path: root/health/
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2018-11-07 12:19:29 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2018-11-07 12:20:17 +0000
commita64a253794ac64cb40befee54db53bde17dd0d49 (patch)
treec1024acc5f6e508814b944d99f112259bb28b1be /health/
parentNew upstream version 1.10.0+dfsg (diff)
New upstream version 1.11.0+dfsgupstream/1.11.0+dfsg
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'health/')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/health/ b/health/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..597bd3c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/health/
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+# Health monitoring
+Each netdata node runs an independent thread evaluating health monitoring checks.
+This thread has lock free access to the database, so that it can operate as a watchdog.
+Health checks (alarms) are attached to netdata charts, allowing netdata to automatically
+activate an alarm as soon as a chart is created. This is very important for
+netdata, since many charts are dynamically created during runtime (for example, the
+chart tracking network interface packet drops, is automatically created on the first
+packet dropped).
+Netdata also supports alarm **templates**, so that an alarm can be attached to all
+the charts of the same context (i.e. all network interfaces, or all disks, or all mysql servers, etc.)
+Each alarm can execute a single query to the database using statistical algorithms against past data,
+but alarms can be combined. So, if you need 2 queries in the database, you can combine
+2 alarms together (both will run a query to the database, and the results can be combined).
+Each alarm has unlimited access to all the metrics collected. So, a single alarm can
+use expressions combining the latest value of any number of metrics.
+## Health configuration reference
+Stock netdata health configuration is in `/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/health.d`.
+These files can be overwritten by copying them and editing them in `/etc/netdata/health.d`
+(run `/etc/netdata/edit-config` to edit them).
+In `/etc/netdata/health.d` you can also put any number of files (in any number of sub-directories)
+with a suffix `.conf` to have them processed by netdata.
+Health configuration can be reloaded at any time, without restarting netdata.
+Just send netdata the SIGUSR2 signal, like this:
+killall -USR2 netdata
+### Entities in the health files
+There are 2 entities:
+1. **alarms**, which are attached to specific charts, and
+2. **templates**, which define rules that should be applied to all charts having a
+ specific `context`. You can use this feature to apply **alarms** to all disks,
+ all network interfaces, all mysql databases, all nginx web servers, etc.
+Both of these entities have exactly the same format and feature set.
+The only difference is the label `alarm` or `template`.
+netdata supports overriding **templates** with **alarms**.
+For example, when a template is defined for a set of charts, an alarm with exactly the
+same name attached to the same chart the template matches, will have higher precedence
+(i.e. netdata will use the alarm on this chart and prevent the template from being applied
+to it).
+### The format
+The following lines are parsed.
+#### alarm line `alarm` or `template`
+This line starts an alarm or alarm template.
+alarm: NAME
+template: NAME
+This line has to be first on each alarm or template.
+`NAME` is anything you would like to name it (the only symbols allowed are `.` and `_`).
+#### alarm line `on`
+This line defines the data the alarm should be attached to.
+For alarms:
+on: CHART
+For `CHART` you can use a chart `id` or `name` of the chart, as shown on the dashboard.
+For alarm templates:
+`CONTEXT` is the template of a chart. For example the charts `` and
+`` have the same context: ``. So, you can use this to apply
+alarms to all `` charts.
+To find the `CONTEXT` of a chart hover over its date, above the legend. A tooltip will
+appear with this format `plugin:nodule, context`. For example, the bandwidth chart of
+a network interface says:
+So, `plugin = proc`, `module = /proc/net/dev` and `context =`.
+#### alarm line `os`
+This alarm or template will be used only if the O/S of the host loading it, matches this
+pattern list. The value is a space separated list of simple patterns (use `*` as wildcard,
+prefix with `!` for a negative match, order is important).
+os: linux freebsd macos
+#### alarm line `hosts`
+This alarm or template will be used only if the hostname of the host loading it, matches
+this pattern list. The value is a space separated list of simple patterns (use `*` as wildcard,
+prefix with `!` for a negative match, order is important).
+hosts: server1 server2 database* !redis3 redis*
+The above says: use this alarm on all hosts named `server1`, `server2`, `database*`, and
+all `redis*` except `redis3`.
