path: root/makeself
diff options
authorLennart Weller <>2017-07-27 09:55:55 +0000
committerLennart Weller <>2017-07-27 09:55:55 +0000
commit1413c8953bf9ab447967fedb6246c03afa3f788e (patch)
tree9bde7ef5a8010d08c0723badb22a24bca8926834 /makeself
parentRelease v. 1.6.0+dfsg-3 to Unstable (diff)
parentNew upstream version 1.7.0+dfsg (diff)
Updated version 1.7.0+dfsg from 'upstream/1.7.0+dfsg'
with Debian dir e101ee6549c6786aab4b3f5c4f9bbb7638f17e34
Diffstat (limited to 'makeself')
18 files changed, 1917 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0516beae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+set -e
+if ! sudo docker inspect "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ # To run interactively:
+ # sudo docker run -it netdata-package-x86_64-static /bin/sh
+ # (add -v host-dir:guest-dir:rw arguments to mount volumes)
+ #
+ # To remove images in order to re-create:
+ # sudo docker rm -v $(sudo docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
+ # sudo docker rmi netdata-package-x86_64-static
+ #
+ # This command maps the current directory to
+ # /usr/src/netdata.git
+ # inside the container and runs the script
+ # (also inside the container)
+ #
+ sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/usr/src/netdata.git:rw alpine:3.5 \
+ /bin/sh /usr/src/netdata.git/makeself/
+ # save the changes made permanently
+ id=$(sudo docker ps -l -q)
+ sudo docker commit ${id} "${DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME}"
+# Run the build script inside the container
+sudo docker run -a stdin -a stdout -a stderr -i -t -v \
+ $(pwd):/usr/src/netdata.git:rw \
+ /bin/sh /usr/src/netdata.git/makeself/
+if [ "${USER}" ]
+ then
+ sudo chown -R "${USER}" .
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7896425d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# First run under alpine linux to install
+# the required packages. will do this for you
+# using docker.
+cd $(dirname "$0") || exit 1
+# if we don't run inside the netdata repo
+# download it and run from it
+if [ ! -f ../ ]
+ git clone netdata.git || exit 1
+ cd netdata.git/makeself || exit 1
+ ./ "$@"
+ exit $?
+cat >&2 <<EOF
+This program will create a self-extracting shell package containing
+a statically linked netdata, able to run on any 64bit Linux system,
+without any dependencies from the target system.
+It can be used to have netdata running in no-time, or in cases the
+target Linux system cannot compile netdata.
+# read -p "Press ENTER to continue > "
+if [ ! -d tmp ]
+ then
+ mkdir tmp || exit 1
+./ "$@"
+exit $?
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..48835f0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# allow running the jobs by hand
+[ -z "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}" ] && export NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH="${1-/opt/netdata}"
+[ -z "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}" ] && export NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH="$(dirname "${0}")/.."
+[ -z "${PROCESSORS}" ] && export PROCESSORS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep ^processor | wc -l)
+[ -z "${PROCESSORS}" -o $((PROCESSORS)) -lt 1 ] && export PROCESSORS=1
+export NULL=
+# make sure the path does not end with /
+if [ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH:$(( ${#NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH} - 1)):1}" = "/" ]
+ then
+# find the parent directory
+# debug
+echo "ME=${0}"
+# bash strict mode
+set -euo pipefail
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+fetch() {
+ local dir="${1}" url="${2}"
+ local tar="${dir}.tar.gz"
+ if [ ! -f "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/tmp/${tar}" ]
+ then
+ run wget -O "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/tmp/${tar}" "${url}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/tmp/${dir}" ]
+ then
+ run tar -zxvpf "${tar}"
+ cd -
+ fi
+ run cd "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/tmp/${dir}"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# load the functions of the
+. "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}/installer/"
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..da63c64b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/
+export LC_ALL=C
+umask 002
+# Be nice on production environments
+renice 19 $$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "Checking new configuration files"
+declare -A configs_signatures=()
+. system/configs.signatures
+if [ ! -d etc/netdata ]
+ then
+ run mkdir -p etc/netdata
+md5sum="$(which md5sum 2>/dev/null || command -v md5sum 2>/dev/null || command -v md5 2>/dev/null)"
+for x in $(find -type f)
+ # find it relative filename
+ f="${x/\/netdata\//}"
+ t="${x/\//etc\/}"
+ d=$(dirname "${t}")
+ #echo >&2 "x: ${x}"
+ #echo >&2 "t: ${t}"
+ #echo >&2 "d: ${d}"
+ if [ ! -d "${d}" ]
+ then
+ run mkdir -p "${d}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${t}" ]
+ then
+ run cp "${x}" "${t}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ ! -z "${md5sum}" ]
+ then
+ # find the checksum of the existing file
+ md5="$(cat "${t}" | ${md5sum} | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
+ #echo >&2 "md5: ${md5}"
+ # check if it matches
+ if [ "${configs_signatures[${md5}]}" = "${f}" ]
+ then
+ run cp "${x}" "${t}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! [[ "${x}" =~ .*\.orig ]]
+ then
+ run mv "${x}" "${t}.orig"
+ fi
+run rm -rf
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "Add user netdata to required user groups"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ NETDATA_USER="netdata"
+ NETDATA_GROUP="netdata"
+ run_failed "Failed to add netdata user and group"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "Install logrotate configuration for netdata"
+install_netdata_logrotate || run_failed "Cannot install logrotate file for netdata."
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "Install netdata at system init"
+install_netdata_service || run_failed "Cannot install netdata init service."
