path: root/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_unpack.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_unpack.c')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_unpack.c b/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_unpack.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..139ec6f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/jansson-e23f558/test/suites/api/test_unpack.c
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Petri Lehtinen <>
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Graeme Smecher <>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "util.h"
+#include <jansson.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static void run_tests() {
+ json_t *j, *j2;
+ int i1, i2, i3;
+ json_int_t I1;
+ int rv;
+ size_t z;
+ double f;
+ char *s;
+ json_error_t error;
+ /*
+ * Simple, valid json_pack cases
+ */
+ /* true */
+ rv = json_unpack(json_true(), "b", &i1);
+ if (rv || !i1)
+ fail("json_unpack boolean failed");
+ /* false */
+ rv = json_unpack(json_false(), "b", &i1);
+ if (rv || i1)
+ fail("json_unpack boolean failed");
+ /* null */
+ if (json_unpack(json_null(), "n"))
+ fail("json_unpack null failed");
+ /* integer */
+ j = json_integer(42);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "i", &i1);
+ if (rv || i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack integer failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* json_int_t */
+ j = json_integer(5555555);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "I", &I1);
+ if (rv || I1 != 5555555)
+ fail("json_unpack json_int_t failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* real */
+ j = json_real(1.7);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "f", &f);
+ if (rv || f != 1.7)
+ fail("json_unpack real failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* number */
+ j = json_integer(12345);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "F", &f);
+ if (rv || f != 12345.0)
+ fail("json_unpack (real or) integer failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_real(1.7);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "F", &f);
+ if (rv || f != 1.7)
+ fail("json_unpack real (or integer) failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* string */
+ j = json_string("foo");
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "s", &s);
+ if (rv || strcmp(s, "foo"))
+ fail("json_unpack string failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* string with length (size_t) */
+ j = json_string("foo");
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "s%", &s, &z);
+ if (rv || strcmp(s, "foo") || z != 3)
+ fail("json_unpack string with length (size_t) failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* empty object */
+ j = json_object();
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{}"))
+ fail("json_unpack empty object failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* empty list */
+ j = json_array();
+ if (json_unpack(j, "[]"))
+ fail("json_unpack empty list failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* non-incref'd object */
+ j = json_object();
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "o", &j2);
+ if (rv || j2 != j || j->refcount != 1)
+ fail("json_unpack object failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* incref'd object */
+ j = json_object();
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "O", &j2);
+ if (rv || j2 != j || j->refcount != 2)
+ fail("json_unpack object failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* simple object */
+ j = json_pack("{s:i}", "foo", 42);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "{s:i}", "foo", &i1);
+ if (rv || i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack simple object failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* simple array */
+ j = json_pack("[iii]", 1, 2, 3);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "[i,i,i]", &i1, &i2, &i3);
+ if (rv || i1 != 1 || i2 != 2 || i3 != 3)
+ fail("json_unpack simple array failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* object with many items & strict checking */
+ j = json_pack("{s:i, s:i, s:i}", "a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "{s:i, s:i, s:i}", "a", &i1, "b", &i2, "c", &i3);
+ if (rv || i1 != 1 || i2 != 2 || i3 != 3)
+ fail("json_unpack object with many items failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /*
+ * Invalid cases
+ */
+ j = json_integer(42);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "z"))
+ fail("json_unpack succeeded with invalid format character");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Unexpected format character 'z'", "<format>",
+ 1, 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(NULL, &error, 0, "[i]"))
+ fail("json_unpack succeeded with NULL root");
+ check_error(json_error_null_value, "NULL root value", "<root>", -1, -1, 0);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* mismatched open/close array/object */
+ j = json_pack("[]");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[}"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch mismatched ']'");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Unexpected format character '}'", "<format>",
+ 1, 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("{}");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{]"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch mismatched '}'");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Expected format 's', got ']'", "<format>", 1,
+ 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* missing close array */
+ j = json_pack("[]");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "["))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch missing ']'");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Unexpected end of format string", "<format>",
+ 1, 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* missing close object */
+ j = json_pack("{}");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch missing '}'");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Unexpected end of format string", "<format>",
+ 1, 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* garbage after format string */
+ j = json_pack("[i]", 42);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[i]a", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch garbage after format string");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Garbage after format string", "<format>", 1,
+ 4, 4);
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_integer(12345);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "ia", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch garbage after format string");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Garbage after format string", "<format>", 1,
+ 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* NULL format string */
+ j = json_pack("[]");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, NULL))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch null format string");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_argument, "NULL or empty format string", "<format>",
+ -1, -1, 0);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* NULL string pointer */
+ j = json_string("foobie");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "s", NULL))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch null string pointer");
+ check_error(json_error_null_value, "NULL string argument", "<args>", 1, 1, 1);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* invalid types */
+ j = json_integer(42);
+ j2 = json_string("foo");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "s"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected string, got integer", "<validation>", 1,
+ 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "n"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected null, got integer", "<validation>", 1, 1,
+ 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "b"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected true or false, got integer",
+ "<validation>", 1, 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j2, &error, 0, "i"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected integer, got string", "<validation>", 1,
