path: root/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/go/wamr/instance.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/go/wamr/instance.go')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/go/wamr/instance.go b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/go/wamr/instance.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08757f4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluent-bit/lib/wasm-micro-runtime-WAMR-1.2.2/language-bindings/go/wamr/instance.go
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+ */
+package wamr
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wasm_export.h>
+static inline void
+PUT_I64_TO_ADDR(uint32_t *addr, int64_t value)
+ union {
+ int64_t val;
+ uint32_t parts[2];
+ } u;
+ u.val = value;
+ addr[0] =[0];
+ addr[1] =[1];
+static inline void
+PUT_F64_TO_ADDR(uint32_t *addr, double value)
+ union {
+ double val;
+ uint32_t parts[2];
+ } u;
+ u.val = value;
+ addr[0] =[0];
+ addr[1] =[1];
+static inline int64_t
+GET_I64_FROM_ADDR(uint32_t *addr)
+ union {
+ int64_t val;
+ uint32_t parts[2];
+ } u;
+[0] = addr[0];
+[1] = addr[1];
+ return u.val;
+static inline double
+GET_F64_FROM_ADDR(uint32_t *addr)
+ union {
+ double val;
+ uint32_t parts[2];
+ } u;
+[0] = addr[0];
+[1] = addr[1];
+ return u.val;
+import "C"
+import (
+ "runtime"
+ "unsafe"
+ "fmt"
+type Instance struct {
+ _instance C.wasm_module_inst_t
+ _exec_env C.wasm_exec_env_t
+ _module *Module
+ _exportsCache map[string]C.wasm_function_inst_t
+/* Create instance from the module */
+func NewInstance(module *Module,
+ stackSize uint, heapSize uint) (*Instance, error) {
+ if (module == nil) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewInstance error: invalid input")
+ }
+ errorBytes := make([]byte, 128)
+ errorPtr := (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&errorBytes[0]))
+ errorLen := C.uint(len(errorBytes))
+ instance := C.wasm_runtime_instantiate(module.module, C.uint(stackSize),
+ C.uint(heapSize), errorPtr, errorLen)
+ if (instance == nil) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewInstance Error: %s", string(errorBytes))
+ }
+ exec_env := C.wasm_runtime_create_exec_env(instance, C.uint(stackSize))
+ if (exec_env == nil) {
+ C.wasm_runtime_deinstantiate(instance)
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewInstance Error: create exec_env failed")
+ }
+ self := &Instance{
+ _instance: instance,
+ _exec_env: exec_env,
+ _module: module,
+ _exportsCache: make(map[string]C.wasm_function_inst_t),
+ }
+ runtime.SetFinalizer(self, func(self *Instance) {
+ self.Destroy()
+ })
+ return self, nil
+/* Destroy the instance */
+func (self *Instance) Destroy() {
+ runtime.SetFinalizer(self, nil)
+ if (self._instance != nil) {
+ C.wasm_runtime_deinstantiate(self._instance)
+ }
+ if (self._exec_env != nil) {
+ C.wasm_runtime_destroy_exec_env(self._exec_env)
+ }
+/* Call the wasm function with argument in the uint32 array, and store
+ the return values back into the array */
+func (self *Instance) CallFunc(funcName string,
+ argc uint32, args []uint32) error {
+ _func := self._exportsCache[funcName]
+ if _func == nil {
+ cName := C.CString(funcName)
+ defer
+ _func = C.wasm_runtime_lookup_function(self._instance,
+ cName, (*C.char)(C.NULL))
+ if _func == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("CallFunc error: lookup function failed")
+ }
+ self._exportsCache[funcName] = _func
+ }
+ thread_env_inited := Runtime().ThreadEnvInited()
+ if (!thread_env_inited) {
+ Runtime().InitThreadEnv()
+ }
+ var args_C *C.uint32_t
+ if (argc > 0) {