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "creating quick links"
+dir_should_be_link() {
+ local p="${1}" t="${2}" d="${3}" old
+ old="${PWD}"
+ cd "${p}" || return 0
+ if [ -e "${d}" ]
+ then
+ if [ -h "${d}" ]
+ then
+ run rm "${d}"
+ else
+ run mv -f "${d}" "${d}.old.$$"
+ fi
+ fi
+ run ln -s "${t}" "${d}"
+ cd "${old}"
+dir_should_be_link . bin sbin
+dir_should_be_link usr ../bin bin
+dir_should_be_link usr ../bin sbin
+dir_should_be_link usr . local
+dir_should_be_link . etc/netdata netdata-configs
+dir_should_be_link . usr/share/netdata/web netdata-web-files
+dir_should_be_link . usr/libexec/netdata netdata-plugins
+dir_should_be_link . var/lib/netdata netdata-dbs
+dir_should_be_link . var/cache/netdata netdata-metrics
+dir_should_be_link . var/log/netdata netdata-logs
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "fix permissions"
+run chmod g+rx,o+rx /opt
+run chown -R ${NETDATA_USER}:${NETDATA_GROUP} /opt/netdata
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "fix plugin permissions"
+for x in apps.plugin freeipmi.plugin
+ f="usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/${x}"
+ if [ -f "${f}" ]
+ then
+ run chown root:${NETDATA_GROUP} "${f}"
+ run chmod 4750 "${f}"
+ fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+progress "starting netdata"
+restart_netdata "/opt/netdata/bin/netdata"
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ netdata_banner "is installed and running now!"
+ netdata_banner "is installed now!"
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..58c8c25fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/../ "${@}" || exit 1
+[ -d "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.old" ] && run rm -rf "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}.old"
+run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin"
+run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr"
+run ln -s bin sbin
+run cd "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr"
+run ln -s ../bin bin
+run ln -s ../sbin sbin
+run ln -s . local
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..07c84b6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/../ "${@}" || exit 1
+fetch "bash-4.4" ""
+run ./configure \
+ --prefix=${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH} \
+ --enable-static-link \
+ --disable-nls \
+ --without-bash-malloc \
+# --disable-rpath \
+# --enable-alias \
+# --enable-arith-for-command \
+# --enable-array-variables \
+# --enable-brace-expansion \
+# --enable-casemod-attributes \
+# --enable-casemod-expansions \
+# --enable-command-timing \
+# --enable-cond-command \
+# --enable-cond-regexp \
+# --enable-directory-stack \
+# --enable-dparen-arithmetic \
+# --enable-function-import \
+# --enable-glob-asciiranges-default \
+# --enable-help-builtin \
+# --enable-job-control \
+# --enable-net-redirections \
+# --enable-process-substitution \
+# --enable-progcomp \
+# --enable-prompt-string-decoding \
+# --enable-readline \
+# --enable-select \
+run make clean
+run make -j${PROCESSORS}
+cat >examples/loadables/Makefile <<EOF
+run make install
+run strip ${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/bash
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0e375a918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/../ "${@}" || exit 1
+fetch "curl-curl-7_53_1" ""
+export LDFLAGS="-static"
+export PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config --static"
+run ./buildconf
+run ./configure \
+ --prefix=${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH} \
+ --enable-optimize \
+ --disable-shared \
+ --enable-static \
+ --enable-http \
+ --enable-proxy \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ --enable-cookies \
+ ${NULL}
+# Curl autoconf does not honour the curl_LDFLAGS environment variable
+run sed -i -e "s/curl_LDFLAGS =/curl_LDFLAGS = -all-static/" src/Makefile
+run make clean
+run make -j${PROCESSORS}
+run make install
+run strip ${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/curl
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dbc91c51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/../ "${@}" || exit 1
+fetch "fping-4.0" ""
+export CFLAGS="-static"
+run ./configure \
+ --prefix=${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH} \
+ --enable-ipv4 \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ ${NULL}
+cat >doc/Makefile <<EOF
+run make clean
+run make -j${PROCESSORS}
+run make install
+run strip ${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/fping
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..873830f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. ${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/ "${@}" || exit 1
+cd "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}" || exit 1
+export CFLAGS="-O3 -static"
+run ./ --install "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PARENT}" \
+ --dont-wait \
+ --dont-start-it \
+ ${NULL}
+run strip ${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata
+run strip ${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/apps.plugin
diff --git a/makeself/jobs/ b/makeself/jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..465a31952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+. $(dirname "${0}")/../ "${@}" || exit 1
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# copy the files needed by makeself installation
+run mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/system"
+run cd "${NETDATA_SOURCE_PATH}" || exit 1
+cp \
+ makeself/ \
+ makeself/ \
+ installer/ \
+ configs.signatures \
+ system/netdata-init-d \
+ system/netdata-lsb \
+ system/netdata-openrc \
+ system/netdata.logrotate \
+ system/netdata.service \
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create a wrapper to start our netdata with a modified path
+mkdir -p "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv"
+mv "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" \
+ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata" || exit 1
+cat >"${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata" <<EOF
+exec "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/srv/netdata" "\${@}"
+chmod 755 "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/netdata"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# move etc to protect the destination when unpacked
+if [ -d "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/etc" ]
+ then
+ if [ -d "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/" ]
+ then
+ rm -rf "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/" || exit 1
+ fi
+ mv "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/etc" \
+ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/" || exit 1
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# remove the links to allow untaring the archive
+rm "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/sbin" \
+ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/bin" \
+ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/sbin" \