+ 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j2, &error, 0, "I"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected integer, got string", "<validation>", 1,
+ 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "f"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected real, got integer", "<validation>", 1, 1,
+ 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j2, &error, 0, "F"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected real or integer, got string",
+ "<validation>", 1, 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[i]"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected array, got integer", "<validation>", 1,
+ 1, 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{si}", "foo"))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch invalid type");
+ check_error(json_error_wrong_type, "Expected object, got integer", "<validation>", 1,
+ 1, 1);
+ json_decref(j);
+ json_decref(j2);
+ /* Array index out of range */
+ j = json_pack("[i]", 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[ii]", &i1, &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch index out of array bounds");
+ check_error(json_error_index_out_of_range, "Array index 1 out of range",
+ "<validation>", 1, 3, 3);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* NULL object key */
+ j = json_pack("{si}", "foo", 42);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{si}", NULL, &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch null string pointer");
+ check_error(json_error_null_value, "NULL object key", "<args>", 1, 2, 2);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Object key not found */
+ j = json_pack("{si}", "foo", 42);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{si}", "baz", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch null string pointer");
+ check_error(json_error_item_not_found, "Object item not found: baz", "<validation>",
+ 1, 3, 3);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /*
+ * Strict validation
+ */
+ j = json_pack("[iii]", 1, 2, 3);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "[iii!]", &i1, &i2, &i3);
+ if (rv || i1 != 1 || i2 != 2 || i3 != 3)
+ fail("json_unpack array with strict validation failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("[iii]", 1, 2, 3);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[ii!]", &i1, &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack array with strict validation failed");
+ check_error(json_error_end_of_input_expected, "1 array item(s) left unpacked",
+ "<validation>", 1, 5, 5);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Like above, but with JSON_STRICT instead of '!' format */
+ j = json_pack("[iii]", 1, 2, 3);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, JSON_STRICT, "[ii]", &i1, &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack array with strict validation failed");
+ check_error(json_error_end_of_input_expected, "1 array item(s) left unpacked",
+ "<validation>", 1, 4, 4);
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("{s:s, s:i}", "foo", "bar", "baz", 42);
+ rv = json_unpack(j, "{sssi!}", "foo", &s, "baz", &i1);
+ if (rv || strcmp(s, "bar") != 0 || i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack object with strict validation failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Unpack the same item twice */
+ j = json_pack("{s:s, s:i, s:b}", "foo", "bar", "baz", 42, "quux", 1);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{s:s,s:s!}", "foo", &s, "foo", &s))
+ fail("json_unpack object with strict validation failed");
+ {
+ const char *possible_errors[] = {"2 object item(s) left unpacked: baz, quux",
+ "2 object item(s) left unpacked: quux, baz"};
+ check_errors(json_error_end_of_input_expected, possible_errors, 2, "<validation>",
+ 1, 10, 10);
+ }
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("[i,{s:i,s:n},[i,i]]", 1, "foo", 2, "bar", 3, 4);
+ if (json_unpack_ex(j, NULL, JSON_STRICT | JSON_VALIDATE_ONLY, "[i{sisn}[ii]]", "foo",
+ "bar"))
+ fail("json_unpack complex value with strict validation failed");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* ! and * must be last */
+ j = json_pack("[ii]", 1, 2);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[i!i]", &i1, &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch ! in the middle of an array");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Expected ']' after '!', got 'i'", "<format>",
+ 1, 4, 4);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[i*i]", &i1, &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch * in the middle of an array");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Expected ']' after '*', got 'i'", "<format>",
+ 1, 4, 4);
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("{sssi}", "foo", "bar", "baz", 42);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{ss!si}", "foo", &s, "baz", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch ! in the middle of an object");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Expected '}' after '!', got 's'", "<format>",
+ 1, 5, 5);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{ss*si}", "foo", &s, "baz", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed to catch ! in the middle of an object");
+ check_error(json_error_invalid_format, "Expected '}' after '*', got 's'", "<format>",
+ 1, 5, 5);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Error in nested object */
+ j = json_pack("{s{snsn}}", "foo", "bar", "baz");
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{s{sn!}}", "foo", "bar"))
+ fail("json_unpack nested object with strict validation failed");
+ check_error(json_error_end_of_input_expected, "1 object item(s) left unpacked: baz",
+ "<validation>", 1, 7, 7);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Error in nested array */
+ j = json_pack("[[ii]]", 1, 2);
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "[[i!]]", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack nested array with strict validation failed");
+ check_error(json_error_end_of_input_expected, "1 array item(s) left unpacked",
+ "<validation>", 1, 5, 5);
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Optional values */
+ j = json_object();
+ i1 = 0;
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{s?i}", "foo", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for optional key");
+ if (i1 != 0)
+ fail("json_unpack unpacked an optional key");
+ json_decref(j);
+ i1 = 0;
+ j = json_pack("{si}", "foo", 42);
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{s?i}", "foo", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for an optional value");
+ if (i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack failed to unpack an optional value");
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_object();
+ i1 = i2 = i3 = 0;
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{s?[ii]s?{s{si}}}", "foo", &i1, &i2, "bar", "baz", "quux", &i3))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for complex optional values");
+ if (i1 != 0 || i2 != 0 || i3 != 0)
+ fail("json_unpack unexpectedly unpacked something");
+ json_decref(j);
+ j = json_pack("{s{si}}", "foo", "bar", 42);
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{s?{s?i}}", "foo", "bar", &i1))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for complex optional values");
+ if (i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack failed to unpack");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* Combine ? and ! */
+ j = json_pack("{si}", "foo", 42);
+ i1 = i2 = 0;
+ if (json_unpack(j, "{sis?i!}", "foo", &i1, "bar", &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for optional values with strict mode");
+ if (i1 != 42)
+ fail("json_unpack failed to unpack");
+ if (i2 != 0)
+ fail("json_unpack failed to unpack");
+ json_decref(j);
+ /* But don't compensate a missing key with an optional one. */
+ j = json_pack("{sisi}", "foo", 42, "baz", 43);
+ i1 = i2 = i3 = 0;
+ if (!json_unpack_ex(j, &error, 0, "{sis?i!}", "foo", &i1, "bar", &i2))
+ fail("json_unpack failed for optional values with strict mode and "
+ "compensation");
+ check_error(json_error_end_of_input_expected, "1 object item(s) left unpacked: baz",
+ "<validation>", 1, 8, 8);
+ json_decref(j);