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-# Use dimension templates to create dynamic alarms
-Your ability to monitor the health of your systems and applications relies on your ability to create and maintain
-the best set of alarms for your particular needs.
-In v1.18 of Netdata, we introduced **dimension templates** for alarms, which simplifies the process of writing [alarm
-entities](../../health/ for charts with many dimensions.
-Dimension templates can condense many individual entities into one—no more copy-pasting one entity and changing the
-`alarm`/`template` and `lookup` lines for each dimension you'd like to monitor.
-They are, however, an advanced health monitoring feature. For more basic instructions on creating your first alarm,
-check out our [health monitoring documentation](../../health/), which also includes
-## The fundamentals of `foreach`
-Our dimension templates update creates a new `foreach` parameter to the existing [`lookup`
-line](../../health/ This is where the magic happens.
-You use the `foreach` parameter to specify which dimensions you want to monitor with this single alarm. You can separate
-them with a comma (`,`) or a pipe (`|`). You can also use a [Netdata simple pattern](../../libnetdata/simple_pattern/
-to create many alarms with a regex-like syntax.
-The `foreach` parameter _has_ to be the last parameter in your `lookup` line, and if you have both `of` and `foreach` in
-the same `lookup` line, Netdata will ignore the `of` parameter and use `foreach` instead.
-Let's get into some examples so you can see how the new parameter works.
-> ⚠️ The following entities are examples to showcase the functionality and syntax of dimension templates. They are not
-> meant to be run as-is on production systems.
-## Condensing entities with `foreach`
-Let's say you want to monitor the `system`, `user`, and `nice` dimensions in your system's overall CPU utilization.
-Before dimension templates, you would need the following three entities:
- alarm: cpu_system
- on: system.cpu
-lookup: average -10m percentage of system
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
- alarm: cpu_user
- on: system.cpu
-lookup: average -10m percentage of user
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
- alarm: cpu_nice
- on: system.cpu
-lookup: average -10m percentage of nice
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
-With dimension templates, you can condense these into a single alarm. Take note of the `alarm` and `lookup` lines.
- alarm: cpu_template
- on: system.cpu
-lookup: average -10m percentage foreach system,user,nice
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
-The `alarm` line specifies the naming scheme Netdata will use. You can use whatever naming scheme you'd like, with `.`
-and `_` being the only allowed symbols.
-The `lookup` line has changed from `of` to `foreach`, and we're now passing three dimensions.
-In this example, Netdata will create three alarms with the names `cpu_template_system`, `cpu_template_user`, and
-`cpu_template_nice`. Every minute, each alarm will use the same database query to calculate the average CPU usage for
-the `system`, `user`, and `nice` dimensions over the last 10 minutes and send out alarms if necessary.
-You can find these three alarms active by clicking on the **Alarms** button in the top navigation, and then clicking on
-the **All** tab and scrolling to the **system - cpu** collapsible section.
-![Three new alarms created from the dimension template](
-Let's look at some other examples of how `foreach` works so you can best apply it in your configurations.
-### Using a Netdata simple pattern in `foreach`
-In the last example, we used `foreach system,user,nice` to create three distinct alarms using dimension templates. But
-what if you want to quickly create alarms for _all_ the dimensions of a given chart?
-Use a [simple pattern](../../libnetdata/simple_pattern/! One example of a simple pattern is a single wildcard
-Instead of monitoring system CPU usage, let's monitor per-application CPU usage using the `apps.cpu` chart. Passing a
-wildcard as the simple pattern tells Netdata to create a separate alarm for _every_ process on your system:
- alarm: app_cpu
- on: apps.cpu
-lookup: average -10m percentage foreach *
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
-This entity will now create alarms for every dimension in the `apps.cpu` chart. Given that most `apps.cpu` charts have
-10 or more dimensions, using the wildcard ensures you catch every CPU-hogging process.
-To learn more about how to use simple patterns with dimension templates, see our [simple patterns
-## Using `foreach` with alarm templates
-Dimension templates also work with [alarm templates](../../health/ Alarm
-templates help you create alarms for all the charts with a given context—for example, all the cores of your system's
-By combining the two, you can create dozens of individual alarms with a single template entity. Here's how you would
-create alarms for the `system`, `user`, and `nice` dimensions for every chart in the `cpu.cpu` context—or, in other
-words, every CPU core.
