suggestions = suggest_type('create table foo (dt d', 'create table foo (dt d') assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([{'type': 'keyword'}]) def test_drop_schema_qualified_table_suggests_only_tables(): text = 'DROP TABLE schema_name.table_name' suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'table', 'schema': 'schema_name'}] @pytest.mark.parametrize('text', [',', ' ,', 'sel ,']) def test_handle_pre_completion_comma_gracefully(text): suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert iter(suggestions) def test_cross_join(): text = 'select * from v1 cross join v2 JOIN, ' suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert sorted_dicts(suggestions) == sorted_dicts([ {'type': 'table', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'view', 'schema': []}, {'type': 'schema'}]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ 'SELECT 1 AS ', 'SELECT 1 FROM tabl AS ', ]) def test_after_as(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert set(suggestions) == set() @pytest.mark.parametrize('expression', [ '\\. ', 'select 1; \\. ', 'select 1;\\. ', 'select 1 ; \\. ', 'source ', 'truncate table test; source ', 'truncate table test ; source ', 'truncate table test;source ', ]) def test_source_is_file(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'file_name'}] @pytest.mark.parametrize("expression", [ "\\f ", ]) def test_favorite_name_suggestion(expression): suggestions = suggest_type(expression, expression) assert suggestions == [{'type': 'favoritequery'}] def test_order_by(): text = 'select * from foo order by ' suggestions = suggest_type(text, text) assert suggestions == [{'tables': [(None, 'foo', None)], 'type': 'column'}]