+ "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}/usr/local"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# create the makeself archive
+ --gzip \
+ --complevel 9 \
+ --notemp \
+ --needroot \
+ --target "${NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH}" \
+ --header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/" \
+ --lsm "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself.lsm" \
+ --license "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-license.txt" \
+ --help-header "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}/makeself-help-header.txt" \
+ "netdata, the real-time performance and health monitoring system" \
+ ./system/ \
+ ${NULL}
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# copy it to the netdata build dir
+ORIGIN="$(git config --get remote.origin.url || echo "unknown")"
+if [[ "${ORIGIN}" =~ ^*/netdata.*$ ]]
+ then
+ NOWNER="${NOWNER/\/netdata*/}"
+elif [[ "${ORIGIN}" =~ ^*/netdata.*$ ]]
+ then
+ NOWNER="${ORIGIN/https:\/\/\//}"
+ NOWNER="${NOWNER/\/netdata*/}"
+# make sure it does not have any slashes in it
+if [ "${NOWNER}" = "firehol" ]
+ then
+VERSION="$(git describe || echo "undefined")"
+[ -z "${VERSION}" ] && VERSION="undefined"
+FILE="netdata-${VERSION}-$(uname -m)-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")${NOWNER}"
+echo >&2 "Self-extracting installer copied to '${FILE}'"
+[ -f ] && rm
+ln -s "${FILE}"
+echo >&2 "Self-extracting installer linked to ''"
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..93d937b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+cat << EOF > "$archname"
+# This script was generated using Makeself $MS_VERSION
+if test "$KEEP_UMASK" = n; then
+ umask 077
+USER_PWD="\$PWD"; export USER_PWD
+if type printf > /dev/null; then
+ print_cmd="printf"
+elif test -x /usr/ucb/echo; then
+ print_cmd="/usr/ucb/echo"
+ print_cmd="echo"
+if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin; then
+ PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:\$PATH
+ export PATH
+unset CDPATH
+ \$print_cmd \$print_cmd_arg "\$1"
+ if test x"\$licensetxt" != x; then
+ echo "\$licensetxt"
+ if test x"\$accept" != xy; then
+ while true
+ do
+ MS_Printf "Please type y to accept, n otherwise: "
+ read yn
+ if test x"\$yn" = xn; then
+ keep=n
+ eval \$finish; exit 1
+ break;
+ elif test x"\$yn" = xy; then
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ (
+ df -kP "\$1" | tail -1 | awk '{ if (\$4 ~ /%/) {print \$3} else {print \$4} }'
+ )
+ blocks=\`expr \$3 / 1024\`
+ bytes=\`expr \$3 % 1024\`
+ dd if="\$1" ibs=\$2 skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync 2> /dev/null | \\
+ { test \$blocks -gt 0 && dd ibs=1024 obs=1024 count=\$blocks ; \\
+ test \$bytes -gt 0 && dd ibs=1 obs=1024 count=\$bytes ; } 2> /dev/null
+ if test x"\$noprogress" = xy; then
+ MS_dd \$@
+ return \$?
+ fi
+ file="\$1"
+ offset=\$2
+ length=\$3
+ pos=0
+ bsize=4194304
+ while test \$bsize -gt \$length; do
+ bsize=\`expr \$bsize / 4\`
+ done
+ blocks=\`expr \$length / \$bsize\`
+ bytes=\`expr \$length % \$bsize\`
+ (
+ dd ibs=\$offset skip=1 2>/dev/null
+ pos=\`expr \$pos \+ \$bsize\`
+ MS_Printf " 0%% " 1>&2
+ if test \$blocks -gt 0; then
+ while test \$pos -le \$length; do
+ dd bs=\$bsize count=1 2>/dev/null
+ pcent=\`expr \$length / 100\`
+ pcent=\`expr \$pos / \$pcent\`
+ if test \$pcent -lt 100; then
+ MS_Printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" 1>&2
+ if test \$pcent -lt 10; then
+ MS_Printf " \$pcent%% " 1>&2
+ else
+ MS_Printf " \$pcent%% " 1>&2
+ fi
+ fi
+ pos=\`expr \$pos \+ \$bsize\`
+ done
+ fi
+ if test \$bytes -gt 0; then
+ dd bs=\$bytes count=1 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ MS_Printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" 1>&2
+ MS_Printf " 100%% " 1>&2
+ ) < "\$file"
+ cat << EOH >&2
+\${helpheader}Makeself version $MS_VERSION
+ 1) Getting help or info about \$0 :
+ \$0 --help Print this message
+ \$0 --info Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ...
+ \$0 --lsm Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM)
+ \$0 --list Print the list of files in the archive
+ \$0 --check Checks integrity of the archive
+ 2) Running \$0 :
+ \$0 [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script]
+ with following options (in that order)
+ --confirm Ask before running embedded script
+ --quiet Do not print anything except error messages
+ --accept Accept the license
+ --noexec Do not run embedded script
+ --keep Do not erase target directory after running
+ the embedded script
+ --noprogress Do not show the progress during the decompression
+ --nox11 Do not spawn an xterm
+ --nochown Do not give the extracted files to the current user
+ --nodiskspace Do not check for available disk space
+ --target dir Extract directly to a target directory
+ directory path can be either absolute or relative
+ --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command
+ -- Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script
+ PATH=\${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"\$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"}
+ MD5_ARG=""
+ MD5_PATH=\`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5sum || command -v md5sum || type md5sum\`
+ test -x "\$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=\`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5 || command -v md5 || type md5\`
+ test -x "\$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=\`exec <&- 2>&-; which digest || command -v digest || type digest\`
+ if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ MS_Printf "Verifying archive integrity..."
+ fi
+ offset=\`head -n $SKIP "\$1" | wc -c | tr -d " "\`
+ verb=\$2
+ i=1
+ for s in \$filesizes
+ do
+ crc=\`echo \$CRCsum | cut -d" " -f\$i\`
+ if test -x "\$MD5_PATH"; then
+ if test x"\`basename \$MD5_PATH\`" = xdigest; then
+ MD5_ARG="-a md5"
+ fi
+ md5=\`echo \$MD5 | cut -d" " -f\$i\`
+ if test x"\$md5" = x00000000000000000000000000000000; then
+ test x"\$verb" = xy && echo " \$1 does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum." >&2
+ else
+ md5sum=\`MS_dd_Progress "\$1" \$offset \$s | eval "\$MD5_PATH \$MD5_ARG" | cut -b-32\`;
+ if test x"\$md5sum" != x"\$md5"; then
+ echo "Error in MD5 checksums: \$md5sum is different from \$md5" >&2
+ exit 2
+ else
+ test x"\$verb" = xy && MS_Printf " MD5 checksums are OK." >&2
+ fi
+ crc="0000000000"; verb=n
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test x"\$crc" = x0000000000; then
+ test x"\$verb" = xy && echo " \$1 does not contain a CRC checksum." >&2
+ else
+ sum1=\`MS_dd_Progress "\$1" \$offset \$s | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | awk '{print \$1}'\`
+ if test x"\$sum1" = x"\$crc"; then
+ test x"\$verb" = xy && MS_Printf " CRC checksums are OK." >&2
+ else
+ echo "Error in checksums: \$sum1 is different from \$crc" >&2
+ exit 2;
+ fi
+ fi
+ i=\`expr \$i + 1\`
+ offset=\`expr \$offset + \$s\`
+ done
+ if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ echo " All good."