-template: cpu_template
- on: cpu.cpu
- lookup: average -10m percentage foreach system,user,nice
- every: 1m
- warn: $this > 50
- crit: $this > 80
-On a system with a 6-core, 12-thread Ryzen 5 1600 CPU, this one entity creates alarms on the following charts and
-- `cpu.cpu0`
- - `cpu_template_user`
- - `cpu_template_system`
- - `cpu_template_nice`
-- `cpu.cpu1`
- - `cpu_template_user`
- - `cpu_template_system`
- - `cpu_template_nice`
-- `cpu.cpu2`
- - `cpu_template_user`
- - `cpu_template_system`
- - `cpu_template_nice`
-- ...
-- `cpu.cpu11`
- - `cpu_template_user`
- - `cpu_template_system`
- - `cpu_template_nice`
-And how just a few of those dimension template-generated alarms look like in the Netdata dashboard.
-![A few of the created alarms in the Netdata dashboard](
-All in all, this single entity creates 36 individual alarms. Much easier than writing 36 separate entities in your
-health configuration files!
-## What's next?
-We hope you're excited about the possibilities of using dimension templates! Maybe they'll inspire you to build new
-alarms that will help you better monitor the health of your systems.
-Or, at the very least, simplify your configuration files.
-For information about other advanced features in Netdata's health monitoring toolkit, check out our [health
-documentation](../../health/). And if you have some cool alarms you built using dimension templates,
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-# Change how long Netdata stores metrics
-Netdata helps you collect thousands of system and application metrics every second, but what about storing them for the
-long term?
-Many people think Netdata can only store about an hour's worth of real-time metrics, but that's just the default
-configuration today. With the right settings, Netdata is quite capable of efficiently storing hours or days worth of
-historical, per-second metrics without having to rely on a [backend](../../backends/).
-This tutorial gives two options for configuring Netdata to store more metrics. **We recommend the default [database
-engine](#using-the-database-engine)**, but you can stick with or switch to the round-robin database if you prefer.
-Let's get started.
-## Using the database engine
-The database engine uses RAM to store recent metrics while also using a "spill to disk" feature that takes advantage of
-available disk space for long-term metrics storage. This feature of the database engine allows you to store a much
-larger dataset than your system's available RAM.
-The database engine is currently the default method of storing metrics, but if you're not sure which database you're
-using, check out your `netdata.conf` file and look for the `memory mode` setting:
- memory mode = dbengine
-If `memory mode` is set to anything but `dbengine`, change it and restart Netdata using the standard command for
-restarting services on your system. You're now using the database engine!
-> Learn more about how we implemented the database engine, and our vision for its future, on our blog: [_How and why
-> we're bringing long-term storage to Netdata_](
-What makes the database engine efficient? While it's structured like a traditional database, the database engine splits
-data between RAM and disk. The database engine caches and indexes data on RAM to keep memory usage low, and then
-compresses older metrics onto disk for long-term storage.
-When the Netdata dashboard queries for historical metrics, the database engine will use its cache, stored in RAM, to
-return relevant metrics for visualization in charts.
-Now, given that the database engine uses _both_ RAM and disk, there are two other settings to consider: `page cache
-size` and `dbengine disk space`.
- page cache size = 32
- dbengine disk space = 256
-`page cache size` sets the maximum amount of RAM (in MiB) the database engine will use for caching and indexing.
-`dbengine disk space` sets the maximum disk space (again, in MiB) the database engine will use for storing compressed
-Based on our testing, these default settings will retain about a day's worth of metrics when Netdata collects roughly
-4,000 metrics every second. If you increase either `page cache size` or `dbengine disk space`, Netdata will retain even
-more historical metrics.
-But before you change these options too dramatically, read up on the [database engine's memory
-With the database engine active, you can back up your `/var/cache/netdata/dbengine/` folder to another location for
-Now that you know how to switch to the database engine, let's cover the default round-robin database for those who
-aren't ready to make the move.
-## Using the round-robin database
-In previous versions, Netdata used a round-robin database to store 1 hour of per-second metrics.
-To see if you're still using this database, or if you would like to switch to it, open your `netdata.conf` file and see
-if `memory mode` option is set to `save`.
- memory mode = save
-If `memory mode` is set to `save`, then you're using the round-robin database. If so, the `history` option is set to
-`3600`, which is the equivalent to 3,600 seconds, or one hour.