+ args_C = (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&args[0]))
+ }
+ if (!C.wasm_runtime_call_wasm(self._exec_env, _func,
+ C.uint(argc), args_C)) {
+ if (!thread_env_inited) {
+ Runtime().DestroyThreadEnv()
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("CallFunc error: %s", string(self.GetException()))
+ }
+ if (!thread_env_inited) {
+ Runtime().DestroyThreadEnv()
+ }
+ return nil
+/* Call the wasm function with variant arguments, and store the return
+ values back into the results array */
+func (self *Instance) CallFuncV(funcName string,
+ num_results uint32, results []interface{},
+ args ... interface{}) error {
+ _func := self._exportsCache[funcName]
+ if _func == nil {
+ cName := C.CString(funcName)
+ defer
+ _func = C.wasm_runtime_lookup_function(self._instance,
+ cName, (*C.char)(C.NULL))
+ if _func == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("CallFunc error: lookup function failed")
+ }
+ self._exportsCache[funcName] = _func
+ }
+ param_count := uint32(C.wasm_func_get_param_count(_func, self._instance))
+ result_count := uint32(C.wasm_func_get_result_count(_func, self._instance))
+ if (num_results < result_count) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid result count %d, " +
+ "must be no smaller than %d"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, num_results, result_count)
+ }
+ param_types := make([]C.uchar, param_count, param_count)
+ result_types := make([]C.uchar, result_count, result_count)
+ if (param_count > 0) {
+ C.wasm_func_get_param_types(_func, self._instance,
+ (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&param_types[0])))
+ }
+ if (result_count > 0) {
+ C.wasm_func_get_result_types(_func, self._instance,
+ (*C.uchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&result_types[0])))
+ }
+ argv_size := param_count * 2
+ if (result_count > param_count) {
+ argv_size = result_count * 2
+ }
+ argv := make([]uint32, argv_size, argv_size)
+ var i, argc uint32
+ for _, arg := range args {
+ if (i >= param_count) {
+ break;
+ }
+ switch arg.(type) {
+ case int32:
+ if (param_types[i] != C.WASM_I32 &&
+ param_types[i] != C.WASM_FUNCREF &&
+ param_types[i] != C.WASM_ANYREF) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid param type %d, " +
+ "expect i32 but got other"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, param_types[i])
+ }
+ argv[argc] = (uint32)(arg.(int32))
+ argc++
+ break
+ case int64:
+ if (param_types[i] != C.WASM_I64) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid param type %d, " +
+ "expect i64 but got other"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, param_types[i])
+ }
+ addr := (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc]))
+ C.PUT_I64_TO_ADDR(addr, (C.int64_t)(arg.(int64)))
+ argc += 2
+ break
+ case float32:
+ if (param_types[i] != C.WASM_F32) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid param type %d, " +
+ "expect f32 but got other"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, param_types[i])
+ }
+ *(*C.float)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc])) = (C.float)(arg.(float32))
+ argc++
+ break
+ case float64:
+ if (param_types[i] != C.WASM_F64) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid param type %d, " +
+ "expect f64 but got other"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, param_types[i])
+ }
+ addr := (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc]))
+ C.PUT_F64_TO_ADDR(addr, (C.double)(arg.(float64)))
+ argc += 2
+ break
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("CallFunc error: unknown param type %d",
+ param_types[i])
+ }
+ i++
+ }