+ fi
+ if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ tar \$1 "$UNTAR_EXTRA" -vf - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 \$$; }
+ else
+ tar \$1 "$UNTAR_EXTRA" -f - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 \$$; }
+ fi
+while true
+ case "\$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ MS_Help
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -q | --quiet)
+ quiet=y
+ noprogress=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --accept)
+ accept=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --info)
+ echo Identification: "\$label"
+ echo Target directory: "\$targetdir"
+ echo Uncompressed size: $USIZE KB
+ echo Compression: $COMPRESS
+ echo Date of packaging: $DATE
+ echo Built with Makeself version $MS_VERSION on $OSTYPE
+ echo Build command was: "$MS_COMMAND"
+ if test x"\$script" != x; then
+ echo Script run after extraction:
+ echo " " \$script \$scriptargs
+ fi
+ if test x"$copy" = xcopy; then
+ echo "Archive will copy itself to a temporary location"
+ fi
+ if test x"$NEED_ROOT" = xy; then
+ echo "Root permissions required for extraction"
+ fi
+ if test x"$KEEP" = xy; then
+ echo "directory \$targetdir is permanent"
+ else
+ echo "\$targetdir will be removed after extraction"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --dumpconf)
+ echo LABEL=\"\$label\"
+ echo SCRIPT=\"\$script\"
+ echo SCRIPTARGS=\"\$scriptargs\"
+ echo archdirname=\"$archdirname\"
+ echo KEEP=$KEEP
+ echo filesizes=\"\$filesizes\"
+ echo CRCsum=\"\$CRCsum\"
+ echo MD5sum=\"\$MD5\"
+ echo OLDSKIP=`expr $SKIP + 1`
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --lsm)
+cat << EOLSM
+eval "$LSM_CMD"
+cat << EOF >> "$archname"
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --list)
+ echo Target directory: \$targetdir
+ offset=\`head -n $SKIP "\$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "\`
+ for s in \$filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "\$0" \$offset \$s | eval "$GUNZIP_CMD" | UnTAR t
+ offset=\`expr \$offset + \$s\`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --tar)
+ offset=\`head -n $SKIP "\$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "\`
+ arg1="\$2"
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ for s in \$filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "\$0" \$offset \$s | eval "$GUNZIP_CMD" | tar "\$arg1" - "\$@"
+ offset=\`expr \$offset + \$s\`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --check)
+ MS_Check "\$0" y
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --confirm)
+ verbose=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --noexec)
+ script=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --keep)
+ keep=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --target)
+ keep=y
+ targetdir=\${2:-.}
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --noprogress)
+ noprogress=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nox11)
+ nox11=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nochown)
+ ownership=n
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nodiskspace)
+ nodiskspace=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --xwin)
+ if test "$NOWAIT" = n; then
+ finish="echo Press Return to close this window...; read junk"
+ fi
+ xterm_loop=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --phase2)
+ copy=phase2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break ;;
+ -*)
+ echo Unrecognized flag : "\$1" >&2
+ MS_Help
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break ;;
+ esac
+if test x"\$quiet" = xy -a x"\$verbose" = xy; then
+ echo Cannot be verbose and quiet at the same time. >&2
+ exit 1
+if test x"$NEED_ROOT" = xy -a \`id -u\` -ne 0; then
+ echo "Administrative privileges required for this archive (use su or sudo)" >&2
+ exit 1
+if test x"\$copy" \!= xphase2; then
+ MS_PrintLicense
+case "\$copy" in
+ tmpdir=\$TMPROOT/makeself.\$RANDOM.\`date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S"\`.\$\$
+ mkdir "\$tmpdir" || {
+ echo "Could not create temporary directory \$tmpdir" >&2
+ exit 1
+ }
+ SCRIPT_COPY="\$tmpdir/makeself"
+ echo "Copying to a temporary location..." >&2
+ cp "\$0" "\$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ chmod +x "\$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ cd "\$TMPROOT"
+ exec "\$SCRIPT_COPY" --phase2 -- \$initargs
+ ;;
+ finish="\$finish ; rm -rf \`dirname \$0\`"
+ ;;
+if test x"\$nox11" = xn; then
+ if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal?
+ :
+ else
+ if test x"\$DISPLAY" != x -a x"\$xterm_loop" = x; then # No, but do we have X?
+ if xset q > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Check for valid DISPLAY variable
+ GUESS_XTERMS="xterm gnome-terminal rxvt dtterm eterm Eterm xfce4-terminal lxterminal kvt konsole aterm terminology"
+ for a in \$GUESS_XTERMS; do
+ if type \$a >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ XTERM=\$a
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ chmod a+x \$0 || echo Please add execution rights on \$0
+ if test \`echo "\$0" | cut -c1\` = "/"; then # Spawn a terminal!
+ exec \$XTERM -title "\$label" -e "\$0" --xwin "\$initargs"
+ else
+ exec \$XTERM -title "\$label" -e "./\$0" --xwin "\$initargs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+if test x"\$targetdir" = x.; then
+ tmpdir="."