+This is useful when you centralize metrics from multiple hosts, to one netdata.
+#### alarm line `families`
+This line is only used in alarm templates. It filters the charts. So, if you need to create
+an alarm template for a few of a kind of chart (a few of your disks, or a few of your network
+interfaces, or a few your mysql servers, etc), you can create an alarm template that would
+normally be applied to all of them, and filter them by family.
+The format is:
+Simple patterns list is a lists of space separated patterns. Use ` * ` as wildcard and ` ! `
+for a negative match. Processing is left to right, and on the first hit (positive or negative),
+processing stops.
+So. `families: *` means, match anything, while `families: !bad*pattern* *` means anything
+except `bad*pattern*` (where `*` is a wildcard to match any sequence of characters).
+The family of a chart is usually the submenu of the netdata dashboard it appears.
+#### alarm line `lookup`
+This lines makes a database lookup to find a value. This result of this lookup is available as `$this`.
+The format is:
+Everything is the same with [badges](../web/api/badges/). In short:
+- `METHOD` is one of `average`, `min`, `max`, `sum`, `incremental-sum`.
+ This is required.
+- `AFTER` is a relative number of seconds, but it also accepts a single letter for changing
+ the units, like `-1s` = 1 second in the past, `-1m` = 1 minute in the past, `-1h` = 1 hour
+ in the past, `-1d` = 1 day in the past. You need a negative number (i.e. how far in the past
+ to look for the value). **This is required**.
+- `at BEFORE` is by default 0 and is not required. Using this you can define the end of the
+ lookup. So data will be evaluated between `AFTER` and `BEFORE`.
+- `every DURATION` sets the updated frequency of the lookup (supports single letter units as
+ above too).
+- `OPTIONS` is a space separated list of `percentage`, `absolute`, `min2max`, `unaligned`,
+ `match-ids`, `match-names`. Check the badges documentation for more info.
+- `of DIMENSIONS` is optional and has to be the last parameter. Dimensions have to be separated
+ by `,` or `|`. The space characters found in dimensions will be kept as-is (a few dimensions
+ have spaces in their names). This accepts netdata simple patterns and the `match-ids` and
+ `match-names` options affect the searches for dimensions.
+The result of the lookup will be available as `$this` and `$NAME` in expressions.
+The timestamps of the timeframe evaluated by the database lookup is available as variables
+`$after` and `$before` (both are unix timestamps).
+#### alarm line `calc`
+This expression is evaluated just after the `lookup` (if any). Its purpose is to apply some
+calculation before using the value looked up from the db.
+You can also have an expression without a lookup, using other variables that are available.
+The result of the calculation will be available as `$this` in warning and critical expressions
+(overwriting the `lookup` one).
+Check [Expressions](#expressions) for more information.
+#### alarm line `every`
+Sets the update frequency of this alarm. This is the same to the `every DURATION` given
+in the `lookup` lines.
+every: DURATION
+`DURATION` accepts `s` for seconds, `m` is minutes, `h` for hours, `d` for days.
+#### alarm lines `green` and `red`
+Set the green and red thresholds of a chart. Both are available as `$green` and `$red` in
+expressions. If multiple alarms define different thresholds, the ones defined by the first
+alarm will be used. These will eventually visualized on the dashboard, so only one set of
+them is allowed. If you need multiple sets of them in different alarms, use absolute numbers
+instead of `$red` and `$green`.
+green: NUMBER
+red: NUMBER
+#### alarm lines `warn` and `crit`
+These expressions should evaluate to true or false (alternatively non-zero or zero).
+They trigger the alarm. Both are optional.
+Check [Expressions](#expressions) for more information.
+#### alarm line `to`
+This will be the first parameter of the script to be executed when the alarm switches status.
+Its meaning is left up to the `exec` script.
+The default `exec` script, ``, uses this field as a space separated list of roles,
+which are then consulted to find the exact recipients per notification method.
+to: ROLE1 ROLE2 ROLE3 ...
+#### alarm line `exec`
+The script that will be executed when the alarm changes status.
