path: root/src/statistical.c
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2018-11-07 12:19:29 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2018-11-07 12:20:17 +0000
commita64a253794ac64cb40befee54db53bde17dd0d49 (patch)
treec1024acc5f6e508814b944d99f112259bb28b1be /src/statistical.c
parentNew upstream version 1.10.0+dfsg (diff)
New upstream version 1.11.0+dfsgupstream/1.11.0+dfsg
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/statistical.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/src/statistical.c b/src/statistical.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b33fd5a..000000000
--- a/src/statistical.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-#include "common.h"
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-inline LONG_DOUBLE sum_and_count(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, size_t *count) {
- if(unlikely(entries == 0)) {
- if(likely(count))
- *count = 0;
- return NAN;
- }
- if(unlikely(entries == 1)) {
- if(likely(count))
- *count = (isnan(series[0])?0:1);
- return series[0];
- }
- size_t i, c = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE sum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- c++;
- sum += value;
- }
- if(likely(count))
- *count = c;
- if(unlikely(c == 0))
- return NAN;
- return sum;
-inline LONG_DOUBLE sum(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- return sum_and_count(series, entries, NULL);
-inline LONG_DOUBLE average(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- size_t count = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE sum = sum_and_count(series, entries, &count);
- if(unlikely(count == 0))
- return NAN;
- return sum / (LONG_DOUBLE)count;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE moving_average(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, size_t period) {
- if(unlikely(period <= 0))
- return 0.0;
- size_t i, count;
- LONG_DOUBLE sum = 0, avg = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE p[period];
- for(count = 0; count < period ; count++)
- p[count] = 0.0;
- for(i = 0, count = 0; i < entries; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- if(unlikely(count < period)) {
- sum += value;
- avg = (count == period - 1) ? sum / (LONG_DOUBLE)period : 0;
- }
- else {
- sum = sum - p[count % period] + value;
- avg = sum / (LONG_DOUBLE)period;
- }
- p[count % period] = value;
- count++;
- }
- return avg;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static int qsort_compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
- LONG_DOUBLE *p1 = (LONG_DOUBLE *)a, *p2 = (LONG_DOUBLE *)b;
- LONG_DOUBLE n1 = *p1, n2 = *p2;
- if(unlikely(isnan(n1) || isnan(n2))) {
- if(isnan(n1) && !isnan(n2)) return -1;
- if(!isnan(n1) && isnan(n2)) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(unlikely(isinf(n1) || isinf(n2))) {
- if(!isinf(n1) && isinf(n2)) return -1;
- if(isinf(n1) && !isinf(n2)) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(unlikely(n1 < n2)) return -1;
- if(unlikely(n1 > n2)) return 1;
- return 0;
-inline void sort_series(LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- qsort(series, entries, sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE), qsort_compare);
-inline LONG_DOUBLE *copy_series(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- LONG_DOUBLE *copy = mallocz(sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE) * entries);
- memcpy(copy, series, sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE) * entries);
- return copy;
-LONG_DOUBLE median_on_sorted_series(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- if(unlikely(entries == 0))
- return NAN;
- if(unlikely(entries == 1))
- return series[0];
- if(unlikely(entries == 2))
- return (series[0] + series[1]) / 2;
- if(entries % 2 == 0) {
- size_t m = entries / 2;
- avg = (series[m] + series[m + 1]) / 2;
- }
- else {
- avg = series[entries / 2];
- }
- return avg;
-LONG_DOUBLE median(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- if(unlikely(entries == 0))
- return NAN;
- if(unlikely(entries == 1))
- return series[0];
- if(unlikely(entries == 2))
- return (series[0] + series[1]) / 2;
- LONG_DOUBLE *copy = copy_series(series, entries);
- sort_series(copy, entries);
- LONG_DOUBLE avg = median_on_sorted_series(copy, entries);
- freez(copy);
- return avg;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE moving_median(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, size_t period) {
- if(entries <= period)
- return median(series, entries);
- LONG_DOUBLE *data = copy_series(series, entries);
- size_t i;
- for(i = period; i < entries; i++) {
- data[i - period] = median(&series[i - period], period);
- }
- LONG_DOUBLE avg = median(data, entries - period);
- freez(data);
- return avg;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE running_median_estimate(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- LONG_DOUBLE median = 0.0f;
- LONG_DOUBLE average = 0.0f;
- size_t i;
- for(i = 0; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- average += ( value - average ) * 0.1f; // rough running average.