+ if test x"\$keep" = xy; then
+ if test x"\$nooverwrite" = xy && test -d "\$targetdir"; then
+ echo "Target directory \$targetdir already exists, aborting." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ echo "Creating directory \$targetdir" >&2
+ fi
+ tmpdir="\$targetdir"
+ dashp="-p"
+ else
+ tmpdir="\$TMPROOT/selfgz\$\$\$RANDOM"
+ dashp=""
+ fi
+ mkdir \$dashp \$tmpdir || {
+ echo 'Cannot create target directory' \$tmpdir >&2
+ echo 'You should try option --target dir' >&2
+ eval \$finish
+ exit 1
+ }
+if test x"\$SETUP_NOCHECK" != x1; then
+ MS_Check "\$0"
+offset=\`head -n $SKIP "\$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "\`
+if test x"\$verbose" = xy; then
+ MS_Printf "About to extract $USIZE KB in \$tmpdir ... Proceed ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"\$yn" = xn; then
+ eval \$finish; exit 1
+ fi
+if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ MS_Printf "Uncompressing \$label"
+if test x"\$keep" = xn; then
+ trap 'echo Signal caught, cleaning up >&2; cd \$TMPROOT; /bin/rm -rf \$tmpdir; eval \$finish; exit 15' 1 2 3 15
+if test x"\$nodiskspace" = xn; then
+ leftspace=\`MS_diskspace \$tmpdir\`
+ if test -n "\$leftspace"; then
+ if test "\$leftspace" -lt $USIZE; then
+ echo
+ echo "Not enough space left in "\`dirname \$tmpdir\`" (\$leftspace KB) to decompress \$0 ($USIZE KB)" >&2
+ echo "Use --nodiskspace option to skip this check and proceed anyway" >&2
+ if test x"\$keep" = xn; then
+ echo "Consider setting TMPDIR to a directory with more free space."
+ fi
+ eval \$finish; exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+for s in \$filesizes
+ if MS_dd_Progress "\$0" \$offset \$s | eval "$GUNZIP_CMD" | ( cd "\$tmpdir"; umask \$ORIG_UMASK ; UnTAR xp ) 1>/dev/null; then
+ if test x"\$ownership" = xy; then
+ (cd "\$tmpdir"; chown -R \`id -u\` .; chgrp -R \`id -g\` .)
+ fi
+ else
+ echo >&2
+ echo "Unable to decompress \$0" >&2
+ eval \$finish; exit 1
+ fi
+ offset=\`expr \$offset + \$s\`
+if test x"\$quiet" = xn; then
+ echo
+cd "\$tmpdir"
+if test x"\$script" != x; then
+ if test x"\$export_conf" = x"y"; then
+ MS_BUNDLE="\$0"
+ MS_LABEL="\$label"
+ MS_SCRIPT="\$script"
+ MS_SCRIPTARGS="\$scriptargs"
+ MS_ARCHDIRNAME="\$archdirname"
+ fi
+ if test x"\$verbose" = x"y"; then
+ MS_Printf "OK to execute: \$script \$scriptargs \$* ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"\$yn" = x -o x"\$yn" = xy -o x"\$yn" = xY; then
+ eval "\"\$script\" \$scriptargs \"\\\$@\""; res=\$?;
+ fi
+ else
+ eval "\"\$script\" \$scriptargs \"\\\$@\""; res=\$?
+ fi
+ if test "\$res" -ne 0; then
+ test x"\$verbose" = xy && echo "The program '\$script' returned an error code (\$res)" >&2
+ fi
+if test x"\$keep" = xn; then
+ cd \$TMPROOT
+ /bin/rm -rf \$tmpdir
+eval \$finish; exit \$res
diff --git a/makeself/makeself-help-header.txt b/makeself/makeself-help-header.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26490059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/makeself-help-header.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ ^
+ |.-. .-. .-. .-. . netdata
+ | '-' '-' '-' '-' real-time performance monitoring, done right!
+ +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--->
+ (C) Copyright 2017, Costa Tsaousis
+ All rights reserved
+ Released under GPL v3+
+ You are about to install netdata to this system.
+ netdata will be installed at:
+ /opt/netdata
+ The following changes will be made to your system:
+ User 'netdata' and group 'netdata' will be added, if not present.
+ This file will be installed if logrotate is present.
+ - /etc/logrotate.d/netdata
+ This file will be installed if this system runs with systemd:
+ - /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service
+ or, for older Centos, Debian/Ubuntu or OpenRC Gentoo:
+ - /etc/init.d/netdata will be created
+ This package can also update a netdata installation that has been
+ created with another version of it.
+ Your netdata configuration will be retained.
+ After installation, netdata will be (re-)started.
+ netdata re-distributes a lot of open source software components.
+ Check its full license at:
diff --git a/makeself/makeself-license.txt b/makeself/makeself-license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e26490059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/makeself-license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ ^
+ |.-. .-. .-. .-. . netdata
+ | '-' '-' '-' '-' real-time performance monitoring, done right!
+ +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--->
+ (C) Copyright 2017, Costa Tsaousis
+ All rights reserved
+ Released under GPL v3+
+ You are about to install netdata to this system.
+ netdata will be installed at:
+ /opt/netdata
+ The following changes will be made to your system:
+ User 'netdata' and group 'netdata' will be added, if not present.
+ This file will be installed if logrotate is present.
+ - /etc/logrotate.d/netdata
+ This file will be installed if this system runs with systemd:
+ - /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service
+ or, for older Centos, Debian/Ubuntu or OpenRC Gentoo:
+ - /etc/init.d/netdata will be created
+ This package can also update a netdata installation that has been
+ created with another version of it.
+ Your netdata configuration will be retained.
+ After installation, netdata will be (re-)started.
+ netdata re-distributes a lot of open source software components.
+ Check its full license at:
diff --git a/makeself/makeself.lsm b/makeself/makeself.lsm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..026796294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/makeself.lsm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Title: netdata
+Version: 1.6.0
+Description: netdata is a system for distributed real-time performance and health monitoring.
+ It provides unparalleled insights, in real-time, of everything happening on the
+ system it runs (including applications such as web and database servers), using
+ modern interactive web dashboards. netdata is fast and efficient, designed to
+ permanently run on all systems (physical & virtual servers, containers, IoT
+ devices), without disrupting their core function.