+exec: SCRIPT
+The default `SCRIPT` is netdata's ``, which supports all the notifications
+methods netdata supports, including custom hooks.
+#### alarm line `delay`
+This is used to provide optional hysteresis settings for the notifications, to defend
+against notification floods. These settings do not affect the actual alarm - only the time
+the `exec` script is executed.
+delay: [[[up U] [down D] multiplier M] max X]
+- `up U` defines the delay to be applied to a notification for an alarm that raised its status
+ (i.e. CLEAR to WARNING, CLEAR to CRITICAL, WARNING to CRITICAL). For example, `up 10s`, the
+ notification for this event will be sent 10 seconds after the actual event. This is used in
+ hope the alarm will get back to its previous state within the duration given. The default `U`
+ is zero.
+- `down D` defines the delay to be applied to a notification for an alarm that moves to lower
+ state (i.e. CRITICAL to WARNING, CRITICAL to CLEAR, WARNING to CLEAR). For example, `down 1m`
+ will delay the notification by 1 minute. This is used to prevent notifications for flapping
+ alarms. The default `D` is zero.
+- `mutliplier M` multiplies `U` and `D` when an alarm changes state, while a notification is
+ delayed. The default multiplier is `1.0`.
+- `max X` defines the maximum absolute notification delay an alarm may get. The default `X`
+ is `max(U * M, D * M)` (i.e. the max duration of `U` or `D` multiplied once with `M`).
+ Example:
+ `delay: up 10s down 15m multiplier 2 max 1h`
+ The time is `00:00:00` and the status of the alarm is CLEAR.
+ time of event|new status|delay|notification will be sent|why
+ -------------|----------|:---:|-------------------------|---
+ 00:00:01 | WARNING | `up 10s` | 00:00:11 |first state switch
+ 00:00:05 | CLEAR | `down 15m x2`| 00:30:05 |the alarm changes state while a notification is delayed, so it was multiplied
+ 00:00:06 | WARNING | `up 10s x2 x2` | 00:00:26 |multiplied twice
+ 00:00:07|CLEAR|`down 15m x2 x2 x2`|00:45:07|multiplied 3 times.
+ So:
+ - `U` and `D` are multiplied by `M` every time the alarm changes state (any state, not just
+ their matching one) and a delay is in place.
+ - All are reset to their defaults when the alarm switches state without a delay in place.
+### Expressions
+netdata has an internal [infix expression parser](../libnetdata/eval).
+This parses expressions and creates an internal structure that allows fast execution of them.
+These operators are supported `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `<`, `<=`, `<>`, `!=`, `>`, `>=`, `&&`, `||`,
+`!`, `AND`, `OR`, `NOT`. Boolean operators result in either `1` (true) or `0` (false).
+The conditional evaluation operator `?` is supported too. Using this operator IF-THEN-ELSE
+conditional statements can be specified. The format is: `(condition) ? (true expression) :
+(false expression)`. So, netdata will first evaluate the `condition` and based on the result
+will either evaluate `true expression` or `false expression`.
+Example: `($this > 0) ? ($avail * 2) : ($used / 2)`.
+Nested such expressions are also supported (i.e. `true expression` and `false expression` can
+contain conditional evaluations).
+Expressions also support the `abs()` function.
+Expressions can have variables. Variables start with `$`. Check below for more information.
+There are two special values you can use:
+ - `nan`, for example `$this != nan` will check if the variable `this` is available.
+ A variable can be `nan` if the database lookup failed. All calculations (i.e. addition,
+ multiplication, etc) with a `nan` result in a `nan`.
+ - `inf`, for example `$this != inf` will check if `this` is not infinite. A value or
+ variable can be infinite if divided by zero. All calculations (i.e. addition,
+ multiplication, etc) with a `inf` result in a `inf`.
+### Special use of the conditional operator
+A common (but not necessarily obvious) use of the conditional evaluation operator is
+to provide [hysteresis]( around the critical
+or warning thresholds. This usage helps to avoid bogus messages resulting from small
+variations in the value when it is varying regularly but staying close to the threshold
+value, without needing to delay sending messages at all.