- median += copysignl( average * 0.01, value - median );
- }
- return median;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE standard_deviation(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries) {
- if(unlikely(entries < 1))
- return NAN;
- if(unlikely(entries == 1))
- return series[0];
- size_t i, count = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE sum = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- count++;
- sum += value;
- }
- if(unlikely(count == 0))
- return NAN;
- if(unlikely(count == 1))
- return sum;
- LONG_DOUBLE average = sum / (LONG_DOUBLE)count;
- for(i = 0, count = 0, sum = 0; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- count++;
- sum += powl(value - average, 2);
- }
- if(unlikely(count == 0))
- return NAN;
- if(unlikely(count == 1))
- return average;
- LONG_DOUBLE variance = sum / (LONG_DOUBLE)(count - 1); // remove -1 to have a population stddev
- LONG_DOUBLE stddev = sqrtl(variance);
- return stddev;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE single_exponential_smoothing(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, LONG_DOUBLE alpha) {
- size_t i, count = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE level = 0, sum = 0;
- if(unlikely(isnan(alpha)))
- alpha = 0.3;
- for(i = 0; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- count++;
- sum += value;
- LONG_DOUBLE last_level = level;
- level = alpha * value + (1.0 - alpha) * last_level;
- }
- return level;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG_DOUBLE double_exponential_smoothing(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, LONG_DOUBLE alpha, LONG_DOUBLE beta, LONG_DOUBLE *forecast) {
- size_t i, count = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE level = series[0], trend, sum;
- if(unlikely(isnan(alpha)))
- alpha = 0.3;
- if(unlikely(isnan(beta)))
- beta = 0.05;
- if(likely(entries > 1))
- trend = series[1] - series[0];
- else
- trend = 0;
- sum = series[0];
- for(i = 1; i < entries ; i++) {
- LONG_DOUBLE value = series[i];
- if(unlikely(isnan(value) || isinf(value))) continue;
- count++;
- sum += value;
- LONG_DOUBLE last_level = level;
- level = alpha * value + (1.0 - alpha) * (level + trend);
- trend = beta * (level - last_level) + (1.0 - beta) * trend;
- }
- if(forecast)
- *forecast = level + trend;
- return level;
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Based on th R implementation
- *
- * a: level component
- * b: trend component
- * s: seasonal component
- *
- * Additive:
- *
- * Yhat[t+h] = a[t] + h * b[t] + s[t + 1 + (h - 1) mod p],
- * a[t] = α (Y[t] - s[t-p]) + (1-α) (a[t-1] + b[t-1])
- * b[t] = β (a[t] - a[t-1]) + (1-β) b[t-1]
- * s[t] = γ (Y[t] - a[t]) + (1-γ) s[t-p]
- *
- * Multiplicative:
- *
- * Yhat[t+h] = (a[t] + h * b[t]) * s[t + 1 + (h - 1) mod p],
- * a[t] = α (Y[t] / s[t-p]) + (1-α) (a[t-1] + b[t-1])
- * b[t] = β (a[t] - a[t-1]) + (1-β) b[t-1]
- * s[t] = γ (Y[t] / a[t]) + (1-γ) s[t-p]
- */
-static int __HoltWinters(
- const LONG_DOUBLE *series,
- int entries, // start_time + h
- LONG_DOUBLE alpha, // alpha parameter of Holt-Winters Filter.
- LONG_DOUBLE beta, // beta parameter of Holt-Winters Filter. If set to 0, the function will do exponential smoothing.
- LONG_DOUBLE gamma, // gamma parameter used for the seasonal component. If set to 0, an non-seasonal model is fitted.