+Keywords: real-time performance and health monitoring
+Author: Costa Tsaousis (
+Maintained-by: Costa Tsaousis (
+Platform: Unix
+Copying-policy: GPL
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..709473aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+# Makeself version 2.3.x
+# by Stephane Peter <>
+# Utility to create self-extracting tar.gz archives.
+# The resulting archive is a file holding the tar.gz archive with
+# a small Shell script stub that uncompresses the archive to a temporary
+# directory and then executes a given script from withing that directory.
+# Makeself home page:
+# Version 2.0 is a rewrite of version 1.0 to make the code easier to read and maintain.
+# Version history :
+# - 1.0 : Initial public release
+# - 1.1 : The archive can be passed parameters that will be passed on to
+# the embedded script, thanks to John C. Quillan
+# - 1.2 : Package distribution, bzip2 compression, more command line options,
+# support for non-temporary archives. Ideas thanks to Francois Petitjean
+# - 1.3 : More patches from Bjarni R. Einarsson and Francois Petitjean:
+# Support for no compression (--nocomp), script is no longer mandatory,
+# automatic launch in an xterm, optional verbose output, and -target
+# archive option to indicate where to extract the files.
+# - 1.4 : Improved UNIX compatibility (Francois Petitjean)
+# Automatic integrity checking, support of LSM files (Francois Petitjean)
+# - 1.5 : Many bugfixes. Optionally disable xterm spawning.
+# - 1.5.1 : More bugfixes, added archive options -list and -check.
+# - 1.5.2 : Cosmetic changes to inform the user of what's going on with big
+# archives (Quake III demo)
+# - 1.5.3 : Check for validity of the DISPLAY variable before launching an xterm.
+# More verbosity in xterms and check for embedded command's return value.
+# Bugfix for Debian 2.0 systems that have a different "print" command.
+# - 1.5.4 : Many bugfixes. Print out a message if the extraction failed.
+# - 1.5.5 : More bugfixes. Added support for SETUP_NOCHECK environment variable to
+# bypass checksum verification of archives.
+# - 1.6.0 : Compute MD5 checksums with the md5sum command (patch from Ryan Gordon)
+# - 2.0 : Brand new rewrite, cleaner architecture, separated header and UNIX ports.
+# - 2.0.1 : Added --copy
+# - 2.1.0 : Allow multiple tarballs to be stored in one archive, and incremental updates.
+# Added --nochown for archives
+# Stopped doing redundant checksums when not necesary
+# - 2.1.1 : Work around insane behavior from certain Linux distros with no 'uncompress' command
+# Cleaned up the code to handle error codes from compress. Simplified the extraction code.
+# - 2.1.2 : Some bug fixes. Use head -n to avoid problems.
+# - 2.1.3 : Bug fixes with command line when spawning terminals.
+# Added --tar for archives, allowing to give arbitrary arguments to tar on the contents of the archive.
+# Added --noexec to prevent execution of embedded scripts.
+# Added --nomd5 and --nocrc to avoid creating checksums in archives.
+# Added command used to create the archive in --info output.
+# Run the embedded script through eval.
+# - 2.1.4 : Fixed --info output.
+# Generate random directory name when extracting files to . to avoid problems. (Jason Trent)
+# Better handling of errors with wrong permissions for the directory containing the files. (Jason Trent)
+# Avoid some race conditions (Ludwig Nussel)
+# Unset the $CDPATH variable to avoid problems if it is set. (Debian)
+# Better handling of dot files in the archive directory.
+# - 2.1.5 : Made the md5sum detection consistent with the header code.
+# Check for the presence of the archive directory
+# Added --encrypt for symmetric encryption through gpg (Eric Windisch)
+# Added support for the digest command on Solaris 10 for MD5 checksums
+# Check for available disk space before extracting to the target directory (Andreas Schweitzer)
+# Allow extraction to run asynchronously (patch by Peter Hatch)
+# Use file descriptors internally to avoid error messages (patch by Kay Tiong Khoo)
+# - 2.1.6 : Replaced one dot per file progress with a realtime progress percentage and a spining cursor (Guy Baconniere)
+# Added --noprogress to prevent showing the progress during the decompression (Guy Baconniere)
+# Added --target dir to allow extracting directly to a target directory (Guy Baconniere)
+# - 2.2.0 : Many bugfixes, updates and contributions from users. Check out the project page on Github for the details.
+# - 2.3.0 : Option to specify packaging date to enable byte-for-byte reproducibility. (Marc Pawlowsky)
+# (C) 1998-2017 by Stephane Peter <>
+# This software is released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 and above
+# Please read the license at
+unset CDPATH
+for f in "${1+"$@"}"; do
+ \\\"$f\\\""
+# For Solaris systems
+if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin; then
+ PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH
+ export PATH
+# Procedures
+ echo "Usage: $0 [params] archive_dir file_name label startup_script [args]"
+ echo "params can be one or more of the following :"
+ echo " --version | -v : Print out Makeself version number and exit"
+ echo " --help | -h : Print out this help message"
+ echo " --tar-quietly : Suppress verbose output from the tar command"
+ echo " --quiet | -q : Do not print any messages other than errors."