-To increase your historical metrics, you can increase `history` to the number of seconds you'd like to store:
- # 2 hours = 2 * 60 * 60 = 7200 seconds
- history = 7200
- # 4 hours = 4 * 60 * 60 = 14440 seconds
- history = 14440
- # 24 hours = 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds
- history = 86400
-And so on.
-Next, check to see how many metrics Netdata collects on your system, and how much RAM that uses. Visit the Netdata
-dashboard and look at the bottom-right corner of the interface. You'll find a sentence similar to the following:
-> Every second, Netdata collects 1,938 metrics, presents them in 299 charts and monitors them with 81 alarms. Netdata is
-> using 25 MB of memory on **netdata-linux** for 1 hour, 6 minutes and 36 seconds of real-time history.
-On this desktop system, using a Ryzen 5 1600 and 16GB of RAM, the round-robin databases uses 25 MB of RAM to store just
-over an hour's worth of data for nearly 2,000 metrics.
-To increase the `history` option, you need to edit your `netdata.conf` file and increase the `history` setting. In most
-installations, you'll find it at `/etc/netdata/netdata.conf`, but some operating systems place it at
-Use `/etc/netdata/edit-config netdata.conf`, or your favorite text editor, to replace `3600` with the number of seconds
-you'd like to store.
-You should base this number on two things: How much history you need for your use case, and how much RAM you're willing
-to dedicate to Netdata.
-> Take care when you change the `history` option on production systems. Netdata is configured to stop its process if
-> your system starts running out of RAM, but you can never be too careful. Out of memory situations are very bad.
-How much RAM will a longer history use? Let's use a little math.
-The round-robin database needs 4 bytes for every value Netdata collects. If Netdata collects metrics every second,
-that's 4 bytes, per second, per metric.
-4 bytes * X seconds * Y metrics = RAM usage in bytes
-Let's assume your system collects 1,000 metrics per second.
-4 bytes * 3600 seconds * 1,000 metrics = 14400000 bytes = 14.4 MB RAM
-With that formula, you can calculate the RAM usage for much larger history settings.
-# 2 hours at 1,000 metrics per second
-4 bytes * 7200 seconds * 1,000 metrics = 28800000 bytes = 28.8 MB RAM
-# 2 hours at 2,000 metrics per second
-4 bytes * 7200 seconds * 2,000 metrics = 57600000 bytes = 57.6 MB RAM
-# 4 hours at 2,000 metrics per second
-4 bytes * 14440 seconds * 2,000 metrics = 115520000 bytes = 115.52 MB RAM
-# 24 hours at 1,000 metrics per second
-4 bytes * 86400 seconds * 1,000 metrics = 345600000 bytes = 345.6 MB RAM
-## What's next?
-Now that you have either configured database engine or round-robin database engine to store more metrics, you'll
-probably want to see it in action!
-For more information about how to pan charts to view historical metrics, see our documentation on [using
-And if you'd now like to reduce Netdata's resource usage, view our [performance guide](../../docs/ for
-our best practices on optimization.
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-# Monitor a Hadoop cluster with Netdata
-Hadoop is an [Apache project]( is a framework for processing large sets of data across a
-distributed cluster of systems.
-And while Hadoop is designed to be a highly-available and fault-tolerant service, those who operate a Hadoop cluster
-will want to monitor the health and performance of their [Hadoop Distributed File System
-(HDFS)]( and [Zookeeper](
-Netdata comes with built-in and pre-configured support for monitoring both HDFS and Zookeeper.
-This tutorial assumes you have a Hadoop cluster, with HDFS and Zookeeper, running already. If you don't, please follow
-the [official Hadoop
-instructions]( or an
-alternative, like the guide available from
-For more specifics on the collection modules used in this tutorial, read the respective pages in our documentation:
-- [HDFS](../../collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/hdfs/
-- [Zookeeper](../../collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/zookeeper/
-## Set up your HDFS and Zookeeper installations
-As with all data sources, Netdata can auto-detect HDFS and Zookeeper nodes if you installed them using the standard
-installation procedure.