+An example of such usage from the default CPU usage alarms bundled with netdata is:
+warn: $this > (($status >= $WARNING) ? (75) : (85))
+crit: $this > (($status == $CRITICAL) ? (85) : (95))
+The above say:
+* If the alarm is currently a warning, then the threshold for being considered a warning
+ is 75, otherwise it's 85.
+* If the alarm is currently critical, then the threshold for being considered critical
+ is 85, otherwise it's 95.
+Which in turn, results in the following behavior:
+* While the value is rising, it will trigger a warning when it exceeds 85, and a critical
+ alert when it exceeds 95.
+* While the value is falling, it will return to a warning state when it goes below 85,
+ and a normal state when it goes below 75.
+* If the value is constantly varying between 80 and 90, then it will trigger a warning the
+ first time it goes above 85, but will remain a warning until it goes below 75 (or goes above 85).
+* If the value is constantly varying between 90 and 100, then it will trigger a critical alert
+ the first time it goes above 95, but will remain a critical alert goes below 85 (at which
+ point it will return to being a warning).
+### Variables
+netdata supports 3 new internal indexes for variables that will be used in health monitoring:
+ - **chart local variables**. All the dimensions of the chart are exposed as local variables.
+ All chart alarms names are exposed as variables too.
+ Charts also define a few special variables:
+ - `$last_collected_t` is the unix timestamp of the last data collection
+ - `$collected_total_raw` is the sum of all the dimensions (their last collected values)
+ - `$update_every` is the update frequency of the chart
+ - `$green` and `$red` the threshold defined in alarms (these are per chart - the charts
+ inherits them from the the first alarm that defined them)
+ Chart dimensions define their last calculated (i.e. interpolated) value, exactly as
+ shown on the charts, but also a variable with their name and suffix `_raw` that resolves
+ to the last collected value - as collected and another with suffix `_last_collected_t`
+ that resolves to unix timestamp the dimension was last collected (there may be dimensions
+ that fail to be collected while others continue normally).
+ - **family variables**. Families are used to group charts together. For example all `eth0`
+ charts, have `family = eth0`. This index includes all local variables, but if there are
+ overlapping variables, only the first are exposed.
+ - **host variables**. All the dimensions of all charts, including all alarms, in fullname.
+ Fullname is `CHART.VARIABLE`, where `CHART` is either the chart id or the chart name (both
+ are supported).
+ - **special variables*** are:
+ - `this`, which is resolved to the value of the current alarm.
+ - `status`, which is resolved to the current status of the alarm (the current = the last
+ status, i.e. before the current database lookup and the evaluation of the `calc` line).
+ This values can be compared with `$REMOVED`, `$UNINITIALIZED`, `$UNDEFINED`, `$CLEAR`,
+ `$WARNING`, `$CRITICAL`. These values are incremental, ie. `$status > $CLEAL` works as
+ expected.
+ - `now`, which is resolved to current unix timestamp.
+You can find all the variables that can be used for a given chart, using
+This will dump all the indexes from the chart's perspective.
+Example: [variables for the `system.cpu` chart of the registry](
+## Alarm Statuses
+Alarms can have the following statuses:
+ - `REMOVED` - the alarm has been deleted (this happens when a SIGUSR2 is sent to netdata
+ to reload health configuration)
+ - `UNINITIALIZED` - the alarm is not initialized yet
+ - `UNDEFINED` - the alarm failed to be calculated (i.e. the database lookup failed,
+ a division by zero occurred, etc)
+ - `CLEAR` - the alarm is not armed / raised (i.e. is OK)
+ - `WARNING` - the warning expression resulted in true or non-zero
+ - `CRITICAL` - the critical expression resulted in true or non-zero
+The external script will be called for all status changes.
+## Examples
+Check the **[health.d directory](health.d)** for all alarms shipped with netdata.
