import os import shutil import click from click.testing import CliRunner from mycli.main import MyCli, cli, thanks_picker from mycli.packages.special.main import COMMANDS as SPECIAL_COMMANDS from mycli.sqlexecute import ServerInfo from .utils import USER, HOST, PORT, PASSWORD, dbtest, run from textwrap import dedent from collections import namedtuple from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from textwrap import dedent test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) project_dir = os.path.dirname(test_dir) default_config_file = os.path.join(project_dir, 'test', 'myclirc') login_path_file = os.path.join(test_dir, 'mylogin.cnf') os.environ['MYSQL_TEST_LOGIN_FILE'] = login_path_file CLI_ARGS = ['--user', USER, '--host', HOST, '--port', PORT, '--password', PASSWORD, '--myclirc', default_config_file, '--defaults-file', default_config_file, 'mycli_test_db'] @dbtest def test_execute_arg(executor): run(executor, 'create table test (a text)') run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")') sql = 'select * from test;' runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['-e', sql]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'abc' in result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['--execute', sql]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'abc' in result.output expected = 'a\nabc\n' assert expected in result.output @dbtest def test_execute_arg_with_table(executor): run(executor, 'create table test (a text)') run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")') sql = 'select * from test;' runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['-e', sql] + ['--table']) expected = '+-----+\n| a |\n+-----+\n| abc |\n+-----+\n' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected in result.output @dbtest def test_execute_arg_with_csv(executor): run(executor, 'create table test (a text)') run(executor, 'insert into test values("abc")') sql = 'select * from test;' runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['-e', sql] + ['--csv']) expected = '"a"\n"abc"\n' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected in "".join(result.output) @dbtest def test_batch_mode(executor): run(executor, '''create table test(a text)''') run(executor, '''insert into test values('abc'), ('def'), ('ghi')''') sql = ( 'select count(*) from test;\n' 'select * from test limit 1;' ) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS, input=sql) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'count(*)\n3\na\nabc\n' in "".join(result.output) @dbtest def test_batch_mode_table(executor): run(executor, '''create table test(a text)''') run(executor, '''insert into test values('abc'), ('def'), ('ghi')''') sql = ( 'select count(*) from test;\n' 'select * from test limit 1;' ) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['-t'], input=sql) expected = (dedent("""\ +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 3 | +----------+ +-----+ | a | +-----+ | abc | +-----+""")) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected in result.output @dbtest def test_batch_mode_csv(executor): run(executor, '''create table test(a text, b text)''') run(executor, '''insert into test (a, b) values('abc', 'de\nf'), ('ghi', 'jkl')''') sql = 'select * from test;' runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['--csv'], input=sql) expected = '"a","b"\n"abc","de\nf"\n"ghi","jkl"\n' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected in "".join(result.output) def test_thanks_picker_utf8(): name = thanks_picker() assert name and isinstance(name, str) def test_help_strings_end_with_periods(): """Make sure click options have help text that end with a period.""" for param in cli.params: if isinstance(param, click.core.Option): assert hasattr(param, 'help') assert'.') def test_command_descriptions_end_with_periods(): """Make sure that mycli commands' descriptions end with a period.""" MyCli() for _, command in SPECIAL_COMMANDS.items(): assert command[3].endswith('.') def output(monkeypatch, terminal_size, testdata, explicit_pager, expect_pager): global clickoutput clickoutput = "" m = MyCli(myclirc=default_config_file) class TestOutput(): def get_size(self): size = namedtuple('Size', 'rows columns') size.columns, size.rows = terminal_size return size class TestExecute(): host = 'test' user = 'test' dbname = 'test' server_info = ServerInfo.from_version_string('unknown') port = 0 def server_type(self): return ['test'] class PromptBuffer(): output = TestOutput() m.prompt_app = PromptBuffer() m.sqlexecute = TestExecute() m.explicit_pager = explicit_pager def echo_via_pager(s): assert expect_pager global clickoutput clickoutput += "".join(s) def secho(s): assert not expect_pager global clickoutput clickoutput += s + "\n" monkeypatch.setattr(click, 'echo_via_pager', echo_via_pager) monkeypatch.setattr(click, 'secho', secho) m.output(testdata) if clickoutput.endswith("\n"): clickoutput = clickoutput[:-1] assert clickoutput == "\n".join(testdata) def test_conditional_pager(monkeypatch): testdata = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do".split( " ") # User didn't set pager, output doesn't fit screen -> pager output( monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=True ) # User didn't set pager, output fits screen -> no pager output( monkeypatch, terminal_size=(20, 20), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=False ) # User manually configured pager, output doesn't fit screen -> pager output( monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=True, expect_pager=True ) # User manually configured pager, output fit screen -> pager output( monkeypatch, terminal_size=(20, 20), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=True, expect_pager=True ) SPECIAL_COMMANDS['nopager'].handler() output( monkeypatch, terminal_size=(5, 10), testdata=testdata, explicit_pager=False, expect_pager=False ) SPECIAL_COMMANDS['pager'].handler('') def test_reserved_space_is_integer(monkeypatch): """Make sure that reserved space is returned as an integer.""" def stub_terminal_size(): return (5, 5) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(shutil, 'get_terminal_size', stub_terminal_size) mycli = MyCli() assert isinstance(mycli.get_reserved_space(), int) def test_list_dsn(): runner = CliRunner() # keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",delete=False) as myclirc: myclirc.write(dedent("""\ [alias_dsn] test = mysql://test/test """)) myclirc.flush() args = ['--list-dsn', '--myclirc',] result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args) assert result.output == "test\n" result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args + ['--verbose']) assert result.output == "test : mysql://test/test\n" # delete=False means we should try to clean up try: if os.path.exists( os.remove( except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}") def test_prettify_statement(): statement = 'SELECT 1' m = MyCli() pretty_statement = m.handle_prettify_binding(statement) assert pretty_statement == 'SELECT\n 1;' def test_unprettify_statement(): statement = 'SELECT\n 1' m = MyCli() unpretty_statement = m.handle_unprettify_binding(statement) assert unpretty_statement == 'SELECT 1;' def test_list_ssh_config(): runner = CliRunner() # keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",delete=False) as ssh_config: ssh_config.write(dedent("""\ Host test Hostname User joe Port 22222 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gateway """)) ssh_config.flush() args = ['--list-ssh-config', '--ssh-config-path',] result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args) assert "test\n" in result.output result = runner.invoke(cli, args=args + ['--verbose']) assert "test :\n" in result.output # delete=False means we should try to clean up try: if os.path.exists( os.remove( except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}") def test_dsn(monkeypatch): # Setup classes to mock mycli.main.MyCli class Formatter: format_name = None class Logger: def debug(self, *args, **args_dict): pass def warning(self, *args, **args_dict): pass class MockMyCli: config = {'alias_dsn': {}} def __init__(self, **args): self.logger = Logger() self.destructive_warning = False self.formatter = Formatter() def connect(self, **args): MockMyCli.connect_args = args def run_query(self, query, new_line=True): pass import mycli.main monkeypatch.setattr(mycli.main, 'MyCli', MockMyCli) runner = CliRunner() # When a user supplies a DSN as database argument to mycli, # use these values. result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=[ "mysql://dsn_user:dsn_passwd@dsn_host:1/dsn_database"] ) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "dsn_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "dsn_passwd" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "dsn_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 1 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "dsn_database" MockMyCli.connect_args = None # When a use supplies a DSN as database argument to mycli, # and used command line arguments, use the command line # arguments. result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=[ "mysql://dsn_user:dsn_passwd@dsn_host:2/dsn_database", "--user", "arg_user", "--password", "arg_password", "--host", "arg_host", "--port", "3", "--database", "arg_database", ]) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "arg_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "arg_password" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "arg_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 3 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "arg_database" MockMyCli.config = { 'alias_dsn': { 'test': 'mysql://alias_dsn_user:alias_dsn_passwd@alias_dsn_host:4/alias_dsn_database' } } MockMyCli.connect_args = None # When a user uses a DSN from the configuration file (alias_dsn), # use these values. result = runner.invoke(cli, args=['--dsn', 'test']) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "alias_dsn_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "alias_dsn_passwd" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "alias_dsn_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 4 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "alias_dsn_database" MockMyCli.config = { 'alias_dsn': { 'test': 'mysql://alias_dsn_user:alias_dsn_passwd@alias_dsn_host:4/alias_dsn_database' } } MockMyCli.connect_args = None # When a user uses a DSN from the configuration file (alias_dsn) # and used command line arguments, use the command line arguments. result = runner.invoke(cli, args=[ '--dsn', 'test', '', "--user", "arg_user", "--password", "arg_password", "--host", "arg_host", "--port", "5", "--database", "arg_database", ]) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "arg_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] == "arg_password" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "arg_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 5 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "arg_database" # Use a DSN without password result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=[ "mysql://dsn_user@dsn_host:6/dsn_database"] ) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["user"] == "dsn_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["passwd"] is None and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["host"] == "dsn_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["port"] == 6 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["database"] == "dsn_database" def test_ssh_config(monkeypatch): # Setup classes to mock mycli.main.MyCli class Formatter: format_name = None class Logger: def debug(self, *args, **args_dict): pass def warning(self, *args, **args_dict): pass class MockMyCli: config = {'alias_dsn': {}} def __init__(self, **args): self.logger = Logger() self.destructive_warning = False self.formatter = Formatter() def connect(self, **args): MockMyCli.connect_args = args def run_query(self, query, new_line=True): pass import mycli.main monkeypatch.setattr(mycli.main, 'MyCli', MockMyCli) runner = CliRunner() # Setup temporary configuration # keep Windows from locking the file with delete=False with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",delete=False) as ssh_config: ssh_config.write(dedent("""\ Host test Hostname User joe Port 22222 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gateway """)) ssh_config.flush() # When a user supplies a ssh config. result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=[ "--ssh-config-path",, "--ssh-config-host", "test" ]) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + \ " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_user"] == "joe" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_host"] == "" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_port"] == 22222 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_key_filename"] == os.path.expanduser( "~") + "/.ssh/gateway" # When a user supplies a ssh config host as argument to mycli, # and used command line arguments, use the command line # arguments. result = runner.invoke(mycli.main.cli, args=[ "--ssh-config-path",, "--ssh-config-host", "test", "--ssh-user", "arg_user", "--ssh-host", "arg_host", "--ssh-port", "3", "--ssh-key-filename", "/path/to/key" ]) assert result.exit_code == 0, result.output + \ " " + str(result.exception) assert \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_user"] == "arg_user" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_host"] == "arg_host" and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_port"] == 3 and \ MockMyCli.connect_args["ssh_key_filename"] == "/path/to/key" # delete=False means we should try to clean up try: if os.path.exists( os.remove( except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while attempting to delete the file: {e}") @dbtest def test_init_command_arg(executor): init_command = "set sql_select_limit=1000" sql = 'show variables like "sql_select_limit";' runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ["--init-command", init_command], input=sql ) expected = "sql_select_limit\t1000\n" assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected in result.output @dbtest def test_init_command_multiple_arg(executor): init_command = 'set sql_select_limit=2000; set max_join_size=20000' sql = ( 'show variables like "sql_select_limit";\n' 'show variables like "max_join_size"' ) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, args=CLI_ARGS + ['--init-command', init_command], input=sql ) expected_sql_select_limit = 'sql_select_limit\t2000\n' expected_max_join_size = 'max_join_size\t20000\n' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert expected_sql_select_limit in result.output assert expected_max_join_size in result.output