+ echo " --gzip : Compress using gzip (default if detected)"
+ echo " --pigz : Compress with pigz"
+ echo " --bzip2 : Compress using bzip2 instead of gzip"
+ echo " --pbzip2 : Compress using pbzip2 instead of gzip"
+ echo " --xz : Compress using xz instead of gzip"
+ echo " --lzo : Compress using lzop instead of gzip"
+ echo " --lz4 : Compress using lz4 instead of gzip"
+ echo " --compress : Compress using the UNIX 'compress' command"
+ echo " --complevel lvl : Compression level for gzip pigz xz lzo lz4 bzip2 and pbzip2 (default 9)"
+ echo " --base64 : Instead of compressing, encode the data using base64"
+ echo " --gpg-encrypt : Instead of compressing, encrypt the data using GPG"
+ echo " --gpg-asymmetric-encrypt-sign"
+ echo " : Instead of compressing, asymmetrically encrypt and sign the data using GPG"
+ echo " --gpg-extra opt : Append more options to the gpg command line"
+ echo " --ssl-encrypt : Instead of compressing, encrypt the data using OpenSSL"
+ echo " --nocomp : Do not compress the data"
+ echo " --notemp : The archive will create archive_dir in the"
+ echo " current directory and uncompress in ./archive_dir"
+ echo " --needroot : Check that the root user is extracting the archive before proceeding"
+ echo " --copy : Upon extraction, the archive will first copy itself to"
+ echo " a temporary directory"
+ echo " --append : Append more files to an existing Makeself archive"
+ echo " The label and startup scripts will then be ignored"
+ echo " --target dir : Extract directly to a target directory"
+ echo " directory path can be either absolute or relative"
+ echo " --nooverwrite : Do not extract the archive if the specified target directory exists"
+ echo " --current : Files will be extracted to the current directory"
+ echo " Both --current and --target imply --notemp"
+ echo " --tar-extra opt : Append more options to the tar command line"
+ echo " --untar-extra opt : Append more options to the during the extraction of the tar archive"
+ echo " --nomd5 : Don't calculate an MD5 for archive"
+ echo " --nocrc : Don't calculate a CRC for archive"
+ echo " --header file : Specify location of the header script"
+ echo " --follow : Follow the symlinks in the archive"
+ echo " --noprogress : Do not show the progress during the decompression"
+ echo " --nox11 : Disable automatic spawn of a xterm"
+ echo " --nowait : Do not wait for user input after executing embedded"
+ echo " program from an xterm"
+ echo " --lsm file : LSM file describing the package"
+ echo " --license file : Append a license file"
+ echo " --help-header file : Add a header to the archive's --help output"
+ echo " --packaging-date date"
+ echo " : Use provided string as the packaging date"
+ echo " instead of the current date."
+ echo
+ echo " --keep-umask : Keep the umask set to shell default, rather than overriding when executing self-extracting archive."
+ echo " --export-conf : Export configuration variables to startup_script"
+ echo
+ echo "Do not forget to give a fully qualified startup script name"
+ echo "(i.e. with a ./ prefix if inside the archive)."
+ exit 1
+# Default settings
+if type gzip 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
+HEADER=`dirname "$0"`/
+DATE=`LC_ALL=C date`
+# LSM file stuff
+LSM_CMD="echo No LSM. >> \"\$archname\""
+while true
+ case "$1" in
+ --version | -v)
+ echo Makeself version $MS_VERSION
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --pbzip2)
+ COMPRESS=pbzip2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --bzip2)
+ COMPRESS=bzip2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --gzip)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --pigz)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --xz)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --lzo)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --lz4)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --compress)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --base64)
+ COMPRESS=base64
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --gpg-encrypt)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --gpg-asymmetric-encrypt-sign)
+ COMPRESS=gpg-asymmetric
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --gpg-extra)
+ GPG_EXTRA="$2"
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --ssl-encrypt)
+ COMPRESS=openssl
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nocomp)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --complevel)
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --notemp)
+ KEEP=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --copy)
+ COPY=copy
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --current)
+ KEEP=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --tar-extra)
+ TAR_EXTRA="$2"
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --untar-extra)
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --target)
+ KEEP=y
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --nooverwrite)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --needroot)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --header)
+ HEADER="$2"
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --license)
+ LICENSE=`cat $2`
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --follow)
+ TAR_ARGS=cvhf
+ DU_ARGS=-ksL
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --noprogress)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nox11)
+ NOX11=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nowait)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nomd5)
+ NOMD5=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nocrc)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --append)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --lsm)
+ LSM_CMD="cat \"$2\" >> \"\$archname\""
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --packaging-date)
+ DATE="$2"
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --help-header)
+ HELPHEADER=`sed -e "s/'/'\\\\\''/g" $2`
+ if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi
+ ;;
+ --tar-quietly)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --keep-umask)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --export-conf)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -q | --quiet)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -h | --help)
+ MS_Usage
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ echo Unrecognized flag : "$1"
+ MS_Usage
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test $# -lt 1; then
+ MS_Usage
+ if test -d "$1"; then
+ archdir="$1"
+ else
+ echo "Directory $1 does not exist." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if test "$QUIET" = "y" || test "$TAR_QUIETLY" = "y"; then
+ if test "$TAR_ARGS" = "cvf"; then
+ TAR_ARGS="cf"
+ elif test "$TAR_ARGS" = "cvhf";then
+ TAR_ARGS="chf"
+ fi
+if test "$APPEND" = y; then
+ if test $# -lt 2; then
+ MS_Usage
+ fi
+ # Gather the info from the original archive
+ OLDENV=`sh "$archname" --dumpconf`
+ if test $? -ne 0; then
+ echo "Unable to update archive: $archname" >&2
+ exit 1
+ else
+ eval "$OLDENV"
+ fi
+ if test "$KEEP" = n -a $# = 3; then
+ echo "ERROR: Making a temporary archive with no embedded command does not make sense!" >&2
+ echo >&2
+ MS_Usage
+ fi
+ # We don't want to create an absolute directory unless a target directory is defined
+ if test "$CURRENT" = y; then
+ archdirname="."