-For Netdata to collect HDFS metrics, it needs to be able to access the node's `/jmx` endpoint. You can test whether an
-JMX endpoint is accessible by using `curl HDFS-IP:PORT/jmx`. For a NameNode, you should see output similar to the
- "beans" : [ {
- "name" : "Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=JvmMetrics",
- "modelerType" : "JvmMetrics",
- "MemNonHeapUsedM" : 65.67851,
- "MemNonHeapCommittedM" : 67.3125,
- "MemNonHeapMaxM" : -1.0,
- "MemHeapUsedM" : 154.46341,
- "MemHeapCommittedM" : 215.0,
- "MemHeapMaxM" : 843.0,
- "MemMaxM" : 843.0,
- "GcCount" : 15,
- "GcTimeMillis" : 305,
- "GcNumWarnThresholdExceeded" : 0,
- "GcNumInfoThresholdExceeded" : 0,
- "GcTotalExtraSleepTime" : 92,
- "ThreadsNew" : 0,
- "ThreadsRunnable" : 6,
- "ThreadsBlocked" : 0,
- "ThreadsWaiting" : 7,
- "ThreadsTimedWaiting" : 34,
- "ThreadsTerminated" : 0,
- "LogFatal" : 0,
- "LogError" : 0,
- "LogWarn" : 2,
- "LogInfo" : 348
- },
- { ... }
- ]
-The JSON result for a DataNode's `/jmx` endpoint is slightly different:
- "beans" : [ {
- "name" : "Hadoop:service=DataNode,
- "modelerType" : "",
- "tag.SessionId" : null,
- "tag.Context" : "dfs",
- "tag.Hostname" : "",
- "BytesWritten" : 500960407,
- "TotalWriteTime" : 463,
- "BytesRead" : 80689178,
- "TotalReadTime" : 41203,
- "BlocksWritten" : 16,
- "BlocksRead" : 16,
- "BlocksReplicated" : 4,
- ...
- },
- { ... }
- ]
-If Netdata can't access the `/jmx` endpoint for either a NameNode or DataNode, it will not be able to auto-detect and
-collect metrics from your HDFS implementation.
-Zookeeper auto-detection relies on an accessible client port and a whitelisted `mntr` command. For more details on
-`mntr`, see Zookeeper's documentation on [cluster
-options]( and [Zookeeper
-## Configure the HDFS and Zookeeper modules
-To configure Netdata's HDFS module, navigate to your Netdata directory (typically at `/etc/netdata/`) and use
-`edit-config` to initialize and edit your HDFS configuration file.
-cd /etc/netdata/
-sudo ./edit-config go.d/hdfs.conf
-At the bottom of the file, you will see two example jobs, both of which are commented out:
-# [ JOBS ]
-# - name: namenode
-# url:
-# - name: datanode
-# url:
-Uncomment these lines and edit the `url` value(s) according to your setup. Now's the time to add any other configuration
-details, which you can find inside of the `hdfs.conf` file itself. Most production implementations will require TLS
-The result for a simple HDFS setup, running entirely on `localhost` and without certificate authentication, might look
-like this:
-# [ JOBS ]
- - name: namenode
- url:
- - name: datanode
- url:
-At this point, Netdata should be configured to collect metrics from your HDFS servers. Let's move on to Zookeeper.
-Next, use `edit-config` again to initialize/edit your `zookeeper.conf` file.
-cd /etc/netdata/
-sudo ./edit-config go.d/zookeeper.conf
-As with the `hdfs.conf` file, head to the bottom, uncomment the example jobs, and tweak the `address` values according
-to your setup. Again, you may need to add additional configuration options, like TLS certificates.
- - name : local
- address :
- - name : remote
- address :
-Finally, restart Netdata.
-sudo service restart netdata
-Upon restart, Netdata should recognize your HDFS/Zookeeper servers, enable the HDFS and Zookeeper modules, and begin
-showing real-time metrics for both in your Netdata dashboard. 🎉
-## Configuring HDFS and Zookeeper alarms
-The Netdata community helped us create sane defaults for alarms related to both HDFS and Zookeeper. You may want to
-investigate these to ensure they work well with your Hadoop implementation.
-- [HDFS alarms](
-- [Zookeeper alarms](
-You can also access/edit these files directly with `edit-config`:
-sudo /etc/netdata/edit-config health.d/hdfs.conf
-sudo /etc/netdata/edit-config health.d/zookeeper.conf
-For more information about editing the defaults or writing new alarm entities, see our [health monitoring
-## What's next?
-If you're having issues with Netdata auto-detecting your HDFS/Zookeeper servers, or want to help improve how Netdata
-collects or presents metrics from these services, feel free to [file an
-- Read up on the [HDFS configuration
- file]( to understand how to configure
- global options or per-job options, such as username/password, TLS certificates, timeouts, and more.
-- Read up on the [Zookeeper configuration
- file]( to understand how to configure
- global options or per-job options, timeouts, TLS certificates, and more.