- const int *seasonal,
- const int *period,
- const LONG_DOUBLE *a, // Start value for level (a[0]).
- const LONG_DOUBLE *b, // Start value for trend (b[0]).
- LONG_DOUBLE *s, // Vector of start values for the seasonal component (s_1[0] ... s_p[0])
- /* return values */
- LONG_DOUBLE *SSE, // The final sum of squared errors achieved in optimizing
- LONG_DOUBLE *level, // Estimated values for the level component (size entries - t + 2)
- LONG_DOUBLE *trend, // Estimated values for the trend component (size entries - t + 2)
- LONG_DOUBLE *season // Estimated values for the seasonal component (size entries - t + 2)
- if(unlikely(entries < 4))
- return 0;
- int start_time = 2;
- LONG_DOUBLE res = 0, xhat = 0, stmp = 0;
- int i, i0, s0;
- /* copy start values to the beginning of the vectors */
- level[0] = *a;
- if(beta > 0) trend[0] = *b;
- if(gamma > 0) memcpy(season, s, *period * sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE));
- for(i = start_time - 1; i < entries; i++) {
- /* indices for period i */
- i0 = i - start_time + 2;
- s0 = i0 + *period - 1;
- /* forecast *for* period i */
- xhat = level[i0 - 1] + (beta > 0 ? trend[i0 - 1] : 0);
- stmp = gamma > 0 ? season[s0 - *period] : (*seasonal != 1);
- if (*seasonal == 1)
- xhat += stmp;
- else
- xhat *= stmp;
- /* Sum of Squared Errors */
- res = series[i] - xhat;
- *SSE += res * res;
- /* estimate of level *in* period i */
- if (*seasonal == 1)
- level[i0] = alpha * (series[i] - stmp)
- + (1 - alpha) * (level[i0 - 1] + trend[i0 - 1]);
- else
- level[i0] = alpha * (series[i] / stmp)
- + (1 - alpha) * (level[i0 - 1] + trend[i0 - 1]);
- /* estimate of trend *in* period i */
- if (beta > 0)
- trend[i0] = beta * (level[i0] - level[i0 - 1])
- + (1 - beta) * trend[i0 - 1];
- /* estimate of seasonal component *in* period i */
- if (gamma > 0) {
- if (*seasonal == 1)
- season[s0] = gamma * (series[i] - level[i0])
- + (1 - gamma) * stmp;
- else
- season[s0] = gamma * (series[i] / level[i0])
- + (1 - gamma) * stmp;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-LONG_DOUBLE holtwinters(const LONG_DOUBLE *series, size_t entries, LONG_DOUBLE alpha, LONG_DOUBLE beta, LONG_DOUBLE gamma, LONG_DOUBLE *forecast) {
- if(unlikely(isnan(alpha)))
- alpha = 0.3;
- if(unlikely(isnan(beta)))
- beta = 0.05;
- if(unlikely(isnan(gamma)))
- gamma = 0;
- int seasonal = 0;
- int period = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE a0 = series[0];
- LONG_DOUBLE b0 = 0;
- LONG_DOUBLE s[] = {};
- LONG_DOUBLE errors = 0.0;
- size_t nb_computations = entries;
- LONG_DOUBLE *estimated_level = callocz(nb_computations, sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE));
- LONG_DOUBLE *estimated_trend = callocz(nb_computations, sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE));
- LONG_DOUBLE *estimated_season = callocz(nb_computations, sizeof(LONG_DOUBLE));
- int ret = __HoltWinters(
- series,
- (int)entries,
- alpha,
- beta,
- gamma,
- &seasonal,
- &period,
- &a0,
- &b0,
- s,
- &errors,
- estimated_level,
- estimated_trend,
- estimated_season
- );
- LONG_DOUBLE value = estimated_level[nb_computations - 1];
- if(forecast)
- *forecast = 0.0;
- freez(estimated_level);
- freez(estimated_trend);
- freez(estimated_season);
- if(!ret)
- return 0.0;
- return value;