+ elif test x$TARGETDIR != x; then
+ archdirname="$TARGETDIR"
+ else
+ archdirname=`basename "$1"`
+ fi
+ if test $# -lt 3; then
+ MS_Usage
+ fi
+ LABEL="$3"
+ SCRIPT="$4"
+ test "x$SCRIPT" = x || shift 1
+ shift 3
+if test "$KEEP" = n -a "$CURRENT" = y; then
+ echo "ERROR: It is A VERY DANGEROUS IDEA to try to combine --notemp and --current." >&2
+ exit 1
+case $COMPRESS in
+ GUNZIP_CMD="gzip -cd"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="gzip -cd"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="bzip2 -d"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="bzip2 -d"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="xz -d"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="lzop -d"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="lz4 -d"
+ ;;
+ GZIP_CMD="base64"
+ GUNZIP_CMD="base64 -d -i"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="gpg -d"
+ ;;
+ GUNZIP_CMD="gpg --yes -d"
+ ;;
+ GZIP_CMD="openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt"
+ GUNZIP_CMD="openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a"
+ ;;
+ GZIP_CMD="compress -cf"
+ GUNZIP_CMD="exec 2>&-; uncompress -c || test \\\$? -eq 2 || gzip -cd"
+ ;;
+ GZIP_CMD="cat"
+ GUNZIP_CMD="cat"
+ ;;
+if test -f "$HEADER"; then
+ oldarchname="$archname"
+ archname="$tmpfile"
+ # Generate a fake header to count its lines
+ SKIP=0
+ . "$HEADER"
+ SKIP=`cat "$tmpfile" |wc -l`
+ # Get rid of any spaces
+ SKIP=`expr $SKIP`
+ rm -f "$tmpfile"
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo Header is $SKIP lines long >&2
+ fi
+ archname="$oldarchname"
+ echo "Unable to open header file: $HEADER" >&2
+ exit 1
+if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo
+if test "$APPEND" = n; then
+ if test -f "$archname"; then
+ echo "WARNING: Overwriting existing file: $archname" >&2
+ fi
+USIZE=`du $DU_ARGS "$archdir" | awk '{print $1}'`
+if test "." = "$archdirname"; then
+ if test "$KEEP" = n; then
+ archdirname="makeself-$$-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`"
+ fi
+test -d "$archdir" || { echo "Error: $archdir does not exist."; rm -f "$tmpfile"; exit 1; }
+if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo About to compress $USIZE KB of data...
+ echo Adding files to archive named \"$archname\"...
+exec 3<> "$tmpfile"
+(cd "$archdir" && ( tar "$TAR_EXTRA" -$TAR_ARGS - . | eval "$GZIP_CMD" >&3 ) ) || { echo Aborting: Archive directory not found or temporary file: "$tmpfile" could not be created.; exec 3>&-; rm -f "$tmpfile"; exit 1; }
+exec 3>&- # try to close the archive
+fsize=`cat "$tmpfile" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+# Compute the checksums
+if test "$NOCRC" = y; then
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo "skipping crc at user request"
+ fi
+ crcsum=`cat "$tmpfile" | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | sed -e 's/ /Z/' -e 's/ /Z/' | cut -dZ -f1`
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo "CRC: $crcsum"
+ fi
+if test "$NOMD5" = y; then
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo "skipping md5sum at user request"
+ fi
+ # Try to locate a MD5 binary
+ PATH=${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"}
+ MD5_ARG=""
+ MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5sum || command -v md5sum || type md5sum`
+ test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5 || command -v md5 || type md5`
+ test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which digest || command -v digest || type digest`
+ if test -x "$MD5_PATH"; then
+ if test `basename ${MD5_PATH}`x = digestx; then
+ MD5_ARG="-a md5"
+ fi
+ md5sum=`cat "$tmpfile" | eval "$MD5_PATH $MD5_ARG" | cut -b-32`;
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo "MD5: $md5sum"
+ fi
+ else
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo "MD5: none, MD5 command not found"
+ fi
+ fi
+if test "$APPEND" = y; then
+ mv "$archname" "$archname".bak || exit
+ # Prepare entry for new archive
+ filesizes="$filesizes $fsize"
+ CRCsum="$CRCsum $crcsum"
+ MD5sum="$MD5sum $md5sum"
+ # Generate the header
+ . "$HEADER"
+ # Append the original data
+ tail -n +$OLDSKIP "$archname".bak >> "$archname"
+ # Append the new data
+ cat "$tmpfile" >> "$archname"
+ chmod +x "$archname"
+ rm -f "$archname".bak
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo Self-extractable archive \"$archname\" successfully updated.
+ fi
+ filesizes="$fsize"
+ CRCsum="$crcsum"
+ MD5sum="$md5sum"
+ # Generate the header
+ . "$HEADER"
+ # Append the compressed tar data after the stub
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo
+ fi
+ cat "$tmpfile" >> "$archname"
+ chmod +x "$archname"
+ if test "$QUIET" = "n";then
+ echo Self-extractable archive \"$archname\" successfully created.
+ fi
+rm -f "$tmpfile"
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..10f9863b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This script is started using the shell of the system
+# and executes our '' script
+# using the netdata supplied, statically linked BASH
+# so, at '' we are always sure
+# we run under BASH v4.
+./bin/bash system/ "${@}"
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b08fa9187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+umask 002
+# be nice
+renice 19 $$ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# prepare the environment for the jobs
+# installation directory
+export NETDATA_INSTALL_PATH="${1-/opt/netdata}"
+# our source directory
+export NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH="$(dirname "${0}")"
+if [ "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH:0:1}" != "/" ]
+ then
+# netdata source directory
+# number of processors this system has
+PROCESSORS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep ^processor | wc -l)
+[ -z "${PROCESSORS}" -o $(( PROCESSORS )) -lt 1 ] && PROCESSORS=1
+# make sure ${NULL} is empty
+export NULL=
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cd "${NETDATA_MAKESELF_PATH}" || exit 1
+. ./ "${@}" || exit 1
+for x in jobs/*
+ progress "running ${x}"
+echo >&2 "All jobs for static packaging done successfully."
+exit 0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/makeself/ b/makeself/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..87cd29669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makeself/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# this script should be running in alpine linux
+# install the required packages
+apk update
+apk add --no-cache \
+ bash \
+ wget \
+ curl \
+ ncurses \
+ git \
+ netcat-openbsd \
+ alpine-sdk \
+ autoconf \
+ automake \
+ gcc \
+ make \
+ libtool \
+ pkgconfig \
+ util-linux-dev \
+ openssl-dev \
+ gnutls-dev \
+ zlib-dev \
+ libmnl-dev \
+ libnetfilter_acct-dev \
+ || exit 1