+Here are a few examples:
+### Example 1
+A simple check if an apache server is alive:
+template: apache_last_collected_secs
+ on: apache.requests
+ calc: $now - $last_collected_t
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this > ( 5 * $update_every)
+ crit: $this > (10 * $update_every)
+The above checks that netdata is able to collect data from apache. In detail:
+template: apache_last_collected_secs
+The above defines a **template** named `apache_last_collected_secs`.
+The name is important since `$apache_last_collected_secs` resolves to the `calc` line.
+So, try to give something descriptive.
+ on: apache.requests
+The above applies the **template** to all charts that have `context = apache.requests`
+(i.e. all your apache servers).
+ calc: $now - $last_collected_t
+- `$now` is a standard variable that resolves to the current timestamp.
+- `$last_collected_t` is the last data collection timestamp of the chart.
+ So this calculation gives the number of seconds passed since the last data collection.
+ every: 10s
+The alarm will be evaluated every 10 seconds.
+ warn: $this > ( 5 * $update_every)
+ crit: $this > (10 * $update_every)
+If these result in non-zero or true, they trigger the alarm.
+- `$this` refers to the value of this alarm (i.e. the result of the `calc` line.
+ We could also use `$apache_last_collected_secs`.
+`$update_every` is the update frequency of the chart, in seconds.
+So, the warning condition checks if we have not collected data from apache for 5
+iterations and the critical condition checks for 10 iterations.
+### Example 2
+Check if any of the disks is critically low on disk space:
+template: disk_full_percent
+ on:
+ calc: $used * 100 / ($avail + $used)
+ every: 1m
+ warn: $this > 80
+ crit: $this > 95
+`$used` and `$avail` are the `used` and `avail` chart dimensions as shown on the dashboard.
+So, the `calc` line finds the percentage of used space. `$this` resolves to this percentage.
+### Example 3
+Predict if any disk will run out of space in the near future.
+We do this in 2 steps:
+Calculate the disk fill rate:
+ template: disk_fill_rate
+ on:
+ lookup: max -1s at -30m unaligned of avail
+ calc: ($this - $avail) / (30 * 60)
+ every: 15s
+In the `calc` line: `$this` is the result of the `lookup` line (i.e. the free space 30 minutes
+ago) and `$avail` is the current disk free space. So the `calc` line will either have a positive
+number of GB/second if the disk if filling up, or a negative number of GB/second if the disk is
+freeing up space.
+There is no `warn` or `crit` lines here. So, this template will just do the calculation and
+nothing more.
+Predict the hours after which the disk will run out of space:
+ template: disk_full_after_hours
+ on:
+ calc: $avail / $disk_fill_rate / 3600
+ every: 10s
+ warn: $this > 0 and $this < 48
+ crit: $this > 0 and $this < 24
+The `calc` line estimates the time in hours, we will run out of disk space. Of course, only
+positive values are interesting for this check, so the warning and critical conditions check
+for positive values and that we have enough free space for 48 and 24 hours respectively.
+Once this alarm triggers we will receive an email like this:
+### Example 4
+Check if any network interface is dropping packets:
+template: 30min_packet_drops
+ on: net.drops
+ lookup: sum -30m unaligned absolute
+ every: 10s
+ crit: $this > 0
+The `lookup` line will calculate the sum of the all dropped packets in the last 30 minutes.
+The `crit` line will issue a critical alarm if even a single packet has been dropped.
+Note that the drops chart does not exist if a network interface has never dropped a single packet.
+When netdata detects a dropped packet, it will add the chart and it will automatically attach this
+alarm to it.
+## Troubleshooting
+You can compile netdata with [debugging](../daemon#debugging) and then set in `netdata.conf`:
+ debug flags = 0x0000000000800000
+Then check your `/var/log/netdata/debug.log`. It will show you how it works.
+Important: this will generate a lot of output in debug.log.
+You can find the context of charts by looking up the chart in either
+`http://your.netdata:19999/netdata.conf` or `http://your.netdata:19999/api/v1/charts`.
+You can find how netdata interpreted the expressions by examining the alarm at
+`http://your.netdata:19999/api/v1/alarms?all`. For each expression, netdata will return the
+expression as given in its config file, and the same expression with additional parentheses
+added to indicate the evaluation flow of the expression.