+ if (i < param_count) {
+ str := "CallFunc error: invalid param count, " +
+ "must be no smaller than %d"
+ return fmt.Errorf(str, param_count)
+ }
+ err := self.CallFunc(funcName, argc, argv)
+ if (err != nil) {
+ return err
+ }
+ argc = 0
+ for i = 0; i < result_count; i++ {
+ switch result_types[i] {
+ case C.WASM_I32:
+ i32 := (int32)(argv[argc])
+ results[i] = i32
+ argc++
+ break
+ case C.WASM_I64:
+ addr := (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc]))
+ results[i] = (int64)(C.GET_I64_FROM_ADDR(addr))
+ argc += 2
+ break
+ case C.WASM_F32:
+ addr := (*C.float)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc]))
+ results[i] = (float32)(*addr)
+ argc++
+ break
+ case C.WASM_F64:
+ addr := (*C.uint32_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&argv[argc]))
+ results[i] = (float64)(C.GET_F64_FROM_ADDR(addr))
+ argc += 2
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+/* Get exception info of the instance */
+func (self *Instance) GetException() string {
+ cStr := C.wasm_runtime_get_exception(self._instance)
+ goStr := C.GoString(cStr)
+ return goStr
+/* Allocate memory from the heap of the instance */
+func (self Instance) ModuleMalloc(size uint32) (uint32, *uint8) {
+ var offset C.uint32_t
+ native_addrs := make([]*uint8, 1, 1)
+ ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&native_addrs[0])
+ offset = C.wasm_runtime_module_malloc(self._instance, (C.uint32_t)(size),
+ (*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr))
+ return (uint32)(offset), native_addrs[0]
+/* Free memory to the heap of the instance */
+func (self Instance) ModuleFree(offset uint32) {
+ C.wasm_runtime_module_free(self._instance, (C.uint32_t)(offset))
+func (self Instance) ValidateAppAddr(app_offset uint32, size uint32) bool {
+ ret := C.wasm_runtime_validate_app_addr(self._instance,
+ (C.uint32_t)(app_offset),
+ (C.uint32_t)(size))
+ return (bool)(ret)
+func (self Instance) ValidateStrAddr(app_str_offset uint32) bool {
+ ret := C.wasm_runtime_validate_app_str_addr(self._instance,
+ (C.uint32_t)(app_str_offset))
+ return (bool)(ret)
+func (self Instance) ValidateNativeAddr(native_ptr *uint8, size uint32) bool {
+ native_ptr_C := (unsafe.Pointer)(native_ptr)
+ ret := C.wasm_runtime_validate_native_addr(self._instance,
+ native_ptr_C,
+ (C.uint32_t)(size))
+ return (bool)(ret)
+func (self Instance) AddrAppToNative(app_offset uint32) *uint8 {
+ native_ptr := C.wasm_runtime_addr_app_to_native(self._instance,
+ (C.uint32_t)(app_offset))
+ return (*uint8)(native_ptr)
+func (self Instance) AddrNativeToApp(native_ptr *uint8) uint32 {
+ native_ptr_C := (unsafe.Pointer)(native_ptr)
+ offset := C.wasm_runtime_addr_native_to_app(self._instance,
+ native_ptr_C)
+ return (uint32)(offset)
+func (self Instance) GetAppAddrRange(app_offset uint32) (bool,
+ uint32,
+ uint32) {
+ var start_offset, end_offset C.uint32_t
+ ret := C.wasm_runtime_get_app_addr_range(self._instance,
+ (C.uint32_t)(app_offset),
+ &start_offset, &end_offset)
+ return (bool)(ret), (uint32)(start_offset), (uint32)(end_offset)
+func (self Instance) GetNativeAddrRange(native_ptr *uint8) (bool,
+ *uint8,
+ *uint8) {
+ var start_addr, end_addr *C.uint8_t
+ native_ptr_C := (*C.uint8_t)((unsafe.Pointer)(native_ptr))
+ ret := C.wasm_runtime_get_native_addr_range(self._instance,
+ native_ptr_C,
+ &start_addr, &end_addr)
+ return (bool)(ret), (*uint8)(start_addr), (*uint8)(end_addr)
+func (self Instance) DumpMemoryConsumption() {
+ C.wasm_runtime_dump_mem_consumption(self._exec_env)
+func (self Instance) DumpCallStack() {
+ C.wasm_runtime_dump_call_stack(self._exec_env)